Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Rune went wide-eyed when Calder leapt at him, gasping a moment before their lips collided. He relaxed instantly, arms around his form as he led the way to the bathroom. Pinning Calder to any surface along the path, already going at removing his top, tossing it aside without a care. He moved to the room, absently tunring on the water and pressing Calder against the wall beside the tub. His lips caressed his and his hips bucked up and against the man, moaning lightly into the embrace of their lips.
They didn't emerge from the shower until the park had been open for nearly an hour. That didn't bother Calder in the slightest, either. It didn't bother him that he was marked to high hell, either. No one here knew them and he had no plans on hiding the marks, either. He got dressed and sat on the bed to wait for his lover to be ready to go, too.
He always loved it when they needed to take a shower after their initial shower just to get cleaned up again. He enjoyed those moments the most, well, really most of hteir moments were tied with the ones he enjoyed the "most'.

Coming out of hte bathroom, he tossed his towel at the man's head before going to the dresser. Pulling on his jeans and then a v-neck long sleeved purple shirt onto his torso. He turned to his love, holding out his hand with a grin to his lips. "Shall we, Mister Lin?" He questioned, chuckling a little bit more.

Taking his hand, he pulled him up for another kiss to his lips and then began to make his way out of the room, closing the door behind him while he made his way down the hall. He would let Calder decide where to go past the point of entering the park. He really was apathetic to where they went to. He just adored that the man did not morph away his injuries.
They roamed through the park rather aimlessly. Calder always liked to get an overview on the first day and return on the following days to go see and do what they really wanted to. The blond dragged the other man on a few rides, and they did the factory tour, too, as well as the gift shop to load Rune up on sweets to last him the next four hours (but he was hoping it'd last him until they got to their next destination). There were stares from children and adults alike at his neck and collar bone, but the blond simply smiled at them. He found that acknowledging that they were staring got them to look away a bit more quickly than ignoring it.

Before he knew it, it was time for dinner. They exited the park in the same slow stroll they'd been walking in all day, hands linked together. "You pick," he said. "We can go out, or we can go back to the hotel and order room service."
Rune slid his hand from Calder's so that he could wrap his arm around his waist, linking their fingers with his other hand as he did so. He continued out of hte park, shrugging his hsoulders a bit. "Let's go out tonight." He stated, turning to look down at his love, kissing his lips softly and hearing some little kid nearby gasp and run to their mother. NOt that he cared. He just continued forward, trying to think of where they should go.
Going out sounded nice. They walked a bit more, not really looking for anything in particular. Calder was hungry but didn't know what he wanted, and they weren't dressed for a 'nice' restaurant. In the end, they wound up in a burger joint that served cheese steaks as well as burgers and other sandwiches. They would go out to a nice restaurant the next night, or the night after. Today was all about comfort and having fun.

The next few days flew by. They had loads of fun on the rides in the park, and even took a day to go into Amish country to shop a bit. Calder found some pretty fabrics to take home to Relic. Before he knew it they were on the plane heading for their next destinations: France and Switzerland. They were close to each other and so he had booked rooms in each country near the border.
Rune had had quite the nice time in Hershey. He stocked up on his candy before leaving - bought a giant candy bar, a few bags of kisses, and a few other things - and had them sent straight to the house with a warning attached to those that live in his house to not eat them. He liked pretty muhc everything they did. Of course it was great staying in the room for a while as well, but that goes without saying.

