Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

By the time Tanner returned, Relic was placing the third, and last, trunk on top of the other two. He looked over at Tanner when he returned, his arms crossing over his lower torso as he did so. 'Daddy says the plane should be in the airport soon." He stated and then took in another breath before he relaxed, there was another hole in the wall, but that was only because he had gotten frustrated once more. He would ask Rune to fix it up while they were away. "I called and we have a nice buggalo on the beach to stay in until we're done."​
He nodded and once more kissed Relic gently. "We're going to have children, Relic." He kissed his love's temple and gave him a tight hug before stepping away. He called Nikkos to help with their trunks-floating them to the car was much easier than carrying them-and after thanking him one more time, the blond climbed into the driver's seat. Only after confirming that Relic was in and safely buckled did he pull away from the house and head for the airport. He figured that by time they got there and got the car parked, the plane would be waiting for them to whisk them away to wherever their hearts desired.
Relic moved into the car beside the male, sinking into the seat with his right knee draped over his left, swinging his foot impatiently. He knew that they would get children. They would adopt beautiful ones, find a surrogate, and all would be fine. Thing being, those that do not want a child are getting them and it is really beginning to get on his last nerve! So, yes, he needed a vacation away before he found out that someone else was getting a kid or something.

He sighed heavily, pulling into the airport and he hopped to the back of the car. Pulling out two of the trunks with ease, he left the less heavy one for Tanner to take. One rested on his shoulder, the otheri n his hand, and through the port he went. He did not need any identification or anything. Again, he looked like his father. No one really bothered to ever stop him for, well, anything. He could literally get away with murder! Which is why he has.

Heading to the plane, he spotted one of the guards, big bulky guy. He gave him the one trunk, him realeasing a loud "oomph!" when given to him, the man practically falling over from the weight. Relic just ignored him and put his trunk into the plane before boarding. He plopped down, arms crossed once more and he waited patiently for his love.​
He could only shake his head at his lover, taking the third trunk, the bag of personal effects and the back pack with all of their necessary items. He followed Relic, laughing a little when the guard had trouble with the trunk. He was greatly amused each time that his husband showed his strength to those who either didn't know or didn't remember that he had it.

The blond boarded the plane and sat next to Relic, pulling the man into his side completely.
Relic let out a heavy sigh, falling to hte side and resting his head on his love's lap. His eyes slipped closed and he nuzzled into the man a little bit before he relaxed once more. "I'm sorry." he whispered, feeling truly like a jerk, but he could not help it. He was just so, so very frustrated with this whole thing. He would have to buy Gabriel and Sergei a nice gift. An engagement one and then a nice baby one. Maybe make the baby a blanket or something. He just could not stand it anymore.​
Tanner's fingers carded through Relic's silky hair, fingertips massaging the scalp beneath them. "Sorry for what?" He understood how Relic was feeling, and he knew at least that Gabriel did too. He could explain it to Sergei much better than anyone else could, really.

They took off without any problems and once they were on their way, Tanner reclined his chair only to pull Relic into it with him, cuddling his husband close. "Relax for the flight, Relic. You're too stressed and I hate that you are."
Relic let out a little laugh, eyes closed still as he remained silent for a moment or two. "For being so ... selfish." He whispered and he then remained where he was while the plane took off. He gladly moved into the other's arms even more. His arms crossing and resting on top of the other's torso, lying flat on him on his stomach. He looked up at him with a bit of interest before he perked up, just a little more. "Tanner ... can I get a Prince Albert piercing?" He asked, his chind resting on his arms while he silently waited for the other's answer.​
He kissed the top of Relic's head, until his husband moved away. An eyebrow was raised to the question, Tanner not really believing that Relic was serious. Hadn't he said that he wouldn't go that far? The thought of the other man being pierced there was a bit scary for him, really. "Why?" That was the main question, and he wasn't asking it to be rude or mean or snotty. He really wanted Relic's reasoning behind his wanting such a thing.
Relic blinked a few times and he put on a gentle little pout. "To be sure I never have the temptation to be on top." He said, truly having been a thought while he was pondering the ring or not. He had been tempted times before to try and convince him of letting him be on top, but if he had a ring there, he would feel too bad if he tried to ... use it. He sighed softly and sunk down to rest his chin against the front of the man's chest. Eyes slipped closed and he shrugged his shoulder a bit, trailing his forefinger along the other's chest absently. "and ... I'm running out of places to pierce." He thought for a bit and then looked down at him once more. "Unless I could start getting the corset piercings ... Then those would mess with my normal corsets ... OR I could incorporate it into my clothes. Ooo..." Yep, his mind was off now.​
He could only shake his head. Tanner took a hold of Relic's face with both hands, moving his chin up so that they were looking directly at each other. "Focus." He planted a little kiss to the tip of his husband's nose. Tanner watched the other man, not sure of how to react or answer the question that was asked. and then there was the comment of Relic being on top during sex, and that sent the blond's mind reeling even further off course, too.

