Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

TRevor glanced over to CAlder at the question, smiling as he listened to it. "Everything." He admitted before he shook his head and went back to walking in front of him. "I really like to make sweet things since Jade likes them so much. Like cinnamon rolls and brownies and cakes ... I suppose I like to bake more than cook. My favorite meal to make is chicken parmesan, though." He then smiled a little, fidgetting with the end of his zipper up hoodie just a bit as he continued forward to the grocery store. "It was the meal my grandmother taught me."​
He nodded. "I've learned to love baking because of Rune..." Not that he didn't like it before, it was just that Calder had preferred to cook before meeting Rune. And then the comment clicked and the flood gates, so to speak, were opened. The blond couldn't help himself. "What...happened?" he asked, voice gentle in a lame attempt to not spike suspicion or a wall going up.
Trevor smiled and nodded. Rune and Jade were a lot alike in that aspect, then. Jade was the reason he liked to bake so much, not that he did not like it. It was just when he had the chance to put a smile on the boy's face, especially through all he has been through, he would do it. Then, the question passed Calder's lips. He stiffened for a moment before forcing himself to calm down. He knew that it would have to be asked sometime soon, and well he did not mind telling Calder or Rune. They took them in and gave them a home, and a family.

"Well ... My mom was my age when she had me and while her parents were disappointed, they did not mind. She just ... did not see it that way. So, she left and basically, we wound up on teh streets with my father every so often coming in to bother us. For a while, we had just a really bad run down house ... then he came and messed that up. We lost our house, went back to the streets. When I was seven, Jade was born ... same father, of course. We somehow managed to get into a ... group home kind of thing, you know? It was nice there. Jade went to school, I went to school for a little bit until mother started to drink. Then I dropped out and began to make the meals and everything for us. Because mom drank, they kicked us out of hte home. She owuld not get a job, so they could not allow us to stay there. That was when Jade was in kindergarten. Our father then came by again and took anything left that we had, got mom pregnant again ... And Ella... um, she was a premature baby. We were walking with mom and somehow ... she got stabbed. We don't know what happened, but the stress sent her into labor and the ER had not been able to save her... But ... we got Ella. And since then ... we've been alone. My grandparents died before meeting Jade. So, we have ... had ... no one."​
Calder listened, an intense sadness coming over him at the struggles that the three went through. His heart broke, wanting nothing more than to go back in time and make it all better for them. "We don't ever want you to leave, you know," he reassured, knowing that trust issues were deep rooted with his father leaving. "Rune... Well you three really hit something in him because he always swore up and down that he'd never have children." He smiled down at the younger male, wanting to reassure him.

"Are you looking forward to school again?" He wanted to change the subject and he could feel that Trevor probably did, too.
Trevor really was reassured. He hoped that they would not want to get rid of them, but who knew in teh long run. Maybe they would get bored of playing parents and want them to get away. He hoped that would not happen. He quite liked them, a lot. They were nice to him and he wanted to stay for a long, long while. He nodded with the question. "Yes. I ... I like to learn." He admitted, chewing into his bottom lip a bit as he did so. "And, I think that it would be ... nice to be at a school with others like me." He turned his head to look at the other, smiling gently.​
He nodded. "Atlantis-the school Rune and I met at-was amazing. I didn't get to go until I was seventeen, because they didn't have regular high school classes and I wasn't quite as smart as you. But I made a lot of good friends there. You'll like Prometheus. Both Rune and I work there, too. And Relic and Tanner-you'll meet them when they get home from their honeymoon."

They walked into the store, Calder taking a basket on the way in. "Is there anything else you want? Need?"
Trevor walked into the store with him, already thinking about Prometheus. He was excited to go there. Very excited. Maybe he could even make a friend or two, that was not his brother. he loved Jade a lot, and would have been satisfied just by having him by his side, but now, with teh opportunities, he may be able to meet new people who would not shy away from him because he was grungy looking. He was very, very happy right now. He looked over at Calder and then shrugged his shoulders a little bit. "No. Thank you, though. I am fine"​
"Sure?" He watched the other as they walked through the store, Calder adding items into the basket for dinner and dessert. The blond never really bought much of what he didn't need, but when he was younger... Then again, Trevor and Jade were much different and already had to know how to get only what they needed. "Rune's loaded... We could easily go on a shopping spree..." He was only kidding, but it was fun to think about the possibilities.
Trevor laughed softly at the comment, tilting his eyes to the other and he smiled even more. He figured one of the two were wealthy, considering the house they lived in, but he had not bothered to ask which one it was. That would be rude anyway. He shook his head a little and then continued down the aisles, looking here and there before he returned his eyes to Calder. "How long have you and Rune been together?" he asked, wanting to get to know them a little better, as well.​
Calder paused in the middle of the aisle to think about it. "Only a little while... Less than a year... Nine months, I guess." He knew his math had to be skewed, but they didn't celebrate anniversaries. At least, they hadn't thus far. "Rune is... Well, odd. He likes to exist, not count the time since this or that happened and... I just sort of follow suit. So I guess I don't really know." It didn't matter much, either. They were together, they would be forever, and that was that.

