Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

"Only if the results are positive," Tanner teased with a little wink. He moved to stand behind Relic, arms wrapped completely around his waist with the blond's chin resting on his husband's shoulder. The doctor was flipping through the tests, apparently having run more than a pregnancy test and Tanner was getting antsy. He just wanted to hear the results so that he could either get over the disappointment or celebrate.

"Where are you going to lunch?"
Relic kept a hold of Brielle's hand, the woman nervous as well. His other hand rested upon the arms wrapped around him, nuzzling into his love's temple while he waited for the results. He perked up. Lunch? He looked at the doctor, grinning. "Does that mean she's pregnant?" He asked, his eyes to the doctor while he excitedly waitd for an official answer.
Lunch? Tanner looked up, his lover taking the words right out of his mouth. His eyes were wide and his breath was held, grip around Relic impossibly tighter. When the doctor nodded, the tears started on their own and Tanner buried his face into Relic's neck, kissing the warm flesh there. He took a minute to compose himself before taking half a step back and pulling Brielle into the hug as well.
Brielle perked up. She was pregnant!? oh that was great! She giggled happily, turning to the two and she smiled warmly. Moving to them, she wrapped her arms around the two, hugging them tightly and she sighed heavily. She was so relieved, and so happy. She did not want anymore disappointment for her Relic. He was much too sweet and had always wanted a child of his own, so now he got one! She kissed Tanner and then Relic's cheeks, hugging them again before she turned to the dotor, listening to him and nodding every so often. She took the prescription that se would need to take, slipping iti nto her purse before she took Relic's hand, pulling him out of the room and toward their cars. Se really was hungry.​
Sitting at the piano once more, Luka played idly. Like most of the times he'd sat here, there was no specific song that he was playing, or tune. Just random notes and chords that made up a melody that only he knew the notes to. His eyes closed and head bobbed to the time of the music. He had no care in the world while he played, and that was exactly how he liked it.
Eros gladly made his way to hte music room once more, his lunch in his hand and he headed into the room, spotting Luka easily. He slowly walked over to the other, stopping at the side of the bench. His head tilted to the side, leaning a little to look at the man's face "Um ... Luka ... "He began, getting the other's attention hopefully. He knew better than to touch him, but that did not mean he could not find a way to get him out of his little trance. He bounced up and down on the balls of his feet, thinking to himself a bit, looking over at him once more. "Tomorrow ... Will you come and eat lunch with me in the lunch hall?"​
The door registered somewhere in the back of his mind, but Luka didn't pay much attention. Instinct told him that it was Eros and that was okay. He was beginning to like the other's company and their dinner together had helped him to relax a little bit with the other. He kept playing until he heard the question, stopping then in mid chord. Lunch hall? There were a lot of people there... But the boy looked too excited and while he wasn't completely comfortable with the idea, the savant nodded yes before he could change his mind.

He picked up his song again exactly where he left off, as if he'd never stopped in the first place.
HE AGREED! Eros was utterly ecstatic. He giggled happily and plopped right down where he had stood, munching away on his lunch while he listend to the other play his beautiful music.

The next day, the boy could hardly wait. Luka was going to eat with him in the lunch hall! He was so excited. He knew it did not mean much to most people, but he liked to have the other around. He did not want to show him off or anything, merely, he wanted to feel like a normal kid. Eating at the proper place, niot hiding away in the music room, and well, he did not want to go alone.

