Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Relic smiled warmly to the woman, taking a hold of his love's hand and beginning to lead him out to their car once more. They went to the other agency, basically doing the same thing as the last, and the ravenette was getting all the happier. He knew that he should not have been depressed to start with, but it was just overwhelming and he hated it all. But now, now he had the chance and he was very thankful for it.

Jade squeaked as he ran into Calder, giggling happily as he did so. He happily bounced up and down on his feet while holding up a piece of paper that really only had a name and number on it. "Look! I got someone's number today and and and and he said that we can go out on a date!" He giggled once more, beaming as he looked up at the blond in front of him. He hugged the man aroudn teh waist tightly, nuzzling into his side and just all aroudn excited at the moment.​
They were headed home, Tanner's fingers laced with Relic's as they drove. "Maybe you should go see Rune before we go home." He usually wasn't one to suggest such things-his husband's relationship with his twin was one he'd never understand-but Relic had been in the wrong this time and the blond was sure that they both knew that. "Calder has to repaint nearly their entire house..."

A date? Calder took the paper and read it, though he didn't get much of a clue from it. "Why don't you sit down with me and tell me about him?" He didn't want to outright say 'no'. If this was another eleven year old, well a date could be nothing more than a movie together, right? That wasn't so bad! The blond set his youngest son onto a stool and turned to make him a cup of tea. "What's his name? How old is he? Where'd you meet?" He smiled as the cup was passed to Jade, already fixed for him.
Relic nodded, turning to look at Tanner and he smiled warmly. "Mhm. I am going to." He stated, leaning over to kiss his love's cheek and he nuzzled into his shoulder a little bit. A warm smile kept to his lips as he was infinitely happier. He was so, so very giddy right now. He wanted to apologize to Rune. Save the house before Calder had to kill Rune to stop him from writing everywher.e He kissed him again and then settled back into the seat, arm folding over his lower torso as he waited for their house to come into view.

Jade giggled happily as he hopped on up to the chair, legs swinging happily. "We met at school." He stated, smling all the more. "His name is Nicholai. He's soooo cute! He has brown hair and and and he has gorgeous green eyes! They're beautiful." He giggled happily and clapped his hands together a little bit. "He is helping out in my class. He's um ... a freshman in college." He smiled warmly, looking over at Calder. He took up the cup, twirling his spoon through the warm liquid. "But he's only seventeen! He got to skip two grades so he's really really smart!"​
Pulling up to the house, Tanner kissed his husband softly and shooed him off to the other side of the house. Relic didn't need him there when he talked to his brother, and Tanner didn't want to intrude, either. Instead he returned to their own home to call the lawyer and thank him for the recommendations of the agencies.

Seventeen? That concerned Calder greatly. "I don't know, Jade... That's a big age gap." The blond sipped his tea for a few moments, thinking it over in his head. "Why don't you let me talk to Mama about it." There was nothing else that he could really say.
Relic giggled as he bounced over to the other side of the house, moving into the house and deciding to go sneak up on his brother. The man would adore it! He knew he would. WEll, he better damnit. Otherwise he'll wind up tackling him and demanding his attention. He could be an attention whore when he wanted. Okay, he really was an attention whore, but he had been fairly controlled recently.

Rune perked up when he got what Jade was so excited about, his brow lifted in question as he stood up. Taking Ella off the ground, knowing the girl would not let him be alone now. He handed Trevor the cup back, pressing a gentle kiss on top of his head and ruffling his hair. "Come ... hither... I have to go crush your brother's hopes for a second." He then walked out of the house, seeing Relic and holding up a single forefinger, knowing what the man was here for but not wanting to deal with it at the moment.

He walked into the kitchen, seeing Jade look so excited about the date and he moved to the boy, resting his hand on top of his head. He pulled the blond's head back, looking down at him and he shook his head. "Like hell you're going out with a seventeen year old. And ah! Before you protest, yes, the age gap is not huge, only six years, but you're eleven , he's seventeen. He can call you when you've reached fourteen."

