Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

"Didn't I tell you to not worry?" he asked with a little smile in his voice. They moved together well, working together without ever getting in the other's way. It was nice, and really in his heart of hearts, this was the reason that Calder had always wanted children-to share moments like this one with them.

"What did you get for Bohdi?" he asked.
"Yes. But I am still curious." He informed him while he moved around the room and then stopped, beginning to roll the truffles into balls in his palms. He looked over at his Papa and he smiled warmly once more. "I got him a nice sketchbook that I saw and some charcoles and then ... Oh, I forget what they're called. They're like those craypas but almost bred with charcoles. I do not know, but they're colorful and I figure that since they're the same texture as the charcoles ... almost, that they will be able to be used with the charcoles." He looked over at his Papa once more, smiling happily. "What are you going to get Mama for Valentine's Day?"
"That sounds very nice. I think he'll like that." Calder nodded and began to dip the rolled truffles into the chocolate and then set them onto the wax paper lined pan to set. He had to think about what to get Rune. "I'm not really sure what I will get Mama. But if I think about it he'll know, and then it won't be a surprise." Maybe a new car. Or a vacation house somewhere.
Trevor nodded. That was true. He could not imagine how it had to be with someoen who could read minds, constantly spoiling any surprises one may think up. He thought for a little while and then looked over at him with a bit of interest. "If you wish ... I can think up a few things that Mama may like and then suggest them to you? Or you can just have faith that Mama will not read your mind and spoil your surprise."
He laughed a little. "I would love to hear your ideas. And Mama knows better than to spoil the surprises I have for him." He winked at Trevor and they continued to work until all the candy was ready to be refrigerated and set. Clean up was easy, and after they were done the blond sent his son off to play with his brother for the time being. Calder moved himself outside to sit and think for a bit more, refusing to go to Rune.
Trevor nodded and then went to make his way to where his brother was. Sitting beside him and letting the silver-haired teen babble on abuot this and that, he smiled warmly, just glad that he was getting back to normal.

Rune was in one of the spare rooms he managed to make into a nice little practice room for himself. He did not bother with soundproofing the room. It was far off, no one would be bothered, and well, he was too lazy to sound proof it to be honest. So, there hestood, the violin on his shoulder and he began to play a song that randomly popped into his head, going through the notes and just entertaining himself for the time being.
It was a few hours before Calder ventured back into the house, and even then he moved to get ready for bed without saying a word about their previous argument. What was the use? Obviously Rune didn't care, and didn't want to talk about it. It would just cause another argument. The blond slipped into bed and snuggled down, ready for the day to just be over with, really.
A few days passed and Jade was not a very happy boy at all. He had been planning some things for him and Murasaki to do on Valentine's Day, quite giddy about all that. But then ... Oh it was not fun at all. The boy ran to the nurse's office, not wanting to bother anyone else that he knew. And, after far too long, his little heart was completely and utterly crushed. The hiccupping boy made his way down through the halls to Murasaki's room. He moved zombie-like into the area, walking to the couch and instantly curling up in the cushions. His face buried into his lap while he cried and shook with the sobs. OH, his heart definitely was broken.
Murasaki moved about his classroom, whistling happily. He had far too much to do to return to his private rooms right away, and Jade was at home tonight, focusing on his other homework. The wizard sat at his desk after straightening up, grading the day's quizzes and tests, and a few homework assignments that had been handed in late. His mood was chipper, and he was happy for the first time in days. They didn't know what they would do yet, but they were talking and Jade wasn't breaking down into tears every few minutes anymore.

"Mr. Konani! What's wrong with Jade?" Murasaki's head shot up and he looked at his student through narrowed eyes.

"What do you mean what's wrong with Jade?"

The boy shrugged, a little shy now. "Dunno... Someone said he was running and upset and--" That was all Mura wanted to hear. He rushed the boy out of his office and locked up, heading directly to his rooms.

"Jade?" he called as he entered, not seeing the boy on the sofa right away.
Jade had been alone for far too long and all his mind was doing was making the whole situation worse. He ran around all the things that he could have done, should have done, and by the time that the door opened, the boy was practically completely shattered. He shot up from the couch and ran to Murasaki, wrapping his arms around his form and he buried his face into his chest. "I killed it!" He yelled, though it was muffled by the other's chest and his tears. He pulled him tighter and let out a few other sobs and gripped his love so very tightly. "I killed it, Murasaki .... I ... I killed our baby!" he let out another cry before his knees completely gave out. He fell to his rump, his hands in front of his face as he stared at the ground and the feet of the purple-haired male. "I ... I was doing too much. I ... was running around and I didn't even think that I had to change much else and ... and I killed it! It's all my fault!"
Murasaki was nearly knocked over by the force of the teen, but he managed to steady himself just in time to hear the boy's words. "What?" He was in shock, both at the miscarriage and Jade blaming himself. And when Jade fell, he had been too shocked to help hold him up. Instead, Murasaki knelt next to Jade and pulled him into another tight hug. "Now you listen to me, Jade. You did not kill anyone or anything, hear me?" He struggled to stand, but lifted his lover into his arms easily, carrying the teen to the sofa. He set the younger male into his lap, cradling him close.