Once more, he cuddled up beside Calder, kissing his neck softly and he sighed, resting hish ead against his love and nuzzling him a little bit more. "You're making me soft, you know." He whispered, tilting his head back to look up at him with a pathetic look to his eyes.
Looking over, Calder laughed at him. "Never thought I'd see the day. Next thing you know you'll be following in Relic's footsteps and asking me to carry a child of our own." The blond never thought that would happen, but he liked to tease his lover nonetheless. He rested his head against Rune's and settled in for the flight, and then the car ride to the hotel in France. "Like the theme of our honeymoon?" he asked as they checked in.
Rune laughed softly and bit his shoulder for the comment. He just shrugged it off and carried on cuddling up for the rest of the flight. He remained silent and then perked up when they landed. France? He looked at his love, grinning even more and he chuckled a little bit more. "Chocolate. . . Of ocurse I do." He stated, pressing a kiss to his neck gently, nipping the flesh a moment later. "You're trying to get me fat, aren't you?"
Fat? The blond poked Rune's stomach a little in teasing, laughing a little as they moved up to the room and got unpacked. The rest of their trip was just as good as the first leg of it. Calder was immensely pleased that Rune enjoyed himself, though with chocolate there was never any doubt that his husband would have a good time. Still, as they boarded the plane to go home from Holland, Calder was ready. He missed their kids and work and their own bed, and was ready to get back into their normal swing of things.

As they pulled into the driveway, the blond sighed and leaned against Rune's shoulder. "Happy to be home?"
"Very" He whipered before leaning to the side and pressing his lips to his husband's and he then slid out of the bed. He walked over to the other side, helping the other out of the passenger's side, taking a hold of his hand and leading him into the house. He looked around and was glad to see his boxes piled up neatly. Ah, good old Trevor. He smiled even more, continuing into the house and sighing. Yes, definitely glad to be home.

Jade squeaked, rushing out of the room he had been in and pouncing on his Papa, arms aorund the blond's shoulders and legs around his waist, nuzzling into his neck. 'Papa!" He giggled and kissed his cheek, gripping him very happily.
Calder braced himself when he heard the footsteps coming towards them at a rapid speed. The blond caught their youngest son in his arms and hugged him tightly in greeting. "Did you have a good month?" he asked, kissing the teen on the cheek before setting him down so that he could say hello to Rune, too.

They said their hellos to everyone, especially to Ella who clung to her Mama with a death grip before she was pried off to go to bed. It was late and he for one was beyond exhausted. They had come back on a Friday for that reason-so that Calder had two full days to recooperate before going back to work. After kissing Ella goodnight, Calder lead Rune to their bedroom. He closed and locked the door before wrapping his arms around his husband's waist, burying his face in his chest.

"Does it feel different to you?"
Rune wrapped his arms around the other man and sighed softly. "Little bit." he mumbled, leading the way to their bed and flopping onto the mattress. He pushed off his shoes, pulling off his shirt and he then snuggled into the pillows a little bit. His arms crossed beneath his form, chest to the bed with his chin on his arms. He stared in front of him for a little before slowly turning his head to the male beside him, interest to his features.

"I've been thinking." He began, looking over Calder a little bit more and he pushed himself up from the bed and onto his elbows so that he could look at his love more clearly. "What ... about having a child of our own?" He asked, unsure of what the male would want. He knew Relic had wanted a kid since he was ten and in charge of watching one of their nieces or nephews [he could not remember which it was], but that was Relic. What if Calder wanted his own offspring? Now that they could ... Why not tryi t?
That... He wasn't expecting to ever have this conversation with his love. Then again, there were a fair many conversations that he'd never expected to have with Rune. Sex, dating, commitment, changing his DNA, children in general, marriage... Now look at them. The blond turned onto his side to really study his husband, wanting to know where the question was coming from before answering it.

"I'd like children of our own," he answered honestly, "I just... Have no desire to be pregnant." That was the end of the conversation as far as Calder was concerned. He wouldn't ever expect Rune to be the 'mother', and he didn't think that the other man wanted to be, either. "Maybe that will change after Ella is grown." He shrugged a little bit.
Rune stared at him and let out a soft little sigh, leaning forward to rest his head against the pillow, eyes closed. "They do already call me mama.' he mumbled, not too sure why he was having that thought running through his head. He was pretty positive any being growing up within him would just break out of his stomach when it was old enoguh. He nuzzled the pillow a little bit more, snorting at the thought through his head. "You could knock up Relic ... We have the same DNA" he sighed softly, leaning over and pressing a gentle kiss to his lips before he settled back against the pillow behind him.

