Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Calder was enjoying his chance to 'top'. He missed having Rune inside of him and take control of it all, but it was nice for a change. The blond could tell, though, that his lover was a little distressed over how comfortable he was becoming and it made the blond want the positive results to come back even more so that they could fall back into their comfort zones.

He squeaked when Rune slid his hands down his pants, not expecting it though he wasn't sure why. He'd learned over the past couple of years to expect the unexpected with his husband. Looking up at him, the blond laughed a little and smiled, kissing along his jaw as he held Rune's hands in place over his bare hips. "Oh?" he asked, coaxing his lips down for a kiss.
Rune leant down, kissing the man ever so passioately, hand continuing to slide to tease the flesh between his husband's legs. He missed torturing him out in 'public'. Of course, what Calder did not know was that he sent the kiddies away. Well, he more so sent Ella over to play with Dawn until bedtime, and the other two were already with their boyfriends, fiance in Trevor's case. And yes, Rune already threatened to have Murasaki's balls if he even thought of asking Jade within the next ten years. So, all was good in his world.

He pulled back from the kiss, sinking his teeth into the side of his neck and he nodded a moment later. "I do. And it starts with you being covered in chocolate." His thumb pushed away the button and zipper of the blond's pants, letting the garment fall from his hips as he rocked into the man, definitely wanting to play before he told the other man the good news.
Calder failed to see how that could be considered a 'secret', but who was he to deny his husband? He reached up with his arms, reaching behind him to loop them around Rune's neck as they kissed. It didn't take them long to wind up on the kitchen floor, naked and in a pool of chocolate. The blond loved it, streaking chocolate down Rune's neck and chest and cleaning it off with his mouth and tongue, being sure to pay extra attention to his nipples and other sensitive areas on his torso.
Rune adored his husband so very much. He was fabulous, and he felt it very appropriate to celebrate the news by ... ravaging his husband like there was no tomorrow. Ah, the marks he left upon the lovely blond's torso were beautiful, and so much fun to make too. Of course he had more fun licking the chocolate off, but that was well beside the point. And, well, that pretty much went unsaid when dealing with Rune.

He slowly turned onto his stomach, leaning over to press a kiss to Calder's lips, trailing a few more kisses down the side of his neck. Tongue gliding along some excess chocolate before pulling back. His ice blue eyes kept to the man's and a smirk slowly took to his lips. He leant forward once more, connecting their lips and briefly parting for a simple, "I'm pregnant" before returning his lips to the kiss.
The words weren't a surprise, per se, but he definitely hadn't been expecting them at that moment. Calder smiled and returned his husband's kiss, wrapping all four of his limbs around Rune's waist and shoulders, holding him tightly to him. The pride and happiness that flowed within him was overwhelming and he was glad for the outlet that kissing Rune gave him.

They needed to breathe, and the blond pulled away to allow both of them to do so properly. "I'm surprised Relic isn't over here just yet," he laughed softly.
"I threatened to tie him to the roof." He stated, grinning as he leant forward and pressed another kiss to his lips and relaxing a moment later. He nipped at the bottom lip of the male before wrapping his arms beneath his love's rump, he slowly stood up, hugging him to his form as he did so. "Let's go shower .. Then clean up the kitchen ... and after that, we can go to the spaz who is probably... tweaking out." He groaned, burying his facei nto Calder's nec. YEp. His brother was spazzing out already. That would be .. interesting.
He chuckled a little but nodded. A shower and relief from the stickyness of the chocolate would be welcome. It didn't take them long to clean up both themselves and the kitchen, and to get dressed. The blond wrapped his arms around Rune's waist before they left the bedroom, resting his head against his chest to simply take in the situation at hand. His husband, who never wanted children in the first place, was now willingly pregnant with their own child. Calder really was beside himself.

