Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

He was a little worried now. He had made Eros uncomfortable, and he couldn't help but tense up because of that. He didn't mean to do that... As they settled into the room with the music, Eros on the bed and Luka sitting Indian style on the floor, the dark haired man watched his friend. "I'm sorry."
"Hm?" He questioned, looking down at the other on the ground, long lashes batting against his cheek and he shook his head a little, smiling warmly. "No no! um, it's fine." He let out a nervous little laugh, blushing all the more. "I'm fine. I ... I do not expect you to return my feelings, I don't. But um ... I'm glad that you like me as a friend." He admitted and nodded a little bit more, smiling gently. "I was just thinking ... Please ... Do not be sorry, Luka. It's nothing to be worried about." He looked down at him, smiling a litle more.​
"But... I don't know the difference..." He never liked admitting what he didn't now, but with Eros... Well he knew that he was safe, no matter what he said to the other. "I never had a friend before..." It was Luka's turn to stare at his hands and blush faintly. "Let alone anything else."
Eros perked up, looking down at the other and he blinked a few times with interest. Oh. Yes. He should have thought that, huh? He let out a little laugh, rubbing at the back of his neck a little bit. "Well ... I am already your friend." He stated with a small nod, his fingers continuing to kneed at the flesh before he let his hand fall back to his lap. "With ... with you ... I always get these butterflies in my stomach when I'm near you ... and I always want to try and make a good impression on you ... and I don't really want to ever leave your side, but I know that that's creepy and so that I have to ... but um ... That is how I ... feel... I know others tend to feel differently around the ones that they like ... but ... I think the butterflies are international.."​
He listened, self diagnosing himself as the other talked. "I like being with you," he offered. That was a big step for him. Butterflies? Well. There were flutters. And he looked forward to seeing Eros every day. He looked for his friend and was sad when the blond was even a minute late. He explained all of that to the blond boy who was sitting on his bed.
Listening to the man, his blush increased even more, nodding a bit here and there to what he spoke. He did not really want to tell him 'you like me' but it ... sounded like it. Though, who was he to tell him what was what, especially in the way of the other's own feelings? He blushed a little bit more, pulling his knees to his chest, gripping his legs tightly. He looked down at Luka, smiling a little bit more. "Well... it ... it is up to you ... what you feel for ... me." He turned another lovely shade of red, leaning down to rest his chin on top of his knees. "I do not know. I hope that it means you like me ... but um ..." He stopped, sighing heavily and his eyes closed once more, chewing his bottom lip.​
He leaned back, resting on his arms that were outstretched behind him. Studying the male in front of him, Luka sifted through all of the new feelings that were floating around inside of him. There were the flutters that were there, but they intensified as he looked at his friend. Especially when Eros blushed like that.

"I like looking at you, too."
Eros went wide-eyed with the man's words. His blush deepened even more and he buried his face into his lap, feeling his heart practically leap out of his chest with what Luka told him. He did not think that that would happen to him. He did not think the other would say such a thing. He fidgetted a little bit, clenching his legs tighter. With a deep breath, his head lifted, eyes being the only thing to peek out over his knees, looking at the man for a few silent moments. "That .. That is a start." He admitted, voice slightly muffled by his plaid pants. "At least ... you do not mind looking at me." Yep. That was pretty much ... all he had to say.​
"Who would?" he asked. Luka had never really learned that there were consequences to his words. The savant gave a little smile to the other male before turning so that he was sitting as if he was on the bed, and then lying down, arms folded behind his head. His eyes closed to take in the music, the dark haired man finding nothing odd about the conversation that they'd just had.
Eros blushed. the man ... had no idea what he was saying. Rather, he did not know what it did to him. He looked over his knees, looking at the man lying parallel to the bed. He chewed his bottom lip for a moment before forcing his teeth away. He pushed his form up and moved over the other's form. He laid down beside the man. A little haphazardly and slowly, he turned to the man. A hand coming up to rest upon his chest and his head rested on the inside of his bicep, eyes closed and he gladly took in his scent. He was far too content with the way he was right now. The scent, the warmth, everything about the man besdie him just made him happy.​
Luka had lost himself in the music already and his eyes shot open with the weight and warmth next to him. It only took a second for the man to realize who it was and to relax. His arm came down to wrap around Eros' back, hand resting on his hip. He watched the other male for a moment. Reaching over with his other hand, he lifted the other's chin up and kissed him.
Eros lifted his eyes to the other, looking up at him with an interested look in his eyes. He was glad that the man did not pull away. It was very reassuring for him. He smiled a little. At least not until the man's lips pressed to his. With the connection, his eyes went wide and he froze for a brief moment. His eyes easily slipped closed and he leant up just a little, kissing the other gently, not wanting to seem too desperate. He had kissed others befoere. He had not done much past ... fooling around though. He really was not as innocent as he seemed, yet he was in the same manner. Not having had sex, yet far too willing to do so with Luka. He definitely was, but he would not say anything, and hopefully not .. .show what he wanted to do.​
He couldn't say that it wasn't how he had pictured his first kiss because, really, Luka had never thought about it. There'd been no reason to so long as he kept his distance from others. With Eros, though... Well he was comfortable and the man found that he rather liked the taste of the other, and the texture of his lips pressed against his own.