His eyes kept to his love for a while, trying to think a bit. He said he wanted kids of their own, didn't he? Yet ... he did not wish to get pregnant. "Why aren't I opposing to the idea of me getting pregnant?" He asked, staring at his husband with his features truly perplexed. The man changed him, and a lot.
The question intrigued Calder, too. "Because you want to torture me with hormones and mood swings," he answered seriously. He sighed softly and scooted closer to his lover, burying his face into Rune's neck a little bit. As he breathed in the man's sent, he let the thoughts run through his head, going over each one carefully. "Lets wait a little bit," he whispered, pressing a little kiss to his husband's Adam's apple. "We just got married, Trevor just came home, Ella will start elementary school in the fall... Lets give it until Christmas to settle everything in. And then... And then I'll knock you up if it's still what we want."
Rune looked down at the blond and nodded a bit. "Mm. 'cause I so wanted to get pregnant tonight. Damn." He mumbled, kissing the other's lips and he sunk against the mattress once more. He yawned, pulling Calder tighter and he nodded. "Christmas minimum.' He whispered, meaning that after Christmas, they could start trying if they really wanted to still have kids of their own. They would probably have to weigh the positives and negatives of Rune being pregnant, or them reproducing in general. "Love you.' He added and then relaxed once more with a little yawn, easily falling asleep.
The door bell rang and Nikkos sighed a little bit. He'd been trying to get some work done as he was getting backed up while at school as he tried to keep up with a toddler daughter who didn't like to sit still. But he was now interrupted yet again. The brunette set aside his papers and moved to the door, glad that Tomias was taking care of Dawn for a few hours upstairs.

When he answered, Drucilla was standing on the doorstep and was very pregnant. He groaned and stepped back to let the poor girl in. "Tomias! I need you! NOW!"
Tomias was chasing after Dawn -- again. That girl was so veryactive and her and Ella both liked to tease him and tackle him. One from the skies, the other at his ankles. Yep, he never stood any chance whatsoever against the two. Luckily, he only had to worry about Dawn. Of course, the little thing was a hassle in herself. He ran after her and had just managed to get his arms around her, gripping her to his chest as he heard Nikkos' voice. He sighed heavily, holding the girl under one arm while her little bat wings fluttered, begging to get loose. "Uh-uh, little miss. You're mine now.' He stated, sticking his tongue out while making his way through the halls.

He walked over to where his love's voice came frm, stopping instantly once he saw Drusilla [yep, it's with an 's', I lied]. He stared at her and groaned, free hand colliding with his forehead. "Not again." He grumbled. Sighing heavily, he pointed to the living room. "Come on. Sit." He sighed oftly, adjusting the girl beneath his arm to move her over his shoulder. Her purple-tinted black locks falling over her giggling face. He sat on the couch beside the chair Dru was in. "What is -- no. Whose is it?"

Drusilla groaned and rested against the chair, arms crossed over top her large belly. "Same father. We made up ... I found out I was pregnant so I killed him." She shrugged her shoulders ever so nonchalantly, looking over at the male on the couch once more.
At least this wouldn't be happening again... Nikkos couldn't help but think that thought even though he felt bad doing so. Perhaps he wouldn't have thought it if Drusilla was able to take care of her own children rather than pass them off to himself and her father to raise. Not that Nikkos was complaining-they loved Dawn. He reached over for the wiggling mass of giggles, setting her on his knee with a firm grasp around her waist.

