Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

He nodded. Yes, that made sense. Relic had an entire month to give them back to the orphanage, but didn't. Still, the whole thing was very overwhelming for him. Remus leaned up and kissed Romulus again, lips pressing together for long minutes while his fingers entangled into the other male's hair.

Moving up the walk way, Nikkos raised an eyebrow at the show. He shook his head and moved up to the two twins, laying a hand on Remus' shoulder. He only laughed when the boy jumped six feet in the air. "It's best to keep such shows in private," Nikkos chided gently. "I'm not sure who you two belong to but here's a hint: No where in this maze of what we call a house is private unless it's your bedroom." He winked and moved off. Remus was red again.
Romulus gladly kissed his brother back. His arms wrapped around his form and he pulled him against his body just a little bit. He kissed him, glad to have a distraction. He squeaked when Remus jumped, turning a beet red up to his ears once more. He stared at the brunette walking away, now more than before, wondering what they had gotten themselves into. He blushed horribly, gripping onto his brother's form tightly to try and get some form of comfort, or to just relax somehow. It was not working yet.​
This was getting crazy. Remus pressed a quick kiss to Romulus' lips and then tugged him towards the other side of the house. It was too overwhelming, and too embarrassing. He needed to hide and it was apparent that his twin did, too. They entered the house hand in hand, Remus taking a hold of their bags and trunk as they entered the house. Relic had said that they could choose whichever room they wanted, and after a bit of searching, he found the perfect one for them. Large, with a huge bed, and a private bath. Their bags were dropped to the floor, the door was closed and locked behind them, and Romulus was lead to the bed where Remus curled up with his brother tightly held in his arms.
Romulus was glad for hte escape. He wanted to leave. He wanted to just ... escape everyone else. He was not used to so many people noticing them, yet alone caring what they were doing. He blushed horribly, grabbing some of hte bags and hten moving int othe room, ignoring the utter awe of hte house they were in. POking heads into a room here and there and soon finding the perfect room. He moved into the room, dropping his bags as well. He followed the other to the bed, gladly wrapping his arms around his form and he pulled him tightly to his chest. He buried his face into the crook of his neck and gripped him firmly.​
They stayed like that for many hours, until long after Tanner and Relic returned to the house and began to call out their names, looking for them. Remus held his breath when their door handle giggled for a minute, the brunette afraid that they would have a key and force them to come out. They weren't ready to come out yet. He just gripped Romulus tighter and pulled the covers over them some more, just wanting the crushing pressure on his chest and stomach to go away.

Tanner returned to the main part of the house, looking for Relic. The twins had disappeared and both men were extremely worried. At least now he was pretty sure he knew where they were. "Relic?"
Romulus held his breath when he heard the door jiggle. His eyes squeezed closed and he let hte air out when the jiggling of the door stopped. He leant down to nuzzle into Remus' neck, kissing the flesh softly and he hugged him tighter. He pulled him against his form and he pulled him closer, not wanting to leave. He did not want to deal with it all right now.

Relic perked up when he heard his name. He rushed toward his love and skidded to a stop. "Yes? Did you find them?" He asked, concern clearly present upon his features as he looked at the other.​
Tanner nodded and pulled his husband to him, hugging Relic tightly. "Yes. I think they're in one of the bedrooms. The door is closed and locked." The blond pressed a kiss to the other man's temple before letting go to get their own luggage up to their room. "Lets unpack. It's been a long day for them, and for us."
Relic let out the breath he had been holding, sighing softly as he did so. His eyes slipped closed and he nodded. "Okay." he said gently, turning to go retrieve their luggage. He took them into his arms and then made his way up and into their bedroom. He began to unpack everything, chewing his bottom lip and utterly concerned about the boys in the other room. He organized his new clothes and fidgetted a little bit with everything else. Adjusting things here and there, purely to distract himself. He owuld probably end up making clothes if the boys did not come out sometime soon.​
Tanner felt helpless. Relic was beside himself and there was nothing that he could do to help him. The blond moved over and wrapped his arms around his husband's waist from behind, nuzzling into his neck a little bit. "Relax, Relic. They're safe. Just tired and overwhelmed is all." He kissed his lover's cheek softly. "Lets have some tea and we'll go to bed. I'm sure they'll feel better in the morning."
Relic took in a deep breath with his husband's arms around his form. His eyes slipped closed and he gripped the other tightly, eyes closed while he remained quiet for a short while. He nodded and then took a hold of his hand, leading him to the kitchen for the tea, knowing that he would need something to relax with, and that that should help.

