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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

"Would you want to chase them?" he asked with a laugh. Viktor moved into the kitchen and got a couple bottles of water for them, and the rest of the cake that Trevor had made for him earlier. Two plates and two forks later, and they were on their way through the house, heading towards his bedroom. "I'm upstairs." It was a pretty useless statement, as they were heading up the stairs as he said it, but that wasn't the point, really.
Devon relaxed. That was good. He did not want him to be turned off because of his wings. He chuckled and shook his head. "Good point." He admitted, happily trailing behind him until they made it to the man's room. He moved into the room, looking aroudn and nodding a few times. "Nice.' He commented and then walked over to his stereo, turning the music on and he moved to the man's bed. Sitting with his right knee to his chest, looking over at the man, smiling a little bit more. "You realize, once we have sex, we're tearing up this room, right?" he asked, just getting it out there. He did not mind that that may not come for a while more, but hey, he just had to tell him.
Shaking his head, Viktor set the cake and water on his desk and moved to sit on the bed next to the other male. "When?" he asked with a sly little smile. "What if I decide that I just don't ever want to have sex with you, period?" Not that he thought that would happen, but there was a slim, microscopic chance that it might...

Before Devon could answer there was a knock at the door and Calder poked his head in. "Volume down, please. The babies are sleeping." With a soft little blush, Viktor leaned over Devon to turn the volume down a little bit. "Finish your homework?" The teen nodded. Calder seemed satisfied with that answer and left with a soft good night.
He arched a brow, looking down at the man and he was about to retort when the blond poked his head in. He stared at him, watching the interaction and he turned back to Viktor. "Did I say you could turn the music down?" He asked, leaning down and nipping the man's bottom lip. He would not make him turn it up again, but he was just saying. He did not want the triplets to start screaming. He would ... not be a happy boy.

"And, it is a when. Because you cannot deny my charms for long. Not to mention my looks ... and that we would make beautiful, beautiful love.' He kissed him gently, sliding his hand up and along the other's chest, just teasing him for the moment.
"No," he admitted. "My step father did. He trumps you, Master or not." He stuck his tongue out at Devon. "Besides. If we woke those kids up, Rune would dump them on us to take care of for the night. I'd rather keep you all to myself, thanks." Leaning forward, he kissed the man's lips, then laid back on the bed, relaxing a little bit.
He grinned and leant over to press a kiss to the other man's lips. "You flatter me so." He whispered, trailing his nose along his playfully, enjoying the little motion happily.

There was a soft knock on the door before Rune opened it, looking at the two and he arched a brow. "Oi. Didn't I have a rule about boys?" He asked, arms crossed over his lower torso as he glared at the teal-haired male touching his son. Hey, he may not have been here for long, but they still shared genetics!

Devon arched a brow, straightening and he glared right back at the man in front of them. "Seriously? Excluding the engaged cutie, where's blondie, hm? Oh, that's right, with his illegal lover."
Viktor giggled a little bit, leaning into the affections until there was a knock. Looking over at Rune, he shrugged. "If you did, you didn't tell me. You're the mind reader, Daddy." He poked his tongue out at the other man. "Looks like tonight's grandfathered in." That made sense, right? There'd been no rule stating 'no boys' before, so they couldn't be punished for tonight, only for subsequent nights? Well. That's how he saw it anyway.

Turning onto his back once more, he nuzzled into his boyfriend's hip a little bit, not sure what Rune wanted. He was sure that they'd be told sooner rather than later, though.
Devon grinned and straightened from the man beneath him. He pressed a soft kiss to his lips and he straightened up once more, looking around the room before he pointed to his bag in the far corner. "Oi, Get me my bag." He said, turning to the male, actually wantign to finish his homework. And now, he was just ignoring Rune. He wanted to do his work. He really did not want to fail, that would be wretched. He was smart, but lazy -- not dumb enough to not do his work.
He had to hold in a snort over the entire situation. Nodding, Viktor pushed himself up off of the bed. "Sure, Master," he answered with a little shrug. Easily fetched, the bag was set at Devon's feet, as was the ruined papers he'd stuffed into his pocket before leaving the dorm room. While he was up, the teen got their water and cake, moving to sit on the bed once more. He liked sleep overs. Maybe they should have more of them...
Rune arched a brow. Master? Did he just say ... AND HE MEANT IT?! He gasped, his eyes wide as he stared at the two in front of him. "WHAT Did you do to my son!?" He hissed, glaring at the man and growling horribly as he did so. Oh, he was NOT a happy man right now.

