Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Remus loved the bit of "power" he had over his twin. Romulus was easy to manipulate when it came to sex, and that turned the brunette on quite a bit. Though it was a definite deterrent when their Dad yelled up that Pierce was at the door. Remus groaned and gave one last thrust of his hips forward, and a last kiss to his twin's lips before pulling away with a little whimper. "Why can't people have better timing?" he complained softly.
Romulus whimpered at hearing their Dad's voice, chewing into his bottom lip and he took in a shuddering breath. He really was too riled to do much of anything, but he knew that,with a bit of effort, he would be able to calm down enough to look decent for their guest. He walked behind his twin with another little whimper. "Yea ... Something like that." He whispered, his voice a bit hoarse from the giant lump that was in his throat.

Pierce took a few steps into the house once Tanner opened the door, giving a little bow of his head in thanks. His hands linked behind his back and he remained, a little awkwardly, in the room that he was led to to sit and wait for the boys.
He took a moment just outside of their bedroom to calm himself, and allow his twin to calm himself better, too. With a few deep breaths, he began to walk again. He smiled as they entered the living room, moving to greet Pierce with a friendly peck on the cheek. "Hi!" he greeted cheerfully as he plopped himself down on the sofa next to their friend. "How are you?"
Romulus followed hisbrother into the other room, seeing Pierce and he smiled instantly upon seeing him, glad for an even better distraction. He walked to the male and pressed a kiss to his other cheek before sitting beside Remus. He wrapped his arms around his lower torso, turning his attention to the male and staying silent for hte moment.

Pierce turned a faint pink, for a brief little moment, when the boys kissed his cheeks. He was pretty much used to the sensation and greeting by now, but it still caught him off guard quite a bit. He really loved all the time he got to spend with hte two. They were so sweet and he definitely loved being around them. He turned to Remus, smiling warmly and a shoulder lifted up for a brief moment. "I'm all right. I just sent one of my professors my last essay for a while and I am now free for the weekend." He admitted with a little nod of his head. "How are you two?"
"Oooh that means we can actually go out tonight!" Their fathers were generally strict when it came to going out when there was school work to be done. But now that their own school work was done, and Pierce's was and it was a Saturday... Well that meant that the three of them could go see a movie or something! The thought excited Remus greatly. "If you want to, that is..."

They made small talk for a while, lounging around after moving to and from the kitchen to get something to drink and snack on. "That new horror flick is out..." He'd been dying to see it, especially because it meant that he could bury his head in his brother's neck at the scary parts.
Pierce was quite excited as well. They had not really been able to ever leave the house for anything since, normally, one or the other had something to do. HE nodded and then happily went about helping them with getting the snacks and just giddy to chit-chat with them. When the male suggested the horror-flick, he had to think for a bit. He thought about what hte movie was about and soon shrugged his shoulders. "Sure. If you two wish to, I do not mind." He admitted, looking at the two and smiling gently.

Romulus nodded, smiling happily as he did so. "Yes! A movie sounds nice." He stated, turning to Remus and he nuzzled into his shoulder a little bit. 'I like that idea. We could even maybe get a late dinner, or snack, or something after, too.."
Romulus always came up with wonderful ideas like that. Not that one of them wouldn't have suggested it after the movie, but it always was better to have a plan in advance so that they could tell their parents what they wanted to do. Nodding, Remus stood to go find either of their fathers to ask for permission.

After their Dad had given them permission, the twin skipped back to the living room to announce that they could go as he cuddled up next to his brother once more. "What are you going to do with your time off?" he asked Pierced, nibbling on a grape.
Pierce looked over at the boy, glad the two had permission. He settled back against the couch a bit more, arms aroudn his lower torso and he thought for a bit. "Mm ... Work on some more designs. I really do want to start up my own shop, and your Daddy said he would help me with it, too ... SoI need to work on clothes that, well, are not just for you two. Though, I do love making them." He admitted,smiling cheerfully at the idea of putting them into more clothing. Of course, it would probably end up with him making one outfi for hi shop, then one for each other boys, and so on and so forth. but at least it was a start.
"OOoh! Can we have jobs?!" Remus asked, sitting up quickly. Neither boy had been really into fashion while they were in Australia, but with Relic as a Daddy, well... Who couldn't get into clothes?? The twin smiled at the rabbit eared man and leaned back into his brother.

