Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Married? Jade was too young to get married! But by the time he'd opened his mouth to say so, Rune was gone. Murasaki sighed and moved back into Calder's classroom, holding his hand out for Jade to take. They needed to let it all sink in.

Calder looked up when Rune came back in, sighing in relief that he wasn't covered in blood. The blond moved over to his lover and buried his face in the man's chest, arms wrapping around his waist tightly. Was it really happening? It seemed to be, and that scared Calder a lot.
Jade gladly took his love's hand, lacing their fingers tightly while he practically dragged him out of the room. He needed to not be there. He wanted to go back and cuddle up with him and just let it sink in. He whimpered a few times, walking faster to his love's place. He turned aroudn once inside, wraping his arms around his torso, burying his face into his chest and he took in a deep breath, holding him tighter. "This ... This was not supposed to happen! You can get in trouble, Murasaki ... and ... not just by Mama."

Rune watched them leave, wrapping his arms around Calder and he buried his face into his blond locks, gripping him tighter. "It will be fine." He whispered, kissing his head once more and he gripped him tighter, not wanting to tell Relic at all. He did not want to risk him flipping out again and running off to Jamaica or something. He pulled back and looked down at the man, kissing his lips softly. "I ... want to kill Murasaki ... but I know that he will do the right thing. He's not going to abandon him or anything. It could be worse. Just remember that. They could be on the streets or something."
He hushed Jade softly, hugging him close to his body. "It'll be okay." He wasn't really sure if it would be, but one of them had to at least pretend to believe it. Besides, he'd only get in trouble if Calder or Rune pressed charges, and he didn't think that either of them would. Murasaki stood there with his love like that for a few more minutes before guiding him over to the sofa and sitting down, tugging Jade into his side. "We have a lot to talk about."

Calder nodded. It would be worse. But this was still really bad. The blond whimpered a little bit and nuzzled into his lover's neck, breathing Rune's scent in deeply to help calm himself down. "Thirteen!" It was the only thought that kept rolling over in his head. Perhaps it could be a lot worse-Jade could have wound up pregnant on the street, by some random john. That thought only made Calder whimper a bit more.
Jade followed him to the couch, curling up at his side and nuzzling into his love a little bit more. He whimpered softly, pulling a pillow to them and burying his face into the pillow now on his love's lap. "But ... Mama is so upset and ..." He sighed heavily and turned to look at the male beside him once more. "What are we going to do?" He asked, whimpering a little bit more.

Rune pressed a kiss to his lips, nodding a little to what he spoke. "Yes. He is only thirteen. It's ... bad.' He groaned, biting the top of Calder's head and then nuzzling into his hair a little bit more. "And Murasaki is a lot older than him. And he's male. And it's bound to just blow up since he's so young and it'll end up fucked up later on if that bastard dares to leave our Jade ... But if he even so much as thinks of leaving him, I'll have his head on a platter."
"I think that your Mama is more surprised and concerned than angry." Murasaki kissed Jade's temple and ran his fingers through the younger male's hair. "And it is not his decision-it's ours." While he would take into consideration what Rune and Calder were thinking, this was his and Jade's mess, and he was determined to be the one to help get them settled into this new life that they would be leading for the rest of their lives.

