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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

He turned to look back at him with a brow lifted in question. "Thank me?" He shook his head and continued putting the mugs into his microwave. "I am just happy you let me take you out." He stated and smiled a bit more. He turned once more and took the packets out of his cupboard and went about making the mugs for them. He took it, after a good dallop of fluff went on top, and walked over to the bed where the male was on. "So ... how are your classeS?"
"But you didn't have to risk your life to come pick me up," he argued, taking the mug and smiling up at the other man. "Or pay for everything. Or be so patient." Viktor ate a bit of the whipped cream and sipped his drink before relaxing back again, though leaning into Devon's side more so.

Classes? He shrugged. "They're the same I guess. Easier, maybe, now that I have time to do my homework." The last bit was a little jab, but nothing was meant by it.
Devon arched a brow and nodded. This was true. All except for the patience and money thing, but again... He was already feeling quite pathetic just begging him to stay, so telling him he really did not have a choice since he cared quite a bit for him, well, that would just ... kill any tough-guy he had left in him. He arched a brow at his little jab, bumping his shoulder into his with a little snort. "Mm. It's because you don't have a drop-dead gorgeous man dragging you away and taking up your time.' He grinned and kissed the man's cheek before he sipped his hot c hocolate a bit more, just staring in front of him for now. He really was glad that the man was giving him another chance.
"How do you know?" he asked, not making eye contact and sipping his hot chocolate. His tone said that he did, though he was pretty sure that they both know that he didn't. Still, he wanted to lighten the mood and so teasing was the best way to do that. "I'm surrounded by drop-dead gorgeous men," he explained, and it was true. Anyone who saw the twins, or Trevor, or even Tanner would know that. "How do you know they're not dragging me away and taking up my time?"
Devon listened to the man and turned to look at him with a brow lifted in question. "One's engaged. the other has Konani. The twins of your uncle have that ... bunny guy. And anyone else in your household is either too young, you hate him, or has a husband." He stated, sticking his tongue out at the other before he shook his head and shrugged. "But, for sake of argument, let me correct: no gorgeous demon has taken you out and stolen your time." He stuck his tongue out with a little chuckle and then rested against the wall once more. Demon .. devil ... angel. Whatever the hell he was.
"If they have one, they might always be willing to add a second...fourth...Whatever," he argued. He shook his head at the thought, knowing that while all three of them were gorgeous, Viktor wasn't really interested in them beyond that. The light strands of jealousy were nice though, fleeting as they were. He liked to feel that because, at the moment, it went a long way to helping him know that he was cared for.

Viktor swallowed the rest of his cocoa and set the mug on the bedside table. He wiggled his way under Devon's arm and rested his head on his chest, arm draped over his waist and eyes closed. Yes, he could get very used to sleeping like this again.
Devon grumbled a bit, obviously a bit flustered at the mention. Their father-figure, one of them, was Relic. Taht did not bode well for the 'hey no four-some' thing. He sighed heavily, alll thoughts easily pushing away when the man cuddled up to him. He grinned, placing the mug onto his desk and he took his arm aroudn the other's form. Slowly, he moved to lay down on the bed. The boy puilled to his side while he rested against the wlal, again, wanting to be sure he knew he was not trapped.

Ever so contently, and happily, the man fell asleep beside the ravenette, the door closed and unlocked, but still closed. he slept peacefully through the whole night, waking up in the mornign to ... nothing. He blinked a few times, staring at his empty bed and then around him, seeing no note whatsoever. Well.... This was not good. Did Rune call and made him go home? Maybe he should check there before ... freaking out. Freaking out was what happenedi n the firstp lace to make them separated.
He smiled happily as he settled into the man's side. It was easy for Viktor to fall asleep within the warmth and, dare he say, comfort of Devon's arms. And it was one of the best nights of sleep he had in weeks that wasn't drug induced. He'd had a lot of trouble sleeping after the initial...incident, and Viktor had taken to swallowing a few Tylenol PM pills to help take the edge off. This? This was much better.