"It's not your fault, sweetheart..."
Jade completely crumbled when he was within his love's arms. He buried his face into his love's neck and he nuzzled him a little bit more. His arms snaked around his lover's waist and he gripped him tightly. Kissing him quite a few times on the chest, just needing something to distract himself. He whimpered pathetically when he heard the words he spoke. "But ... but I wanted a baby." He whispered, blushing horribly as he kept his face into the other man's neck, whimpering a little bit more. "I ... I know I am too young, but I still thought it would be nice. It would be nice to have a little baby and I know i am too immature but .. I would hve given it to Mama and Papa or uncle Relic! I ... I could have been its uncle ... but ... Now I can't. Mura... I ... I lost our baby!" He cried out once more, his tears coming full speed once more.
"There is plenty of time to have a baby," he reassured softly, kissing Jade's forehead. "And you did not kill the baby, sweetheart." Murasaki was concerned that Jade felt that way, and wanted to do everything that he could to make him believe otherwise; to make him believe the truth. But rationale was going to be lost on Jade at the moment and so the professor simply held his love close, offering comfort and calm as much as he could.
Jade let out another little sob, shaking his head as he buried his face into Mura's neck again more. He gripped the man tightly, not wanting to release him at all. He truly felt like he had been the one to kill him. He had to have been, right? He whimpered a bit more, gripping him tighter.
Murasaki pushed soft waves of magic towards Jade, hoping that they would help him to relax. The professor stood after a few minutes, Jade in his arms, and moved to his bathroom. His magic started a bath at just the right temperature as he began to strip them both. He added a bit of lavender to the bath, too. Mura needed to do something before Jade put himself into a full blown panic attack.

He slipped them both into the water, Jade resting against his chest still.
Jade relaxed once he was in the bath. The combination of lavender and his love's magic easily lulled him into a deep sleep. He sobbed a few times while he was sleeping, but for the most part, he stayed curled up with his love and slept the pain away.

Abbadon left Gabriel and Sergei's house, waving to the two as he left. He began to make his way through the streets, thinking a little bit to himself. Gabriel was growing beautifully, literally. He looked gorgeous. The man just seemed to glow as it were. He was a lovely little thing and he looked so beautiful wit his hair down and he just oozed with calm, mother of nature sort of energy. It was lovely.

He quickly crossed the street, disappearing into a bookstore and being so very relaxed. He headed through the ailes, fingers trailing along the spines of all the books there, long, black nails being sure to not scratch the books.
Murasaki waited until he was sure that Jade was sleeping before moving them both to the bed. He forewent clothes, and instead just slipped between the sheets and fell into a deep sleep as well, holding Jade tightly.

Tobias was out and about. He wasn't such a nervous wreck anymore, though he still did find himself looking over his shoulder more than the average person. But he wasn't afraid, and he wasn't too scared to go out so that was the bonus. He was currently roaming the aisles of the town's bookstore, looking for something to occupy his time, when he ran into someone. He hit the ground with a loud "umph!".
Abbadon blinked a few times when he was bumped into. His eyes traveled down to the male and he shook his head a little bit. "You really should pay more attention to your surroundings in here, Tobias." He stated, smiling gently as he held his hand out to the male, helping him up from the ground. "How are you?"
He shook his head to clear the cobwebs and smiled up at his friend. "But then we wouldn't bump into each other!" he teased with a little laugh. The brunette took a hold of Abbadon's hand and heaved himself up, brushing his rear end off as he stood. "I'm okay," he answered truthfully. "Still a little jumpy I guess, but it's better now. And you?" While they had been free to spend time together for nearly two months now, they hadn't spent too much time together as both were busy with either school or work, or checking up on the booming population of pregnant males near Prometheus.
Abbadon nodded a little bit to what he spoke, feeling a bit bad about it, but he knew that Tobias was better than he had been. Greatly better than he had been. "I am good. I just came back from seeing Gabriel and Sergei. They look very nice" He stated, having been telling Tobias about the two. He then turned to the books he was in front of, pulling out the one in front of him and he then held it out to Tobias. "This one is a very good book, have you read it?"
Looking at the title, Tobias shook his head. "No... But it looks very interesting." The brunette took the book from his friend's hands gently, opening it to read the inside flap. He nodded as he finished, agreeing that he would like to read it and added it to his basket, which already held three other books in it. "What else do you suggest?" he asked, wanting more to talk about with Abbadon.
"Hmm..." he hummed a little bit, moving around Tobias and going down the row, fingers trailing along the titles before he stopped at another book. "This one. I read it last night. Stayed up until three to do so, too." He admitted, smiling briefly at the statement and letting out a soft little laugh. He then turned to look at the male once more, a bit of curiosity to his features. "Do you wish to go to dinner after here? By the time we leave, it will be close to 5:30, if not 6:00."
Oh! A book that would make him lose sleep! Tobias chuckled at the thought but added the book to his basket anyway. It must have been good to keep Abby up all night, right? He turned with the invitation to dinner and smiled, nodding that yes he'd like to have dinner with his friend. He missed talking to Abbadon about things that weren't so heavy. For once, they could go out and talk about something other than Charlie and what an asshole he'd been. "Yes, I'd like that." He moved to fall into step with his friend.

"What are you here looking for? Anything good?"
Abbadon easily moved through the rest of the book store with the man at his side. He pointed out things here and there, menitoning a book he had wanted to read, or read a while back. Before they knew it, it was 6:30 and definitely time to go eat. He led the way out of the store, once their books were paid for of course, and then began to make his way down the street to a simple little restaurant that was there. He held the door open for Tobias, making his way inside and then to the seat. He sat down, his bag on the booth beside him. He looked at the male in front of him once more, glad that he had agreed. "Have you been eating properly, Tobias?"
Had he been eating properly? The brunette had to think about that as he settled himself at the table, placing his large and heavy bag of books at his feet. "I suppose so," he answered. He really had always been a junk food junkie and that hadn't really changed. "I eat a few times a day, anyway." So what if a "meal" consisted of a couple devil dogs once or twice a day? That was clearly beside the point!

"How are you liking Prometheus?" he asked, trying to shed the spotlight.
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