Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Trevor's heart dropped and he whimpered as e followed the other into his bedroom once more. He really did not do well with clothes. Food, he was great at. clothes ... He needed Relic to put little tags or cues or something in the shirts and clothes he had, or were made for him. He followed his Papa and changed into what the other had told him. He looked over to the mirror, examinig it and he let out a heavy little sigh. Okay. He looked better now.

He turned to his Papa, looking him over once more with pleading eyes. "Is it okay now? Should ... Should I change the colors? Maybe an ice blue .. Red's a little cliche, isn't it?" He asked, eyes still so pleading to his Papa.
Calder gave a soft little sigh. He was decent when it came to fashion choices, but nothing like Relic. The blond ruffled his son's hair as he left the room to call across the house. Tanner answered, laughing at his request to send his husband over for a fashion emergency. Still, the other man promised to ask Relic to come over.
Trevor was turning nd fidgetting in the mirror for a little while more before Relic ran from the other side of the house, many different hangers and many more clothes within his arms as he ran through the halls. He made his way up to Trevor's room, finding the boy and squealing as he tackled him happily. "YOU ARE NOW MY BARBIE!" He chimed happily, giggling as he kissed the other's cheek excitedly. He hopped up from the gruond, grinning as he looked down at the other man once more. He took a hold o his hand, pulling him up from the ground and brushing off his rump.

Relic placed the items on the male's bed, looking at the things before he looked back to Trevor. "What colors are you thinking of? I can do a nice pink! Oooh, you would look lovely in pink!" He looked him over, seeing the male not really liking the idea and he smiled warmly. "Blue? Your Papa said something about blue ... I have something that should be very nice.."

He looked over at Trevor for a while before he pulled out an outfit that really looked like it would suit the brunette. A white flowing shirt, a dark blue vest over the shirt and then a nice pair of light blue pants as well. A few white swirling designs were embroidered around the bottom of hte pantlegs and then some nice white shoes to go with it.

Trevor took the clothes and then disappeared int othe closet to change. He came back out, looking at his attire and then once more back to Relic. "Better?"
Calder pecked Relic's lips in thanks as he rushed into Trevor's room with his arms full of clothes and hangers and God knew what else. The blond then moved back into the kitchen-he didn't want to add any more pressure to Trevor than there already was. He did bring in two cups of tea just as Trevor was emerging from his closet, asking how he looked.

"I like it." Calder smiled at his son, setting the cup of tea meant for him on the dresser.
Relic looked over the male, giggling happily. "Yes! It's perfect. Now ... Can I dress up Bohdi?!" He asked with a little squeal. He turned to Calder, bouncing on the balls of his feet. He giggled once more, hands together and clapping his hands together as he already was planning what he could do to make the two match, or at least look very nice together. That cute little blond ... oooh he had so many plans! And he could make that little pup look cute too.

