Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

"The old you?" he questioned, looking over to the teen and attempting to figure out what it was he meant. "You haven't changed, sweetheart. Well, you have, but not your personality." Murasaki gave a little sigh and slid his seat back, then used his amulet to lift Jade from his seat and settle him into his lap. He wrapped his arms around the younger male's waist and nuzzled into his shoulder a bit.

"I won't lie, Jade. When we met, I was very much looking forward to watching you grow. And I still can, just differently than what I was thinking. You're still you-you're still that charming, caring boy who gave me a tour of the school on my first day; the same charming, caring boy who I've fallen in love with."
Jade let out a soft sigh, burying his face into the crook of his love's neck. That did not help him feel any better. Not at all. Especially since that had been one of the things his Mama had tod him when he first saw him like he was. He said that he was a little bummed about not being able to watch him grow up and change over the years. He wrapped his arms tightly around his love's form, needing the comfort. "But ... I only look older. It had not like ... taken me from a few years in the future or something and ... and so many miss me when I was younger and more students are giving me weird looks ... and are hitting on me .. and I'm not sure what to think of it."
He really didn't know what to say. Mura knew how the magic had worked, but also knew that not everyone did. He hugged Jade securely to his own form. "It's just very new to them, Jade. What would you have done if it was Trevor who walked out the door one morning the way he is, only to walk in that night looking like someone else?"
Jade sighed heavily, nodding a little bit as he did so. He hugged his love tigher and he kissed his neck gently once more. He tilted his head back to look up at the male, his forefinger beginning to absently draw circles upon his chest. "I know. I would be freaked out too." He grumbled a little bit, reaching over and stealing a piece of the chicken on his dish. "So ... Can we relax today?" He asked, a little pout to his lips as he did so.
"Just give it all a little more time." Murasaki smiled and pressed a little kiss to Jade's forehead before sending him back to his own seat so that they could enjoy their dinner. "And I'll think about relaxing," he teased. It was likely that they both knew that they would be relaxing with a book or a movie for the evening but that didn't mean that he couldn't have a little fun with it.

He dug into his dinner, finding himself more hungry than when he'd first sat down.
Jade nodded, moving to his seat and he crossed his right leg over his left, eating the food happily. He ate the rest of his food, taking up his dish and placing it into the sink before he turned and bounced his way off into the living room. He plopped onto the couch and curled up. He was refusing to do any work. He wanted to cuddle up with his love and well, he knew he could get what he wanted. IF not, then he would just strip himself of his clothes and see what the man did then. OH, that would be fun.
Murasaki cleaned up their dinner dishes and the table after they were both done eating. It was pretty easy and done fairly quickly, the professor moving to sit on the sofa with Jade after he'd finished. He lifted the teen's head and rested it back on his lap after he'd sat down, carding his fingers through his hair.
Jade yawned softly, staying where he was for a short while. He slowly pushed his form up and moved to sit on the male's lap, straddling him as he did so. "Murasaki ... I love you." He whispered, leaning forward to kiss the side of his neck, his hands slipping beneath his shirt once more and he ground his hips into his, trying to get him too riled want to deny him. "Can't we just ... try?" He whispered softly, kissing along his neck once more.
Moaning, Murasaki rested his hands on Jade's hips, giving in for a minute. His brain clicked on, though and he pulled away as best he could. "Jade." His hands moved up to cup the teen's face, holding it securely so that he could look at him. "You don't understand, sweetheart." Really, the violet haired man didn't want to explain but knew that, at this point, it couldn't be avoided.
Jade groaned lightly, refusing to give up that easily. He leant forward and pressed his lips against the other's despite the male trying to stop him. HIs hips continued to move along his and his hands trailed up his chest once more. His fingertip traced along the muscles and dips of his love, just wanting to be so much closer to him than he could be right now, much closer than his love was letting him get.
Very easily, Murasaki lifted Jade up and set him on the sofa to the side of him. "Jade, listen to me. We have magic-innate magic. There are complications when it comes to sex..." He tried to put together a list, but the one simply kept coming up. "Jade, you could wind up pregnant."
Jade had leant toward the male when he was moved to the side, planning to kiss him once more, trying to persuade him even more. He stopped, though, when he heard what the male said. Pregnant? He stopped and looked over at him with a curious look to his features. He stared at him for a while before he moved forward and pressed a kiss to his cheek, leaning down and nuzzling into his neck. "I ... don't like that." He admitted, knowing he was far too young to get pregnant, yet alone knowing that he oculd get pregnant. His brows furrowed together and he pulled back, cheeks puffing out and he stared at his love a little more. "But ... That's what condoms are for!"
"When the time is right, yes," he agreed softly. "But pregnancy isn't the only thing, Jade. Our magic... It can combine and work together. It can work against each other... It's a very tricky thing to sleep with another wizard whose powers are so very similar to your own..." He sighed, hating how complicated everything had to be with the teen. "I need you to be patient so that I can research a bit more is all."
Jade puffed his cheeks out in his annoyance, brows furrowing and he growled a little bit. A very annoyed" whatever" passed his lips before he stood and made his way into the bedroom. He pulled his clothing off, tossing them out and onto the man on the couch, boxers being the last to leave his body. Yes, he was annoyed, and yes, he was hoping that having a naked Jade in his bed would make it a little more tempting, but he really just expected the other to stay out there for the rest of the night.

