The two were alone for a good ten more minutes, the men around them disputing just what they should do with the 'winged one' and this and that. Until, of course, the door went flying into the warehouse and the very-pissed Rune stood in the doorway. "Know what? You ... Don't even get an introduction or a whitty comment. Either get the fuck away, or basically prepare to die." He shrugged, already making his way into the room, rolling up the sleeves of the button-down shirt he wore. He stared at the men left, completely and utterly ready to kill them.
"HAH!" Aquarius who I'm too lazy to describe, piped up, looking at the two on the ground and holding a gun above Viktor, obviously ready to kill him. "I'll shoot your precious son ... And this ... thing that came with him."
Rune arched a brow, looking at the two on the guond before he shrugged. "Please, do kill the one who came with him. It'd really make my day." He stated, walking forward once more. His fingers laced together, puhsing out and cracking while he continued to walk towardt he man. "As for my son? You shoot that thing, I'll be sure I torture you until you beg for death. Oh, I will. I would love to. Juist try me." He hissed, his concern for Viktor oozing and melding with the utter hatred and dire want to kill the ther man.