Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Relic planted a firm kiss to his lover's lips and took the few bags designated to the happy couple, and then ran off to the other side of the mansion to find his brother. He giggled happily, skipping through the yard and eventually skidding to a stop at the door. He took in a deep breath, brushing down the front of his skirt. He made sure everything he wore was perfectly fine and he smiled happily. He opened up the door and then bounced his way into the mansion. "Hooooneeey! I'm hooome!" He yelled cheerfully, skipping inside, trying to find where his brother was.

Jade perked up from the couch and ran to the sound of whom he presumed was Rune. The blond ran up and collided into his form, hugging him ... before realizing that there was a skirt on Rune. He took a step away, staring at the man and his eyes went wide. "CALDER!" He yelled, turning and rushing off int othe other room, not sure what was happening. "Why does Rune have a skirt on!?"

Relic arched a brow and he slowly walked after the other, staring at the blond that was running to Calder. He looked over at the taller blond. "Calder ... Why is there a child screaming ... in your house?"​
"Oy!" Calder knew that there would be trouble the moment that he heard Relic. While any stranger wouldn't be able to hear or see a difference in the twins, Tanner and Calder could tell them apart in an instant. The blond jogged to meet Jade halfway, hugging the smaller blond to calm him. "It's okay, Jade. This...isn't Rune. This is Relic, Rune's twin." He kissed the boy on the head and then moved to greet Relic with a peck to the lips and a hug. "Have a nice honeymoon?" He purposefully ignored the question of who Jade was and why he was there for the moment.
Jade took in a deep breath when the man comforted him, feeling better instantly. He rested his head against the blond's side, nuzzling there for a moment before he glanced over to the skirt-clad man. He looked him over, a little lost. Rune had a twin? He blinked a few times, tilting his head back to look up at the man beside him. That was not what he had expected. He thought that Rune lost his mind or something, a twin was better though.

Relic stared at the child before looking back to Calder when he tried to change the topic. He remained quiet for a moment or two, soon speaking up. "Yes. It was lovely. I brought you back souveniers. Who's the kid?"​
"Relic, meet Jade." It wasn't going to be that simple, but one could hope, right? "Presents? I want presents! Where'd you bring presents from? Oh! I froze the top tier of your cake for you. It's in your freezer." He took Relic's hand and lead him into the kitchen, moving to make some tea... Before Ella cried. "Eff. Be back!" The blond moved into the nursery and lifted the little girl from her crib and onto his hip before returning to the kitchen. "Rune should be back soon." Relic wouldn't notice Ella on his hip...right?
Relic followed the two into the kitchen, excited to hear about their teir! That was so good. They were supposed to eat the cake on their first anniversary. He was so excited to be able to celelbrate that day. OF course they wouldh ave to take the cake to their side and save it there. No need to have his brother have it - he would probably eat it. The crying caught him off guard. Was Dawn here? He blinked a few times and looked around, stopping and even more confused as he saw the girl on Calder's hip.

"Calder ..." He began, walking toward the other and he looked at the little girl on his hip, smiling gently to the cutie. He playfully pinched her cheeks and then turned to look at the man in front of him. "I'm not dumb you know." He folded his arms over his lower torso, glaring at the other until he got some sort of response.

"We adopted Jade, Ella, and Trevor ... Who should be doing his homework still." Rune walked into the room and shrugged his shoulders at the thoughts. WAlking over to Calder, he kissed the blond's cheek, ruffled Jade's hair and then to the chocolate it was. "Trevor makes a delicious chocolate cake. Want a piece?"​
He pointed towards Rune. "What he said." Calder felt like he shouldn't be the one to tell Relic; that Relic would be upset or something like it and Calder didn't want to be the reason that his basically-brother-in-law's homecoming was ruined. "Rune found them in the streets, brought them home and... Well, here they are." Ella squirmed to get down when Rune walked in, and the minute that the blond set her on the floor, she was off toddling until she clung to the man's leg.

Rune shrugged as he cut himself a piece of cake, plopping it onto a plate and returning the cake to its proper place. He turned around and looked over at his brother who was still shocked. He looked down to Ella, clinging to his leg. He ruffled her little pigtails. "They were on the streets. Horrible circumstances ... and just shut up." He grumbled and set against the counter, taking a large bite of the cake and he set the plate down for a second. He scooped up the girl, letting her rest on his hip while he ate the cake.

Relic was utterly floored. Rune, Rune, RUNE adopted three kids! Not one, but THREE. He stared at him, eyes wide and he looked down to the little girl calling him 'Da' -- SO CUTE. He shook his head al ittle, trying to grasp all of this. "TANNER!" He yelled, turning on his heel and rushing off to o find his husband. He HAD to see this.​
Laughing a little at Ella, Calder continued to make tea. She was cute as she reached forward with every bite of cake that Rune took, having to get her hands into the frosting each time. The little girl then proceeded to smear her chocolate covered hands over Rune's cheek. Calder laughed. "I think we have an artist on our hands." He moved over and licked a swipe of the chocolate away before returning to his tea.