Luka pulled away after a few moments, licking the residual taste from his lips as he did so.

Eros' eyes remained closed when the older male pulled away, his breath still seemed to be caught in his throat. He took in another breath, getting his lungs back into their working order and he opened his eyes, just as his ears heard the comment by the ravenette. He blushed a little more, his blue eyes looking over the man beside him and he slowly moved to rest his head on top of the chest beside him. "Um ... thanks..." He whispered, a faint pink once more twinged across his cheeks as he resisted the urge to bury his face into the older one's chest. He would have. Any other person he would have, but he did not want to scare off the no-touch guy by getting too touchy. He was happy just as they were, no need to mess it up.​
Luka smiled and rested his head back down onto his arm, eyes slipping closed to listen to the music once again. There were most definitely butterflies now, and that realization made it so that he could not stop smiling. He truly cared about Eros, and Luka knew that Eros cared about him as well. That knowledge made it easier for the dark haired man to relax and allow the feelings to course through him; to become a part of him.
Eros tilted his head up, looking at the other and seeing him smile. He stared at him for a short while before he relaxed once more. His eyes fluttered closed and he truly was happy right now. He was not sure what the kiss or any of that meant for them now, but at east he was not rejected, right? He soon perked up when he heard the song play. He gasped softly and then hopped up. "I love this song!" He said excitedly, walking over to the stereo, turning hte volume up a litle, his hips swaying to the beat of the music and he definitely was more comfortable right now. Little less walking on eggshells.​
The rest of the week went by fairly normally. The boys that had put Eros in the cupboard had steered clear of them, which was good. They had lunch in the cafeteria, and then went to the music room after. They spent time in his room listening to music. Luka teased Eros a few times, asking if he was still 'famous', and they'd even kissed a couple more times, too. It was nice to be able to relax around someone so completely, and Luka was glad that he hadn't given anyone else that chance. It made Eros special.
At the end of all his classes, Eros giddily ran from his dorm - ignoring Apollo's teasings about him and Luka - and then rushed to the man's room. He skidded to a stop, taking in a deep breath to relax once more. His eyes slipped closed and he lifted a hand to knock upon the door, chewing his bottom lip impatiently.

Once the door was answered, he straightened up even more. "I have two tickets to a concert that is going on Saturday ... and I want you and I to go ... together. as a date. . . like. .. date-date... like ... couples ... do." His voice got a little lower as he went on, just hoping that hte other would get it by now. His blue eyes stared pleadingly up at the other, wishing for him to say 'yes'. He did not see a reason for him not to. Other than maybe the lot-of-people thing, but that was beside the point. That would also be dealt with, or could be at a later date.​
Looking up from his notes at the knock, Luka smiled. There was only one person who ever came to see him and even though they had just had lunch together a few hours ago, he was happy to see Eros. That didn't mean, though, that he was ready to hear Eros' proposal. A concert? That meant a lot of people... Prometheus had a lot of people, too, but Luka felt that the people here were controlled for the most part. People "out there"? Not so much.