"Let me think about it?" he asked, pecking Relic's lips. "I promise you an answer in a few days."
Relic blinked a few times when the man's lips were pressed to his, pulling him out of his thoughts. He looked back up at him, listening silently to him and his lips poked forward, pouting while he listened to the man. He nodded though, leaning up to kiss his lips softly. He set back down to rest against his chest, nuzzling into his chest and he smiled a little bit more. "Okay." He said softly and eyes closed, yawning softly as he rested against the male.​
Despite his pushing Relic to rest, his thoughts about sex had gone to a new level. The blond groaned and thrust his hips up into Relic's playfully while his hands traveled down to grab at his rear end, squeezing it suggestively. Tanner was only half teasing, and definitely wouldn't turn Relic down if he played along...
Relic had been trying to drift into sleep when his love groaned and bucked into him. A brow lifted in question and he looked down at the male beneath him. He glanced around, for once the bloody plane was actually clear of anyone. He lifted his eyes to Tanner once more, staring at him with interest. "Naughty little lover.' He whispered, leaning over and pressing another kiss to his lips. He nipped at his bottom lip and rocking his hips into his and he smirked. "All the talks of my piercings getting you hot?" He teased, knowing that that was not the case, but did not mean he could not pick on his love a little bit.​
"You wouldn't have it any other way," he answered with a little whimper when his bottom lip was bitten. The blond's hands moved up and under Relic's skirt, and then down into his panties, groping the bare flesh that he found there. He pulled Relic up by his rear end so that their lips were perfectly aligned, kissing him playfully. "And anything but little." He gave another buck up.
Relic chuckled softly. "You're lucky I know that for a fact." He teased, leaning up and gladly kissing him back passionately. His eyes slipped closed and trailed his fingers along the man's torso, groaning gently when he was roped. Oh how he adored him. His hips ground into his and he then slid his hands to the front of his form, beginning to undo the button and zipper, impatient already. That and he did not really want to deal with throwing his clothes everywhere. It would be too much of a hassle dealing with them on a plane.​
"I am lucky," he agreed, moving his lips to Relic's neck and biting down there, leaving some very angry looking marks. He licked over them as he pushed his hands down, moving the panties along with them. He hissed as his own jeans and boxers were pushed down, Tanner lifting his hips to allow them to be, and their bare flesh met. He loved that sensation almost more than anything else.