"Your Mama has made it very clear that you're to live at home," he added in, not wanting to get Jade's hopes up of living with him and being a happy little family. "So aside from living arrangements. What would you like to do?"
Jade sighed heavily and he nuzzled into the other's form a little bit. He gripped the male a little bit tighter and he shrugged his shoulders a bit. "I ... I Don't know!" He whimpered softly and turned onto his other side, tears passing his eyes as he buried his face into the front of the other's chest. "We .. We should have waited." He let out a little sob and buried into the man once more. "It's my fault. I ... I was impatient nd and ... and now I'm pregnant because you didn't have the whole spell and ..." he stopped, not being able to think anymore.
Murasaki wasn't surprised by the breakdown. He hugged Jade to him tightly, rocking them both softly. The professor shushed the younger male, hoping to help calm him as best he could. "It's not your fault, Jade. The books never said that blocking our magic from each other wouldn't prevent pregnancy. And because it's the magic that allows a male to get pregnant... Well the logical conclusion is that it would." Mura bent his head and kissed Jade softly. "Lets just relax today," he offered. Letting the emotions settle in for a few days before talking would be the best idea.
Jade took in a deep breath, soft tears passing his sea green eyes despite his love trying to calm him down. He hugged and held onto him tighter. He remained where he was for a while before he slowly pulled his head back and he looked up at the male beside him. He chewed his bottom lip for a while before he took in a deep breath. "Maybe ... Maybe we should not ... go through with the pregnancy." He offered, not really liking the idea. He truly did not want to since every life was precious, in his eyes, but maybe in this case, it would be better to not go throug with it. Technically, he was only thirteen, his body fifteen, but only lived thirteen years. He was not nearly mature enough to be a father -mother, whatever.
While it was a tempting idea, Murasaki wouldn't be able to live with himself and he had a feeling that Jade wouldn't either. He leaned down and kissed his lover's cheek softly, nuzzling against the warm skin there for a few minutes. "What about adoption?" he asked softly without moving. "Your parents maybe. Or your uncles. Or someone we don't know but would like a child..."
Adoption. Oh. That may be nice. Maybe his Uncle Relic would want their child or he could even give up custody to his parents. Yes. that sounded to be the better option. Either one really. That way, he could still be near their child and maybe, when they are older and ready for the responsibility, then they could take their child back. "I ... I think that could be the best option.' He admitted, staring in front of him for a while and he turned his head to look at Murasaki. "Just ... Just until I'm older, you know? At least ... It soudns nice now." He sighed heavily, flopping his head against Mura and groaning.
"Now that wouldn't really be fair, would it?" he asked softly, simply trying to get Jade to see all sides. "The child will grow up to think that whoever adopts it is their parents, and then all of a sudden you come in and tell them they're wrong?" Murasaki kissed the teen. "Adoption is forever, Jade. But that doesn't mean that you cannot get pregnant again once we're both ready for that step."
Jade chewed his bottom lip, nodding a little at his words. He was right. While he did not want to be responsible for the other being, he did not not want to see him, or her, grow up. He buried his face into his love's chest, whimpering a little bit as he did so. "I ... don't know." He admitted, sighing heavily and a little groan passed his lips. "Let's just ... sleep." He whispered, gripping his love a little bit more tightly. "Maybe tomorrow, we can toss up the idea with Mama and Papa..."
Tanner groaned. Again? Again! Sure, they had the twins but the twins weren't theirs. The blond was very scared of his husband's reaction to the news of Jade. With a soft little whimper, he moved through the house to find Relic, wanting to be the one to tell him before the twins passed the gossip along without knowing.

Relic already was on a search for his love, spotting him and grnning all the more. Running full speed, he rushed to the male and literally tackled him to the gruond, sitting on his hips and giggling excitedly. "LOOK!" He yelled, holding up the cute little outfits he made for the twins, grinning even more as he did so. "Aren't they adorable? And and and what's better? They don't mind when I make them similar outfits!" He squealed, hopping up and down on his love's hips and giggling a bit more. HE then looked down at him, cocking his head to the side. "Need me for something?"
"Umph!" Tanner fell to the floor, shaking his head a little bit to recover from being tackled. He looked up, agreeing that the outfits were, indeed, adorable and that it was a nice that the twins didn't mind dressing alike. There were other things on the blond's mind, though, and he was only half thankful that Relic asked what he'd been looking for him for.

"Umm...yeah." He held onto his husband's hips, determined to not let him run away if that was going to be the reaction. "I just saw Calder..." Tanner paused again, biting his bottom lip. "Jade is pregnant..." The final statement was mumbled.
Relic kept his sparkling icey blues to his love's eyes, hearing his words and his features went blank for a bit. Long lashes batting against his cheeks before a devious little smirk pulled to his lips. He let out a little laugh. "Ooooh... That's priceless." He smirked before hopping up and off his love's form, no matter how his hand s tried to keep him down. "RUNE!" HE yelled, running through the house, tossing the clothes at the twins as he made his way past the two. He ran to the other side of the house and, much as he had done to Tanner, he tackled his twin onto the ground - only difference being that he was thrown into the wall a split second later.