Trevor sighed softly when his Papa said he looked good. He flopped onto the edge of his bed, sighing heavily and his hands fell onto his lap, utterly exhausted mentally.
Bohdi moved around his dorm room to get ready. He was nervous but was trying his very best to not let that get the best of him. He had Trevor's presents wrapped, and was fully dressed as he sat on his bed, waiting for his boyfriend to show up so that they could go out to the dinner that the blond had planned. He hoped that Trevor would like it, though he didn't see why he wouldn't. He wasn't taking him to anything weird like a sushi place, or a fancy French restaurant that only served escargot...
After a few more touches of design from Relic, and Trevor begging him to let Bohdi be, the man dropped him off at the school since wherever they were going, it would be close to the school. The brunette thanked his uncle and then, with the presents held to his chest, made his way up to his boyfriend's room. A faint pink tinted his cheeks and his eyes stared at the door in front of him for a short while. He took in a deep breath before knocking on the door, gripping the boxes even more. He really was nervous.
Bohdi's stomach gave a little flip with the knock and he had to take a second to get himself back under control. With a deep breath, he stood to open the door, smiling at the male on the other side. He could tell that Trevor was nervous, and thought it was a bit cute. He took the boxes from Trevor's hands while leading his boyfriend into the room. With the gifts settled together on his bed, Bohdi wrapped his arms around the other teen's waist and leaned in to press a light kiss to his lips. "Happy Valentine's day," he whispered.
Trevor's breath caught in his throat and he stared at the male in front of him. He moved into the dorm with him and he wrapped his arms around the other and pressed a kiss to his lips in return. His eyes closed and he pulled back with a little nod. "Yes. Happy Valentine's Day, Bohdi." He whispered and kissed him once more. His arms slid away from his form and he rested his hands onto the other's hips, keeping him there and his eyes looked into the blond's, smiling warmly. "How are you?"
"Nervous," he admitted, leaning forward to nuzzle along Trevor's jaw a little bit. The blond pecked soft kisses there, too. "You look lovely." He wanted to change the subject, uncomfortable talking about his own discomfort for too long. He was older than Trevor so he shouldn't be as nervous, right? That wasn't how it was working out today, unfortunately for him.
Trevor was actually relieved that he was nervous as well. That made him feel a little less jumpy and on edge. He smiled warmly and looked down at his clothes, letting out a little laugh. "Yes. Uncle Relic made me wear this. Well, made it for me and I wore it, I suppose. I stopped him from attacking you with his clothes ..." He shook his head a bit and then looked over at him, smiling a little more. "Do you wish to open your gifts?"
Gifts? Oh yeah. He'd nearly forgotten about those in his enthusiasm to greet Trevor. Bohdi kissed his boyfriend a few more times before pulling away enough to lead the other to the bed, nodding. "Sure." The blond pulled out a rectangular box, wrapped perfectly with a pretty gold ribbon wrapped around it and handed it to Trevor. Inside, Trevor would find a pretty, white gold bracelet. Jewelry was all that Bohdi could think of to get for his boyfriend.
Trevor smiled, taking the box and opening it up. He looked at the bracelet and blinked a few times. It was very nice! He leant over to Bohdi, pressing a soft kiss to his lips. "Thank you." He whispered and then set back to start to put the bracelet on. In the boxes for his boyfriend, Trevor had gotten him a nice sketchbook, some charcoles, some colorful charcoles [or at least that is what he thought they were. They had the same texture at least] and then the box of homemade truffles his Papa and him had made.
Before he moved to open his own presents, Bohdi helped Trevor put the bracelet on. He was glad to see that it fit perfectly, though having a link taken out or put in wasn't a huge deal. He was glad that the other male seemed to like it. Turning a bit, he opened his own presents, and was amazed at the thoughtfulness of them. "Ooh I love them!" The blond leaned over and kissed his boyfriend softly, allowing their lips to stay together for several long minutes.
The brunette took in a deep breath, kissing the other man back so happily. His arms wrapped around his boyfriend's waist, hugging him against his form and he slowly pulled back, smiling lightly with the faint little pink tinted to his cheeks. "You like it?" He asked, just wishing to hear it from the male. He needed to, really. He needed confirmation that his gifts were good.
Bohdi chuckled a little bit. "That's generally what 'I love them' means, sweetie." He kissed Trevor's cheek softly and then stood up, pulling the teen to stand with him. "We have reservations. Ready to go?" He smiled and pulled the other into a tight hug, refusing to leave until Trevor gave the okay.
Trevor blushed a faint red and hugged his boyfriend tighter, nuzzling into his neck a little bit more. "Yes. Sorry about that." He said softly and hugged him a little bit tighter. "And yes, I would love to go." He whispered, kissing him once more and he straightened up. His fingers laced with Bohdi's and then began to make his way out of the room, mostly letting the other man lead the way, but just wanting to get going so that he knew that he wanted to leave.
They made their way to a near by Chinese restaurant. It was something different than the usual cafes and French and Italian restaurants, and Bohdi hoped that Trevor would enjoy the food. They were seated immediately, and their drink order was taken before they were left with their menus. "Do you like Chinese food?" he asked.
Trevor followed to the restaurant and slid into the booth across from the man. His hands rested behind the menu, looking over everything and then lifting his eyes to Bohdi. He shook his head a bit. "I have never had it." He informed him, smiling gently and then turning his attention back to the menu. "Um ... Would you like to order for me?" he asked, really not sure what he would get for himself.
"Really?" he asked, a little surprised. He knew that Trevor's Papa liked to cook and he'd have thought that he'd have made Chinese for dinner one night. But that was no matter. Bohdi nodded that yes, he would order. When the waiter came back, he did just that, ordering an order of fried dumplings, a chicken dish and a lo mein dish, too, figuring that they could share so that Trevor could taste a little of each.
Trevor nodded a bit. "I always prefer French or Italian and so Papa tends to make that." He informed him and then handed the menu to the waiter before his eyes went back to his boyfriend. His eyes traveled along his form and he nodded a little bit. "How are your classes going?"
He felt a little bad that he had chosen a restaurant that wasn't among Trevor's favorites. Hopefully, he told himself, Chinese would become one of his favorites after tonight, though. "Classes are alright. I'm getting antsy for the semester to be over, though..." He needed a few weeks to relax, and having close to fourteen days to spend exclusively with Trevor could never be bad! "How are yours? Are you still taking classes with Mr. Alexander?"
He nodded, smiling gently. "Yes. My powers are better, but I still have so much more to learn about them. I see him only once a week now ... but that's just to double check that everything is going okay in my other classes and everything else.' he sighed softly, really very happy about how everything was going recently. Already, the date was better, so that was a good thing. He was glad that he was relaxing a bit. That and the food around him smelt heavenly, so he was excited to eat it.
He nodded, glad that Trevor was beginning to have more control over his powers. "Are your Mama and Papa feeling better?" he asked. Trevor had been worried about his parents, and Bohdi had therefore been worried, too. He was hoping that the two had worked it out, for their sake and their son's.
Trevor nodded, smiling warmly. "Mhm. Mama and Papa are happier now. They made up." He stated, smiling a little bit more. Yes, he was very happy thath is parents were happier now. He did not like to see them, yet alone feel them, so upset with each other. Not to mention how annoyed his Papa, no matter how deep the feeling was, that he did not like Mama being over at his uncle's side. But they were all better now. He was happy.
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