Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Rune chuckled and shook his head. "You see, that's where you're wrong, son." He stated, a bit of a growl under his breath as he turned to look at the back of his head, following him easily in stride behind him. "While yes, this is your lunchtime, you are not allowed to roam the halls as you please. That's why I'm here. To insure that little brats like yourself make it to your class on time, or to a dorm .. Neither of which you're going to." He continued to follow him, really just abusing his power, and wanting to fuck with the kid a bit more, but hey, what was a little bit of fun on his time off?
"Prove that," he sneered softly, continuing to walk. There had never been any rule explained to him that he couldn't walk the halls as he pleased in his free time. "And maybe I am going to my class. It's down at the other end of the school, in the direction I'm heading, so who are you to tell me I'm not walking there?" Of course, that was an invitation for the man to read his mind, but Viktor tried to cloud it out as best he could, hoping it would be enough.
Rune chuckled once more, shaking his head a little bit. "Because. Your class is not for another twenty minutes, as you first told me. Not to mention you were planning on roaming the halls to get a better feel for the school. Which, in itself, is not a bad thing. The bad timing comes when it's during class hours. You're not supposed to roam the halls now because you can disturb a class. So, yes, that is my proof of: You're in the wrong." He smirked, enjoying his torutre far too much to be normal.
"Yes. The soft click of the heals of my shoes is sure to disturb a class more so than your piss poor excuse to argue with me here in the middle of the hallways. Yup. Once again, Daddy, you're correct." He rolled his eyes at the man and continued to walk. "Besides, it's not during my class times so what do I care?"
"Because. You could easily start making noise that would disturb the other classes. Like get in a fight, or get a kick in the ass from the 'glorified hall monitor'." He retorted with quite the hiss to his tone. "And you should care because it's common courtesy. YOu're supposed to respect your classmates." He chuckled in quite the bit of amusement. "And, since you obviously do not know how to do that, how about you learn it in detention tonight." He smirked deviously, taking out his lovely pad of paper, writing down the male's name, 'disturbing the peace' as his reason, and then the time and room number of the detention hall. "Don't be late, or else you'll ge quite the many more ... and possibly your room empty." He shoved the paper into the pocket of his pants before far too giddily bouncing away. Ah he so loved to abuse his power.
Viktor hissed softly before moving along, the thought only popping into his head a moment later. Turning, he called out to Rune, who was already the full length of the hallway away. "Oh. The chocolate that Calder made last night? Delicious!" He could feel that morning the excitement over the chocolate in the house, and he simply had wanted to be an asshole. Apple didn't fall far.

Smirking, he continued on his way.
Rune stopped where he was, turning to glare at the man down the hall. "THATS TWO DETENTIONS YOU PRICK!" He called after him. Now, that little bit of a good mood he had -- right out the door. He cursed and pushed through the halls, being quite ... cruel to those around him. Of course, by the end of the day, he had had it with everyone. Even when he spotted the worst/most annoying student: Devon. That little brat was already bothering him just by standing aroudn and talking to someone. He quickly wrote up a slip and shoved it into the man's mouth. "For loitering in the halls. Get to detention, you useless waste of space!"

Devon growled under his breath, taking the slip, balling it up and throwing it at the back of his head. "BURN IN HELL!" He growled, hearing the man yell back with "THAT'S THREE NOW" before he disappeared down the hall, not seeing the two middle fingers standing at attention for him. The teal haired male growled and stormed down the corridors until he found the detention room, kicking open the door and marching inside with quite hte many curses of "Fucking asshole hall monitor ... Needs to get fucking LAID..."
The change in mood fully made up for the extra detention and Viktor moved along, smiling brightly. His mood continued through the rest of the day, and even into detention. What did he care? It was extra time to study. Looking up as a male with bright teal hair entered, he smiled to himself as he heard the words.

