Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Bartholomew returned to the apartment a good hour later. Walking inside nonchalantly and he moved to the refrigerator, putting the many packs of blood away onto the shelf, having the shelf itself covered in the packs. He stared at them for a while before he closed the door. He straightened up, walking back to the door and pulling off his boots to place beside the door. He glanced around, trying to find where the man went. His eyes traveled along everything, interest to his features as he looked around. "Lee?"​
He hadn't heard the front door open, but Bae did hear Bart call him. He stuck his head out of the bathroom door, mouth covered in toothpaste foam, brush still scraping over his tongue. Smiling, he moved to rinse out his mouth and after he'd dried his face off, the bartender moved over to the other man and hugged him. "Thank you." His face buried into the mans neck and Bailey nuzzled there for a few minutes, kissing over the warm flesh.
Bartholomew looked at the man, staring at him for a while. He was ... brushing his teeth? He stared at him for a while before he sighed heavily. When the other came near, he wrapped his arms around his shoulders, huging him tightly as he leant down to press a firm kiss to his lips. While there was still a bit of the taste, more so the scent, left, he did not care. If Bailey could spend however long brushing his teeth just so that he would not be uncomfortable, he could deal with a bit of annoying taste. He adored him so much. He pressed another kiss to the lips of the other, his eyes closed and his arms tightening around his neck.​
Sighing contently, Bae kissed the other man, arms secure around his waist. He'd missed being with him like this. Bailey pressed himself closer to Bart, soaking up the emotional warmth that the other provided. It was too soon, but he still had to pull away, a bit breathless as he did so. "I need to eat." After a minute, he added 'food' to clarify. "But I have off tonight..." His eyes flashed mischievously, fully planning on coming back after eating and neither of them leaving the bed for a good, long while.
He groaned when the man pulled away from him, sighing heavily as he did so. Damn. He stared at him before walking into the bedroom, switching up his outfit with his 'uniform' for the restuarant - black pants, white button down, and pulled his hair into a messy bun. He returned to the living room area, looking at the man and he sighed again. "You had last night off last night too." He reminded the man, walking over and kissing his lips softly. "If you go into work tonight, I am raping you on the bar. Don't think I won't." he threatened, nipping his bottom lip before he walked to the door once more to put his shoes on. "I'm working until ten, so I should be back fairly soon." he informed him shrugging a little at the htought.​
He laughed. "Jamie took my shift tonight so that I could take his last night." He poked his tongue out at his lover, moving to the door with him and easily wrapping themselves up again. Bae kissed the other hungrily, already missing his taste. Knowing that the other had to go was the only reason that the bartender pulled back once more, the man already plotting to simply follow Bart to work. He needed to eat, didn't he? And Bart waiting on him was just icing on the cake.
Bartholomew pecked another kiss to the other's lips before he was out the door and making his way to the restaurant. He really, really missed Caden. He may not openly admit it, especially not to Bailey, but he wanted to see him again. Not that he was infatuated with the guy or anything, but he really was the only true friend he had. He had people he talked to, but Caden was better than all the others. They shared things and teased each other and it was so much better than anything else. Damnit! Now he missed him even more. Yes. If Bailey did not agree to go to Italy, he would just take a few days and go alone, or something, and visit his friend.​
Bae waited the twenty minutes that it would take Bart to get to work, and then another fifteen for good measure before leaving his apartment to head towards the restaurant. He greeted the hostess, who immediately sat him in Bart's section with a menu. Bae knew what he wanted, and didn't bother with the menu, simply waiting for his lover to come wait on him.
Bartholomew moved to the table, parting his lips to start his shpeel before he spotted Bailey, sighing softly. His eyes closed for a moment before opening to look down at him. "Your usual?" He asked, his hip poking to the side as he held the pad of paper out, not sure if he wanted the same thing he always got, or ifh e wanted to be different. His crimson eyes stayed with hte dark haired man, waiing for his answer. He was actually a bit happy that he came here. He missed seeing him and while he may not admit to it, he really liked when he was there.​
Kneeling up on the bench of the booth, he nodded while leaning in for yet another kiss. It made Bailey happy. The bartender grabbed a handful of his lover's rear end with a little smirk before settling down again. "Mug of hot chocolate this time, though?" It was too bad that the other man couldn't join him for breakfast, but it was a short shift and soon enough, they'd be back at the apartment again.
Bart arched a brow when his rear was squeezed by the other, staring at him with interest. "You know, you're going to encourage others to grab my ass.' he murmured, only partially kidding and more so teasing the other. He made his way to the kitchen, putting his order in and he then got the hot chocolate he asked for. He made sure there was more than enoguh whipped cream, returning to the table to put it in front of him. He glanced behind him at the tables and then moved to sit on the edge of the booth in front of him, eyes to the man there. "So ...Couldn't stand to be home without me?"​
Bailey smiled when Bart sat down with him. "I missed you." It was his only explanation. He'd felt horrible that he had to go into work the night before, but had had no choice. And at least they had tonight to 'play'. "Besides. I'd have been tempted to...eat there." He had just scraped his mouth of any feeling by brushing his teeth ten times this morning. He was in no shape to do so again so soon.
Bart nodded a bit, glad to hear he was not the only one who missed him. He then glanced to a table behind him, turning back to the other. "All right.' He said, leaning up and pressing a kiss to the man's lips. "I'll be back." He stated and then stood up, walking over to the kitchen, getting the plates for one of the tables. He easily put the plates down, then was running around to get the drinks and everything else that the tables needed. He really wished that he did not have to work, but he was okay. He and Bailey would have more than enoguh time together tonight.