The morning came and RElic woke up wit ha groan. Yawning, he nuzzled into his husband a little bit and then slowly slid out of bed. He pulled on a pair of pajama pants, not caring to put on a shirt and he headed out of the room toward the kitchen. He would makesome breakfast for them all, and if the boys still did not come out, then he would leave the plate in front of their bedroom door. He could not let htem starve, now could he?​
Remus woke up rather early, staying in bed to nuzzle against his brother for a little while. He smelled breakfast, and his belly grumbled at the scents but the brunette made no move to get out of bed. This was how it had always been: Romulus and him together. There were just too many people around their new home and he didn't know how to deal with any of it.
Romulus woke up a few moments after his brother, his brows furrowing together before he let out a light yawn. His eyes slowly opened and he looked at Remus, smiling warmly. He sniffed a few times, looking to the door and he heard his stomach trumble as well. His one arm wrapped around his lower torso and he looked down at Remus, leaning down and pressing a soft kiss to his lips. "How are you feeling?" He asked softly, his hand lifted to trail his fingers through his brother's hair, wanting to keep him calm.
He paused to assess just how he was feeling. "Nervous," he said finally. "Like I want to just stay here with you, always." He nuzzled into his brother's chest and pressed a kiss to the center of it. "And hungry. But not hungry enough to go out there." He sighed a little bit and cuddled closer. "You?"
Romulus groaned gently at the mention of food. He definitely was hungry. His eyes slipped closed and he nuzzled into Remus a little bit more. He took in a deep breath and relaxed against him a little bit more. "I do not know ... I ... I wish to be with you." He whispered, pressing another kiss to his brother's lips. He settled against the mattress a little more. "But ... I also feel bad because they wanted us and I .. I am overwhelemed I think. Meetin so many people and ... and having them know ... it ... I do not like that."
He nodded, knowing what his brother was thinking and feeling purely by instinct. "I... I feel like we have to hide and not be so close to each other, but... I can't do that, Rommy." They weren't used to having anyone know, let alone having everyone around them know. Remus nuzzled into Romulus' neck a little bit, fingers tracing a pattern over his back.

A light bulb suddenly went off in Remus' head and he jumped from the bed, moving over to their bags. "I packed food!" Well, it was junk food, but it would sustain them until tonight when they could sneak out and get something real to eat. He pulled out two bags of chips and some chocolate, tossing them onto the bed.
Romulus blinked a few times as the other left his side. He blushed faintly and then pushed his form up a little front the bed. His hands moved behind him and he watched him get the food. He smiled warmly and leant over to press a kiss to his twin's lips. He did not care if they should not be together as they were, he loved his brother and he would not give him up. He would not give up what they had just to fit someone's image.

Relic took a plate filled with french toast on it, making his way to the bedroom that the two were in. He stopped at the door and then knocked on it. "Breakfast's ready ... I'll leave it here for you." He said and then turned on his heel, heading down the stairs once more to go find Tanner.​
Remus stood over his brother for a few minutes, simply kissing him. He couldn't imagine them not being how they were, especially because neither had any desire to be any other way. Just as he'd slipped his tongue past his twin's lips, the knock came, and Remus jumped back instantly. He fidgeted with his hands while Relic spoke, and he didn't calm down until he heard the footsteps disappear down the hall.

The brunette moved over to the door and pressed his ear to it, listening very carefully. Satisfied that neither of their parents were outside the door, he went to the desk that was in the room and wrote "Thank you" on a small slip of paper. Remus then opened the door very carefully and took the tray inside, leaving the little note on the floor before closing and locking the door once more.
Romulus took in a deep breath, kissing his brother back happily. He squeaked at hte knock, pulling away as well. HIs eyes were a little wide and he stared at the door and he sunk into the bed. Pulling the covers up, he draped them over his head, trying to disappear in a sense. He was just so very embarrassed and unused to this. He did not want their fathers to know what they did! It was horrible to think that. He whimpered a little bit before his stomach growled - easily winning over any embarrassment.

