Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

He nodded, rubbing circles over his love's back as he spoke. The idea formed, though it wasn't very well thought out and Joshua wasn't sure if Sully would even go for it, let alone his mother agreeing. "What if we adopted it?" His voice was almost a whisper, because Josh really wasn't positive himself. "It's an heir, right?" he asked, trying to piece things together. "It will share your blood, and someone else's, just as if you had fathered the child... Your father doesn't have to know anything other than it shares your blood..."
Sully listened to his love, staring up at him and a brow lifted in question. Adopt it? Adopt the love-child of his mother and the chef? He listened to the man, knowing that what he said made utter sense. That was true. It would save his mother, she could go back and reign as Queen once more and his father would not ever have to know. He remained silent and rested his head aainst his chest, still pondering over the idea. "That would make sense." He mumbled, tilting his head back to look up at him. "I could just say I knocked some girl up and she did not want the child ... So that way, my parents can have the heir they wanted ... Or something. Yea ... Something like that." He said, thinking a little bit. All would be wlel, as long as his father did not find out.​
He nodded and went back to simply comforting his lover. They had a while before all the details had to be worked out, and he was sure that the woman upstairs was in no frame of mind to begin planning that far in advance anyway. They would give it a couple of months and see where she stood on the idea slowly.

"Relic's on his way over with clothes. Knowing him, we won't have to take your mother shopping for anything other than a toothbrush."
Sully let out a short laugh, nodding as he nuzzled his head into the red locks of his love, gripping him even tighter. His eyes closed and he took in a few deep breaths, relaxing with the scent of his love filling his lungs. "It's ... disturbing." he murmured, knowing for a fact that that definitely was going to end up being the case. He sighed lightly and he leant down to press his lips against his love's, smiling lightly to himself as he did so. "I love you..."​
It was the end of classes, and it was Friday. Murasaki cleaned up with a happy little whistle. Fridays meant that he got to spend a good chunk of time with Jade without having to worry about getting him home, or students walking in for office hours. It didn't take the purple haired man long to get everything in the classroom in order, and he headed down to his rooms, excited to see his... Well. His Jade, really.
Jade ... fucked up. For lack of a better word, he fucked up horribly. He had been experimenting with the amulet and the energy within it and a spell and the combination of it all ... screwed him over. He had been so very happy, too! His spells all were working. He was using everything very well, or so he thought. He had been the cute adorable bubbly Jade one moment, then the next, and after quite hte loud pop and a bit of tingling in his bones, he no longer was.

Not wanting to be late to meet up with his love, he ran his way through the halls of the school and to the man's room. He unlocked hte door - Murasaki had given him a key - and ran inside. He went to the mirror there, double checking that it was not just the mirror in the other room thath e had messed with. Nope. It was not. "Shoot..." He whispered, poking his cheek a little bit and he sighed heavily, teal eyes slipping closed as he did so.

When the door opened with Murasaki stepping through, there was a strange male sitting on the couch. Jade perked up when he saw Murasaki, eyes sparkling and he looked him over with a pleasant smile to his lips. "Murasakiiii!"​
Murasaki stopped before the door could even close behind him and stared. There was a strange man in his rooms, and the wizard had no idea how he could have gotten there. "I think you'd better leave before I call school security." It didn't matter to him who it was, so long as they left before Jade arrived. "Or better yet, the local police for breaking and entering into my rooms on top of criminal trespass on the school's property." Mura stood aside so that the man could leave.
Jade blinked a few times when the male threatened him. He did not recognize him? He really did not recognize him?! He stood up, concern utterly laced to his features. "Murasaki .. It... It's me, Jade!" He protested, a pout to his lips and he remained where he was for a few moments. He looked at the male for a short while before he walked over to him. His hands cupped the other's chin and he leant up, pressing his lips to his, hoping that he would get that it was Jade from the embrace of lips. If not, then he would end up thrown out and onto his ass and possibly arrested. At least his Mama would know it was him... If this did not work​
Murasaki jumped back when the strange man pressed his lips to his own. "None of that! I don't know how you know about Jade but telling people you are him is only going to get you into more trouble!" He pointed towards the door, determined to get the man to leave before he really did have to call Rune, and the police. "One last chance before I get my phone."
Well, that backfired! His mind raced and raced and raced over what he could do to get Murasaki to believe him. This .. this was bad! He took in a deep breath, his hand lifting to fidget with the amulet beneath his shrit and that was when he knew what to do. "Look!" He said, pulling the sapphire out of his shirt and he showed it to the man in front of him, eyes utterly pleading to the man, begging him to beleive who he was now. "See? It's me ... It is me!"​
He did not understand why this stranger wasn't leaving...until the amulet was pulled out. Murasaki gasped and reached forward, careful to lift the stone by the chain to examine it. Violet eyes lifted to really search over the man in front of him, his jaw dropping open when he realized just who was really in front of him.