He soon was in the kitchen and getting the plate for Bailey, resting it in fornt of him with another kiss to the other's lips. "Enjoy your meal.' He said, winking playfully with a grin.​
Smiling, Bae kissed the other man in thanks and nodded. He still wished that the other could join him for brunch, but knew that it wasn't possible. Maybe he'd make a nice dinner tonight for them instead. He knew that neither had work until the next night so a long, relaxing night together was definitely feasible. After stealing another kiss, he settled in to eat, his body thanking him profusely for its first bit of actual food in a few days.
Bartholomew then wandered around the restaurant, going from table to table and even more so when more and more patrons filed in for lunches. He went from one to another before finally returning to Bae's table, sighing heavily, his eyes closed as he did so. "Do you need anything else?" he asked, already seeing, form the corner of his eyes, a table that seemed unhappy at the moment. couldn't they understand that it was busy? he groaned and turned back to Bailey, eyes to the other while he remained standing at the table. "Crap." he whispered, taking up hiis lover's emptied plates and he glanced behind him to one of the tables again. "I'll see you later, Lee." he said and then was off practically running throug the place. Telling the busboy about hte new table that would need to be cleaned in afew minutes, and then once more was back to the table that was already whining about horrible service. Horrible service?! They went two minutes without attention. Ugh.​
Looking around, Bailey could hardly believe how busy it had gotten. It didn't take long for him to make a decision. He stood up and moved over to Bart where he was with his bitchy customers and reached into one side of his apron, taking the extra pad and pen there. He gave a little bump of the hip and moved to help his lover out, easily channeling his experience as a bartender into what he needed for a waiter. He took orders, brought out drinks and food, flirted a little here and there... It didn't take too long to get everyone happy again.
Bartholomew blinked a few times when he felt something in his apron. He turned to look at Bailey, staring at the man and he easily took the help happily. Looks like he started a trend, huh? He shook his head and then was off to another table, getting their order, refilling drinks, and then finding the manager who was just a bit curious about why the man was there. The manager knew who Bailey was, Bart had introduced them a while ago, though at the time he was only a 'friend' but Bae WAS a regular by now. After a quick little explination, the manager did not seem to mind and welcomed the help, as long as he did not have to pay the guy, and did not get sued, he had no problems.​
The shift went quickly, and Bart had a decent amount of tips by the time they were done. The bartender had swiped an extra apron from the kitchen and had stuffed whatever money he got from his tables in there, and when Bart's shift ended, the money was then stuffed into the other man's pockets with a little wink. "What else do you need help with?"
Bart was really thankful for Bailey's help. The guy who replaced Caden just sucks. He calls in quite a lot, like tonight. He was supposed to be here, but he was not, leaving them short-handed. At least until his lover took over. At the end of the shift, with teh last customer out of the restaurant, he sighed heavily. He looked back down to the other, watching him and he moved toward the male. His right hand slid behind the other's neck, pulling him toward himself as he looked at the other. "You can help with this growing problem in my pants." He stated, kisssing his lips before he looked at the others who were already telling him to go away. They had heard him whining about not getting any, and how annoying being in a relationship was - not that he would ever cheat on him, which was yet another complain his coworkers got to hear about.​
Unabashedly, Bae reached down to grope his lover, teasing. "Mmm... Or I can just let you suffer..." He poked his tongue out at Bart before moving in to kiss him, arms easily slipping around the man's waist as he did so. He was completely oblivious to their audience.
Bartholomew shuddered at the man teasing him, glaring at the other for doing such a thing. "Then I'll rape you." He stated, firmly and not even caring that he was stating he would rape his lover. He did not want it, he would just take what he wanted and deal with the consequences afterward. He glanced to the others who were either trying to ignore them and work or enjoying the show. He sighed heavily, arms wrapping around Bailey's waist and he lifted him up, draping him over his shoulder while he walked out of the restaurant. "See you" he yelled to the others, making his way down the street toward the apartment.​
Bae laughed. "I rival your strength now." It would have been different had he not been turned. Bailey very easily could have been scared of the other man's strength. But he had just as much, now, and was confident that he could fend the other off if he truly had to. And aside from that, all Bart would have to do was kiss him in just the right spot and it would no longer be considered rape, anyway.

The minute he was set down in the apartment, Bailey took control. He wanted the control; to 'top', though he usually didn't care one way or the other. He pressed Bart down to the mattress, positioning their erections to rub together nicely as he kissed his lover.
Bart chuckled softly and shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly. "Maybe so. But then it will turn into rough sex, versus rape, now wouldn't it?" He teased, nipping the man's side before disappearing into the apartment. He gladly let the other take the control, not like he cared one way or the other. He was far too ecstatic about being able to have him to care who topped whom. He fell into the bed, grinding his groin against Bae's. His eyes fluttered to the back of his head, arms hooked aroudn the other's shoulders, pulling him to his form and kissing him passionately. Mm. This defintiely was going to make up for the days of ... nothing.​
He groaned softly, nipping at the man's bottom lip as his hips worked against his lovers. His fingers worked at Bart's shirt, working it up and off quickly. He sighed with the flesh contact, lips moving down to taste his chest and torso eagerly. His own shirt was next, followed by bot pairs of pants. "Fuck I missed you..."
Bartholomew took in a sharp breath with their clothes being removed, having missed the contact of the other's flesh to his. He bucked his hips into the man's, grinding even more when their pats were removed. He groaned at the words passing his lips, looking up at him and he leant up to press a firm kiss to his lips. "Good. Now shut up and take me." He hissed into his lips, kissing him passionately again. His hands lifted to push through his hair, pulling him back as he settled against the mattress again, hips rolling and rocking into his, impatient to have the inevitable happy.​
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