Morning came and Viktor yawned, stretching out his limbs. He realized, though, that he'd disappeared from the house for the entire night without so much as a phone call. A little panicked, the teen got up and left, locking the door behind him. He'd call Devon after being chewed out by Rune.
Devon tried the teen's cell -- nothing. So, he decided either rune took away the phone, or something bad happened. Sadly, he was leanign toward thel atter. He quickly got dressed and did not even bother with his car. He was worried and not happy because of that. He melted intot he shadows, reappearing in fronto f the mansion and he took in a large breath of confidence. Knocking on the door, he froze once he heard the chaos ensuing behind the door. He slowly openedt he door, seeing Rune running around - well, angrily pacing back and forth - and Trevor and Jade juggling the triplets while trying to calm down their Papa and Mama

"Um ... hello?" He called softly, stepping into the hosue and instantly worried.

Rune stopped instantly, phone in his hand -- crushed. "YOU! What did you do with Viktor?!" He growled, steppign toward him andi nstantly his hadn wrappped aroudn the demon's neck, yanking him forward. "He's not home." He hissed, utterly livid with worry right now. "He's not picking up his cell. I can't fucking get his mind anywhere. What did you do!?"

"Me?!" he squeaked, coughing a bit with the tight grip around his neck. "NOTHIGN! He ... He stayed last night and this morning, he was gone! I don't know where he is. I was hoping he came here."
Calder stepped in, easily taking Severus from the boys and stepping in between Rune and Devon in one move. He nudged Devon further into the house and held his husband there, leaning their foreheads together for the moment. Being so stressed out wasn't going to help any of them, especially Viktor. Calder sent calming waves towards Rune through their link-they could share thoughts, so why not emotions? "Calm down and help me figure out the next step, okay?"
Rune growled under his breath. "You mean burn down every building until we find him?" He grumbled before he took the little raven-haired boy from his love's arms. He held him against his torso, nuzzling into his head before he pressed a kiss to the child's head. Really, holding him definitely calmed him down. Whether the risk of hurting him was there and he did not want it, or just because it was his child, he did not care. It worked to relax him, andt hat was what mattered right now.

A few moments later, Rune perked up when his phone rang, instantly the technology was at his ear and his eyse went wide as he listened to the man on the other end. "What!? No!" He protested, hanging up the phone and then handing over child to Calder. "Aquarius took him. Not sure where, but he took him. I ... I'll be back!" He kissed his love firmly on the lips before turning to plan on leave. He stopped to glare over at Devon -- only to find him not there.

Devon, after hearing the man's name, was out. Melted intot he shadows and easily finding the person now that he knew who he was and knowing he had Viktor only made the route to finding him so much easier. He stopped in front of the ever-so-cliche warehouse, glaring at the metal before he took in a deep breath, the three wings he had sprouting from his back and his nails extended to their long, black, thick natural state. Eyes even got a hinto f a lime green to them while he made his way to the house. He needed to get him back!
Viktor groaned as he came in and out of consciousness. Whatever had hit him in the back of his head left a lump the size of a tennis ball, and it was damn tender. He knew he was lying down; his hands were tied behind his back and ankles were bound together, too. The floor beneath him was drafty, but that was all he could recognize during his brief trips back into reality. Really, he preferred to be knocked out. At least then the pain was only a dull throb.

Loud noises brought him to again, though he wasn't sure how long it'd been since he was last awake. Looking up, he saw flashes of feathers and two (more?) men physically fighting. The emotions that he felt overwhelmed him-he was too weak to block anything out-but he felt Devon there and he tried his very best to call out to him. His voice was only a whisper, though. He blacked out once again, only to wake and find something warm at his back.
Devon tried his damn best to overpower the men. Of course, the first one at the door. Oh, that was easy! he was unsuspecting. The two on the front on the other hand ... The door was not very quiet when it opened and they had heard him coming. He fought! he did not go down without a fight. The two men he was engaged into battle with were quite bruised up. One had a broken nose, he knew that much. What he knew even more was that he had a broken ankle, he was pretty sure his wings looked like they went through a paper shredder, his arm was broken, and that was not including all the many scraped and bruises on his form. Soem frmo impacting the cement, a large gaping, bleeding, wound at his side from the knife that did him into submission.