Tanner shifted, aligning himself with his husband.
Relic chuckled softly and then continued to kiss him happily, loving the man so much. He took in a deep breath when his panties were removed, impatiently pushing the other's garments away. They were annoying anyway. He groaned, rolling his hips against his and he hissed happily with the male's teeth sinking into his neck. Oh, that was lovely. He purred a bit, rolling into him once more and he then wiggled his rear to move Tanner into him. He took in a deep breath, his forehead falling into the crook of the other's neck and he rocked his rear against the tip of his member.​
Moaning, Tanner lifted his hips to press into Relic further. He took his time, savoring each inch. Once fully engulfed inside of his husband, Tanner's hips flexed upwards, the blond groaning at the sensation a little bit. Twisting his neck slightly, he was able to capture Relic's lips in a heated kiss while he slowly began to work his hips a bit more, hands holding Relic's own securely.
Relic gasped softly, moaning deeply and he leant toward his love, glad to kiss him back just as passionately. His hands continued to trail along his torso, sliding under his shirt to caress the soft flesh beneath. He took in a deep breath through his nose, grinding his hips into the other's groin, moaning out into his lips. His eyes kept closed while he rolled into him, utter putty to whatever it was that his love wanted.
While it hadn't started out that way, Tanner felt that they were healing each other's frustrations. It was silly to think that they were making love rather than simply having sex, but he felt closer to Relic. The blond's arms wrapped around his husband's waist, holding him tightly as his hips rocked up into him, lips pressed to the twin's own.
Relic let out a gentle little moan, rocking his hips into his and he took in a shuddering breath as he did so. He was so very in love with his husband that he could not even function when they were in such a manner. He just wanted to be closer and show the other how much he loved - especially now. Now that he completely needed him and he felt so helpless with the child situation they were in. He really was .. upset with everything. himself, the situation, discriminatory bastards ... many things.

They continued rocking and grinding in the chair, Relic almost wanting to try and break it really ... if his father would not get pissed. He easily released into his love's hand with a deep gasp. His hips slowly calmed down, rocking to a stop and he grinned hwile looking down at his husband. "I love you... so much." He whispered, leaning down and pressing a kiss to his lips.​
It was easily one of the best times he'd had with Relic, as so much emotion was flowing between them. The intensity level was through the rough.

It didn't take much to draw his orgasm out of him, Tanner emptying himself deep within his lover with soft cries of pleasure. His clean hand moved up, cupping the side of the other man's face as they kissed, allowing their breathing and heart rates to return to normal.
Relic kissed him back happily, spending the rest of the trip cleaning himself up in the bathroom and then returning his clothes, being sure that his love was cleaned properly as well. He heard the captain mumbling a few things to himself and he chuckled in utter amusement. Whoops. Were they too loud? He laughed at himself, returning to his seat and flopping beside him for the rest of the ride.

Soon enough, the plane landed, their bags were put into a cab and then Relic tugged his love out of hte plane. He giggled excitedly and happily, taking in a deep breath of the warm, crisp air. He smiled and turned to look at Tanner, kissing the side of his neck and he moved toward the cab waiting for them. He slid in, dragging his lover in with him and he looked over at the driver. He told them the address and then settled against his love, nuzzling into his shoulder with a sigh.​
Tanner had a good laugh at the captain's grumbling, settling in with Relic for the rest of the flight once they were both squeaky clean again. He'd just been drifting off into a nap when they hit the ground, and the blond groaned a little with that. Sex always made him want to take a nap.

But he followed Relic without complaint, sliding into the cab next to him and wrapping his arm around his husband's shoulder as they drove. "So what's on the agenda?" he asked. Tanner was curious if they would stay here, or hop around the globe for the month until Relic was feeling a little better.
Relic sighed softly, settling against the man's torso, eyes closed and he nuzzled him just a little bit. His arms crossed over his lower torso while he thought silently for a short while. "Mm ... Probably just stay here." He stated, tilting his head back to look up at him, smiling warmly as he did so. "I've never been here ... and I do so love the beach." He informed him, leaning up and pressing a kiss to the side of his neck, nuzzling into his neck and he hugged him happily with a little giggle.

Soon enough, the car pulled in front of a beach house and Relic grinned. He paid the man and then hopped out, getting their trunks, holding them effortlessly and he skipped his way toward the house, giggling excitedly. Better than he thought! He had only heard the man on the phone describe the house to him. He was very happy right now. He opened up the house, moving inside nad resting his trunks down before he turned to look at Tanner. "What do you think?"​
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