Pulling the covers back, he burrowed into the sheets, nuzzling the pillow and he moved the covers up and over his shoulder, yawning softly. He was annoyed. He was very annoyed, and therefore, he could not do anything else but just stare at the wall until his temper calmed a bit more.
Murasaki sighed softly with the annoyance that he heard in Jade's voice. There was nothing he could do until he knew how their magic would react to each other. He wished that his love could understand that, but he supposed he understood why he didn't. The professor stayed in the living room for a few minutes, allowing Jade to calm down a little bit before moving into the bedroom, kneeling down next to the side of the bed and pressing a kiss to his lips. "Please don't be upset with me, Jade."
Jade kept his eyes closed for a while before he turned at feeling the kiss to his lips. Pulling the sheets up tighter to his neck, he remained where he was and did not want tolook at him right now. He loved him ,yes, but right now, he was aggrivated. He did not like this at all. HE got the other wanting to be safe and whatever else, but that did not make this any better. He grumbled a little more, the showing of his annoyance actually making him feel better. "Can't we just ... experiment and see what happens?" He asked, unmoving frmo his current position.
He shook his head, adverting his eyes to the mattress. "If our magic doesn't work together or combine, it could be very dangerous...for both of us." He lifted his hand up and stroked along Jade's cheek softly. "I don't want anything bad to happen to you, especially because of me." Murasaki kissed his cheek and then stood. "Call your parents if you plan on sleeping here, okay?" He'd make up the sofa for himself, he supposed, though that didn't sound very ideal to him at all.
Jade reached forward before the male could go much farther away. His hand took a hold of the back of his shirt, pulling him back and to the bed. His arms wrapped around his hips and he buried his face into the side of hi chest, kissing his chest softly. "Stay with me." he whispered. merely wanting to not be left alone right now. He lifted his eyes to his and his eyes stayed with his, kissing his chest once more. "I just ... want you, okay?" He nuzzled into him a little bit more, whimpering gently. "I know I'm being immature and .... and I know it's dificult for you but I just don't like it. What if ... what if we took our amulets off, hm? Would that make it less dangerous?"
He stopped, turning to listen softly. Murasaki was about to say that he would stay so long as Jade put some more clothes on, but the question of the amulets stopped him. The plum haired man dropped down next to the bed so that they were eye level once again. "Never take your amulet off." His voice was firm, but not angry or nasty in any way. He simply wanted to get his point across. "Jade that is your power and your energy. If you were to lose it..." He shook his head, not wanting to know what someone could do with that. "You won't feel like yourself at the very least," he finished, kissing the tip of Jade's nose.

Murasaki stood and moved to his dresser, taking a pair of pajama pants and tossing them over to Jade as he began to strip out of most of his own clothing.
Jade pouted, the pants falling on top of his head and he grumbled a few more times. He slid out of the sheets, pulling the pants up and onto his form while he headed into the other room. He took up his cell phone from his bag, dialing his Mama and telling him just what he was up to. Staying at Murasaki's and everything of that sort. He ended it wit ha simple, "Love you" before the phone returned to his backpack. He walked back to the bedroom, his arms crosed over his lower torso and he chewed his bottom lip a little more.
Murasaki slid into bed, waiting for Jade to return. There had to be some way to figure out how their magic would react together, but he simply wasn't sure how. He would have to research it the next day. When the teen returned to the room, the professor pushed those thoughts aside and held up the blankets for him to slide into the bed next to him.
Jade sighed heavily, walking to where the other was in bed. He stood beside it for the moment and then slid into the bed beside him. He scooted closer to him and nuzzled into his chest a little bit. "It's unfair.' He murmured, chewing his bottom lip a little bit. His arms wrapped around his form and he rested his head against Murasaki's chest, forefinger drawing absent little designs upon the flesh of his chest.
"I know it is, sweetheart." He wrapped his arms around Jade's form and nuzzled into his hair a bit. "But it's not like we can never." He was trying to look on the bright side of things. It was easier for Mura to deal when he did. "I just need to do a bit of research, is all." It couldn't take that long, right?
Jade groaned, a little bit annoyed at the moment. Not as bad as he had been, more irked than anything else. He leant down and kissed the front of his chest. "You better be good." He teased, kissing his chest a few more times, truly not meaning it. Murasaki could be a horrible lover, but he was still his love, and that in itself would make any time they spent together completely worthwhile.
Smirking at the comment, Murasaki bent his head down and very softly began to kiss over Jade's neck. He never lifted his lips fully, dragging the bottom one along the sensitive skin as he moved to each new place to kiss. The professor crossed over Jade's throat, sucking a bit on his Adam's apple before moving to the other side of his neck and repeating the process. It was only a moment later that he pulled away, smirking down at the teen.
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