Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Trevor made his way to his bag, pulling his towel out and wrapping it around his shivering form. He looked over at the blond and nodded. "Okay." He said, smiling all the bigger. He definitely was having fun, and really did not want the night to end either. His parents would not mind. They had not really given him a curfew, probably because he was at Prometheus and they could do a dorm-check, or have Tomias do it, anytime they wanted to see just what he was doing.​
Bohdi beamed at the answer, glad that he was going to have more time to spend with his friend. Before they started walking, the blond tossed a towel over Kyros, who shook it off onto the floor only to lie down on top of it and roll. Bohdi laughed at that as he lead the way back to his dorm. It really hadn't taken him long to figure his way around the school. He really had to as there weren't many students who were willing to show him around, and Trevor didn't have all of the same classes as he did. Also, Trevor wasn't there at night when sometimes he'd really needed the help.

Stepping inside, the blond moved over to the other side of the room. "You can change. I'll keep my back turned if you do."
Trevor followed into the dorm, smiling gently as he rested his things in the corner of the room. He looked over at the blond and nodded. "Thank you." He said simply, taking his towel and folding it up, draping it over his shoes. He then pulled out his clothes - simple zipper-up hoodie, tee shirt, and some jeans - and rested them on the ground as well. He pushed his wet trunks off his form, wiggling his rear a little bit to help get the wet garment frmo his form.Taking that, he shoved iti nto the bag with all of his dirty or wet clothes and then pulled on a new pair of boxers and the rest of his clothes.

He zipped up the hoodie to the middle and straightened out his pants before turning to look at Bohdi, smiling warmly. "Okay. You can turn around now." He stated, moving over to the bed and sitting upon the edge of hte mattress.​
He had to admit that he stole a little peek. But who could help it? Trevor was utterly adorable! Bohdi was sure to turn around with plenty of time to change, though, and only turned when the brunette gave him the okay. Smiling, the blond moved over to his CD player and turned on whatever was in there before gathering books from the two classes that they shared and moving to the bed. "Sit," he prompted gently. "Plenty of room."
Trevor wathced theo ther and then nodded a bit. He scooted closer to the boy on the bed, bringing his bare feet up to sit indian-style [orwhatever] on the bed. He leaned against Bohdi's arm just a bit to look over the materials. "I started the work when I got home ... Got to problem twenty and then, well, came to meet you." he smiled warmly and then pointed to one of the problems in the book. "This one is in the notes we took today."​
Warm fuzzies ran up Bohdi's body with the close contact with his friend. He couldn't help but lean into the other boy just a fraction more as they looked over the notes. "Oh yeah... But this wasn't." He pointed further down in the paragraph. "That sounds like it will probably be on the test..." He looked over at Trevor. He was cute when he concentrated so hard.
Trevor stared at the bit that Bohdi pointed out, reading it over a bit before his front tooth poked out to chew on the side of his lip, thinking. Yes. That probably would be on the test, wouldn't it? He nibbled the flesh a bit before he turned to look at the blond, concern in his features. "The test is not until next week, right?" He asked, trying to remember what date it was in comparison to the one he beleived the test was scheduled for. He did not want to miss the test. He could not.​
At the moment, he really couldn't remember when the test was. He was too taken with Trevor to really think about it correctly. Bohdi leaned forward and pecked a very quick, light kiss to Trevor's lips, hoping that the teen wouldn't be scared or freak out because of the contact. He simply wasn't able to resist the urge to kiss the other anymore.
Trevor stopped nibbling his lip with the other's against his. He stopped pretty much, everything really. He stared at Bohdi for a while, his heart fluttering and his stomach doing many backflips within his stomach as he stared at the boy. Did he really just ... kiss him? His ruby eyes traveled along the other's form a little, judging his actions a little before his mind came to the conclusion that the kiss was not merely friendly. It could have been put off as friendly at the door, or if he was leaving, or under mistletoe! On the bed and talking about schoolwork was not really... that.