He was easily tied up and tossed beside Viktor. He groaned, resting his head against the ground and let out a short little laugh. 'Hey vik ... I'm here to rescue you." He laughed once more, finding it the better medicine - until he realized the broken ribs.
Devon's voice brought a great calm over him. He reached back with what little bit of movement in his arms he had until he had contact with the man's flesh. Despite his own pain in his head, the teen concentrated to find where the pain was coming from. He could feel that Devon was in mass amounts of it, and his powers lead him to his side. He focused as best he could, closing the wound over with much concentration and effort. It wasn't healed properly, but at least he wouldn't bleed out. The other injuries were left. They weren't life threatening, and he couldn't muster enough energy to fix them anyway.

Viktor rolled back just a little bit so that there was more contact between them. "Thanks," he managed before once more passing out.
The two were alone for a good ten more minutes, the men around them disputing just what they should do with the 'winged one' and this and that. Until, of course, the door went flying into the warehouse and the very-pissed Rune stood in the doorway. "Know what? You ... Don't even get an introduction or a whitty comment. Either get the fuck away, or basically prepare to die." He shrugged, already making his way into the room, rolling up the sleeves of the button-down shirt he wore. He stared at the men left, completely and utterly ready to kill them.

"HAH!" Aquarius who I'm too lazy to describe, piped up, looking at the two on the ground and holding a gun above Viktor, obviously ready to kill him. "I'll shoot your precious son ... And this ... thing that came with him."

Rune arched a brow, looking at the two on the guond before he shrugged. "Please, do kill the one who came with him. It'd really make my day." He stated, walking forward once more. His fingers laced together, puhsing out and cracking while he continued to walk towardt he man. "As for my son? You shoot that thing, I'll be sure I torture you until you beg for death. Oh, I will. I would love to. Juist try me." He hissed, his concern for Viktor oozing and melding with the utter hatred and dire want to kill the ther man.
Once more, nosies awoke him. He could feel Rune, which was comforting. The fact that Devon was still warm behind him was even more so. The teen whimpered when he saw the gun above him, and he gripped at the shirt behind him for some semblance of comfort. He was helpless, and hated that. All he needed was a little bit of strength... But that wasn't happening. He was tired, lethargic. The strength he usually had was what was keeping him awake, and was draining quickly.
The man above Viktor, parted his lips to speak, but quickly was sent flying into the other side of the wall by the angry-Rune. The man was soon bombarded by the other men/goons in the area. They fought for a while. A few gunshots fired, one actually going right through Rune, but that only made him even angrier. It was not long before there was a lovely bloody heap of men far away from the two on the floor. The Aquarius lying beneath the pile of five men all bleeding and dying, or most dead. Rune smirked as hel ooked at the broken-limbed male. "And this ... Is your punishment." He stated, taking one of the men and dropping him onto teh other's face. Yep. he was going to let him suffocate under his own men until he died.

Turning back to the two on the ground, he sighed heavily. "You dumbass piece of worthless space! You wouldn ot be broken if you weren't such an asshole." He hissed, walking to the two and he bit into his thumb, letting his blood drip on to the attempted healing from Viktor. the wound closed up properly a few moments later. Rune moved, resting his hand behind Viktor's head, healing up the bump there and he then scooped him up and put him onto his feet. Undoing the binds and every thing else before he moved to Devon. He healed up his broken ankle, just to get him mobile then helped him, staggering , to his feet.

"all right. Let's head home. You bleed in my car and you're washing it with a toothbrush."
Viktor sighed in relief as the pressure in his head was released, and he saw that Devon was okay. Hesitating for a second, the teen leaned up and pecked a kiss to Rune's cheek, thanking him softly. He didn't doubt that Rune would come after him. He doubted that Rune would heal and help Devon up and take him home. Shakily, he moved over to the teal haired man's side and wrapped his arms around his waist, careful to mind the ribs and knife wound that were sure to still be tender.