They sat for a while more before Remus got a bit restless. "Lets go now!" he decided, standing up and pulling Romulus with him. "We can window shop and maybe you can get ideas of what to make next!"
Romulus looked at Remus before he nodded. yes! That would be fun. He smiled cheerfully as he looked at the male in front of them, waiting to hear his answer. Of course, before much could happen, the other decided it would be a good time to leave now since, well, tehy were both very excited at the moment.

Pierce thought for only a few moments, not relaly having to, but more so wanting to. "Of course. I can always use helpers." He informed them and smiled softly when they were up and off the couch. "Okay, okay..." He said, standing up and he then let the two lead the way in front of him, following behind them with a little 'good bye' to the men left in the house.
They strolled around town slowly. They had quite a bit of time before the movie started, so there was no rush. Remus linked his hand with Romulus', and after a few minutes of silent debate, with Pierce's too. He didn't want their friend to feel like a third wheel.

As it got closer to the movie time, they made their way to the theater and sat down. Remus had to use the restroom before the movie started, and because it was new, the only seat they had been able to save for him was next to Pierce, with Romulus on their friend's other side. While the brunette was slightly disappointed, he quickly got over it. There were worse people to sit next to in a scary movie... Their Uncle Rune being one of them. Remus rested his arm along the back of Pierce's seat, not only to be close enough to hide his eyes when he needed to, but also to play with his twin's hair a bit, too.
Romulus was a little bummed that Remus was not beside him as well, but he did not mind sitting next to Pierce, and some weird stranger, but that only made him scoot closer to the side with the bunny-eared male. He smiled when he felt his brother's fingers in his hair, grinning when the movie went dark. It did not take long into the movie before the brunette was burying his face into the man beside him's shoulder. Gripping onto Pierce's arm and holding onto it for dear life while shielding his eyes from some of the gore and scarier scenes.
Remus, too, had his head buried in Pierce's shoulder tightly within the first few scenes of the movie. He hadn't expected the scary scenes to start quite so early in the movie and hadn't been prepared for such a thing to happen. Still, it felt...nice to be able to cuddle into the rabbit eared male, even as comfortable as cuddling with his brother...and that was a rather weird thought for the male to have, too. He felt as if he was cheating on Romulus almost.
Pierce was very glad that it was dark in the theater, that way, no one coud see the deep red blush that was staining his cheeks. The two boys he had come to care for, come to,well, love were so very cloes to him and clinging to him and oh, it only jump-started his mind and heart into thinking and realizing that he definitely loved them both. It was definitely both of them. Not one or the other, and he did not favor one over the other, he could not explain it. He just knew that his heart yearned for them both, and the reason his stomach was flipping and turning itself into a giant knot was not because some woman just lost her head in the movie - it was because of the teens clinging to him.
Remus could say with great certainty that he was very glad when the movie was over. Not because he didn't want to cuddle close to Pierce anymore, but because he was feeling guilty for having to do so. Though, he knew that Romulus was doing the same thing so he wasn't sure why he felt that way, but he did. As they exited the theater, Remus breathed a great sigh of relief and in an attempt to get his mind off of what he was feeling, suggested the little cafe next door for something to eat.
Romulus found his brother's hand once they were out of hte aisle, holding onto him while he followed to the cafe next door. He sat down nonchalantly, glad that his brother was beside him. He felt funny. His stomach was all in knots and flips and he felt guilty as well. He did not know why he did, though. Pierce was just their friend and he had only used his shoulder to shield himself with, yet he felt like he had done something wrong... Cheated.

Pierce sat across from the boys at the cafe, smiling warmly to them before it dropped and his head cocked to the side. "Are you two okay?"
Remus looked to Romulus when the question was asked. But he nodded his head that they were okay, anyway. "We'll be okay. As long as you come up and check for monsters under our bed!" Joking would ease the tension, he told himself. And so would a nice mug of hot chocolate with gobs of whipped cream, which was exactly what he ordered for himself. While Pierce was ordering, Remus leaned towards his brother and whispered to him. "Don't feel bad, Rommy." The energy that he was getting from his brother was the same as what was going on inside of him so it wasn't hard to guess what the other was feeling.
Romulus nodded to his brother and he took in a deep breath. " Okay." he whispered back and then ordered the same thing as his brother.