Slowly, he pushed the sheets down and looked over at his brother. "They don't seem mad at us." He stated, slowly sliding out of the bed and he pulled his pajama pants up a little bit. He slowly walked over to the plate of french toast, pulling off a piece of it and eating. Mm... It definitely was delicious.​
This went on for a few days. Tanner or Relic would put food by the door and show up a few hours later to collect the dirty dishes and the notes. Remus was beginning to feel bad that they were taking advantage of both their fathers, but couldn't help being scared about going back out there. It was just too much. He sat on the bed eating one of the candy bars that he'd packed when coming home from Australia, trying to think of a way that hey could return to normal life, but not be so bombarded with embarrassment over who they were and what they did.
Romulus moved over to sit beside his brother. His arms wrapped around his waist and he rested his cheek against his shoulder. His eyes slipped closed and he nuzzled into the other male's shoulder just a little bit. He chewed his bottom lip for a bit before he looked up at him. "I think we should leave the room today ..." He stated, feeling guilty as well. He did not like them knowing, but he felt horrible that they were so very kind and understanding to continue to feed them without pestering them to come out..​
"I know," he answered very softly. "But they know." That was the biggest thing for Remus. That everyone knew. He looked over to his brother, holding up a bit of chocolate to his lips with his fingers. "What if they're just being nice to get us to come out so they can tell us we have to stay away from each other?"
Romulus thought for a little, chewing on the chocolate offered to him. He kept his head against his brother's shoulder, eyes closed. "But ... if Relic knew back in Austrailia, he did not separate us then...' He offered up, just wanting to try and think of a way to make this whole thing better.

Relic, on the other hand, was freaking out. He was currenlty pacing back and forth in the kitchen, his fingers pushing through his hair and rested at the back of his head. "They hate me!" He said, turning to his husband and he let out a littl e whimper. "We finally get to have children and ... they hate us!" He let his arms cross over his chest tightly, tears gently forming in the corners of his eyes. "They don't want me ... They locked themselves up in tehir room and ... and they don't want me!" He let out a little whimper and he fell to the ground, his arms wrapped tightly aroudn his legs and he buried his face into his chest, whimpering a little more. 'They hate me... Maybe ... Maybe I'm not supposed to be a parent! The world is obviously against me being happy with children ... Maybe that's why I fell in love with you ... To ensure that I would never have children." He whimpered a little bit more, a few soft sobs passing his lips.​
"I guess..." Remus still wasn't entirely convinced, and sat silent to think some more.

Tanner watched his lover, unsure of what to do. When Relic finally hit the floor, the blond moved over and wrapped his arms around his husband tightly, hugging him. "You have to understand more than anyone, Relic. They know what they're doing is 'wrong', and never before have they known anyone who shared the relationship that they share with each other." Tanner pressed a kiss to Relic's cheek. "They're in an entirely new place with entirely new people... And while your intentions were good in wanting them to meet Rune right away... Well he's Rune, darling. He frightened them by reading their thoughts so openly." Tanner threaded his fingers through Relic's hair as they sat there, the blond trying to think of what to do. "Do you want me to try and talk with them?"
Relic listened to him and he let out another little whimper. His eyes slipped closed and he turned to nuzzled into his husband's neck, pouting a little bit as he did so. "But ... Shouldn't that bring us closer?" He asked, whimpering a little bit more. "Y-yea..." he murmrued, flopping against him and he whimpered once more. "Since apparently they don't like me." He added, a pout to his lips and he kissed his love's neck gently. "You go ... Please."​
"You and Rune were so different. You didn't care who knew. They've had to hide it." He kissed his husband gently. "Give them some time." With another kiss, Tanner stood, lifting Relic to his feet too, and moved through the house to the bedroom door. He knocked on it gently. "Boys?"

Remus stiffened once more, looking towards Romulus with the unasked question of whether or not they should answer the door.

"Come on now," Tanner chided gently. "I just want to talk to you."
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