"Guess we should go over there," he said after a few minutes. "Sooner or later he'll explode from having no outlet for his joy."
Rune groaned. He was right. He sighed heavily, arm around the blond's shoulder while he made his way to the other side of the house. He stared at their front door for a while before he took in a deep breath. Stepping inside, he was instantly bombarded by a squealing man in a dress.

Relic ran and almost tackled Rune out of hte door. His arms aroudn his shoulders and legs around his waist, gripping him excitedly. "You're a big boy now!" He chimed, giggling and kissing his brother quite a few times on the cheek and lips, just utterly excited for him at th emoment. He gripped his brothers shoulders, nuzzling into his neck a little and then lokoing over at Calder, smiling warmly. "Congratulations, Mister Lin!" He chuckled, teasing his brother in many different ways with just one sentence.
Calder stood back, smiling at the scene in front of him. Really, Relic was adorable. The blond only shook his head with the 'congratulations', laughing a little. "Be nice to him," he warned, moving over and pressing a kiss to his brother-in-law's cheek. He moved further into the house to find Tanner, though there was no doubt in his mind that Relic had already told him.
Rune grumbled and continued through the house, following his love to where the other man was. He looked up at the man in his arms, Relic refusing to let go of him just yet. He moved to the kitchen, releasing his brother and he opened up the refrigerator, looking inside and looking at the contents before he sighed heavily. He closed the door and then looked down at the man in his arms, kissing his lips softly before he pulled back once more. "I know. I'm ... excited too." He whispered, nuzzling into the other's neck gently, relaxing a little bit more.
The months passed rather smoothly. Rune was just beginning to show a bit of a bump and Calder couldn't help but rest his hand on it when he got the chance. It was still difficult for him to wrap his mind around the entire situation. But it'd been three months to the day since they'd found out they were pregnant and the blond wanted to celebrate, no matter how corny it was. He worked in the kitchen to make a few chocolate treats for himself and Rune to share after Ella went to bed for the night.
Rune settled Ella into bed, the girl asking him a few questions about his belly and he could only shake his head. He kissed her forehead and said a simple, "It's a baby. I'll explain when you're older." With another kiss, he stood up, tucking her in and smiling gently. "Sleep." He headed outside, turning off the lights on the way.

Stepping into the kitchen, he walked over to his love, arms snaking around his torso and he pulled him against his form, nuzzling into his neck. He reached forward, dipping his finger into the chocolate and moved it to his lips, staring at it and suddenly going quite green. His clean hand snapped over his mouth as he rushed out of the room and to the bathroom. He barely made it to the toilet before he spilled any food he had had before into the bowl.
He'd been just ready to settle back into his love when Rune was no longer there. Calder was worried and, pushing the chocolate to the back burner so it wouldn't burn, he rushed after Rune. "Rune? What's wrong?" He moved into the bathroom and filled a cup with cold water for him to use to rinse his mouth out before rubbing circles over the man's back. "Are... Well were you feeling alright?"
Rune groaned, pulling back and washing his mouth out, spitting it out before he flushed the toilet. Leaning to the side, he rested into his love, kissing his neck softly. He whimpered softly and nuzzled him a bit more. "I ... ugh." He grumbled and bit the man behind him. "What's the point of being pregnant if chocolate makes me want to vomit?" He whispered and nuzzled him once more and his arms snaked around the blond, pulling him against his form with another little whimper.
"To try something else?" he offered. Despite his soft tease, Calder had sympathy for Rune. He hugged his husband close, pressing soft kisses to his neck and shoulder and cheek as he let the man start to feel better. Once he had, the blond lead him out into the living room. "How about... Sugar cookies?" he asked, trying to think of a recipe that was quick and simple, and that didn't have chocolate in it. "Or plain yellow cake with vanilla icing... Or..." He stopped to think again. "What do you want?"
He groaned and buried his face into the other's neck a little bit more. ugh. The thought of food was sending him into a dire urge to want to vomit once more. He shook his head and slowly pushed himself away from the blond and shakily stood up. "I want ... ginger ale." he mumbled, holding onto the sink, gripping it for a bit before he got a hold of himself. He rested one hand on the little bump of his stomach, thinking silently. Yep. He really wanted gingerale.
Calder had a bit more sympathy again, but nodded. "Sit on the sofa. I'll clean up the kitchen." There was no point in Rune going into the kitchen to get something to make him feel better only to see and smell the chocolate and get sick again. Leaning up, he kissed his husband's lips softly.