"That's what I need to know!" he claimed out of no where. "Birthdays. What are your birthdays?"
Trevor nodded, glancing to the other's left hand where there was a ring, trying to think a bit. He thought that nine months, or so, was a little too early to get married, but he would not question them. If they thought it was right, he would not protest. Besides, they did seem perfect for each other. He blinked a few times at the mention of birthdays, staring at him and he thought for a short moment. "Um ... Jade is April Fourth and Ella is September Eighteenth." He stated, looking at the aisle beside him.He took up the ingredient that they would need that was there, gently placing it into the basket CAlder carried.
He nodded, committing the dates to memory. And then realized that there were only two dates, and three kids. "What about yours?" he asked. "I'll tell you Rune's..." Calder smiled and added something else into the basket as they walked, taking their time through the store. The blond wondered why Trevor left his own out, and made a quick note to ask him.
Trevor blushed a faint pink and looked at the man beside him before his eyes fluttered to his feet once more. "Um ... I don't remember it." He admitted, chewing his bottom lip and he sighed softly. He really had never celebrated the date, so he never knew when it was. He knew Jade's because he was old enough to remember, and was always sure to do something on the date - if it was just to take him for a walk, or something like that. He always had something for his brother to do, just mnever himself.​
"Well. What would you like it to be?" Calder didn't bat an eyelash at his own question. He didn't judge Trevor, or even give the hint that he did. "You pick it, and we'll celebrate it from now on." He smiled at the other, placing a half gallon of chocolate ice cream into the cart, and a half gallon of vanilla. To the blond, the actual date didn't matter, it was the intentions and mood behind it.
Trevor blinked a few times. He could pick? He stared at Calder for a while and he eventually shrugged a little. "Um ... I don't know' He admitted, trying to think of a date but not thinking of one that came to mind. Maybe he would look on a calendar later, see what date 'looked good'. He was quite happy that the other had told him that, obviously not minding that he was stranger than most. "What do you think?" He asked and turned his head to look at him, not too sure what he wanted to do.​
Calder thought. He didn't want to suggest anything past October-the blond didn't want the holidays to overshaddow Trevor's birthday. Nor did he want to suggest anything close to anyone else's. "What about... June twenty sixth?" he asked. "It's in the middle of... Well summer. No holidays around to distract, no one's birthday to distract... Completely your day."
Trevor thought for a few moments and then gave a simple nod to the suggestion. He liked it. It was a good date and he could not think of any conflicts. "Okay." He said simply, turning to look at him and he smiled a bit more. "Um, do we need anything else?" he asked, glancing into the cart and trying to think. They only had one more isle to go down, so he was not sure if they missed anything. It was nice to just walk with the other man though. calder was definitely a nice man. He was glad that they were gound by the two of them.​
Looking in the basket, Calder took inventory of what they had and what was on the list in his head. They hadn't missed anything, and had gotten a few extra things, too. "I think that's it." He smiled, but moved to head down the last aisle anyway. He was enjoying his time with Trevor and didn't want it to really end. "Christmas will be here before you know it. Are there any traditions that you three did, or that you wanted to do?"
Trevor continued down the aisle as well, actually enjoying their time together as well. It was nice. Calder was great company. He looked over to the man beside him, smiling gently at his question. "Um ... Not really. We really only spent the day with each other and tended to be happy with that." He admitted and smiled just a bit more. "And ... Can we get Jade a stuffed teddy bear?" he asked, looking back to Calder with interest. "He has always wanted one and when I finally managed to get one ... It was taken from us."​
Chuckling, Calder nodded. "It's a little early yet, but when it gets closer I'll take you each out on your own to get presents for the other... Maybe I'll get one for Rune, too." He winked at Trevor as they came to the end of the aisle and moved to a check out line. "What's something that you've always wanted?" he asked, adding to the mental lists in his head.
Trevor followed the other to the register and shrugged just a little bit. "Everything I've wanted ... you already gave me." He admitted, looking over at the other and blushing instantly. God he was so cliche! He shook his head, his hands ruffling through his brown locks as he stared at his feet for a while, feeling ever embarrassed. "I ... I don't need anything materialistic." He sighed heavily and then continued to look at his feet, hands still in his brown locks. "I'm just happy with a bed to sleep in, and food for Jade and Ella."​
"Christmas, sweetheart, is not about 'need'," Calder informed him. "It's about getting the things that you want." He nodded to that and moved up to the register, putting their items on the conveyor belt. "At least some of them, anyway." If he gave Rune everything he wanted, there would be no one left on earth. Calder rolled his eyes at the thought. "Well, you have plenty of time to make a list." He smiled at the other and moved to pay. As they took the bags and put them in the cart to wheel out of the store, Calder looked over again. "Anywhere else you want to go before home?"
Trevor took up the bags left over and then walked down the sidewalk with Calder. He thought for a moment before shaking his head. "No. Home is fine." He stated, butterflies erupting in his stomach over the thoughts of calling a plate 'home'. Yes, that was all that he needed for Christmas. He did not want anything else. He may make a list of a few things, something simple, since he really would not want anything else. He was just happy at the moment.​
Nodding, Calder lead the way home. They had a nice conversation on the way, though nothing really in particular other than getting to know each other a bit better. It was a nice trip all in all, and by the time they got home it was time for Calder to start prepping dinner. He took the bags from Trevor and thanked him, sending him off to play while dinner was cooked.
Bartholomew was easily finding that work without Caden was not half as fun as it had been. The replacement for him was boring. He was no fun to flirt with - kept rambling about his supposed girlfriend and other crap. TO which Bart always responded with "well, my boyfriend will kill me if he knows" and that just tended to make the conversation turn for the worse. He did not like that. He wanted to be able to flirt with people at work! Bailey did that at work to get more tips, though he was hotter now that he was a vampire -- not that he would openly admit it -- but it made things easier to get tipped on.

Grumbling, he made his way up the stairs and to Bailey's apartment, opening the door and heading inside with a groan. "Leeee" He whined and flopped forward onto the couch, whimpering a few times.​
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