Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

"That's not how I wanted you to take this!" he argued, though it was a poor argument. He sat up, wanting to reach out to touch his love but afraid to lose a limb. Murasaki took a few deep breaths to calm down. "Look. It's not as simple as unconditional love with some people, Jade. My mother is very traditional. Your age, your status as a student, your heritage... She's turned her back on other family members for less! So yes. In three years, two of the three things that would have me lose my parents won't be an issue." He hated that that was his answer, but it was the truth. "I'm sorry that it has to be that way, but it is."
"FINE!" he yelled, leaping up and off the bed, tossing the teddy bear on the bed and then walking over to his door. He yanked it open and pointed a slender forefinger out into the hall. "Then I will see you in three years! Don't want Mummy and Daddy to disown you, now do you? Why risk it by still being with me? We'll just stay away from each other, focus on apparently what we're supposed to and then, when I'm legal, we can start this all back up again. Because, yo know, from the very start, my age has always been the issue. Just ignore mentality and all that other whatevers again."

He took in a deep breath before looking back to Murasaki. "Get out. I don't want to see you."
Well this was going worse than expected. He got up and moved to the door, but closed it instead of walking through it. Murasaki took a hold of Jade's face with both of his hands, grip firm but definitely not firm enough to hurt the other male. "Listen to me, Jade! Not everyone understands you, or what you went through! And to tell them... It won't do me or you any favors when it comes to my parents. It's difficult for anyone to see past a physical age. I had trouble with it. Your parents had trouble with it. Your classmates had trouble with it. You can't hold anyone to a higher standard than the rest of us who love you so dearly!

"I can't choose, Jade. I can't choose you over them, and I could never choose them over you. Why are you asking me to?"
Jade lsitened to the man and he pushed the other's hands away, taking a large step away from him. He shook his head a bit, arms wrapping tightly around his torso and he took in a deep breath to calm himself a little bit more. "I'm not making you choose. I'm choosing for you. Since it's illegal for us to be together. Since no one understands. Since I am only fifteen, completely now ... We just won't be together until I'm seventeen. It's as simple as that. It's obviously wrong for us to be intimate since it's against the law. Your parents don't understand. You can just tell them that your boyfriend broke up with you and then when I'm eighteen, we can start things back up and everyone will be happy. You can tell them about me without any consequences. So ... Go."
He shook his head, stepping forward to Jade once more. "But that's not what I want... It's not what you want." With a little sigh, he sat on the edge of Jade's bed, facing his love while trying to work things out in his head. "Please, Jade. Please allow me this. I know it's not fair to you, and I know I'm horrible for even asking you but... I need you. And I need my parents." Murasaki had nothing else to say or plead for. What it came down to was he didn't wish to give up his relationship with Jade, and he was hoping beyond hope that they could work this out.
He listened to the man and shook his head a bit more. "I don't care!" he groaned, just so very confused and torn about the whole thing. His fingers pushed through his blond, messy, hair, staring att he ground in front of him. "I don't want to be your secret! What if they find out? What if they're more pissed because you did not let them know about me, officially, and that is why you lose contacts with your parents?! So ... This way ... It will all work out! You won't have to lie, or withhold information ... and I won't lose you, just temporarily not be able to be with you.... You wanted this when we first met! You wanted to wait! Why not now? If it's this much of an issue because I'm so young. ... I'll wait! "
Why did he not want to wait? He thought that was pretty obvious. Standing, Murasaki stood in front of Jade, lifting his face up and kissing his lips very gently before stepping away. "Because I've fallen impossibly and deeply in love with you, Jade. And I've been spoiled-I don't want to live without you." He sighed softly and kissed the top of his head. "I'll be back in a few days. Or you know where I am." He didn't know what else to do other than leave for the time being, despite desperately not wanting to.
Jade puffed his cheeks out, refusing to kiss the man back, no matter how badly he wanted to. He remained right where he was until the door closed behind him. He kept to himself for a while. waiting until he was positive that Murasaki left the house. He left the room and rushed through the halls to his parents' bedroom. He wanted Trevor, but he was off with his fiance, so, he would go to his parents.

Finding his way into the bedroom, he moved and slid into the bed beside his Mama who was currently feeding one of the babies. He curled up and rested his head on top of his thigh, gripping the fabric of his pants tightly.
Calder sighed when he walked into the bedroom, seeing Jade curled up to Rune. Moving over, the blond pressed a kiss into his son's hair before lifting the baby from his husband's arms and laying him in the bassinet. He then joined the two on the bed, unsure of how to help Jade. Finally, after nearly thirty minutes, he spoke. "What has you so upset?" he asked softly. "Specifically about the situation, I mean."
A good week went by and the boy had poured his heart out to his parents. telling them his fears and worries and the what ifs that went trhough his head. He just did not know what to do, but he felt better telling his parents. Of course, his Mama told him he could just kill him, but that was not an option.

Finally giving in, he made his way to Murasaki's room, staring at the door and he groaned. He lifted his hand, knocking on the door and silently waiting for the man to answer.
The week had been rather torturous for Murasaki. He hated that he'd hurt Jade and could do nothing about it. With each day that passed he was sinking slowly into a depression over the situation. Finally sick of feeling so sad, the professor had been getting ready to go over and see his love once more when the door knocked. He was a little annoyed that he'd be held up, but knew that not answering wasn't an option, either.

