Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Looking over at the other male, Sergei blinked. He began to say 'of course' but stopped himself-He had to remember that not everyone could see auras. "Yes... I told that you your stomach glowed blue..." He distinctly remembered the near argument that they had had when he realized that his lover was pregnant.
"Well.. You had, yes ... but um ... I did not know that that meant it was a boy ...' He shook his head a little bit and then let out a heavy sigh. His eyes slipped closed and leant down to rest his forehead against the crook of the other's neck, arms tightly wrapped around his form once more, nuzzling him a bit. "It's ... We're going to have a boy." He whispered, smiling lightly as he let out a little laugh, kissing the other's flesh near his lips softly.
Bae slipped into the apartment, trying to be super quiet. His concious was eating at him, but he tried very hard to ignore it. The bartender knew that his lover was likely waiting for him somewhere in the apartment and he had to act normal otherwise... Well otherwise questions would be asked. Bailey wasn't going to be able to answer questions.

The dark haired man tiptoed through the living room and down the hallway, stopping in the bathroom to make sure that nothing was too badly out of place before heading towards the bedroom.
Bartholomew was curled up in bed, nuzzling into his pillow every so often while he impatiently waited for his boyfriend to return home. He yawned a few times and remained where he was until he heard the door to the bedroom opened. He lifted his head, looking at him and the grin he had been wearing instantly faded. "What's that scent on you?" He hissed, knowing exactly what the mixture of the two meant, and not liking it one bit.

He should have known that Bart would smell that something was off on him. Bae froze, looking at the man who was lying in his bed; the one and only man he'd ever come to care for beyond a quick fuck. He thought about lying, but... What good would it do? Bartholomew already knew what he'd done and if the other man ever came within one hundred yards of the werewolf, he'd know who he'd done it with, too.

The bartender moved and sat on the edge of the bed, fidgeting with the hem of his white button down shirt. He tried to think of an explanation, but he knew that there wasn't one.

"I'm sorry."
Bartholomew growled under his breath, quite annoyed at the moment. For hte past ... Okay, since he met that stupid man, he had done nothing with anyone other than him. Yet ... He has done so much with so many others and even now that they were officially together, he still did it?! He cursed a few times under his breath, arms tightly wrapped around his lower torso to stop himself from strangling him or ... something to ease his anger.

"Why?" He hissed, eyes staring at him with quite the intensity. "Just ... Why?"
Why? There wasn't a 'why'. He had been propositioned, Bart wasn't there to grind against him and help him out so... Bailey shrugged a little, still trying to find some words to... Well he didn't know why he wanted to talk, really. Maybe because he really did care about the man who was sitting beside him and he didn't want him to think that he didn't.

"I just... can't do it, Bart." He kept his voice low, deciding to just allow his heart to speak. "You... I care about you. Honest I do. And if I didn't love having sex with you we wouldn't be here right now. But... I can't have sex with just one person. I'm not cut out for that kind of relationship."
Bart listened to the other, staring at his face and he truly felt wretched at the moment. He could not understand why he had to do this to him. Why did he have to not be happy with just one partner? Yes, he had been tempted ... many times to be with someone else, but he cared for bailey too much. There was just something about that annoying man that made him want to be with him and make him happy.

Obviously, it was not a mutual feeling.

Hearing his explination only made everything worse. He closed his eyes and pulled a pillow onto his lap, feeling like a girl but not caring. "So, what? The only reason you're with me is because you like to have sex with me? Yet ... it's not enoguh to keep you satisfied?"
He shook his head, feeling bad that what he was saying was being twisted in the translation. "No. No that's not the only reason that I'm with you. I care about you. Just the sight of you makes my heart beat just a little bit faster. I like being with you. And it has nothing to do with satisfaction, either. It's... It's fear and habit and... Just the way I am." He sighed, trying to put his thoughts in order once more. He'd done it on his way home from work but somewhere between then and now, he'd lost it.

Finally, he just let it come out in pieces. "We tried it your way-just us. I don't want you out of my life, Bart. Can't we... Try it another way?"
Bartholomew listened to the other, eyes to him all the while. He lifted his knees a little, resting his arms over his knees and he kept his eyes to the other male. His way? "What's your way?" he mumbled, leaning forward to rest his chin on top of his crossed arms, eyes still to him while he impatietnly waited to find out just what this other solution would be.
He...hadn't been ready for that question. Bae honestly thought that Bart would tell him no and to go fuck himself. He composed himself and turned to look at the other man in the softly penetrating moonlight. He wanted to make sure he phrased it right from the beginning. "A polyamorous relationship?" His voice was barely above a whisper, the dark haired man very scared for what his lover's answer would be.
Bartholomew looked over at him, listening to the offer and thinking on it a little bit. It would make his lover happy, and while he would end up jealous, he would be okay. He let out a gentle sigh, eyes closed for a short while before they opened to his lover once more. He shrugged his shoulders a little. "We can try." He said, taking in a deep breath and falling back onto the pillow. He turned his back to hte male and nuzzled into the pillow absently. "but it doesn't change that I'm pissed at you for ... whoever you just fucked."
They could try it?! Bailey looked up at Bart, obviously very surprised. A little flash of jealousy shot through his head, and he couldn't help but lean forward and press a little kiss to his lover's mouth, despite knowing that Bart would smell and taste the other man still on him. "No jealousy. I promise." With another little peck, the man went to go shower. He didn't take a long time, just long enough to wash away the taste and scent of work and the night's...activities.

