Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Jade nodded, smiling warmly and kissing his love's neck gently. "Mhm. Hormones." He said absently, his lips once more kissing along his flesh. He pulled away just a bit, dragging his lips along the other's neck and to the bottom of his chin, pressing a kiss there and he smirked a little bit as he looked up at the man.

"How about a better distraction?" While he may not be an empath like his brother, he knew his love of two some odd years well enoguh to know when something was wrong.
Hugging Jade close to him, Murasaki shook his head softly. "How about we go out for an early dinner instead?" He couldn't see being 'cooped up' tonight. He felt that he'd probably go crazy if they didn't go out and do something. "Besides," he added, leaning down to press a little kiss to his love's cheek, "We'll need energy first."
Jade groaned, pouting a bit at his words. "That's ... boring." he mumbled, truly thinking about just dragging him off and to the bathroom of wherever they go to. Or, better yet, how about just playing a little bit of footsie undeer the table. Of course, his foot on something between the man's thighs ... Oh, that may be fun! Depending on where they were of course.

"All right." He stated, giggling happily and then turning to bounce his way out of the dorm to go wherever the man wanted.
Rune made his way out of the living room, heading to the kitchen and he stopped once he stepped into the room. He stared in front of him and then glanced down to his feet. Fuck. The pile of water there, combined with the fact his pants were now drenched.. "Fuck." He groaned before he turned, staying where he was and not wanting to move until he was sure he would not mes up the rest of the huose.

A little confused as to why he'd be called like that, the blond stuck his head out the door. He'd been in with Ella and was in the process of changing her, though that all went out the window when he saw what he saw. Calder cursed mentally. He quickly finished putting the dress on their daughter and told her to play for a little bit while he went to see what Mama needed. Closing the door behind him, the blond rushed forward to his husband. "Get Relic?" he asked before quickly moving to grab a few towels. He dropped them on the floor beneath Rune's feet. "Can you walk?" He could carry the other man, awkward though it would be considering their height difference, but if it needed to be done then...
Rune stared at the man, a dull look to his eyes and soon rolled a moment later. "Dumbass." He said softly and then pushed the other away with a simple forefinger gesture. He sighed heavily and then pushed his pants off, taking one of the towels from his husband and then wrapped it around his waist. While he would not mind, nor care, about walking aorund half naked ... the others in the house - and mainly since the twins over there - he did not want to traumatize them.

He sighed heavily, walking over to where the phone was, holding it out to him. "Call that doctor." he mumbled, resting his hand on his stomach, rubbing the flesh a little bit before he stopped a moment later. He gasped, gripping the wall with a deep breath. "Fuck ... that hurts." He whispered, gripping the molding and trying to not break it off. He groaned. "Fuck..."
The blond took the phone but did nothing with it. "Your powers, Rune. Use your powers while we get you into bed." He shook his head and eased his way beneath his lover's arm to help steady him. They would simply buy a new bed if they really had to, but it would be the most comfortable place for Rune, and for the doctor to work, too. The blond dialed the doctor, holding the phone between his head and shoulder while he propped up pillows behind Rune's back so that he could sit up for the time being.
"Healing ... does SHIT for pain!" He yelled, well, more so snapped at hte man. He growled as he moved onto the bed. He rested against the pillows and his fingers wrapped around the sheets beneath him, gasping at the pain surging through his back. He groaned and slowly relaxed back onto the mattress. He ripped hte phone from his husband's hand, shouting, "GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE!" into the phone before he hung it up and threw the phone at the wall, hearing it shatter upon impact.
Calder sighed and sat on the edge of the bed when the phone smashed to bits. "I meant to ask Relic to come over and get Ella." He leaned over and pressed a little kiss to his husband's cheek and then moved to the kitchen. The blond gathered a few damp cloths and a glass of ice water before returning to the room. One of the cloths was used to cool off Rune's warming flesh, while the others sat to the side to do the same job later on as needed.
Rune rolled his eyes. "He's already ... FUCK!" He growled, leaning to the side and sinking his front teeth into his love's shoulder. He kept his teeth in his shoulder, just annoyed at the moment about everything. He slowly pulled away, taking in a deep breath and he nuzzled into his shoulder a little bit more. "MAKE him come here with fucking medicine!" He growled again and bit CAlder a little more, eeyes squeezed closed.
Anyone else might have taken offense to being bitten the way he just was, but Calder simply hissed at the pain, feeling guilty that he was deriving pleasure from Rune's pain. The blond took a second to compose himself before speaking. "He's coming, Rune. I don't think anyone could ignore how you spoke to him." Taking a breath, Calder rested his hands on Rune's stomach. If his lover could reach in and heal him, and vice versa, then he could turn that into an empath's ability to take pain, right ((shush it because he can now))? The blond closed his eyes and focused inward. He visualized the pain coming out of Rune's body and passing into his own, hoping that it was working well enough for the moment.
Rune growled in annoyance, kissing the side of hte man's neck gently. He relaxed a little bit more and he wrapped his arm around the other's waist, pulling him tighter and he actually felt ab it better with what the man was doing.