So, the boy gladly bounced his way to the music room, considering that he would probably find Luka there. He poked his head inside, looking around for hte older and taller male.​
He was playing. Playing music eased him, and Luka wished that he could just wheel the piano into the lunch hall. Being behind it allowed him to feel protected. But he knew that he couldn't do that and so instead he took a deep breath when Eros poked his head in. The dark haired male set down the flute he'd been playing and picked up his bagged lunch an followed the other into the lunch room, sitting down across from the other with his back against the wall.
Eros moved into the lunch hall with him, letting hte other sit wherever he wanted, and he would just follow. He did too. He sat across from him, his lunch laid nicely upon the table and he pulledo ut his sandwich, beginning to pull it apart and eat it, his eyes fluttering to the man in front of him once more. He smiled happily, grinning as he bit into the food. He straightened up a little more, leaning toward the man with interest to his features. "So, um, Luka ..." He began, wanting to get his attention and pull his mind away from the others in the dining hall. "How are your classes going? Is Mister Lin ... um ... Mister Relic ... that one, is he back from his honeymoon yet? He is the one that wears dresses." He added the last bit, knowing how the man did not really know people by name, more so image.​
It took Luka a minute to think. Lin... Lin was on the paper that allowed him to be in the music room. Who had written that for him again? He brought up photographs in his memory. Oooh. Him. He nodded. "He came back on Monday I think. But he's changed his name." What it was? Luka couldn't tell you. he only knew that it was different. "I like my classes. I prefer to play music."
Eros looked at the man in front of him, listening silently. He smiled gently. He was glad that the other was happy with all his classes. It was nice. He straightened in his seat a bit. Mr. Lin changed his name? Oh, that was nice. "I think it's Mr. Reed now ... I have his new-husband as my history teacher." He stated with a happy little nod in confirmation of his words. He took a bite of his sandwich once more, setting back a bit as he looked at the man. "So ... Are you going to go into music? I mean... when you graduate from here."
After Prometheus? Luka really hadn't thought about it. There hadn't been any reason to, he supposed. But the question was posed. "I don't know what I'm going to do." There wasn't a lot that he could do, in his mind. He didn't like to be around people or to interact with them, so teaching was out. And professional musicians rarely made enough money to live on. But he didn't want to be like others who were like him and live off of his family and the government for the rest of his life, either. "I've never thought about it before."

Luka ate a little it more of his lunch. "What do you want to do?" It was the first question he had asked someone that wasn't related to music in a long time.
Eros listened to the other and he pulled another piece of his sandwich off, placing it into his mouth as he listened to the question, thinking a little bit. He shrugged a little, not totally sure what he wanted to do. "I ... am not sure yet." He admitted to the man, laughing softly and his eyes traveled to the man in front of him once more, smiling gently. "I am still waiting for something to click in my mind." He nodded and then ate the rest of his sandwich, moving to his chips, opening up the bag. "I ... am not very talented in somethings, most things ... I don't really have great grades. So ... I'm not sure."​
"Do what you love," he stated with a shrug. "Not all talent is innate." People could learn to be grate at something so long as they love it enough to stick with it. "What...do you like to do?" That question had never been important to him before and Luka was rather surprised that he was asking it of Eros. But he supposed that it made sense as Eros was the only person in a long long time that hadn't scared him off.
Eros nodded a little, trying to think about what his hobbies could get him. He had just munched into a chip when the other asked the question. What he liked to do? He looked up at the other. "Erm ... I like to read." He stated, really only thinking that was his only talent. He liked to read. "I like .. to write too ... but um, I do not think I am very good at it." He laughed, blushing faintly and he went back to hsi chips.​
"What do you write?" Writing interested Luka because people wrote songs. He had never tried singing, but he didn't think it could be all that hard, really. Perhaps he would try it one day.

They ate lunch, chit chatting about this and that. It was nice, he had to admit, to have an actual conversation with someone without having to guard your answers for fear of them being used against you or turned into something awful behind your back. He couldn't explain the trust he had in Eros, but it was there and Luka was glad for it, even if he didn't know how to show it.
What did he write? He blushed a little more, fidgetting with the bag of chips for a moment before he shrugged his shoulders a bit. "Um ... stories mostly ... but sometimes I write poems and ... stuff." He then continued to eat chips, happy to talk about other things. He was a very nice person to talk to, he liked him a lot. He liked to talk to him so much! Luka was a lot of fun when it came down to it.