Jade blinked a few times, his sapphire eyes filling with tears as he saw that his Mama was not kidding. "But ... but ... he's really really nice! and he's smart and ... THATS THREE YEARS AWAY! He won't want me then." He took in a sniffle and then turned to look at Calder. "papa! Please ... you .. you don't mind ... right?"​
Well they couldn't avoid meltdowns forever, right? Calder sighed and looked at the teary eyed boy with a sympathetic smile. "I wish I didn't mind, honey. But Mama's right." He moved around the counter, sitting on the stool next to Jade and then pulling him into his lap. "Listen here, hmm? You three had to grow up very fast. But you're here now, and you've been given a second chance to just be a kid. We want you to experience that." He reached forward and wiped away the tears softly. "I know what you're feeling, lovey. I felt the same way when I was eleven. And my parents told me just what yours are telling you."
Rune rested against the side of the counter, his arms crossed over his lower torso and he saw it coming. He knew it would end up coming, and he did not want it to happen. He did not want the boy to start bawling and screaming off the top of his lungs how wretched they were. He took in a deep breath and walked over to the blonds. Leaning down, he pressed a kiss to the forehead of the boy, getting a giggle from Ella since he had to bend in order to do so. He straightened once more and then looked down at him. "You cannot date him. If you wish to have him over for dinner, here, sometimes, I will not mind, and I'm sure Papa won't either. But, you do not get to be with him alone."

Jade puffed his cheeks out, brows furrowing, and he stared at the man then to Calder who held him. "Fine." He mumbled, sliding off of the blond's lap and he crossed his arms over his torso. "It's still not fair." He grumbled and then walked out of the room, pushing past Relic and Trevor who had been too scared to go into the kitchen, that and they were talking about hte sewing club.

Relic watched Jade storm off and then turned back to Trevor, smiling gently. "So, maybe Monday we can start it. I'll start putting up flyers, telling my classes, and all that stuff. You can bring that Bohdi friend of yours." He winked before looking over at Rune. Grinning, he bounced his way into the kitchen, moving to his brother's side and leaning up to press a kiss to his cheek. "Sorry I was an irrational fool." He said and then kissed Ella's temple. "And sorry for taking away your Mama." He grined as he set back, arms stretching above his head with a groan to his lips. "Aaand" he turned to Calder, smiling gently. "I'm sorry that you have to paint the whole house over again."​
He sighed as Jade slinked off. They would have to watch him-Calder was fairly sure that he would be sneaking about now that he was officially not allowed to see this boy. He looked over to Relic when his cheek was kissed and smiled. "I don't have to paint it," he said. "You caused it." He poked his tongue out at the man. Of course the blond would help paint it but he figured that Relic and Rune could help-it would give them some time to spend together after nearly two weeks with no contact at all.

He moved over to Rune and gently took Ella as he kissed his lover. "You're covered in marker. Go shower."
Relic chuckled softly and nodded. "Fine. Though I could just pay someone to do it." He stated, sticking his tongue out at the man. He hopped up onto one of the chairs, his right knee crossed over his left as he watched the two.

Rune groaned, Ella clinging to him before giving up and resorting to holding Calder. He kissed hte little girl's temple before he straightened once more. "Fine fine." he mumbled, kissing his love and then walking to Relic. He wrapped his arms aroudn the man's shoulders, gripping him tightly and then dragging him off the chair. "But Relic's coming with me." He added, continuing to pull the man off the chair and then out of the kitchen.

Trevor slowly moved into the kitchen, sitting down and watching his Mama drag Relic off. He arched a brow in question before turnign to look at Calder. "Erm ... What are they doing?"​
Thinking quickly, Ella was passed off to Trevor and Calder lunged forward to take a hold of Relic's wrist. "I don't think so." He poked his tongue out at both men. He knew the two were close, and they'd all slept together once, but that didn't mean that a one on one session between the two was okay with Calder. Relic was brought back out to the kitchen and given cookies and tea.