NOnetheless, he giggled and hopped up to his feet, smirking at his brother. "I hear you're going to be a grandad!" He smirked, seeing the male's eye twitch as well as a lovely vein in his neck pulse a bit with his words." Ooooh... You're that happy? How cute." He chimd, walking to his brother and wrapping his arms around his elbow, resting against him. "Just think. Another crying little baby around for you to feed and take care of and to cling to you.' He chuckled and began to walk down the hall with his brother, not going anywhere in specific. He was over the whole no-kid-thing. Yes, he wanted one of his or Tanner's loins, but the twins were definitely good to subdue him for a while. "Oh, and not to mention, you can no longer be in la-la land about your boy fucking. Oooh! It's just spectacular!" Yep, he had his own little sadistic side..
Tanner was surprised, to say the least. He stood up and dusted himself off while following Relic, being sure that he hadn't cracked and was going to murder his brother, eying the two as Relic tortured Rune. The blond leaned against the door jamb, watching with a little smirk on his lips. He loved Rune as his brother-in-law, but it was no secret that the man could be a prick.

When it was clear that one of them would be murdered-and it wasn't going to be Rune-Tanner stepped in and took a hold of Relic's elbow, leading him back towards their own side of the house. "I think Rune gets the idea, sweetheart."
"Eh?" Relic pouted, turning to look at his love and he shook his head. "No ... I don't think he does." He protested, grinning once more as he turned to look at Rune. "Right, Rune? You have no idea what it will be like with another little baby. Ella is a good one, and older. She can speak ... THis new one oooh... he'll be crying and whining and ... call you Grandmum. Oh. I like this kid already." He smirked and then allowed hi slove to leave him away.

Rune glared daggers at his twin. "Fuck off." He hissed, resiting the urge to throttle the other's neck and snap it between his fingers. Besides, it would proabbly only get him aroused with how deprived the freak was. He growled before turning on his heel to walk the other way, not wanting to be near his brother right now.
Calder came in on the tail end of everything. He was a little annoyed that Relic was antagonizing Rune but really he couldn't expect any less because Rune would have done the same thing. The blond moved over to his lover and slipped his arms around his waist, resting his head on Rune's chest. "Maybe we need to talk about that," he suggested softly. "If Jade asks us to help raise the baby I mean..."
"What's to talk about?" he asked, looking down at hte male wrapped aroudn him, brow lifted in question. "If he wants us to, we'll help him out. In normal circumstances, yes, I think 'you made your bed now lay in it' would be more appropriate, but with Jade, you cannot. Trevor had me thinking when he first fucked up the spell. Jade's not a normal thirteen year old boy, pre-spell times too. He has done things that no one his age should have had to, and if being with Murasaki helps him to forget that and having sex with him does as well, then who am I to get down on him for that? Besides, he thought that spell or whatever protected them from that too. So .... Yes. If they want it, we will help them."
That wasn't what Calder had meant, but it was what he had said. The blond nodded in agreement with everything that his lover had said, mulling over that situation. Helping their son wouldn't ever require thinking. But then the other situations flooded into his head and the blond couldn't help but worry. "What if he asks us to adopt it? Raise it as ours?" It was obvious that what Relic was saying was upsetting Rune. Would he deny Jade because of that? Calder wasn't even sure if he would be fully able and willing to do such a thing!
Rune thought for a moment. His eyes to the wall in front of them and he sighed softly. He had not thought about that. He was not totally sure what he would do. Not that he would not help his son out, he would even if it meant adopting their child, but that was the thing. Would them adopting the baby be better or worse for those two? Constantly seeing it and knowing that they cannot claim to be the child's parents. "I am not sure. I would adopt it if asked, but ... would that be best for them?"
"Adoption in general is," he answered softly, hating that answer. He knew that it would be hard for Jade to give up a child, and Murasaki, too. But Calder knew it was the truth so there was no use in deluding themselves. "Us adopting?" He shrugged. "I doubt it. I'm afraid that if we do, once Jade feels that he's ready, he's going to not be able to help himself in claiming the child...and that's not what's best for that baby."
Rune nodded, agreeing with the male while he began to lead the way toward their bedroom or living room - he had not decided which he wanted to go to yet. "Mm. Maybe ... Just someone close to us could adopt their child. Close enough for them to watch the child grow, but not enough for Jade to want to claim the child after a certain amount of years." He sighed heavily, shaking his head a bit. "It's their decision."
He nodded, thoughts racing. They jumped from one topic to another to yet another, and by the time he got to the last subject of thought-which was bothering him greatly-the blond couldn't remember where his thought process had started. And he couldn't let the most recent group of thoughts slide, either.

"What would happen if something happened to me?" he asked softly, trying to think. The city would only allow one of them to legally adopt the kids because they weren't legally married. Calder had signed the papers, so Calder's brain wanted to know what would happen to Jade and Trevor and Ella if something were to ever happen to him. He knew Rune would fight tooth and nail for them, but would he get them?
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