Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

The only reason that Murasaki had allowed the man to continue to talk was so that he would dig himself deeper. And deeper he got. With every word, the asshole in front of them might as well have dug himself six feet further into the ground. And when he was done speaking, the violet haired man's fist made solid contact with his jaw. Satisfaction ran through him when he saw the other hit the ground like a sack of potatoes.

Murasaki stepped forward, pressing the toe of his boot solidly against the man's crotch in warning. "If I ever see you, or hear of you being, close to Jade again, I will not hesitate to castrate you." He pressed his foot forward to show that he was in no way kidding.
The man collided wit hteh ground, holding his jaw as he stared up at the man in front of him, spitting out the bit of blood pooled in his mouth from the contact, and fairly sure he broke a tooth. He stared up at him, gasping when his jewels were being threatened. He nodded and then scurried away, not caring to even make a snarky comment back.

Jade sighed heavily, walking over to his love and he wrapped his arms aroudn him from behind, his face burying itself into his back while he gripped the male tightly to his form. "I love you so much Murasaki." he whispered, arms tightening aroudn him as he stayed where he was, the man's scent ebbing away the tears that wanted to pass so badly. He had done a good job of forgetting who he had been, and the man brought back every memory he did not want to remember. He suddenly felt ... far too dirty. He blushed horribly as the tears passed his eyes silently, the man's smell alone not being enough to stop them, but he had done enough to make him not break down in sobs. "Can ... Can we go h-home... please..."
Mura turned and wrapped his arms around Jade's shoulders tightly. "I need to purchase that book quickly and then yes, we can go home, Jade." He bent and pressed a kiss to the teen's head before straightening and leading him into the store. The professor simply laid the money on the counter and took the book, motioning to the clerk what he'd done. Murasaki was in there often enough for the clerk to know him, and so he made no fuss.

It didn't take them long to get home, Murasaki closing and locking the door behind him. He the lead Jade to the sofa, sitting down before pulling the teen into his lap.
Jade barely managed to push his shoes off before they were at the couch. his form easily curled up into Mura's, his arms wrapped around his torso, his knees pulled to his chest and he curled up into a little ball on his lap. Head at the base of his neck and he gripped the male to his form, a few more tears passed his eyes, but nothing too drastic to cause him to hyperventilate or anything. He was just very broken right now. He did not like to be reminded of what he was, especially with someone like that guy. He never liked him way back then, and now he had even more proof as to why he did not like him.

After a good fiteen minutes of unmoving, he took in a shuddering breath and lifted his head, leaning up to press his lips against his love's. He kissed him passionately before he pulled back, eyes closed and his lips just barely not touching his as he whispered, "Just ... get the feeling of him away ... Please ... I don't want those memories anymore..." His lips closed the distance once more and he kissed him passionately once more, knowing that it would not be enough to berid himself of the memories and the sensation of that wretched man, but he knew that it was all he could get for the time being.
No matter what he did, Murasaki knew that he wouldn't be able to take Jade's memories from him. He kissed his love, holding him tight to his form. It broke his heart to see Jade like this, and while he couldn't fully help him, he pulled away just enough to talk. "Your amulet can hold your memories, Jade. It will hold them until you access them." Now wasn't the time for that lesson, but so long as the teen knew that there was hope that he wouldn't have to see those images unless he wanted to, Murasaki could happily kiss him.

The professor's hand cupped the back of the smaller male's head and tugged him close, kissing him with matching passion.
Jade stored the information to use at a later date. It truly would come in handy. There were some that he never wanted to relive or even think about, but then there were those that he could not forget. the ones that made him who he was today. The ones that would keep him the bubbly boy he was or the ones that no matter how horrible they were, he needed them. He would definitely have to find out how to do that -- later. For now, it was enoguh to have his love with him and kissing him as he was.
Bringing up his own stored information, the kiss was broken once more for Murasaki to whisper a few spells, his eyes glowing as both his and Jade's amulet glowed, too. He had, essentially, put a barrier up between their magics. He was hoping that would block pregnancy, too-he didn't see why it wouldn't. Only after the glows went away did his hands travel up Jade's shirt, finger tips trailing over the teen's bare side and torso.
Jade pulled back, his cheeks a gentle pink as he did so. He listened to his love speak and his sea green eyes fluttered open. Looking at the male, he opened his eyes just in time to see their amulets glowing and interest instantly piqued in his lovely green eyes. He looked up at the other and he shivered upon feeling his hands up his shirt. His heart already racing with his mind going wild, praying that that meant what he thought it did.