When Mura saw Jade standing on the other side of the door, his heart leapt up into his throat. But he was at a loss for words. "Hi" was all that managed to find its way out.
Jade looked up at the man in front of him in the doorway. He stared at him before falling forward. His forehead flopped onto his chest and his arms laid limp at his sides. "I don't like you anymore." He mumbled and nuzzled him a little bit more. "I'm still annoyed with you ... but I don't like this. I don't like this at all ... I understand it ... but it's bloody annoying!"
His arms moving around Jade's shoulders was instantaneous. Murasaki hugged the other male tightly, his face burying into the top of his head. "I'm sorry," he apologized again, hugging him tighter. Really, Mura didn't like not telling his parents either, but it was what it was and he had to deal with it.
"Sex would have been easier." he grumbled and then pounded his fist into the other's chest, still having a bit of pent up hostility toward the other. He groaned and gently pushed the other man away from him, walking past him and into the kitchen. He could not say anything else. Right now, he just had to wait out his hostility toward him. It would take only a little while longer, but he was just so frustrated.
Murasaki couldn't help the chuckle to the statement, only because it was true. He was glad, though, that Jade was going to stay and he was unbelievably happy that it seemed that things would be getting better between them after he'd once again screwed up. But he recognized Jade's need to not be close for the moment. He moved into the kitchen as well, though, to start making something to eat for them. He respected Jade's need for silence as he cooked.
Jade moved and sat down at the table in the kitchen. His right knee pulled up to his chest and he just stared at the man in front of him. He loved him so much. He really, really did. He was just too frustrated abotu everyone saying this and that about his age. Yes, his situation was different and age was age was age, but THAT was what led him to messing up his growth in the first place. Because no one would just let him be!

He groaned, his right hand absently toying with the sapphire handing around his neck. "What are your parents like? Do they visit you often?"
Looking over, Murasaki smiled. "You've known me for three years and this is the first time they've visited," he answered. What they were like was a much more difficult question to answer. "My father is... The typical Hawaiian surfer boy. Laid back, takes what's thrown at him in stride. He loves nature and loves to love; very kind hearted. He will love you when you meet them." There was no question that Jade would eventually meet his parents. Just not for another few years.

"My mother is very traditional. Prim and proper and subdued. Loving in her way, protective but not very affectionate."

The professor set their quick dinner of grilled cheese sandwiches and chips down, sitting next to Jade. "She would be hard to impress even if you were Japanese, eighteen, not my student and a woman."
Jade let out a heavy sigh. "I don't want to impress. I just ... want to be introduced. Dubbed yours to your parents. I can deal with not being liked. It's the ... not being known. That is what I do not like." He stated. He picked apart a piece of grilled cheese, popping it into his mouth and then turning to look at the man beside him. "I don't like being ... what one will not speak about, Murasaki. I know ... I know that you do not want to risk losing your parents but ... I have been ignored and never spoken of for so many years of my life. Knowing that you cannot, will not, tell your parents, no matter the logical reason ... i just ... I cannot stand it."
That... That he understood. Murasaki hadn't thought of it that way before. Reaching forward, the professor brushed the back of his hand over Jade's cheek. "I just need a little time... The seed has been planted: They know I have someone whom I love. The rest... The rest will come out slowly in my letters to them." He turned fully in his chair so that they were facing each other. "I do not wish to hide you, Jade. I need to tell them in my own time; my own way. I'm asking for patience as I do that... Please?"
He groaned. He knew that. Everything the man said was logical, but he still did not like it. He took in a deep breath and nodded. "You can have time." He said softly and opened his eyes to look up at the man in front of him. He leant over and pressed a gentle kiss to his lips. "I will give you it ... I just ..." He sighed softly, settling back onto his chair. "I am okay now."
"You will not always be hidden," he promised softly, returning the kiss with a very happy sigh. Moving to sit back, Murasaki ate a little bit, though his left hand didn't leave Jade's leg. He was irrationally afraid that if he let go that Jade would disappear. It didn't take long to finish their simple dinner, and for him to clean up. Murasaki moved up behind Jade and wrapped his arms around his waist. "I missed you."
Jade sighed heavily, his hands resting upon the other's arms around his waist. He rested against him, eyes closed and he nodded a little absently at the moment. "Mhm . . . And ... don't come home anytime soon. Mama will have your head." He stated, turnign to look at him and presing a soft kiss to his lips. "Seriously. That whole post-pardum [sp?] thing and with the three and less sleep ... He's scary."
He nodded. "Yeah I knew I was lucky last week." Leaning down, he rested his chin on Jade's head, hugging him more tightly. "Stay with me tonight?" It wasn't very often that Jade spent the night with him. Most of his free time until late at night? Yes. Through until the morning was a different story. Mura was always afraid that students would see him leaving the school so very early, or at times when he wasn't supposed to be there and when they couldn't say they'd been working on his powers together.

Tonight, he just didn't care.
Jade's heart fluttered with the man's request. Oh, he was so happy to hear that. Normally, Murasaki was concerned about his image and someone noticing him, but the fact he seemed to not care tonight made him happy. Normally, he would have to beg or well, tire them both out and then whine to stay the night. Tonight? Not the case.

He nodded and turned in hte other's embrace. His arms lifted to wrap around his neck, leaning up to press a kiss to his lips. "How dare you make me not mad at you anymore." He whipsered, kissing him once more and relaxing.
Another year passed rather quickly. The triplets were beginning to toddle their way around the house and it was all either of them could do in order to keep up with them. Calder was currently 'off duty' for the hour to try and get dinner ready and on the table when the doorbell rang. With a sigh, he turned everything on low before moving to answer the door.

The teen that stood at the door reminded him of his husband and it took him a moment to recover. "Can I help you?"

"I'm looking for..." He pulled out the scrap of paper. "Rune Lin."

"And you might be..."

"Viktor Maxwell..." Calder didn't know the name but dinner would burn if he continued to wait. He stood back and allowed the teen in.

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