"Mama's being a smart alec," he finally answered Trevor.
Relic squeaked as he was pulled away, not really thinking much about going to shower with Rune. Not like he hadn't done it before, and well, he could probably use a nice bath from his earlier fun with his husband. but apparently Calder did not want that. He pouted a bit, turning to the blond and then moving to sit upon the chair next to Trevor. "We weren't gunna do anything." He said, pouting a bit as he took the treats offered to him.

Trevor looked at the man beisde him, shaking his head a bit and he then turned to look at Calder once more. "Is it ... bad that Jade wants to date somene?" he asked, truly concerned for his little brother. "He is ... mature for his age and I don't like to see him so heartbroken." He admitted, fidgetting and tuging at the bottom of his shirt, eyes still to the blond. "Is ... is it just the other boy's age?"​
"You weren't planning to do anything," Calder corrected. He shook his head at the other man and was then distracted by Trevor's question. It was a complicate question, really and the blond had to think before answering. "It's not bad that he wants to date someone. Mama and I both know that he is mature for his age, but well. He shouldn't have to be, understand? We want both you and Jade to have some fun-make friends." He smiled at Trevor. "Don't worry. Jade will be okay."
Relic stuck his tongue out at the other before he turned his attention to Trevor, arching a brow. Dear god, he hoped the kid was not worried his parents would hate him for liking boys, right? No. That could not possibly be the issue. Maybe just more so worried about dating a certain person. Ah, who knew? He certainly did not know what was going through the kid's mind. At least he was cute.

Trevor nodded a bit and chewed the side of his nail, thinking silently to himself. "But ... I don't like seeing him this way." He sighed heavily, sliding off of the chair and then beginning to move around the kitchen to get ingredients. He had to make something. Something that Jade would like. Something to make him feel a little less sad about not getting to date that guy he spoke of.​
Calder laughed at Relic as he watched Trevor move around the kitchen to cook something. Really, the boy couldn't have been more like him if he was made from the same DNA. It was cute.

"So how's the baby-getting going?" He hadn't spoken to Relic, and barely to Tanner, since the twins had fought. The blond was looking forward to catching up as he bounced Ella on his knee. "And what color should we paint?" It was the perfect opportunity to change the look of the house now that they really had no choice.
Trevor grumbled while he wandered around the kitchen, bustling about to get everything together. It did not take him long to be adding eggs and flour together, getting everything ready for ... something. He was not too sure what he was making yet. He was torn between cinnamon rolls and some muffins that he know his brother will love. He owuld probably end up with the cinnamon rolls.

Relic looked at Trevor, chuckling softly. He had the same thought as Calder that he could be his child, truly. Shaking his head, he turned to look at Calder once more, listening to the questions. He smiled warmly. "Pretty good. We went to two places today and put our names on some lists and ... now we're just waiting for a call." He sighed softly, truly feeling much better right now. He then looked out at the rest of the rooms, shrugging his shoulders a little. "Maybe some nice burgandies and wines or a dark green... something like that."

"I like a dark blue." Rune said, walking into the kitchen, a towel around his waist and already, the injuries from before were healed - for both boys. He moved over to one of the cupboards, resting a hand on Trevor's head before he ran into him to go get another thing. He took out some of the homemade chocolates his love made, placing one between the brunette's lips and then heading over to the two sitting at the counter. "Calder, are you sure you haven't spawned some kids?" He asked, staring at the blond with a brow arched.​
"That's good to hear." He had felt bad that Relic had been so upset over them having children despite Rune's not wanting them. Burgundy and wine? Green? The blond looked around to picture that and nodded. Yes. That could look nice. Of course, Rune's input would look nice with those suggestions, too. He laughed at Rune's question of children and shook his head. "Well... There was this one time..." he teased with a little wink. "Don't complain. You now have two men willing to bake you chocolate." He moved over and wrapped his arms around his lover's shoulders, kissing him softly. "Feel better?"
Rune kissed Calder's temple and then looked over at Trevor who was silently working away, a passive look to his face. He sighed heavily and then turned to look at Relic, examining his brother for a bit and he nodded. "Of course." he stated, kissing Calder's lips as he moved away from the man and to his brother. He gently trailed his fingertips over the marks on the ravenette's shoulders. "Now, tell me dear brother, where are these from?" He asked, a smirk to his lips as he looked over the lovely marks.