"That's my father," he grumbled, eyes hardening to scare the boy in front of him.
Devon stopped when he heard the kid's words, eyes shooting to the male and narrowing instantly. "Really?" He growled under his breath, actually getting a bit worried. He knew that if this was that asshole's offspring, he would have no problems telling on him and then ... FUCK he would be here the whole week. HE had shit to do. "Son of a fucking bitch." He growled once more, kicking the desk nearest him before he flopped into the chair. ARms crossed over his chest and he fumed as he glared at the table in front of him, truly tempted to make it melt away. "Fucking asshole's everywhere ..." Yep, he was getting more and more aggrivated about the whole thing.
Viktor pondered the statement about assholes being everywhere and grinned. "He is an asshole, isn't he? Well. He's an asshole when he's attempting to be nice, anyway." He shrugged a bit and pulled out his history book. A paper had been assigned and he wanted to get some of the research out of the way at least. The dark haired teen began to make notes in his notebook on this and that, ignoring the boy who had just come in. He didn't want to-really Viktor wanted to see his reaction, but he contained himself and instead allowed himself to feel the reaction.
Devon groaned in annoyance at the man's words, shaking his head. "He's not capable of nice. He's capable of horny and ... something else. I don't know how he managed to snag Mr. Delano. Seriously, that man is SUCH a hottie ... and he's with some abusive asshole who takes pleasure out of torturing students? That's illegal!" He grumbled and turned to look at the boy beside him, ripping away the book from under his hands and looking through it before he arched a brow. "If you're his son, why are you doing step-daddy's homework?"
"If you recognize he's my step-father, why are you talking to me about how hot he is?" he asked, glaring a bit more. Viktor was getting rather annoyed now, reaching for the book and taking it back. "And that was the point, wasn't it? He's an asshole when he's trying to be nice, so how do you think he acts when he's trying to be mean?" Rolling his eyes the teen turned back to his work, choosing to ignore the question of why he was doing homework. What did the other care, anyway?

"And, if you haven't noticed, they're married and there is no more Mr. Delano. And when he's normal, Rune can be rather... Sexy."
Devon kept his eyes to the male beside him, listening to him and he arched a brow in question before he snorted. "Because he's not blood related to you, and I can easily appreciate someone who is that gorgeous going on about history." He stated, arms crossing over his chest as he just stared at the male while he listened to the male. "So, I cannot comment on how hot you step-father, the man not related to you is ... Yet you see nothing wrong with telling me that the man who is your biological father is sexy? You're fucked up. I mean, I knew him and that fruitcake of self-defense were intimate ... A blind man could see that one. But ... Seriously?! his own kid. Damn." He shuddered, turning his eyes to the front of the room once more, trying to think of something else to do, other than torutre the kid beside him.
"You'd think you'd be nicer to Relic in an attempt to get on Rune's good side." He hadn't been around either that long, but already Viktor had picked up that lesson. "He gave me genetics. He didn't raise me." It was a good enough answer for the teen and he expected it to be so for the jerk sitting next to him, too. The waves of boredom hit him, and he smiled. "If you're that bored then maybe you should go find someone else who will rise to the occasion."
A teal brow lifted in quite hte bit of interest with the choice of the man's words. He smirked, turning his attention once more to the male beside him. He leant toward him, his arms crossing and resting on top of hte desk, leaning toward the lovely raven-haired teen. "How about I help you ... rise to the occassion, hm?" he questioned, baby blues sparkling with a good amount of mischief as he moved even closer to the male. "While the fruitcake is okay, what better than his own fruit of his loins?" He moved ever so dangerously close to the raven-haired teen, eyes keeping with his while his lips were a breath away, hand sliding from the desk to sneak between the other's legs, teasing the flesh from outside of his jeans.
Viktor's hand caught a hold of the other's wrist, gripping on almost tightly enough to crush the bones. "Why don't you think for a moment," he spat out lowly. "If you could get on his good side through me, would he have given me detention? Do you see any of his other children in this room?" The hand was tossed away from his body with some force. Viktor certainly wasn't a prude-he'd had his fair share of experience. But he didn't like to be taken advantage of simply to get to someone else.
Devon grinned at the man's words, letting out a little laugh. "Of course not. Only the good ones are sent here." He stated, ignoring the fact that the male was quite strong. That really would not discourage him from trying to get with him. Hey, he was quite the gorgeous being. He definitely would not mind getting cozier with the other. "Does it help to know that I find you completely and utterly , downright sexy when you brood? Or how about knowing something already is rising to the occassion?" Yep, he was a bit of a pervert, but he just wanted to play with the lovely little thing in front of him. IT would be quite fun to do so. That and, again, he was hot!
"I don't fuck around with little whores," he added coldly, returning to his work. He wasn't one for flings. Despite any outward appearance, Viktor was all for solid and monogamous relationships...long term ones if the other person wanted any sort of physical intimacy involved. So perhaps he wasn't so much like Rune as everyone thought.
Hm. That was adorable of him! Devon thought for a while before he stood up, closing the man's book and he took a hold of his hand. "Then let's ditch! I'll take you to a nice restaurant and spoil you rotten ... and after however many dates, if you don't hate me, I can dub you my bofriend.' He grinned and then turned to hte other, putting the book back into his bag and taking his from his desk and swinging it onto his shoulder. He then returned his hand to the teen's, pulling him up from the seat and trying to march his way out of the room. He wanted to get to know the kid, anyway. He was interesting to him. And ... he was hot!
Ditching... Well that had a rather nice appeal to it. And Viktor was sure that Rune wouldn't toss him out. Calder wouldn't let him, anyway. Nodding, he followed the teal-haired man out of the room. He was intrigued by him, despite his not wanting to be. And the more that he fought it, he seemed to intrigue him even more.

