Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

"Yes," he answered in his usual way, also moving over to watch the people. He found that he enjoyed watching them so long as he was a nice distance away from them. Being in the balcony and watching from above was definitely nice. "The music is... Hmm... Some is new, and I like that. And the rest are favorites." They might have to start having lunch in the music room again after tonight, as Luka was fully inspired to play and play and play.
Eros smiled warmly. He was very glad that Luka was enjoying himself. Even more so that most of hte songs were his favorite. He was so happy right now, just with that knowledge in itself. He turned his head to look at the man beside him, his eyes traveling along his form. He glanced to the doorway of the balcony and then once more back to the man beside him. He blushed a little before he could not really stand it anymore. His hand gently rested upon the savant's forearm, leaning up and over to press his lips to the other's lips. His eyes fluttered closed and he kept up on his tippy toes, purely enjoying the contact of his lips to the ravenette's.​
Luka went a little wide-eyed with the kiss, but the sensation soon became familiar again and he relaxed into it. His lips moved with Eros' and his hands came to rest at the little blond's waist. It didn't occur to him that their box-mates would be returning, though he felt their presence much before Eros did, most likely, and he had to stop and pull away, once again extremely uncomfortable with the presence of people other than his friend.
Eros' heart fluttered upon the man returning the kiss. He knew he had no true reason to worry since they had kissed before, but it still made him nervous that he may not want to be the one kissed, versus the one to initiate the kissing. His arms wrapped around the other's neck, trying to help himself get taller to be even with the man. He hated being so short, but he was only fifteen. He hugged him a bit more, hating when the man pulled away.

Blushing a lovely red, his arms settled back around his form, seeing the older couple come back and give them a bit of a dirty, accusing, look. He shook his head at his thoughts and slowly moved toward the seats once more, sitting down with his hands resting on his knees, staring at his feet for the moment. Yep. He felt very awkward right now, and really wanted to get back to the school now so that he could be with the other again, but he had to wait. Not that it was bad, he merely wanted to get closer to Luka.​
Luka was oblivious to Eros' mood or thoughts. He always was, really. And when the music started again, he was oblivious to everything else, too.The music always took over, and he wanted it to. Music was his escape from all that was bad and confusing in the world, which was almost everything. He loved when it started, and got sad when it ended, the dark haired man giving a little sigh as the applause started. But he still sat there, unable to move through the throngs of people that were all attempting to leave at once.
Eros wound up resting his head against Luka's shoulder when the music started. His eyes staying to the musicians and he wound up paying attention to both the music, and then the humming and heartbeat of Luka, finding the latter far more interesting. His eyes slipped closed as well and he tried to not drift off into sleep, but he could not help doing so every once in a while. He would doze off, then come back, then repeat the action. He really was mentally exhausted. He had been freaking out over the date for the past two days and so he had not slept properly, and last night, he barely got two solid hours.

At the end, with the clapping, he was up once more. Straightening up and he began to clap a little himself, looking at the stage and he smiled a little bit more. He remained where he was, knowing that staying put was going to be the best option for them, and mainly Luka. Besides, fighting the crowds was always horrible. Turning to the ravenette, he smiled softly. "This was ... very nice."​
Luka nodded, moving his arm which was now asleep from being leaned on for the past hour or so. Once he had regained feeling to it, the savant slipped it around his date's shoulders, holding him close to his side while they waited for the theater to empty out. It took sometime, but finally he felt safe enough to leave without having to be around hundreds of people at once.

The driver began back towards Prometheus once they were safely inside. "Thank you."
Eros was happy to have the man's arm around his shoulders, beaming on the inside, but trying to look passive on the out. Of course, the smile on his lips was hard to make disappear, but he was fine. He turned his head to look at the man, his blue eyes to the other before he moved into the car. He slid over the seat to the other side, turning to Luka when he spoke. He leant up to kiss the man's cheek before settling back down. "Thank you for coming with me, too. I had ... a wonderful time.' He admitted, a fiant pink tinted his cheeks but he ignored it for now. He rested his forehead against the other's shoulder, taking in his scent and he tried not to cling to him again.​
He allowed the other male to rest his head against him, Luka not making any other move to encourage or discourage it. He was quite comfortable to settle back and re-listen to the music from the night that was dancing about in his head. It wasn't long before they arrived back at Prometheus, and Luka strolled into the school, taking his time as the music continued to float through his head.
Eros remained silent on the way through the halls and back up to the other's dorm. His hand laced with his, holding the man's hand and he looked in front of him, eyes traveling along everything there. He soon stopped in front of Luka's dorm, fidgetting with his tux a bit before he turned to look back at the man. Leaning up, he pressed a soft kiss to the man's lips, keeping on his tiptoes as he pulled back after a few soft kisses. "I had a lot of fun tonight." He whispered, slowly resettling back to his feet, faintly blushing as his eyes lifted to the man.​
Before Eros could settle back onto his feet, rather than his toes, Luka's arms wrapped around the teen's waist in a strong grip and lifted him as he stood straight up. There was a good four or five inches to the ground from the bottoms of Eros' feet now, and Luka smiled in amusement at that. The dark haired man kissed his friend's cheek before setting him back down again with another quick kiss before straightening.

"We'll have lunch in the music room tomorrow?"
Eros squeaked gently when he was pulled off the ground to be kissed, even though only on the cheek, he was still happy. He resettled to his feet, a lovely red tinted to his cheeks and he looked up at hte other. Nodding happily, he smiled even more. "Yes! Um ... I'll see you tomorrow at lunch in the music room." He giggled and then turned on his heel, rushing down the hall to go tell his friend about all the details and how wonderful it truly was.​
Luka was in the music room early the next day. He had a tendancy to skip out of his class before lunch simply to go play. No one really said much to him as his classes were mostly voluntary anyway.

