Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

They had a nice 'snack', though Remus had to agree with the other two's thoughts: it was a little weird to think about having such feelings for two people, and those two people having the same feelings for you and the third person. And even though he'd gotten used to people staring at him when he was out and 'intimate' with Romulus, the stares were beginning to get to him today. Perhaps because it was just so new.

"Lets go home," he suggested after they'd all finished their hot chocolate. "We'll be...more comfortable there I think..."
A few days later, after getting a little less awkward with the whole relationship thing, Pierce was once more back at the house. He still was doubting himself, but he was very happy with the boys. Very, very happy actually. He knocked before entering the house, waving to Relic on his way up to see the boys, smiling lightly at him. He walked up the stairs, stopping at their door and knocking there. He waited for them. He never really wanted to interrupt the two getting dressed or well ... Whatever else the two may be doing. He knew they were intimate and well, he didn ot really expect them to stop that just because he was added into the mix.
Smiling, Remus answered their bedroom door. He tugged Pierce inside before leaning up to give him a little kiss in greeting. It was easier to wrap his head around the situation now that they'd had a few days to get used to everything, and each other. The brunette hadn't really paid attention to the fact that he was only half dressed with his pants on his hips, but the fly and button still undone revealing the bare flesh that was beneath them and no shirt on. When he realized this fact, Remus blushed profusely, dipping his head down to try and hide it.
Pierce smiled when the door was opened, being tugged into the room and kissed - it always was a nice thing. He sighed softly, stopping a few steps into the room and he looked Remus over, turning a lovely red himself and he shook his head a bit. Oh, that image was not going to leave anytime soon. He chewed his bottom lip a little, arms crossing overhis lower torso and he let out a nerovus little cough.

Romulus exited the bathroom, a towel around his waist and his eyes traveling along his blushing brother then spotting the reason for the blush. He squeaked softly and scurried back into the bathroom. He slowly opened the door once more, a towel draped over his shoulders and while yes, it was silly, it made him feel better. "Um ... Good morning, Pierce.' He said after a moment, walking over to the bunny-eared man and leaning up to kiss his lips. he then walked over to Remus and buried his face into his neck for a moment. "We should have looked at the time" he whispered and then shook his head, walking to the dresser and beginning to rummage.
He hugged Romulus when he was clung to and nodded his agreement, but the embarrassment didn't make Remus move to get dressed, either. Instead while his twin was at the dresser, Remus stepped closer to Pierce once more. He gently untied his arms and stepped into them, leaning up for a soft kiss. It lasted longer than any of their previous ones, and Remus only felt guilty for a moment before he began to fall into it a bit.
Pierce blinked a few times when there was suddenly quite the gorgeous, half naked, teen in front of him. He was still a lovely shade of red, but the kiss definitely distracted him. He leant down and kissed the other back just as passionately as he was doing to him. His arms kept around his form and he kept their lips connected. He had not thought about how the kissing thing would go. Sure, kissing in greeting was easy to cover, but what about times like these? Oh, he just did not know anymore.

Romulus managed to find a pair of pants in the dresser, pulling them on while the other two were obviously distracted. He slowly turned to look at the two, head tilted to the side in curiousity. Well, now he felt a little ... left out. He pouted a little bit, looking at the two and trying to decipher how to go about ... not being ignored. He knew it was not on purpose to exclude him, he knew his brother far too well to even think that, but it did not help him in having a clue how to join in. Why was kissing only meant for two people anyway?
Having Pierce's bare hands on his back sent little shivers down Remus' spine. They didn't last very long, though, because he could feel Romulus' pouting from behind him. The brunette pulled from the kiss slowly, blushing a little bit once more. He turned to his brother and studied him for a minute before reaching over and tugging him to the two of them. Remus kept one arm around each of their waists as he leaned in to kiss Romulus just as he had been kissing Pierce not a minute before.
Romulus let out a soft little squeak when his brother pulled him. He blinked a few times, snuggling up to the blond's torso and ever so happily kissing his brother back on the lips. His eyes fluttered closed and he took in a deep breath, relaxing quite nicely now that he was not out on the sidelines. He really did not like not having attention.He was not an attention whore, merely paranoid.