Soon enough, the door opened and a cheerful - despite the man's threat - DoctorByrne came inside. "Hell oooo!" He chimed and closed the door behind him, locking it from any chidlren walking past. "Just me today! Abby's off ruling a kingdom or something." He shrugged his shoulders and walked on over to the two, smiling a little bit more. "Calder ... You may not want to be in here for this." He stated, looking at the man and before the other could protest, took out the epiderral and began to get to work with the needle and blah blah blah.

"It'll be messy and ... not pretty. If you want to stay, sure, but I just want to warn you."
Really, he didn't want to see messy or Rune in pain. But then if he left, Calder would be the one in pain and not in a good way. The blond shook his head, but moved out of the way of the doctor for the moment. He kept his hands on Rune's stomach to siphon off some of the pain, trying not to watch the man work with the needles as much as possible. "Just let me know if I can do anything to help."
The man nodded and then once the epideral was in, and the medicine working. He stood away from him and clapped his hands together. "Well! I feel now's an appropriate time to let you know: You're having triplets! YAY!" He clapped his hands together and shoved Rune onto the bed, pulling the towel off from his form and then tugging away the shirt.

"WHAT?!" He looked over at the man then the large belly in front of him, groaning a litlte bit more. "I fucking hate you." He hissed, relaxing onto the mattress and resisting the urge to strangle the man.
Triplets? Calder's jaw dropped as he gaped at the doctor in front of them. "Has anyone ever told you that you have horrible bedside manner?" He groaned, head dropping down onto Rune's shoulder. The blond had switched sides so that he was now kneeling in the middle of the bed while Rune was lying towards the edge, giving the doctor easier access. It was only lucky for the doctor that Rune was in labor or else their positions would have given Rune easier access to murder him.

He looked to his husband. "Triplets?"
Rune let out an annoyed growl at the two of them. His hand wrapped around the front of his husbands' shirt, yanking him to him and glaring at the man. "I fucking heard him. My issure right now is getting them OUT! I'll kill him for bedside manner later." With that, and another jolt of pain, the doctor was going to work.

While his bedside manner may not be very good, or humor-filled for his patients, he was still a very good doctor. He had the triplets out of Rune and bundled up very quickly, even without the help of his son. He sewed up the man, put everything back - despite the scientist within him wanting to experiment and see what would happen without them - but he placed all three on Rune. One in each arm and then one on his belly to keep them there.

"Congratulations you two. Three healthy boys for you to love and care for and bitch that you carted their asses around." He chuckled and then babbled on about cleaning and whatnot, telling himhe would check up a little later. With that, he left.
Calder sighed a little. He understood the anger and frustration of his husband and took no offense to it. The blond simply sat there next to him, holding his hand and pressing the cool cloths to his neck and chest and forehead. It didn't take long to have the babies out, and that surprised Calder a little bit. It surprised him even more when they were left with three tiny bundles. He shifted his weight so that they were lying side by side, lifting the baby that had been lying on Rune's belly into his arms. Six kids. Four of them were under the age of six. The task of raising them was daunting.