The three, after a while of breaking the tension, did ease up and happily chatted away while having some little finger-foods to tide them over until the morning, it was late after all. Pierce even got into a bit of suggestions on what they could do in his business, color schemes, cutting, helping with overall patterns and, of course, publicity. Who didnd't love adorable twins who couldcome up and ask how they were today? It would be great, actually. And he would be able to spend even more time with the boys.

At the end of the night, the bunny-eared male did follow them to their bedroom, fulfilling his promise of looking for monsters under the bed. Sure, he waso nly doing it to keep his promise, and get the boys to laugh, but he also did not want to leave quite yet. He checked the closet and then knelt down to look under the bed. He then stood up with a simple "All's clear" before he moved to sit on the edge of the bed, heart racing.
He couldn't help but chuckle a little with their friend coming up to really check for monsters under the bed. He took a running leap onto it "just in case" and plopped himself in the middle of the huge piece of furniture, sitting Indian style. He was wound up now (probably from the vast amounts of sugar he'd just ingested) and didn't want to go to bed quite yet. "You should as Daddy to do a line for your store!" he suggested quite enthusiastically. "I'm sure he would." Of course, that would mean sample clothes for himself and Romulus, but that didn't have anything to do with the suggestion... Yeah right.
Romulus followed his brother, leaping onto the mattress as well and sitting beside his twin. He nodded with his brother's words and smiled enthusiastically. "Yes! I am sure Daddy would love to." He agreed, giggling gently, definitely more at ease at the moment.

Pierce thought about their suggestion and he nodded. "Yes. Thati s a good idea." He admitted, thinking a little bit more and he then turned his attention to the two boys. His eyes traveled along their forms and a faint pink tinted to his cheeks once again. "Um .. I am not sure how to say this ..." He began, chewing his bottom lip, chocolate brown eyes dropping to the mattress between himself and the boys. HE really was trying to think on how he could, and well, this time was better than any other time. "I do not mean to potentially ruin our friendship but ... I love you ... both and it's very confusing for me and my ... my feelings haveo nly gotten stronger over the year and I ... I cannot go on without at least ... telling you both how I feel.."
Remus' eyes grew very wide with the confession. While he thought that he'd felt it, he didn't realize that Pierce had, and he didn't know how Romulus felt, either. But it was his twin who came first-always-and they needed to talk about it before doing anything, or that was how Remus felt anyway. He got up on his hands and knees and crawled over to their friend to peck a little kiss to his cheek. "We don't hate you," he promised softly. "We just..." He looked back to Romulus. "We need to talk a little because... Because we have to." He gave a little nod and a tiny smile to try to ease Pierce's nerves. "Come over on Wednesday, okay?" Four days was enough time to talk, right?
Romulus blinked a few times,staring at the blond for a while and just a bit flabberghasted was all. He had not really seen ... that coming at all. He was not upset ... merely confused and well, not sure of what to do or what to say. Luckily, his brother said what they needed - time to think.

Pierce nodded a little bit to the boy's words, glancing to the other and seeing his twin nodding in agreement. "Okay." He whispered and then stood up from the bed alittle awkwardly. "Um ... I will see you two Wednesday." He gave a little bow and then made his way out of the room, softly closing the door behind him before heading out to go back to his own little apartment.

Romulus stared for a while before turnign to look at Remus. "Remus .... What do we do?"
What do they do, indeed. The brunette thought for a minute before getting off of the bed and stripping down to his boxers and then slipping into bed. He waited for Romulus to do the same, wrapping his arms around his twin tightly. "What do you feel, Rommy?" he asked while they were lying in the dark and it was simply them.
Romulus curled up to his brother, his head buried into the side of his neck while he thought about what he truly did feel. He chewed his bottom lip a little bit, obviously nervous. "I ... I like him and ... while it's different, I feel the same way about him that I do you, Remmy.." He whispered, tilting his head back to look up at him with a little bit of pleading eyes. "And, and tonight was nice, too ... He smells really good and he takes good care of us and I ... I really do like him."
He listened, leaning his cheek against his twin's head and nodding. He understood Romulus perfectly because he felt the same way. It was a different sort of affection for Pierce than Romulus, but that was to be expected. "Then what do we do?" he asked softly. "Or do we-all three of us-figure that out? Would we all be dating each other? What about sex?" A ton of questions flowed through his head as he spoke. "Do you want to try it? Do you not?" He nuzzled into his twin's hair a bit more.
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