Pierce took in a deep breath when he no longer was kissing Remus, watching the two in front of him and turning a deeper red. It mayn ot be a very ... good ... idea to be this close to the two when they were like that. He bit his bottom lip for a while, silently watching the two until they parted and Romulus tugged him near. He leant down, kissing the other brunette just as passionately as he had done to Remus a short while before.
He grinned softly when the two were kissing, and Remus used his 'free time' constructively. The brunette leaned up and nipped at Pierce's neck softly before kissing over the flesh. His lips moved around to the blond's throat and up along his jaw where Remus kissed a line right across to Romulus' and he repeated his actions along his twin's neck and shoulder. He knew instinctively that he wouldn't feel left out of the other two as he had no qualms about pushing his way in between the two to do such things to the both of them.
Romulus kept one arm tightly around Pierce's form, his fingers tightly wrapped around the back of his shirt, gripping the fabric. He shivered upon feeling his brother's kisses to his neck, definitely enjoying the affection. His free hand slid from behind his brother's back, snaking up the front of his shirt and tracing the muscles there and playing with his pert nipples, just giving the other some affection in return.
With a groan, Calder literally rolled out of bed and to the bathroom. Sick or not, he had to go to work today. The blond cringed at his reflection in the mirror. He hated looking so pasty white with dark eyes. It made him look like a zombie or something worse... Though he didn't feel much better than that so his physical appearance shouldn't have been all that surprising.

Struggling to keep himself upright, he ran a bath for himself, knowing that standing to take a shower simply wasn't going to work out for the best this morning, and got in to wash up as best he could.
Rune was growing very, very concerned for Calder. The blond had been looking worse and worse every day, and he did not know why. He was not happy at the moment either. He stared at the ceiling, listening to hte bath being filled and he sighed. Rolling out of the bed, he made his way to the bathroom, staring at the man there for a while before he stepped forward and to the tub. He sat his rump on the edge, looking over his love and he sighed. "You're staying home today. You look like shit." He stated, leaning forward to kiss his lips gently. "I can stay home and play nurse ... Relic may even have a costume if it'll help keep you in bed." He mumbled, just trying to find a way to keep him from leaving the bloody house.
Calder looked up at his lover as if the man had grown three heads the moment he opened his mouth. "I can't stay home," he argued, albeit weakly. "There's no one to cover my classes. And if there's no one to cover my classes then that means that you'll have my students roaming around your hallways all day. So see? It's for your own good." He nodded with his logic and hoisted himself up with great effort. The blond had to use the wall to steady himself for a second before he felt that he could step over the edge of the tub.
Rune listened to the other and he rolled his eyes in annoyance. He stood up with him,wrapping his arm around his waist and he hoisted him up and over his shoulder. "No. Tomias can cover your class. God knows he's lived through it.." He shook his head and then returned to the bed, tossing the still-wet male into the covers and bundling them up. "You're staying in bed." he stated, resting his hand firmly upon the other's chest and his eyes narrowed all the more at the man. "I already called, and Tomias agreed to cover for you. Relic will watch the halls between his classes and whatnot ... And that means that you get to stay here and rest."
While slightly annoyed, Calder was very grateful. Still, he had to play the part and he struggled to sit up. "Can't I at least dry off?" he asked, using a good deal of his strength to push Rune's hand off of his chest and stand up, though still very wobbly. Calder used the dresser and walls to help him into the bathroom, and he had to lean against the sink while he ran a towel over his body until there wasn't a drop of water left (except his hair). When he went to turn, though, the blond lost his balance and found himself on the floor more quickly than he could process what had happened.