Tanner looked up when he heard Relic yelling for him and the blond came running. "What? What's wrong? Are you okay?" They'd just gotten home. How much trouble could Relic have possibly gotten into??
Rune let the girl do whatever she wanted, giving her a bite every so often. He rested his rump against the counter and he closed his eyes when licked by his love. He then turned to Ella, capturing her chocolatey fingers between his lips and he shook his head a little, playfully. "Mm. Or maybe a chef ... Pastry chef, or a cake artist like the ones on Food Network." he chuckled and kissed the girl's nose and then turned back to look at Calder making the tea.

Relic took in a sharp breath and then took a hold of Tanner's hand and instantly was dragging him toward hte other side of the house. "You have to see this!" He stated and continued to pull the man, across the yard [since it was faster] and then back into his brother and brother-in-law's kitchen. Basically brother in law. He moved into the room and then pointed to the little blond who was sitting on a chair, waiting for the tea and then the indefinite cookies that accompanied it. "LOOK!" He pointed to Ella on Rune's hip, his brother not doing anything about being smeared in chocolate.​
Five cups of tea were made-Calder knew Tanner and Relic would be here within minutes. The blond fixed one for Rune and one for himself, and then dropped an ice cube into the other for Jade. The blond boy could fix his own, and Calder didn't know why he wouldn't like to. "Confused yet?" he asked with a little laugh as he sat next to the other to watch the events unfold.

"Woah!" Tanner nearly tripped over himself as Relic dragged him along to the other side of the house. "Relic! What's--" He couldn't get anything else out as he was now standing in Rune's and Calder's kitchen, watching Rune be smeared in chocolate by a little girl who was not Dawn. "W--what?"
Rune looked over at his brother and brother-in-law, staring at them for a few moments before he shrugged and returned his attention to Dawn. He kept his eyes to the girl for a while before he leant over to nibble on her hand once more. He then took another bite of his cake, feeding the little girl a little one as well. He then returned his eyes to the tea that was placed down, beginning to walk to the counter to have his tea. He glanced over to Tanner once more, staring at him for a while before he shrugged his shoulders. "Don't know why you look so shocked."

Jade took the cup of tea happily, setting it in front of him and he nodded a bit, looking at Calder. "A little." He admitted with a faint little pink tinting to his cheeks. He was still shocked by seeing Rune in a skirt! He knew that he was not literally Rune, but it was Rune's features and body in a short skirt.​
Tanner eyed Rune. "You... I... Eff. Kids and you... Just never pictured it." It wasn't going to sink in for quite some time, but Tanner didn't expect it to he supposed. The blond walked over and kissed Calder hello, and then Rune (on the un-chocolatey side of his cheek). He ruffled Jade's hair as he went by. "And who are you?" he asked, getting his and Relic's cup of tea, fixing his husband's for him.
Jade giggled happily when the man ruffled his hair. He looked over at him, smiling a little bit more. He straightened up a little bit more, looking at the man talking to him happily. "I'm Jade. Who are you?" He asked, blinking a few times while he waited to hear the man's answer, his eyes staying with the other blond with a curious look to his eyes.

Rune shook his head a bit, turning to Ella and kissing her forehead softly. He then turned his eyes to Relic who was still confused. He walked over to his brother, kissing his cheek gently and having the other understand, just not able to grasp the concept yet. He bumped his hip against Relic's before walking past him and to Jade's side. He rested Ella on top of hte counter and shook his head a bit. She was so very messy right now.

Slowly, Trevor came into the kitchen, seeing the different people there and growing just a bit confused. He walked over to the sink, getting a washcloth and washing it with warm water and he then walked back over to Ella who was covered in chocolate. Rune was too, but he figured the older man would be able to clean himself up. He took teh girl's hands, wiping those off and then doing the same to her cheeks and neck and ... anywhere else coated in chocolate.​
Shaking his head, Calder took the opportunity to introduce everyone while Trevor was in the room. "Trevor, Jade, Ella." He pointed each out as he said their names. Repeating the action, he did the same with Relic and Tanner. "Relic is Rune's twin, obviously, and Tanner is his husband. Relic and Rune are Tomias' brothers." The blond didn't go into anymore detail on the family tree-there was no need to.