"Hm?" Devon took his cake and turned his attention to Rune, taking on a lovely innocent look. His free hand wrapped his fingers around the other's chin, holding him where he was and smiling happily. "He's my pet." He stated, leaning over to kiss the ravenette's lips before settling back once more. "I'm his master. Do you need a diagram?"

His right eye twitched, quite the primeival growls coming from him while he just glared at the two in front of him. "I hope ... You ROT in Hell you worthless piece of shit!" He hissed, glaring even more at the teal-haired male who seemed far too happy about the whole situation. He could not stand it anymore! He turned on his heel and left the room, slamming the door shut behind him, almost breaking it off the hinges.

Baby blues blinked a few times before he chuckled softly. "I don't want to go home, thank you." He called after the man, wiggling his fingers happily and turning to look at the male beside him. He leant to him and kissed his lips softly. "You do make a lovely pet."
Oh... Oh that reaction made Viktor quite giddy! He turned and nuzzled into Devon's neck a little, cuddling close to him with a happy little hum about him. He could feel the anger and concern emanating from Rune, but he couldn't care less right now. He knew that he wouldn't be taken advantage of, and so he would talk to the man the next morning, after he'd calmed down a bit. It wouldn't do any good to talk to him now.

"What made you want to try this?" he asked, simply curious.
"Warped fantasy." He mumbled, turning to look at him and he shook his head. He shrugged a bit and just kissed him before resettling against the wall behind him. "I was reading about it. It sounded ... very interesting. Maybe it's just the control freak in me, but I don't know." He turned to the man, taking his fork and digging into the food, holding it out for the other to take. "I suppose I want to see how it feels to be a 'master' of my boyfriend. You still can have an opinion and tell me no. Don't think of it as an abusive relationship just ... One where you have to go through me first." He shrugged, still trying to figure out the whole thing himself.
He nodded, eating the cake offered to him while mulling the ideas over in his head. That made sense, in a weird way. "That's good," he answered softly, leaning into Devon's side. "I don't think I could ever not have an opinion or a say." Reaching forward, he took a bit of icing on his finger and dabbed it to the man's nose with a little smile.

"Be right back!" He slipped off of the bed and left the room, heading for the bathroom...and for more cake.
The man arched a brow, looking at the frosting and he stared at the back of the other's head while he began to leave. Before he could completely exit the room, he appeared in front of him, forefinger pressed to his forehead and pushing him back to the room a bit more. "You forgot something." He waited for the man to figure out what his mistake was. If he could, he would let him off with a warning, if not, then he was going to have to tap that adorable little rump of his -- and not in a sexual manner.
Confused, he looked up at the man who was suddenly in front of him. Forgot something. Looking back into the room, the plate still had cake on it. They hadn't touched their water yet... Viktor's forehead creased while he truly pondered what it could have been that he'd forgotten. Biting his lower lip, he thought for a moment more before the light bulb clicked on. He looked up with a sheepish little smile. "May I please go use the bathroom and get more cake, Master?" He batted his eyelashes in the hopes of making up for the little slip.
Devon remained where he was, happy to see that he remembered. He leant toward him, pressing a very soft kiss to his lips. "Yes. You may, my pet." He whispered, straightening up and he turned to let the other pass, seeing quite the livid Rune behind him. He arched a brow at the man and he just stared, waiting for a reaction.

"You ... You are NOT my child!" He yelled, his hands pushing through his hair. "Virgin ....AND someone's bitch?! ... Dear ... Holy shit." He shook his head and took in a deep breath ebfore he turned on his heel and just walked off. He could not believe any of this. It had to be some sort of warped humor that hte gods had to torture him. That just ... had to be it. NOpe. This was Relic's child, not his. The genetics were the same! How could they know ... Aside from Relic never sleeping with Slad.e but still!
He shook his head at Rune, laughing a little. He ran after him and jumped onto his back, arms and legs wrapped tightly around his torso. "You're supposed to be happy that I'm happy!" he informed him. Viktor gave a little squeeze and then hopped off and moved to the restroom, locking the door quickly. He didn't want to be killed, really.