"When is it due?" They'd have to prepare. Most of Dawn's baby stuff had been given to Rune and Calder for Ella, and they had tossed it when Relic and Tanner had Adamair.
Drusilla sighed heavily, slumping lower into the cushions and rolling her eye in her annoyance. "Yesterday." He stated, arms holding her stomach even more and he looked over at the men on the couch again. Her eyes traveled along the men for a while before her eyes moved to the girl. She looked her over a bit as well. "So ... That's .." She thought for a moment before her eyes returned to her father. "Dawn?"

Tomias nodded and smiled at the giggling girl in his husband's arms. He then turned back to look at his daughter. "Yes. That is Dawn. She's a little ... energy bunny, really." He sighed sofly. At least she was not showing many traits from her mother's side. Sure, her canines were longer than normal, but things could be so much worse. At least she smiled and ... did not kill her mates. Ugh. He groaned and sunk back against the couch.
Nikkos wanted to follow suit. He really did. But that wouldn't get them anywhere. Instead, he stood up and hoisted Dawn onto his hip. "I'll make up a room for you," he stated, not wanting or expecting any arguments. "You'll stay until you're on your feet again after birth. Longer if you wish." He patted Dru's knee as he passed and then moved through the house to prepare whatever the woman would need. The brunette made faces at is daughter as he worked, trying desperately to keep her entertained so that her wings wouldn't flap and wiggle quite so vigorously.
Tomias watched his husband take their daughter off and into the other room. He sighed heavily, turning to look at the woman and he shook his head a little bit. "After this child ... We're ripping your ovaries out." He mumbled, looking at DRu once more before he stood up, resting his hands on his back. "Do you know what it is?" He asked, eyes to the girl for a while, holding out his hands to help the woman up.

Dru shook her head, lifting her hands and resting them into her father's, pulling herself up from the chair she was in. "No. I figured you would like the surprise.' She shrugged and then turned, beginning to follow after where that other person had gone to. "You know, you'reh ard to find.." She mumbled, continuing forward with a hand on her belly.

He rolled his eyes. "My mum is still where she has been. You could have just asked her to tell you." He continud behind her, leading her to where his husband was with Dawn. He walked over, scooping up the girl on the groud and resting her onto his hip once more with a kiss to her cheek. "This is where you'll be staying. Feel free to stay for as much as you would like." He added, lookin at the woman and knowing that once any stitches were healed and once the baby did not need her milk, she would be out the door.
It didn't take too long for Nikkos to set up the room. Most of the work had been done when they were setting up the guest bedrooms, anyway. When Tomias entered the room, the brunette leaned up and pressed a kiss to his cheek. "I'll go and see if we can use Relic and Tanner's crib for the night, and run for diapers and a couple sets of clothes... Bottles... Pacifiers..." He sighed, hating that had the girl shown up only a few months earlier, they'd have had all of these things. He took a hold of Dawn's little foot and tugged at it playfully, tickling the bottom for a moment before moving to the left side of the house.

It only took him a couple of hours to get what they would need for the first few days. They'd have to go shopping again for clothes, especially if the baby was a girl, but they had the basics and that was what was important for the time being.
Tomias nodded, pressing a kiss to Nikkos' lips before he left. He straightened and looked over at Dru who was currently staring at Dawn on his hip. He turned to look at hte little girl who was currently amusing herself by playing with her Dad's shirt. He then looked back to Dru with a bit of interest. "You never expected to see her again, huh?"

She shook her head, taking a step toward her and her one hand still upon her stomach as she did so. "No. She has Mom's eyes though." She murmrued, meaning her mother, not herself. She really did not view herself as a 'mother'. How could she? She ditched and ran. She merely was the incubator for the child to live in for nine months. "Thank you for ... everything." She added, looking up at the man and she then looked back to the girl. Pulling aside the long hair she had to look at her face, getting a giggle from the sensation. She shook her head a bit, letting the hair fall back down and she began to make her way to the bed to lay down.

"You're welcome. I much rather you come to me then ... throw them away or anything. Besides, it is a bit better to be around someone related to them."
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