Only when he was sure that he was clean and fresh did he move back into the bed, slipping in between the sheets with nothing else on. He slid up to Bart's side and nuzzled into his shoulder.
Bartholomew did not kiss him back, not wanting to taste that other man at the moment. He buried his face into the pillows and pulled his sheets over his head, grumbling a little. He remained where he was, listening to the shower and he perked up as he heard the door open once more. He pulled the sheets back to his shoulder and he then felt the other male beside him, turning to press a kiss to his lips, eyes closed as he did so. "You're lucky I adore you." He whispered and then flopped his head back against the pillow.
Bae rested his head on Bart's chest, arm slung over his waist. "I know," he answered. He truly did know that he was lucky. There were not many men who would sleep in the same bed with their partner who just slept with someone else, let alone stay with them.

The bartender looked up at the other man, resting his chin on his chest. "I really am sorry."
Bartholomew sighed heavily, leaning down to press a soft kiss to his lips, setting back a bit more to look at him with interest. He shook his head a little and pressed another kiss to his lips. "I know you are ... And ... you'll have to give me a bit to get used to this new thing." He stated, and his arms slid over his form and he pulled him against his form, nose trailing along his hair and he ruffled it a bit and he kissed his forehead once more.
Nodding, Bae slid up so that he was now lying on top of his lover, nuzzling into his neck. "I know. We'll talk. And go slow." So long as he knew that Bart was willing to at least try, then working up to adding someone else into their relationship was okay with him. He could deal with that.

"What are you most worried about?"
Bartholomew sighed softly when he heard the quetion posed to him. He kept his eyes closed for a short while. he remained silent, staring up at the ceiling and he soon turned to look at the male once more. "Losing you." He admitted. THat was his fear. He was worried that the other might find someone else that he liked better than him. He did not want to lose him to someone else that he had sex with and ... what if he thought they were better at it? Or that he was not as great as he thought ... or that so-and-so was nicer or more lenient or ... something.​
The answer surprised Bailey a bit. Really? He leaned down and nuzzled along the man's chin softly before moving over to kiss Bart's lips softly. "No matter what I tell you, your mind will come up with the worst case scenarios. But the fact that we can talk is really important." Honesty was the key part of a relationship like what they were about to enter into. "I don't want to leave you," he assured.
Bart listened to the man and he sighed softly. He leant over and pressed a kiss to his lips, nodding a little bit to what he was saying. "Yes...' He whispered gently and then set his head against the pillow once more. His hand rested on the other's side, trailing along his flesh and smiling to himself. "You better not leave me ... You've already made me such a wuss." he grumbled and then pressed another kiss to his lips.
"No intentions of leaving," he promised, sealing it with a little kiss and then a nip to the man's bottom lip. Bae moved over to the side once more, using his lover's chest as his pillow again. He was comfortable now, and more content. It was good to be able to talk openly to the other man about what was going on with him.
Bart nodded a bit, kissing his head softly before he went back to settling against the mattress. He nuzzled into the pillow for a moment, letting out a soft sigh and he yawned softly. "Night" he mumbled and relaxed once more, easily drifting off into slumber.
Sully's mom had been there for a couple of weeks now. The initial stress of the situation seemed to be leaving everyone, and they were falling into a nice routine to live by. Joshua, for one, was rather relaxed now knowing that the woman was safe and that she and her son were getting along a little better. At least, they seemed to be.

The redhead moved into the living room with a cup of tea and a book, ready to curl up for a few hours.
Already, Sulliven's mother was showing. It was not too obvious, but it definitely was a little baby belly there. That and it did not help that when she came to them, she was close to showing, hence why she ran away. She and Sully really were getting along better than they had been. They fought here and there, but the arguments were either over something stupid, or just to get their points across.

Currently, his mother was sleeping soundly in the guest room that now easily was claimed as hers. The silver-haired male began to make his way down the stairs, arms above his head and he grumbled, just as the doorbell rang. He moved to the door, opening it up and stopping instantly. His eyes went wide and he stared up at his father. "F-- Father!" He squeaked, hand resting on his chest and he let out a nervous little laugh.

The tall and ever so scary male stared down at the boy, silver eyes staring down at him in that scary way he always had with him. "Where's your mother?"​
When Josh heard his lover at the door, his ears perked up. He was quickly at Sully's side, hand resting supportively at the small of the other man's back. He wasn't about to answer about where the woman was, of course, but he wanted the man at the door to know that this was their home and he wasn't entering it if they didn't want him to. And it was obvious that they didn't want him to.

"Can I help you?"
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