The wizard closed the door, locking it with a slight glow to his eyes. He reached forward, amulet dropping, to touch over his face with just fingertips. "Jade?" Mura was still in utter shock. "What happened?"
Oh Thank god! He finally knew it was him. He let out a heavy sigh, his eyes closing and he relaxed a little bit with the knowledge that his love knew who he was now, and even more so when he felt the other's fingertips against his. He smiled lightly, enjoying the feeling far too much. He had been worried that he did not and would not ever recognize him. Worried that he no longer would be able to feel the touch of his love. He pushed the thoughts away and looked over at him once more, blushing a faint pink. "I .. A spell messed up." He stated, leaning forward to rest his head on the other's chest, arms tightly around the male's form. He giggled and nuzzled into the center of his chest, smiling happily. "I like being taller.."​
He liked being taller?! That was all that Jade could say?! Murasaki held the other male out at arms length to really inspect him. "What spell messed up?" It was important to know. Sure, Jade was a few years older now, but what if the spell wasn't just a one time deal? There were several that would continue to age the object or person it hit several years per several months. That could be disastrous!
Jade pouted when the male pushed him away. He looked up at him and he thouht back for a moment. He explained to hte male what he had been doing previously before he changed. He tapped his forefinger against his bottom lip and a pout was still to his lips. He looked back at the other with a little smile, a truly weak one since now, he was not sure. "Um ... Is it bad?"
Mura went over the spells in his head, trying to get them all straight. The one Jade had used... Well it wasn't the worst out of the bunch, but there was nothing to reverse the effects. Jade had, essentially, given up at least (from the looks of it) two years of his life. But there didn't seem to be any other after effects of the spell, and so Murasaki was grateful for that. He let out a little sigh of relief and pulled Jade into a tight hug.

"What did I tell you about practicing spells on people?"
He pouted at the other male's words. He knew that the other had told him to not mess with people, but he had not meant to! He saw the spell and it just ... it turned out wrong. He ighed softly and nodded, nuzzling into the other male's chest, pouting a little bit more. "I know." He murmured, tilting his head back to look up at him with a warm smile to his lips. "But ... At least now I'm not a kid anymore ... So ... you don't have to feel as bad since ... I'm older!" he said, laughing a little bit and smiling all the more.​
He shook his head at that. It was so very typical of Jade to think of such a thing! Murasaki leaned forward and pecked a little kiss to the tip of the boy's nose. It was so easy to believe that Jade had aged, but if he really thought about it, only his body had. The entire point of wanting to wait until Jade grew a little older was so that his mind and emotions had, too. The plum haired man knew that the blond in front of him certainly didn't see it that way, though.