Before he got too excited, in more than one way, his hands moved to rest over the others on top of his shirt, holding them where they were as he looked up at Murasaki. He leant over to press a gentle kiss to his lips, pulling away after a soft peck. "Is ... Is it okay then?" He questioned, knowing thath is love would easily get what the "it" in his question referred to.
He gave a little nod before leaning in to capture Jade's lips once more. His hand pushed its way further up his love's shirt, touching and feeling each inch that he could reach. His tongue pressed forward to taste, teasing Jade just a little bit as he did. The professor's hand moved around to the teen's chest, resting at the center for a moment.
Jade felt his heart skip a beat when he saw his love nod, and his stomach did a little back flip with glee. He had not expected him to be able to do so as soon as they were. He figured it would have been a longer time before he could be with his love in the manner he wanted, but oh how he was not going to protest. Not one bit. He leant forward and easily kissed his love back, tongue pulling hte elder male's into his mouth to play wtih while he kissed him with the passion and love he felt for the man. His hands slid up the front of his shirt as well, glad to finally be able to have free range to explore the beautiful muscles of Murasaki's body. He had wanted to for quite some time, and while he may have in small doses, it was nothing compared to what he had wanted to do. He had not wanted to rile him up only to have them both disappointed but how lovely it was to not have to worry abotu that right now!
Jade was easily lifted into his arms and carried into the bedroom. He was laid on the bed gently and Murasaki laid atop him, kissing him once more. The teen was easily divested of his clothing, Murasaki taking in the beautiful sight that he'd denied himself from seeing before. He leaned down and once again kissed Jade, pressing their bodies together tightly, his own hips pressing forward into Jade's thigh.
Jade took in a deep breath when he was laid out on the bed, actually blushing when he no longer had his clothes on his form. His eyes not brave enough to look at his love. His hands laid at his side, unsure of what to do with them for the moment. He knew what he wanted to do with them, but he was not sure what Murasaki may have in mind. He was a pretty good judge of what a client would like, but not the man he loved. This truly was where he was inexperienced, at least until he stopped second-guessing himself, thinking that any wrong move would have him dumping him.

When Murasaki was on top of him, his arms lifted to wrap around his neck, pulling him closer as his hips ground into his out of want for the male. His lips kissed his passionately, eyes closed while he kissed him so very happily. His hands trailed along his form, sliding beneath his shirt and removing any other clothes that the man may have had on his form. If he was naked, Mura was going to be equally as naked too.
Murasaki hissed at the feel of their flesh together, never having felt it before. It was electric, sending shocks down his spine. He couldn't see what was going on in Jade's head, but he hoped that he was doing a sufficient job of distracting the teen from whatever haunted him.

"Tell me what you want, sweetheart..." In Jade's past, it had been about the johns. Tonight, it was about Jade and the plum haired man wanted the other male to know that.
Jade shivered instantly upon the connection of their flesh. It felt so very, very good to him. Never before had he felt anything so exciting before and he loved it. Of course that meant that this would definitely not be their last round of the night, but he could only hope that Mura had evne half of his libido to last through what he wanted to do with the other.

At his question, he leant up and pressed their lips together with a soft, "I already have what I want" before kissing him passionately. HE got that he wanted to know what he wanted to do sexually, but he did not care. Purely by being with him, that was all he could ask for. By knowing that the other loved him, that was all he needed to make this experience better than he could have ever had in the past. His arms wrapped around his shoulders, pulling the male closer to his form and kissing him passionately. One leg lifted to wrap around his hips, pulling his body in closer to his grinding hips.