But first things first. "Names?" he asked softly, nuzzling into his husband's shoulder a little.
Rune groaned, leaning over and looking up at the man with interest to his features. He stared at him for a while before he whimpered a little bit more. "I'm named after ancient ... crap. my middle name is a folk tale ... You really want me to pick a name?" He grumbled and he looked back to the two boys in his arms. He looked them over and sighed once more.

"I don't know. Do we want themes or ... just names we like?" He asked, turning to look at his husband once more. "Like ... Greek gods or fairy tales or ... what?"
"I think that if we named them after fairy tales, they would kill us when they got strong enough to." The blond sat back and thought for a while. "I think just names we like..." the blond suggested. "We have less of a chance of fucking up that way." Looking up to the other man he smiled softly. "Lets see. I like the names Jacques, Anthony, Aidan..."
Rune thought for a while, nodding a bit and trying to think of ones that would not rhyme or spell out something. He leant his head against Calder's shoulder, sighing heavily. "Aiden, Rune Jr and Calder Jr." he mumbled, not meaning it of course but he did not want to think about it right now. no, he would. He just had to ... put some effort.

"Severus for ..." He looked from one boy to the other then pointed to the boy with black hair that his love held then looked at the two blonds in his arms. "Lucius." he stated, leaning to the one on his right, kissing his foreheade. "and Draco. They hate them, I'll just slap them silly." he stated, looking at one boy then the other. "Yes. you'll love them."
If Rune had been serious, Calder might have thought to ask for a divorce and custody. But he knew that his love was only kidding and so he held out for the real suggestion that he was sure would come. And when it did, the blond fell in love with the names instantly. He nodded, looking at all three of them. Severus would be easy to decipher-he had the dark hair and was obviously a paternal multiple. The other two were... Well they were identical. Looking between them, he tried to find some sort of discerning mark on one of them.

"I'm going to mix Severus and Lucius up and I know it," he pouted, leaning into his husband. "But I love the names." Calder leaned over and kissed Rune softly. "And you."
Rune looked to the identical boys in his arms. He tugged the blankets away from their chins to try and find something different. Of course, between himself and his brother, there were many, many differences between them that they thought of, and knew of, but to view it on the other end was different.

"How about I carve an L and D into their foreheads." he mumbled before he pulled away the blankets a bit more, looking at their forms and then pressing a soft finger to Lucius' hip. "There. Birthmark ... beauty mark thing. While they have to get naked, better than not knowing." He then bundled the two back up, not wanting to make them get sick or anything.
At least there was something... That calmed Calder's thoughts quite a bit. They would have at least two years to learn the personalities and know the two blonds by that rather than simply what they look like. He settled back into the bed, tracing a finger down Severus' cheek and shoulder a little. "Think we should have Relic bring Ella in?" He wasn't sure where the boys were, but they would find out through the grapevine soon enough.
Rune nodded and then pressed a soft kiss to his love's lips. He settled back into the pillows, yawning softly. He looked at the boys and sighed heavily. "They're lucky the'yre cute." He mumbled and then shook his head a little bit. He leant down and pressed a small kiss to their foreheads before looking to the bassinets a little ways away. Smart ass doctor already bought two other ones for them.

There was a small knock on the door a moment later, Trevor slowly opening the door, but not enough to even poke his head in. "May I come in?"
"You would have loved them even if they looked exactly like you. Which Severus does, by the way," he added with a little bump into Rune's shoulder. Calder was extremely careful not to hit too hard, not wanting to jostle the sleeping babies.

With the knock on the door, he looked up and smiled. "Of course." It was cute that Trevor was so reserved. Calder shifted his weight so that he was sitting up more, and moved the covers to cover all of Rune's lower half, too. They hadn't bothered healing the wound yet, let alone getting him dressed again.
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