"Have your fathers seen you?"
Jade shook his head at his question, looking at hte man and he smiled a little weakly. "No. I had run out of the house to meet you ..." He smiled and then leant up and pressed another soft kiss to his lips, eyes closed and he let out a soft sigh. He set back onto his feet, his arms lifted to wrap aroudn the other's neck, hanging from him a little bit and he ground his groin into the other just to tease him a little bit.​
Mura reached down and gave Jade's rear end a light swat. "Stop that," he warned. He pressed a kiss to the other male's lips before untangling them and leading Jade right back out the door. "I think they're both here and we can catch them if we hurry up, hmm?" He didn't know how either would react but the sooner they told Calder and Rune, the less of a chance they could say that he did it to Jade.
Jade whimpered a few times. Why did they have to leave? He pouted pathetically and he grumbled while he followed the other out of the room. "Can't we just stay in your room?" He asked, his brows knotting together and he skipped a few steps to catch up with him a little more. He rested his head against his love's shoulder, nuzzling into the shoulder, thumb trailing along the back of his hand and he kissed his cheek a little bit. "It would be more fun." He added, moving through the halls, hearing the few students around them whispering about who it was with Mr. Konani. Oh, he quite liked being able to walk through the halls with him like this.​
"We can go back to my room after speaking with your fathers, if they don't kill me first," he answered, poking his tongue out at Jade. Murasaki blushed horribly with the comments, though that didn't make him nudge Jade away or let go of his hand, either. The professor liked being able to be with the other like this in public, but he didn't know how to react to the students' whispers.

They came to Calder's classroom and Mura knocked, stepping inside with Jade in tow when they were told to do so.

"What can I do for y--" Calder's bright smile faded when he saw another male on Murasaki's arm that wasn't his son. "What's going on? Where's Jade?"
Jade followed his love into the other room, glad to not be pushed away. He smiled happily to himself, nuzzling into Murasaki a little and he giggled happily. He laced his fingers with him, thumb still trailling along the back of his hand and he hummed a little, at least until they moved into the room with his parents in there. He smiled at them, his eyes sparkling a little bit as he looked at the two, at least until he saw his Papa's face and heard his tone.

Before the newly silver-haired boy could speak, the door opened once more, Trevor making his way inside and he gave a little wave to the two. "Hello Mr. Konani ... Jade." He headed over to his Papa, holding out the paper that he had needed to give him from one of the students. "Jon White said to give that to you." He stated ever so nonchalantly, not thinking anything of the two in the doorway right now.​
Calder took the paper from Trevor, but was very confused. "That's not Jade..." He looked to Murasaki with a sea of confusion pooling in his features. "What's going on?" The blond didn't like to be this confused, and no one was helping him understand what was going on.

Murasaki held his breath, expecting to be attacked, but was glad that he was given the chance to explain. "This is Jade," he assured Calder, though he wasn't sure how much comfort that would be for the blond in front of him. "He was waiting in my rooms for me when I arrived after classes this afternoon, looking like...this." The violet haired man looked to the boy on his arm and shook his head. "And I think that he should tell you the rest."
"Yes it is" Trevor protested, brown brows furrowing a little before he took in a deep breath and shook his head. His arms wrapped around his lower torso, deciding to stay and listen to the explination before he went to go check on Bohdi, see what he was doing.

Jade pouted and then looked over at Calder, smiling a little weakly. "Um ... I had been trying new things." He admitted, soon going into a bit more detail about just what he had been doing and why he was now the way he was, telling his Papa what Murasaki had told him about the spell he ended up using - not completely realizing that that was the spell heh ad been doing. He gripped his love a little bit more, blushing faintly as he looked at his Papa. "So ... That's... what happened."
"You... You were doing spells on yourself, and you didn't know what they would do?!" Calder was beside himself. He reached up and pinched the bridge of his nose, trying to figure out how to fix it. But he wasn't a wizard. The blond looked at his fellow professor, eyes pleading for help.

Murasaki bit his bottom lip. "There's... No spell. There's nothing that can be done to reverse it." Calder looked crushed, and Murasaki felt horrible about it. "It's...done, though." When the other man gave him a questioning look, the wizard explained. "There are spells that will continue to age someone until a counter spell is performed, or...forever. Jade used one and he's aged. But his magic is weak still and so it was only a couple of years, and the spell is finite-it doesn't and won't continue to work on him."

"That's something, I suppose." The blond looked over to Jade. "What were you thinking? Do you know what Mama is going to have to say about this?" He couldn't help but be upset, but Calder still pulled Jade to him, hugging him.
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