It only took a few minutes for him to return to the room, the entire cake in his hands this time. Hey. There were two of them. They would need the sugar to stay up! Well. that was his justification anyway.
Devon arched abrow. The whole cake, seriously? He chuckled, arms wrapping aroudn the teen once he set the cake down, pulling him onto his lap and burying his face into the crook of his neck. He kissed the flesh gently and then rested his chin on his shoulder, looking at the food and he sighed softly. "Why aren't you fat?" He mumbled, nipping his ear gently and he reached over to stab his fork in the cake, taking the piece into his mouth.

There was a soft knock on the door followed by Trevor poking his head through when Devon called out to the door. He looked at the two and then the cake, glad he seemed to enjoy it. "I just ... wanted to check up on you. Mama seems flustered."
Fat? Viktor didn't understand the question...until he saw the cake going into Devon's mouth. Oh. "I use a lot of energy to control my power," he explained with a little shrug. "I'm always hungry." He reached forward for more cake for himself, easily relaxing into the other man's body.

Looking over at Trevor, Viktor just laughed. "He is. He'll be alright."
Devon looked over at the man in the doorway, arching a brow in question. He had seen Trevor through the years, but never really managed to get a good look at him. NOw that he had ... He really was good looking. His eyes traveled along the form of the other, not really caring about being noticed or not. He just admired the man's body so very much. Very nice.

Trevor smiled warmly and gave a small nod to his words. "Good." He said gently and then straightened up, taking a few steps into the room. "You are ... Devon, correct?" He asked, already knowing the answer just by him being in the room, but still needing to do the formality and question. "It is nice to meet you. I'm Trevor." He gave a small bow of his head before looking back to Viktor. "Do you want anything? I was going to make some truffles for Bohdi, so I can make you something if you would like."
His eyes lit up. Sweets? He always liked sweets!! Nodding happily, Viktor thought about what it was he would like. "Strawberry shortcake?" he asked, eyes rather bright. "I'll make the whipped cream and slice and soak the strawberries if you make the cake!" He wasn't opposed to working in the kitchen, he just couldn't bake or cook worth anything. "This cake is delicious," he commented with a happy smile, and another forkful shoveled into his mouth.
Trevor smiled softly, nodding to the man in front of him. "All right. I am pretty sure that Devon could help, too, if he wanted."

Devon looked over his boyfriend before he turned to look at Trevor. He nodded and stood up from the bed, taking a hold of the giddy-man's hand tugging him up from the bed. "Okay.' He said, leaning down to kiss the other man's cheek and whispering a soft, "I won't even make you ask for permission." He nipped his ear and added, "Because you're too cute' before he straightened once more and turned to follow after the brunette.
He blushed a little. This asking for permission thing was sure to get him into trouble. The teen nodded and nuzzled along the other man's jaw a bit softly. "Sorry, Master," he whispered, nipping at his neck very lightly before turning and leading Devon out of the room and towards the kitchen.

The night was spent baking and laughing. Viktor had a nice time, even though Calder had to come and shush them a couple of times. They were teenagers. So what if they were being roudy on a Friday night?
A few more weeks passed and this Master-Pet thing really was growing on Devon. It was nice to be able to give his boyfriend permission to do this or that. He made sure he did not venture too far into the controlling-psycho area, merely requesting to do certain things. When they were apart, he even got Viktor into calling him to be sure he could go out of the house and whatnot. The going to hte bathroom thing, he did not mind when they were in their separate ways, but leaving the manor to do something, or go to Relic, yep, he wanted the man to pass it through him first.

Currently, he was waiting - impatiently - for Viktor to come over. He told him to stop by after he and Trevor made whatever they were making because he wanted to spend time with him. Tests had kept them apart the last few days, and really, a phone call was not enough to sedate him from wanting to cuddle and hold his boyfriend.
The relationship was...okay. He was enjoying himself, and not having to make all the decisions-even if they were trivial ones-and feeling cared for. That was all he ever wanted anyway. His father had always been good at showing him he was cared for, and when Slade had died, he'd missed it terribly. Devon was good to him, and even just the thought of it made his heart flutter a little bit.

Currently, the teen was strolling through the town on his way to the school. Bohdi was walking with him, needing to go back and study rather than spending time at the house with Trevor and failing. He'd forgotten (nearly) that he was supposed to meet Devon directly after he was done baking and was enjoying his time getting to know the blond and his dog.

It was almost four hours later (shoppaholics beware!) that he knocked on Viktor's door.
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