As they made their way into the parking lot, Viktor smiled as he caught site of the roadster. He tugged the other to the car and nearly shoved him in the passenger side before moving around to the driver's side. He bent under the wheel for a minute before the engine purred to life. Grinning, he hopped in and sped away.
Devon followed the other, not really sure what he was doing, but hell, it was not like he was going to protest anyway. HE was just glad his hand was not snapped off. He conked his head on the edge of the passenger's seat, grumbling as he moved into the car, rubbing at his temple and then looking over at the man. He archd a brow, staring at him with a bit of a shocked look. "Did you just ... hotwire this car?"
"No," he answered casually as they left school grounds. He got his speed up very quickly, zipping through the city streets with no real destination in mind. "I hot wired my father's car." As if that made the act any better. Still, he was pretty sure that his partner in crime would find it rather amusing that it was Rune's car as opposed to anyone else's. "Where to?" He'd been asked out so he wasn't going to choose where they were going.
Devon looked aroudn the car, seeing everything and arching a brow in interest. "Oo ... Really?" He asked, poking the real leather seats and nuzzling the headrest a bit. "Very nice." He said, speaking of quite a few things. Hotwiring his father's car, the car itself, and probably just the teen's ass really. He adored him so much already! Well, he at least liked looking at him and how they already were bonding over torturing that asshole.

He gave the male directions to the little restaurant he had been thinking of. He hopped out of the car and bounced over to the other side, opening the door and then holding his arm out for the other. "Shall we, madam?"
"I thought so," he answered, following the directions easily.

With the tease, he glared. "They call Rune 'Mama'. Call me a woman again and your genitals will resemble those of a female's," he growled. Viktor took the man's arm, though, and allowed himself to be lead into the restaurant. It was making out to be a nice afternoon, and Viktor was becoming quite...fond of his companion, despite not knowing his name yet.
Devon chuckled while he led the way into the restaurant. Telling the hostess the good old 'two' before he moved with the male beside him to their booth. Releasing the boys' arm, he moved and sat across from him. His right leg lifted to drape over his left and he looked over hte menu a bit, shrugging a second before he closed it without another thought. He turned his attention to the teen across frmo him, eyes traveling along his form a bit more.

"So, tell me cutie, what's your name? I can continue calling you hottie or gorgeous, but just so that I know something to call out in bed."
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