At the end of lunch, he stood up from lunch, tossing his lunch into the garbage and he pulled his backpack over his shoulder. He looked over at Luka again, smiling to himself. "This was nice." He stated, slowly beginning to make his way toward the door.​
He moved through the halls of Prometheus, looking for his dorm. The blond teen had enrolled in the school to try to get away from the bad memories that home had held. Greece wasn't too far from Italy, but Italy was just far enough to help him get over the depression that always settled around this time of year.

Kyros followed him loyally, as he always had, making idle conversation that only the two of them could hear. "Πραγματικά σκέφτεστε ότι θα τον συμπαθήσετε εδώ?"


(("You really think that you will like it here?"

Trevor gasped as he glanced at his watch. OH NO! He had been so engulfed in helping Jade with his homework and then making him his lunch and oh everythin else, he had lost track of time! He could not believe he let himself get late. He did not like that. Yes, he knew that no one would really object to him being late. He was fifteen and in twenty year olds' classes, but still! He could not be late. He liked to learn and he hated to miss anything and he had yet to make anyone that he could borrow their notes from! HE had no friends, really.

Running through the halls, he went wide-eyed, colliding with someone before he could even stop. He fell to the ground and took i na sharp breath. "I AM SO SORRY!" He said, bolting upright and looking around. Oh no no no! Now he was even more late. "I ... I am so, so, so sorry..." He said softly and he looked at the other, holding out his hand for the other. "Are ... Are you okay?!"​
Before he knew what was happening, Bohdi was on the ground and a little dazed. The blond shook his head a little to get his bearings back. "What? Oh... Oh yes. I'm fine." He took the offered hand and brushed himself off before looking at the boy who had knocked him over. When he did, the blond stopped. It was always very difficult to see boys around fifteen and his heart tugged at his chest with being so close to this one. "Are you alright?"
The brunette brushed down the front of his shirt and he nodded a little. "I... I'm fine." He said softly, sighing heavily. His hand rested on his lower torso and he took in a deep breath. His eyes closed for a while and he gasped as he realized the reason he had been running. "SHOOT!" He yelled, looking at his watch again and he looked around frantically, trying to see how close he was to his class. He then looked over at the blond in front of him. "I ... I am so sorry." He said and glanced past him, chewing into his bottom lip. "I have to get going ... I am sorry... um ..." He groaned, taking in a deep breath and he looked back at hte other. "Do you need help going somewhere? Do you know where you're going, thati s?" He knew he had to go, but he would feel bad if he just left him there. He had knocked him over.​
He felt bad making the other more late than he obviously was, but he and Kyros were desperately lost. "Could you just point me towards room three forty three?" The blond looked around, not really expecting to find what he was looking for right there. Then again, the school had so many floors and hallways that he wouldn't be surprised if they never found their dorm room before the semester ended!
Trevor looked at the other, thinking about how to get there and knowing that he would only confuse the other even more. IT did not help that the dorms were not labeled normally. 343? Yeah. That was probably right next to 316 which was probably next to 401. He sighed heavily and then glanced to his watch before once more back to the other. "Yes. Um ... I'll show you the way." He admitted and then began to walk in the direction he just came from. He would have to apologize greatly and probably beg for the notes. But he could not leave the other alone wihtout any way of knowing where to get to. "The rooms are ... very confusing. Did you see the headmaster yet?" He asked, his crimson eyes to the other while he waited for an answer.​
"Are you sure?" Bohdi felt bad. He didn't want the other to get into trouble just for him. Still, the blond couldn't help but like the idea of spending time with the boy. He seemed to resemble Kyros so closely in personality and eagerness for school. Those thoughts, though, were hard to think about. He missed his brother, despite his presence still being with him. Bohdi supposed that it was part of the 'twin thing'.

"I don't understand why they don't just put the rooms in order..."
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