It was good to be home. The ride didn't take long, or maybe it did and he slept through it. Viktor started up the stairs, wanting to be in his own bed, but turned when he realized that Devon wasn't following him. He gave the man a questioning look to see if he was going to follow at all.
Rune was, surprisingly, civil to Devon. Yes, a little jab here and there, and a whack for being stupid and just jumping into the thing, but he was pretty nice. Even helped him into the house, healing up his ribs while they walked. It was a multi-tasking job, andi t worked. Once he was in the house, he left to go shower, not wanting to scare the triplets or anything.

Devon just stayed where Rune left him. Staring at his feet and watching the ravenettes walk away. Of course, when Viktor looked back to him, he lifted his head to look over at the male he so fondly cared about. A little shakily, he walked over to him and leant his forehead against his shoulder softly. "Are you inviting me up to your room?" He asked, tilting his head back to look up at him with quite the pathetic look to his eyes.
"We need sleep," he answered. "And the couch sucks." Smiling, the teen tugged at the other man's shirt and once more began his trek upstairs. It was slow going, painful almost, but eventually he found himself flopping onto his bed with a little sigh. He was glad that Rune seemed to accept Devon's presence, even if it would be just for today. It helped him stay less stressed and a bit...happier, he supposed.

Viktor forced himself to stay awake while he waited for the other male to make his way to the bed.
Devon nodded, following him up and into his bedroom. He forced his shoes off, ignoring the many bits of pain that surged through him. He winced a bit and slowly walked toward the other's bed. He shakily laid himself down beside him, eyes closed and he took in a deep breath, which in itself hurt. "I'll buy you new sheets." He mumbled, knowing he was getting them dirty, but really just wanting to sleep the pain away. Maybe in the morning, he would feel better.
Viktor laughed a little, though he paid for it as his head pounded. Groaning, he scooted closer to Devon, resting his head in the crook of his neck as he reached down to pull the covers up and over the both of them. The teen shifted a little to get comfortable, though his head stayed resting on the other man, their limbs entangled with each other.

"Whatever you say...Master."

Viktor smirked a little bit and fell asleep promptly. The fact that Devon had put himself in such danger to try and help him; protect him... Well nothing could make him trust the other more. He hated that Devon got hurt, and would likely blame himself when he woke up, but for now all that mattered was that he felt safe enough to take what he'd been forced to give up.
The morning came, well, afternoon actually, and it was not all that pleasant. It was a pathetic attempt to be, but still, did not comeo ut that way. Rune made his way into teh bedroom, a tray of breakfast food in his right hand while he stared down at the two in bed. "Oi! wake up so I can heal your pathetic selves and feed you. You're not moping aroudn my house." His foot lifted, jiggling the mattress a bit to try and get them awake.

Devon groaned. He was far too happy and comfy to want to move. Viktor trusted him again! Unless, he hallucinated the 'master' comment -- crap. maybe he did! He would definitely have to question that more. "No!" He protested, nuzzlingi nto the man even more. "Ten moren minutes daddy.' He mumbled, words slurring toward the end while he easily fell back into his sleep.
Groaning with the deep voice and shaking of the bed, Viktor cuddled closer to the warmth beside him. He didn't want to wake up yet. The warmth and comfort of the bed (and Devon) were too tempting. But Rune sounded... Well like he always did: Frustrated. The teen realized that Devon had fallen back asleep, and while he was tempted to do the same Viktor instead forced himself to sit up with a little wince. "If I eat and you heal me can I go back to sleep?" he asked, words slurred and muttered in between several yawns.
He arched a brow, looking at the two and grumbling a bit. "Fine. Whatever. You can just stay in bed, but don't come bitching to me because your ribs are broken or your skull is pounding. I offered." He stated, taking the tray and resting it onto the side table. His arms crossed over his lower torso, staring at the two. "And why aren't you just completely healing? What kind of son of mine are you?"

"A sexy one" Devon mumbled into the pillows, curling up tighter to Viktor and continuing to go in and out of consciousness.
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