"I love you, Murasaki."
"My Jade..." He kissed the teen, holding him close as he very slowly slid into him. The professor looked down, watching his love intently as he became fully seated within him. Murasaki paused to allow them both time to adjust to the sensation of being with each other, moving his lips down to Jade's neck to repeat the actions he'd done a few weeks before. His hips slowly began to work themselves, Mura's lips moving up to Jade's hear to nip at the fleshy lobe.
Jade gasped upon feeling Murasaki within him, moaning at the sensations that coursed through his body. there was the normal pain, but it was so much better than any other he had been with before, and that was as far as the male went into thinking about the past. For now, the current and future was what his mind was concerned about. He groaned, head tilting away from him to give those beautiful lips full access to his neck, adoring the sensation. His hips lifted up, grinding into the teacher and moaning once more.
Murasaki moaned softly as his hips thrust in and out of Jade. He moved his lips over to the teen's once again, kissing him with a great passion. He very slowly built up his rhythm and speed, pausing for a few seconds here and there to help him control himself. It would have ended much too quickly if he hadn't, and Mura wanted it to last forever.
Jade had completely melted into his love's workings. He had not been satisfied after the fist round, oh no. ONce they were both pleased with that, he flipped them over, taking his love at a different angle. He continued for well into the night, well, more so early morning. He definitely had much more energy that he could use, especially with his love, but he eventually fell to the side of the gorgeous male and collapsed where he was. His arms wrapped tightly aroudn him and he kissed along his neck a few times. A breathless little, "I love you" passed his lips and now that he was relaxed, he easily fell asleep.
Mura easily kept up with Jade, drawing on his energy stored in his amulet when needed. He was happy and satisfied and glowing by the time Jade slipped to his side and relaxed, and his arms wrapped around his love's body. Pressing a kiss to Jade's head, Murasaki whispered that he loved him too before falling into a very comfortable and easy sleep.

Morning came, and Murasaki was woken up by a loud pounding. It took him a full two minutes to realize it was someone knocking on the door. With a little grumble, he pulled himself out of bed, careful not to wake Jade, and got a pair of pants on to see who it was that had woken him up at... SEVEN?! He groaned as the door was swung open, only to find a frantic Calder.

"Have you seen Jade?" he asked, breathless and obviously worried.
Jade grumbled when he felt the other move beside him. He was okay until he heard his Papa's voice. He took in a deep breath and turned to look at the door. He leapt up from the bed, stumbling instantly and he ran about before he pulled on a pair of pajama pants. He then took up Mura's shirt from the night before he rushed into the other room. He skidded to a stop beside his love and let out a nervous little laugh. "Um .. I'm sorry Papa! I thought I let you guys know and um ... I'm sorry." He blushed horribly, trying to think if he had any hickies and more so if they could see it. OH, that would be horrible.
Calder breathed a very deep sigh of relief and reached forward, pulling Jade into a very tight hug. He'd been so worried and, honestly, Jade was lucky that it wasn't Rune who had come there looking for him. He said so as he stepped back so that Jade could breathe.

Murasaki didn't know what to say. He hadn't realized that no phone call had been made because he had been so worried about making Jade feel better. "I'm really sorry, Calder... We um... Well. We ran into someone who upset Jade and we just fell asleep."
Jade nodded, actually having forgotten about that. He took a step back into the room, fidgetting with the bottom of his shirt and he tugged it a little, wrapping it around his form, still not sure what his body looked like after the happenings of the night before. "Yes... One of tose ... guys came and it ... it got to me and I'm sorry I did not call papa! I had been out of it when we got back and I just wanted to go to bed so we did and .. then efore we knew it, you knocked on the dor." He laughed nervously, hoping to GOD that the man did not know anything else had gone on.
Calder looked at the two and only shook his head. The nerves were obvious, and Jade's lack of his own clothes told him everything that had gone on. Jade deserved what he was about to get.

The blond leaned forward and pressed a kiss to his son's cheek. "When you wish to hide your bedtime activities from your parents-at least the one who can't read your mind-try putting on your own clothes in the morning." He winked at Jade as he turned to leave, satisfied that he was okay.

Murasaki just groaned.
Jade turned a lovely bright red and his eyes widened as he pulled the shirt closer, heart racing in his chest and he poked his head out of the door. "PLease don't tell Mama! He ... He'll kill him!" He protested and whimpered a little bit more. He turned on his heel and he turned to bury his face into Mura's chest, arms wrapping tightly around his form and he blushed horribly as e did so. "I can't ever go home. I'm going to live with you now ... We'll run away to France. I don't think Mama likes it there, so it would be a good place, right?"
Murasaki wrapped his arms around Jade's shoulders, hugging him tightly. "Yes, you can go home," he encouraged softly. "And whether or not your Papa told your Mama... Well your Mama can read minds, now can't he?" he asked lightly. He kissed the top of his love's head and squeezed him tightly before shutting the door to his rooms softly. "It'll be okay, Jade."
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