Still, the blond in front of him looked so hopeful. "Emm... I...guess? I don't know about the people..."
Eros beamed at the man's acceptance. Oh, that was so, so lovely! He bounced up for a while before he reached forward and wrapped his arm around his torso, huging him tightly to his form with a little squeal. "It's no worry!" He stated, holding up his tickets for the other to read. "We're in the balcony... and it's a classical concert." He leant up to kiss the other's cheek, knowing he could have said so earlier, but ... he was testing the waters a little bit. He wanted to see if the man would accept, even if he did not tell him. If he said 'no' because of the crowds, he would have told him and tried to get him to agree after that. Now? Now he was utterly happy.​
Luka couldn't help the sigh of relief that came with the knowledge that they would be going to a classical concert. Not only was it his favorite type of music, but there were definitely less people, and they were all less likely to crowd one and other. His biggest fear was being caught in a mosh pit.

Hugging Eros, the dark haired man pressed a kiss to the top of his head.
Eros smiled warmly, leaning forward to rest his head against Luka's chest. His arms wrapped around the other's form, holding him tightly and nuzzling into him with a content sigh. He really was so happy right now. They were going on a date! A date-date. Not just sitting around in his dorm, or in the music room, or the lunch room. It was actually a place to be out away from the school. He gripped him a little more and sighed contently.

"And ... before or after the concert, whichever is better for you, we can go out to dinner ... My treat." He tilted his head back, looking up at the man with interest.​
Luka thought for a second before shaking his head a little. He wasn't saying no to dinner (wasn't that what people did on dates, anyway?), but to Eros paying for dinner. He'd gotten the tickets so it was only fair that he didn't pay for dinner, too. "I'll pay." He leaned down and pecked a kiss to his friend's lips before stepping away and into the room. The other could follow, as always.

"What is the name of the orchestra?"
Eros' heart dropped a little with the shake of his head, at least until he heard the other tell him that he wanted to pay. He smiled and butterflies once more returned to his stomach. Nodding happily, he walked into the room, giong into the conversation and everything of that sort. Where he heard them. How one of his older brothers knew one of the men playing the violin. Oh, it was so much fun!

Before he knew it, Saturday arrived and he was pacing back and forth in his dorm, Apollo just watching him in the utmost of amusement. He had on a very nice black tux, perfectly fit to his petite frame. A nice bowtie that he tied and re-tied a good four times before Ollo yelled at him to stop. He brushed his hair from one side to another, finally settling on his normal hair style and by now, he was mentally exhausted. He looked over to his roommate once more, pleading look in his eyes. "Do I look okay? It... It's not too much? Should I mess my hair up? Or should I bring something ? Should I have gotten him flowers?"

The seven foot tall, even, man stood up and walked over to the short blond, his hands cupping his chin and he got him to stop talking. "Relax. You look gorgeous." He kissed the top of his head, straightening and then pushing him out of the room. "Now shoo.Go have fun. Relax." He pushed him out, closing andl ocking hte door behind him.

Squeaking, Eros pouted at being shoved out of the room, luckily having his tickets and anything else needed for the night with him. He sighed and walked down the hall, up the stairs, down a different set of stairs, and soon to the dorm of the other. He lifted a hand, deep breath, and knocked on the door, fidgetting with the end of his jacket.​
Luka spent the week on the phone with his mother, who was worried. He'd never had a friend before and now he was talking about a date, and she just wanted him to be safe. Despite her worries, she sent out his tux which arrived late Friday afternoon. He dressed on Saturday, not at all nervous or worried. He didn't know that he should have been, and didn't know that Eros would be. They'd listened to music together before and while this time wasn't going to be in his room, the savant didn't understand how it was different in any other way, other than the label of 'date'.

But Eros was adorable in his tux, fidgeting and all. "You look nice."
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