He sat at the piano, playing one of the new pieces he'd heard the night before, eyes closed and the savant completely lost inside of his own world once again.
Eros gladly made his way to the music room, stopping in front of the door and grinning to himself. He was far too happy to be normal, but he did not care! he was very excited to see Luka, especially after such a nice date last night. He Turned the knob and slowly opened, spotting the man at the piano and beamed all the more. Hopping into the room, he gently closed the door behind him while walking over to the savant. He sat beside him on the stool, his hands in his lap, bag to the side, and eyes gladly following the other's fingers. He smiled even more, turning to look at Luka for a moment or two. Slowly, he leant up and over to press a delicate kiss to his cheek, blushing and then returning his attention to the piano keys.​
He finished the song he'd been playing, letting the last notes die out of the room before moving. Luka pulled Eros into his lap, both of them facing the piano. He placed his hands over his friend's and moved them to the keys. He placed them in the right places and began to play a simple melody, guiding Eros' fingers to do so.
Eros blushed as he was pulled onto the ravenette's lap, looking at the keys while the man guided his fingers along the keys, grinning at the music. He was so very happy right now. He was very comfortable with Luka, and he was very amused by the tune, too. It was simplistic and nice and while he knew he would not be able to play it woithout the man's hands over his, it was still very nice.

After the song ended, the door pushed open and in-stepped a bubbly little Relic, happily making his way over to the two at the piano. "Beautiful song, you two." He stated while he walked over and took the blond by his hands, tugging him off the other's lap. "You can play ... in a few moments." He pulled the very confused boy and began to drag him toward the door. "I'll return him. I promise." He said while he continued to bring the other with him, giggling happily. "You'll both be happy, trust meee"​
Yawning, Tanner stretched as he stood up to shuffle out to the kitchen. It was the middle of the night, but he wanted water. He scratched his belly as he moved through the house as quietly as he could. He stood at the counter as he drank, reflecting on the past few weeks. They were thrilled that Brielle was pregnant and had even begun to make plans for a nursery already. The blond was pretty sure that Relic was already sewing baby clothes.
Already sitting in the kitchen, a shaking Brielle was perched upon one of the kitchen chairs. Her eyes were red and puffy and a cup of tea between her hands. Tears every so often streaked down her cheeks and she took in a shuddering, shaky breath. She rested the rim of the cup to her lips, sipping it softly and her eyes lifted to the man that entered. She stared at him and then let out another soft whimper. Her eyes closed and she pulled her knees up toward her chest, feeling even worse now.
He hadn't even realized that there was anyone else up, but when Tanner heard the whimper, he perked up and looked around to find the source of the noise. "Brielle? What's wrong?" He moved over with a box of tissues in his hand, setting them on the table in front of the woman before crouching down next to her. "Are you alright?"
Brielle took a tissue, wiping away some tears and then the bottom of her nose. She rested the teacup back onto the table, looking in front of her at the man. She did not want to face them yet. She did not want to tell them. Not ... yet. She took in a deep breath and shook her head. "Non..." She said, her voice squeaking a bit and she took in a sharp breath once more and her eyes closed. She remained where she was and her eyes turned down to the other. "Ze ... ze child ..." She began softly, fidgetting with the tissue. "I ...I lost it..."​
Tanner's eyes went wide, and his jaw dropped...as did his heart. He hurt for himself and Relic, but as Relic didn't know yet, Brielle was more important. The blond stood up and pulled the woman up as well, wrapping his arms around her and pulling her into a tight hug. "It's okay, sweetheart." It wasn't 'okay okay', but it wasn't her fault. He didn't want Brielle to feel that it was.
Brielle instantly fell into the man that held her, burying her face into the crook of his neck. She silently cried into his neck and tried to calm down while shaking her head and a few soft "Non"s passed her lips. Her fingers wrapped around the front of her nightgown she wore. She remained where she was for a short while and slowly pulled back, looking down at her hands, staring at her palms and she whimpered a little more. "Ze ... ze doctor... I saw 'er today...' she whispered and tilted her eyes up to the man's. "She said zat I am ... I am not good for ... 'aving children."​
That was a bigger blow and Tanner had to push it away to process later on. It was too much right now. He pulled her back into a hug, shushing the woman softly. "It'll be okay." It wasn't meant to be so fast, and Brielle wasn't meant to be the one to help them. He wasn't looking forward to telling Relic, though. That was for the morning, and then they would figure out the next step.
"I am sorry." She whispered, soon going into repeating the phrase in French into the man's neck. She hated herself right now. She knew that Relic would be crushed. She did not want that to happen. She was of no use to him. Her body was no good. While she did not want children for herself, she was looking forward to helping out her friend. Not anymore. She whimpered again while she kept her nose buried into the base of his neck.​
He hushed her gently, holding her for a long while before softly pulling away. "Lets get you to bed." She must have been exhausted, and Tanner was now, too. "I'll talk to Relic in the morning." The blond leaned forward and kissed the woman's temple before leading her back to her bedroom and being sure to tuck her in. "Honest. It's going to be fine." He didn't know if he believed himself, but that wasn't the point at the moment. Brielle had to believe it. With another kiss to her cheek, Tanner returned to his own room, sighing softly as he climbed into bed next to his husband.
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