The blond moved into the kitchen and got the glass of ginger ale that Rune needed to feel better, setting it down next to him before cleaning the kitchen up quickly. Only after he was done did he collapse onto the sofa with Rune. "Feeling any better?"
He moved onto the sofa happily. He pulled his knees to his chest, head collapsing onto the pillow and he took the ginger ale happily from his love. "Thank you." He whispered, sipping at the bubbling liquid and grumbling a little more. He turned to look at Calder, whimpering and leant down to press a kiss to his lips. "You're lucky I love you." He murmured and then kissed him again, pulling the man closer to his form.
Calder manuevered himself behind Rune, wrapping his arms around his waist and pressing a kiss to the back of his neck. "I know I'm lucky," he answered honestly, nuzzling the warm flesh that was in front of him. The blond didn't know what he would be doing if Rune hadn't come into his life, or they hadn't wound up where they were together. The thoughts scared him, even though he knew that his husband wasn't going anywhere. "We'll call the doctor to see if the sick feelings are just part of the morning sickness phase or what."
Rune groaned once more, shaking his head to his words. "No." He mumbled, kissing his neck softly and pulling him tighter to his form. "If it keeps up for more than a month, or a few more weeks, then we can call. For now, it's normal." He kissed along the other's neck, relaxing once more with a soft sigh. "It'll be worth it ... Besides, I'll just slap Relic for not telling me how horrible this feeling was."
He nodded softly, nuzzling into Rune's neck and chest a little bit. Calder stayed there for a few minutes before getting up, standing beside the sofa. He nudged Rune onto his belly after removing his shirt and tossing it to the side. Only once his husband was comfortable did Calder straddle his hips, resting his rear end on Rune's as he began to massage the other man's back and shoulders.
Rune sighed heavily, obeying the man's commands and sinking into hte sofa. His eyes slipped cloesd and he nuzzled his arms just a bit. He felt the other on his back, arching a brow before he felt the man begin to massage him. He relaxed a little bit more, eyes lfuttering closed and a soft sigh to his lips. "And here I thought you were going to do something dirty to me." He chuckled softly and nuzzled his oarms once again, truly getting more comfortable now.
Calder leaned down, licking along the waist line of Rune's jeans suggestively. "I could..." The blond smirked as he moved to continue the massage that he'd started. When he'd finished with Rune's back and shoulders, he moved to his arms and hands, then neck and even his sides. Only after he'd finished did he lay down across Rune's back, hands sliding up his arms to clasp with his husbands as he rested his cheek on the man's shoulder. "How's your stomach feeling?" Calder himself was getting hungry for the late dinner that he'd planned for them.
Rune shivered with the man's tongue, definitely annoyed that he would tease him like that. He pouted and, lucky for Calder, the man distracted him once more with the massage. He remained silent with only a few pleased groans to his lips. When the man was finished, and his stomach growling, he whimpered a bit. "Empty." He admitted, turning his head to look at the male behind him, blowing him a little kiss. "Ready for when you want to eat."
The past couple of years had helped Tobias dramatically. He wasn't very skiddish anymore, nor did he spend his days looking over his shoulder to see if anyone was following him. He'd become more comfortable with Abbadon, too, and had moved in with him nearly a year before. He was happy.

Tobias was currently lounging on the sofa with his nose in a new book. It was a typical place to find him on any given day while Abby was at school. He went through books at an enormous rate, constantly looking for something new to read.
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