With a faint pink tinted to his cheeks, he leant toward the blond, closer and closer until finally his lips connected with his. His eyes fluttered closed and his heart instantly picked up its pace. He had not realized the attraction to his friend beforehand, but now, now that he was so close, now that their lips were together, he definitely felt it.​
His heart pounded as they sat there. Bohdi wasn't sure if Trevor was mad at him or not, and if he was going to run away or not. The kiss, though, answered all of his questions. The blond gasped softly as his hand came up to cup the brunette's cheek as his lips caressed Trevor's. He slowly pulled back after a few moments, his eyes traveling over the other. Bohdi smiled, leaning forward for one more small peck. He didn't really know what to say, and everything that came to mind sounded really stupid.
Trevor continued to hold the book in his hand and his other hand rested on the mattress between them. He wound up leaning closer into Bohdi, gladly kissing him for however long it lasted. He slowly pulled back when the other did, glad to accept the other peck. His eyes fluttered open, staring at Bohdi while his mind raced about just what to do. He took in a deep breath, about to say something when he heard his cell phone ring. He gasped, jolting up, closing the book with a snap, and he placed that onto the mattress before rushing off toward his bag.

He lifted the phone up, flipping it open and listening to Rune's voice on the other end. He nodded a little, despite the man not seeing it. "Y-yes Mama. Mhm. O... Okay. Yes. Um, Give me ... a minute. Yes. I'll be right down." He flipped the phone closed, slipping it back into his bag as he turned to Bohdi, smiling a little nervously. "Um ... I have to get going." he stated, unsure of what to do now. Give him a kiss good bye? Just say 'bye' and leave? leave?​
The phone, and then Trevor moving so quickly, jolted Bohdi out of his stupor and he watched the other, listening to the conversation. He got the jist of it before the brunette could say anything to him. He stood up and nodded. "Alright." He wasn't really sure what to do, either, though Kyros must have had an idea. The dog ran by him from behind, nearly knocking him into Trevor's form. The blond laughed a little as he steadied himself on Trevor's shoulders for a minute.

"Thanks for coming to swim with me." He gave a little smile, and then after a moment leaned forward to kiss the other boy again.
Trevor went wide-eyed when there was suddenly a blond in his arms. He stared at him a litle, laughing as well, helping him up a bit to stand without toppling over again. He smiled gently in response, taking in a sharp breath through his nose with the feel of his lips to his once more. HIs eyes fluttered closed and he leant forward a little bit, gladly kissing him back. His hand lifted to rest at the side of the blond's neck, cupping his chin and pulling him a little closer.

He kissed him for a good while before pulling back with a faint red hued across his cheeks. "So um ... I'll see you. Tomorrow. At three... o rmaybe three thirty. It... it's on the flyer." He stated, nudging his head in the direction of the piece of paper left on his desk that held the information for the sewing club. "Call me if you need anything." He turned to leave, stopping to turn aroudn and press another kiss to the blond's lips. With that, he took up his bag and headed out of the room, rushing down to greet his Mama, hoping the man was not upset with him.​
He wasn't really sure how he felt about going over to Jade's house. He wasn't all about meeting the boy's parents and family. But maybe it would pan out in his best interest... He could stand a night or two to get on everyone's good side enough to get the cute little blond boy alone for some real fun...

Nicholai shook himself out and rang the bell, tapping his foot as he waited.
Jade squealed at the door, running through the halls, literally, as he made his way toward the front door. He was so excited! Nicholai was coming over! He was coming ooover! and his parents would love him. and he would be able to go out on a date with him. and everything would be perfeclty fine! He giggled as he skidded to a stop in front of the door. A deep breath pulled into his lungs as he calmed down once more.

He opened up the door, grinning as he spotted the man there. 'hi!" He said excitedly, bouncing on the balls of his feet as he moved to hte side, allowing for the man to walk into the house.​
He gave himself a little pep talk as he heard the running towards the door and put on a fake smile when it was swung open. He bent to peck a kiss to Jade's cheek as he entered with a soft little "Hey, beautiful." The brunette entered the house and looked around, waiting to see who he would meet first: mother or father. "Nice house."
Jade giggled happily and leant up to kiss the brunette's cheek in return. His hand took a hold of his and he bean to lead the other through the halls. "Papa's in the kitchen cooking. Mama is getting Trevor ." He stated with a giggle. He really was happy tonight. He knew that it was late, but he was still very excited at he moment. Trevor should be home soon and he would be able to meet Nicholai and give his approval too! Oh, it was goign to be lovely.