Rune sighed heavily, staying where he was and watching the pathetic man grip his way to the bathroom. He stared at him and then, once he heard the thunk of his body hitting the floor, he stood up. Walking to the room, he took a hold of the other's hands and hoisted him up and into his arms once more. "I told you." He whispered, kissing his lips softly and he then turned on his heel to return the man to the bed. He tucked him in once more, sitting on the edge of the bed and looking at the male in front of him. "I don't know why or how you're sick ... but I don't care right now. You're staying in bed."
"Aww I love you too, honey!" Calder said with as much fake enthusiasm he could muster. The blond stuck his tongue out and turned onto his side, scooting in towards the middle of the bed a little bit and holding the covers up; a silent question for Rune to stay with him for a little bit. "It's probably just the flu is all." He hoped that was all. "Stay with me until I fall asleep?"
"Yea well... yous houldn't have the damn flu." he mumbled, crawling into the bed beside him andwrapping his arms aroudn the other's waist. He pulled him tightly to his form, kissing his neck gently and he nuzzled into the flesh ever so absently. "Stupid voodoo ... pointless shit." He grumbled a little more, pulling him tighter and he presseda kiss to his lips before he relaxed with a heavy little sigh. "Sleep."
Calder slept. And slept. And slept. The blond woke up a few times here and there, but had no real concept of what time it was or even what day it was. He trusted that Rune would 'hold down the fort' and keep Nikkos up to date on his health status. The sleeping continued for nearly a week, the blond completely dead to the world for anything other than shuffling to use the bathroom and then back to bed. And even those trips he didn't really remember.
Rune was ... concerned. He had tried healing the man, in any manner possible he could thinkof. None of it worked, and he was pissed. Something had to have gone wrong in that whole making him immortal thing whatever it was. That had to be the case, othewise, he would be better by now! And since he was not, Rune was pissed. He called in a doctor he knew. He could not take him to just anyone ... Who knew what that would do, so he called someone he knew in and he did NOT like the results.

After quite a bit of tests and prodding his practically-unconscious love, the doctor came to the conclusion that "Calder is dying." Yep. Rune was not happy with that. Not happy at ALL.
He was unaware that anything was being done to him and, really, that was probably for the best. Calder didn't like doctors and really, he didn't trust them either. Besides, with the news that was given to Rune he wouldn't have want to hear that.

For the first time since he'd tried to go to work last, the blond did wake up, though it was only when Ella had managed to toddle in past Rune and climb up on top of him, bouncing on his torso. "Pa" was repeated several times over before he looked up rather groggily and smiled a bit. He repeated "El" back to her very softly and weakly for each "Pa" she gave him.
Rune turned to look at the two, smiling warmly to himself as he did so. They were cute, but yet it was so sad. He walked over to the bed, sitting down and the girl was pulled onto his lap. He kissed her forehead softly and then nuzzled her head a little bit. "Ella, sweetie ... How about you go see if Trevor needs help in the kitchen, hm? Mama and Papa have to talk." He stated, seeing the girl giggle and do as told. She really was an adorable little three-year-old. They would have to buy a shotgun to ward off the boys that would chase after that one.

Shaking his head, he tunred ot look at his lover once more, leaning over to kiss his lips softly, passionately. "I ... don't know how to tell you."
He could see the sadness in Rune's eyes, and Calder could feel what his body wanted him to know. The blond kissed his lover softly. He'd missed Rune, though he wouldn't have known that until just then. "I can feel it," he answered softly, taking the other man's hand and lifting it to his mouth so that he could kiss the palm. "Lay with me, Rune." Calder gave a little tug to the man's arm. They might as well talk while he was conscious.
Rune felt his heart drop athis love's words,moving int othe bed with him and he wrapped his arms aroudn the other's form, pulling him tightly to his form. "It's ... not supposed to happen." he whispered, kissing along the man's neck and shoulders, just getting any flesh he could manage to at this point. "You're supposed to be like me. It ... That stupid spell... it didn't work like it should have.' He shuddered and pulled the man closer, really just wanting to sob. He did not like his love being hurt or injured or anything of that sort, yet here they were ... and his love wasin danger... and he could not do anything.
"Maybe it worked just right," he suggested. "I'm not you, Rune. I have your DNA running inside...mixed with my own." That had to make a difference, didn't it? Rune had his parents and grandparents DNA. Calder had some of that, but still his own (mortal) parents. The blond cuddled close to his lover and found himself never wanting to let go. He leaned up a little and kissed his love's lips. "Don't hurt," he whispered, wishing he could stop the pain that Rune was feeling.
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