Relic shuddered at his brother's fingers, pulling away a bit before the man did anything else. "Those would be from nails." he stated, turning to look at the elder male and sticking his tongue out. "I'm a happily married man, you know. I don't need to go elsewhere."​
While he was glad that Rune was feeling better and that he and Relic had made up, it didn't make it any easier to watch the two of them together like that. He gave a little sigh and moved out from the kitchen. "I'm going to go check on Jade." It was just best to remove himself from the situation, really. He moved down the hallway to Jade's room, knocking on the door softly.
Jade had been sitting in his room, silently brooding about what went on. He did not want to not grow up! He wanted to be able to go on a date with Nicholai! he was so cute and he was interested in him, and vice versa, and he could already see them having so much fun and going on wonderful dates and everything! But, that was not going to happen. He grumbled a little, and evenm ore when there was a knock at the door. He stood up from the floor and walked over to the door. Staring at it for a short while, he slowly opened it uip, looking up at his Papa and he pouted even more. "Yes, Papa?"​
Calder looked down at the boy before bending down and lifting Jade up onto his hip. He moved them back into the room, closing the door behind him and then sat on the bed, Jade in his lap. "Whatcha thinkin'?" The blond sat back with his back against the wall, legs crossed at the ankles while his arms held Jade around his waist. He knew that the younger blond was upset, but he wanted to know exactly what was going through his head.
Jade arched a brow as he was suddenly lifted up and into the other's arms. He blinked a few times as he was brought back into his room and soon seated upon the other's lap. He stared at the man with interest when he heard the question. "That you're a pervert." He stated, pulling the man's arms off of his and he moved to sit beside him. Normally, he would not mind sitting on the man's lap, but at the moment, he was not comfortable with it. He sighed heavily, his knees pulled to his chest and his arms tihtly around his legs as his blue eyes kept to the blond.

"I don't want to not grow up! I like being with someone ... I ... I miss it. Not ... not the creepy old guys who made me do ... weird things, but there were a few ... a very few guys who were nice ... and kind ... and I liked what they did. So ... I want to erm, would like to, be with someone again."​
He laughed at Jade and waited for him to get comfortable before shifting his own weight so that they were facing each other. "But there's so much more, Jade." He knew what the boy was talking about, but he wanted it to go both ways: He wanted Jade to understand, too. "Sex, and other intimate things, are just secondary. Getting to know someone and learning about them...that's what's important. We want you to experience that. And you're much too young to be having sex, or anything close to it." It broke Calder's heart to know that Jade had already, but that didn't mean that he still had to.

"What parts did you like? And I'm not asking for the sordid details--the sex itself? Cuddling?"
Jade puffed his cheeks out a bit at the other's denial once more. "All of it. I like kissing and the cuddling and the sex and I just like having someone beside me. I don't want to have sex with Nicholai. Well, I do, but that's not my intent, Papa." He stated, his eyes lifting to the man once more with a pathetic little look to his eyes. "I like sex, and I know it's not hte only thing in a relationship ... but I want to have the love of another boy with me. I won't do anything before I am ready. I .... have some morals in that sense... and I ... Just let me introduce you to him or something. He likes me for me!"​
"You only listened to half of what Mama said then," he laughed a little. "You two can spend time here...when either Mama or I are home." He studied the younger male as he spoke, thinking. "We don't want to keep you from making friends or getting to know him. And if he likes you for you, then he will be around and still wanting to take you out on a proper date when you're fourteen, right?"
Jade listened to the man and nodded a little bit here and there. He had heard it, but it did not register. He pursed his lips together and he sighed softly. Reaching up, he wrapped his arms around the blond's shoulders, huging him tightly. He nuzzled into his neck, sighing softly as he did so. "I think he will." He whispered, having the utmost of fate in his Nicholai.​
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