Walking over to the kitchen, he stopped in the doroway, grinning and utterly beaming as he looked at Calder. 'Papa! Nicholai's here." He said, giggling all the more.​
Calder turned around and smiled at their guest. After cleaning off his hands, he moved forward to shake Nicholai's hand. "Hi." He was wary of the teen in front of him. He was highly protective of all three kids, but of Jade especially. The smaller blond seemed to be the one that would be hardest to break of old habits and that meant that he could easily be hurt. Calder didn't want that at all.

"It's nice to meet you," Nicholai offered, giving his cheesiest smile. Parents seemed to like cheesy smiles. "Dinner smells delicious." Really, it smelled of only garlic, which he despised, but he couldn't say that now could he?
Jade grinned, beaming happily and he giggled excitedly. He walked over to where Calder was, looking at what he had. He leant up and kissed the lbond's cheek, smiling lightly as he did so. He nuzzled into his papa's shoulder and he then turned back to where he left Nicholai. He took the brunette's hand once more. "We're going to go sit in the living room." He said happily, beginning to pull the other toward the room, hoping that he would not be stopped iwth the whole 'parent there at all times' thing,.​
While Calder wanted to protest, he argued with himself that the living room was only thirty feet away and he could check in the minute that his water was on to boil. He nodded with a little ruffle to Jade's hair.

Nicholai moved to the living room with Jade, sitting on the sofa ad quickly pulling the cute little blond into his lap playfully. "So how's school, beautiful?" he asked. He always asked the inane questions-they were good to make the boys that he was after at the moment think that he actually cared about what was going on in their lives, rather than simply in their pants.
Jade grinned and moved into the other room with the brunette. He gladly set upon his lap, feet to one side of the brunette's lap and he rested his cheek against the man's shoulder. His eyes slipped closed and he giggled happily. "Very good." He informed him, tilting his head back to look up at the other, smiling a little more. "I like my classes." He giggled once more, nuzzling into his neck a little bit more.​
"That's good." He smiled and lifted Jade's chin up to peck a little kiss to his lips. "Did you do all your homework?" he asked with a little laugh. He liked to tease Jade about their age difference, mainly because he never really thought about it except when they spoke about school. He was cute and small and Nicholai liked to play with him. He kissed the younger boy again.
Jade giggled happily, nodding a bit. "Mhm.' He said simply, smiling even more as he was kissed. He leant toward him a little more, his lips staying with his. He gave gentle and short kisses to the other, eyes fluttering closed as he did so.

The two did not stay together for long as a pair of strong arms easily lifted Jade off the brunette, Rune moving and placing the blond onto the couch. His hand rested on his hip, straightening as he looked down at the other, narrowing his eyes a little. "That ... is a no-no." He stated, growling under his breath a bit before he turned to look at the brunette, arching a brow. "I take it you're Nicholai..."​
It was a rather rude interruption and Nicholai pouted a little bit, looking at the man that was now in front of them. "Yes. And you are...?" He eyed the man, eyebrow raised. Jade had said that he had one older brother, but fifteen. The man in front of them was not fifteen.
Rune stared down at the man and he crossed his arms over his lower torso as he continued to glare at him. Oh, he did not like him. Not at all. "Rune." He stated and then glanced over to Jade before once more back to the man. "I'm Jade's parent." He continued to glare down at the man, not liking him at all.

Trevor slowly came into the living room, after checking if Calder needed any help of course. He moved over to Jade, smiling lightly. He leant down and kissed the blond's cheek, straightening up and he looked over at Rune, looking at him with interest. "Mama ... Please do not scare Jade's friend." He said softly, walking over to the man and tugging at the bottom of his shirt. "You have to at least give him a chance first."​
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