"Trevor will be attending Prometheus. Jade is going to a little public school a few blocks away. Ella... Well Ella has permanently attached herself to Rune, as you can see." He turned to Trevor. "Relic teaches defense at Prometheus and Tanner teaches history."
Trevor listened to the introductions, blinking a few times as he looked at the two. They were teachers? He tilted his head to the side in interest before he nodded a little bit. "Nice to meet you." He said simply and turned to look at Ella, pinching her cheek playfully and he then looked back over to the two. "I have a history class." He stated, not sure if it was the other's class or not, but it was still a history course.​
After a long day of classes, Caden was glad to be going home. Raphael was still at the school, but Caden had to crash for an hour before having to go to work. He took his time walking back to the apartment that they had rented, loving that it was easily within walking distance to the school. As he came up to their second floor apartment door, the blond noticed a box sitting outside. There was no address or name or anything, just a plain brown box sitting there, taped up and about the size of a hard-cover book. The blond shrugged and picked it up, putting it on the counter as he made his way into the bedroom and fell asleep for a nap.
Raphael's class finished and the man was all too happy to sprint home. Yes, he sprinted. He knew that Caden would not be there for long, since the little worker bee had to go to his job, but he wanted to at least get a good make-out fest before he left. Yes, that was his motivation. He did not care how perverse he seemed, he wanted his love and that was what mattered. Right? He really loved sharing the apartment with him, it was fantastic to have their own place. Sure, they practically did back in the States, but he still had his dorm and well, he would feel bad leaving Val sometimes - desipte the little demon having his own boyfriend's place to hang out at.

Running up the stairs, he happily moved to the apartment. Opening up the door, he hopped inside and he stopped at seeing the box on the counter. A brow lifted in question as he walked over to the wrapped thing. He poked it a little and then looked it over a bit. He slowly walked into the bedroom with the box in one hand and a smile to his lips. He pounced on top of Caden, bouncing on him a litlte bit. "You got me a present?"​
"Umph!" Caden looked up to his lover and groaned a little. "Hmmm? No. It was on the doorstep." The blond yawned and stretched, knowing that his nap time was shot and that he might as well just grab himself a few cups of coffee before work. It was his only shot at being able to stay awake. "I was too tired to open it. You can, though."
Raphael arched a brow in interest. No? As in, he did not have a gift from his lover? Awe, that was depressing. He pouted a little before he shrugged. Settling onto the other's legs with a wiggle of his rump. He rested the box on top of his love's stomach, tearing open the paper and he slowly opened the box, a bit scared to see what was inside. He soon perked up even more, interest to his features as he did so. He pulled out quite the soft and cute little teddy bear, looking over at Caden. "It's kinda cute."​
"Wonder who it's from." The blond shrugged and took the bear to toss aside for the time being. They could give it to Dawn-did they really need a teddy bear? Caden wrapped his arms around his boyfriend's waist and pulled him down to him, one hand slipping up the redhead's shirt to tease at his nipple while kissing him.

He watched through a pair of binoculars from across the street. His heart cracked a little when the bear was tossed aside for that...jerk that his love called a boyfriend. He hated watching them make love.
Raphael arched a brow before looking down at his love, grinning even more. He leant down to the man, happily pressing his lips with his, shuddering at the feel of his hand beneath his shirt. His hands easily began to travel along the other's chest, loving the feel of the other beneath him. He may not like to be the "top" role, but he definitely like being on top. It was much more fun, and easier to see what Caden looked like while they made sweet, sweet, sweaty love. He nipped his bottom lip gently, pulling back a bit to look down at him with interest, eyes pleading. "How long 'til you have to work?" He asked, his voice a bit breathless and he moved his lips to kiss down the side of his neck.​
Caden lifted his lover's shirt as his incisors came down. He brushed the sharp points over the sensitive nub in between flicks of his tongue. The blond continued for a few seconds before pulling back. "Not long enough," he answered with a little angelic smile as if he had no idea what he'd just done. He reached down and gave the man's rear end a squeeze. "I have to be there in..." He looked over to the clock. "About forty minutes."
Raphael whimpered softly with hte man continuing to lead him on, despite knowing how little time they had. He rolled his hips against the man, hating him for getting him so easily riled. He looked down at the man, staring at him for a while before he leant down to bite the side of his neck. He kissed up from his bite mark and to the other's ear, nibbling on the lobe for a moment or two. "Then you better make this fast ... Or else you'll be late." He whispered, tugging the lobe with his teeth once more. He pulled away in order to take off the other's shirt, tossing that aside and once more his lips were connected with Caden's, hands already beginning to work the other's pants off.​
Caden laughed at his lover, but easily helped in getting both of themselves undressed. Clothes were tossed everywhere with no regard to where they landed. The blond lifted Raphael up and easily slid into him, groaning as he did so. He gave a few thrusts upwards with his hips, wanting Raphael to move, and to move now.
Raphael easily gave into the other, though not yet doing so with the thrusting of the other's hips. He remained where he was, unmoving, for a moment, kissing the side of his neck with a teasing, "I should make you wait" just to get a bit of protest from the other. He did not want him upset that he was late for work, so he would fulfill both their needs. He lifted his rear up and easily moved back down onto the man. It took a few motions like that, but soon, he was going faster and slamming into him harder, loving the feel of his love within him, even more so on the time deadline that they had. He moaned gently against the other's neck, biting the flesh as he continued to move.​
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