Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

"You said the same thing about my mother and they get along fine," he reminded, using his whiskers to tickle along his lover's neck a little as they walked. He was thankful for the pit stop in the kitchen. While Calder knew that everything was okay, he just had to make sure. He wanted everything to be perfect for Tanner and Relic.

Once he was sure, the blond took a deep breath and nodded. "Okay. We can go." The waiters and bartenders would be arriving shortly and they could take over from there. "Just don't let me forget to come in and finish the cake after dinner."
Rune chuckled and took his love's hand, leading him to the courtyard where his mother was pouncing the two married men, hugging Tanner currently and kissing his cheek every so often, rambling about how happy she was for them, how beautiful the wedding was. Frankly, Rune found the most hilarious thing to be her costume. Personally, he thought it was cheap. She went for the 'angel' look which all she really needed was the spaghetti strap white dress and the high heels ... The wings were real after all.

"Mom! Could you be any cheaper?" He asked, a brow lifted in question as he made his way to the couple.

Andrea perked up and looked over at her son, sticking her tongue out at him. "OH, shut up. I didn't want to pester my little Relic with making me an outfit " She giggled gently and kissed the blond she was near before giving a kiss to her litlte "alice" and then boucned over to her husband who was dressed in a pair of tight red pants and a button down red silk shirt, horns, and a tail -- very original, she knew.

Relic giggled happily when he saw the two, walking over and wrapping his arms around their necks, huging them tightly to his form. "The costumes look great ... I love the morph." He giggled before he heard his name and then saw Elijah running toward him in a Bam Bam costume, grinning. Relic happily scooped him up and onto his hip, hugging him tightly and he smiled all the more. "CONGRATULATIONS Uncle Relic!" the little boy giggled and nuzzled into his uncle a little bit, the man returning the embrace gladly.​
They mingled. They knew everyone so it wasn't difficult to move around the courtyard and start a conversation. Somewhere in between conversations, though, Calder had Rune in a shady corner, arms around his neck. The blond wasn't doing anything other than cuddling into his lover, but with Rune being so antisocial, Calder had gotten used to being close like this whenever he wanted. "I love you. Even if you do think I'm silly for saying it all the time."

Tanner's family moved in, Bella quickly weaving her way through the crowd and directly to Rune. She attached herself to his leg.

Olivia wandered off, not really looking for anyone though she found Dawn with Nikkos rather quickly and was quite taken with the little girl's wings and the little girl herself. She attached herself to Nikkos and his daughter, wanting to help take care of her.

Julie walked in, saw Elijah and blushed horribly. "Tannerrrr!" she whined, not realizing that their costumes would be matching.
Rune had his arms happily around the other's form, nuzzling into him and being very content with the embrace of the other. He chuckled at his words, shaking his head. "Yea. Today I'll let you get your words in for free." he teased, kissing his lips just as there was a fairy attached to his leg. He arched a brow, looking down at the little girl and he sighed softly. How did she find him in the dark? Smart little thing too. He rested his hand on her head and he smiled lightly. The man soon let out a loud 'oof' when there was a angel-winged little girl clinging to his arm, giggling and nuzzling into his neck, holding him tightly. He looked over at the girl, shaking his head a bit. "One comes ... The rest follow."

Relic laughed as he walked over to Tanner where Julie was turning a bright red. He smiled to the little girl, chuckling a bit. "I'm sorry. I couldn't resist." He stated, resting the little boy on the ground and playing with his hair a bit.​
Calder couldn't help but chuckle at his lover who was now covered in little girls... With Olivia trailing behind Dawn to 'help'. "Mother's Helper," he teased before bending down to say hello to Olivia and then picking up Bella and tossing her in the air a little. "Hi Bella!"


"Yeah. Kitty. Where's your mommy?" She promptly pointed to Rune, making Calder laugh harder.

Relic's explanation didn't help Julie's blush, and in fact deepened it, and added a pout. Tanner only laughed and gave her a little swat to the behind. "Go have fun. Stop worrying about the costumes."
Rune sighed heavily and he took ROsalie down from his neck and rested her on his hip, only to have the other side of his neck attacked by the bat-winged girl. He then spotted Bella pointing at him, arching a brow. "Do I look like your mother, little one?" He asked, shaking his head and he turned to look at the girl whose pointy little teeth bit the side of his neck. "Hey. Stop that, you." He said, pushing her head away and getting a little giggle from her. He shook his head, turning back to Olivia who was running toward him as well. "Hello, little flower girl scientist." He said, scooping her up and resting her on his other hip, being bombarded by little girls and he definitely did not know what to do anymore. He could not get away!

Relic laughed and bumped Elijah's rump, pushing him toward Julie. "Yes. Go play you two. There's a chocolate fountain ... Just don't spoil your appetite for Calder's meal." He said, smiling as they walked off, looking over at Rune and Calder in the corner, stopping instantly. He swatted Tanner's arm to get his attention, pointing to his mirror-image who was currently holding three little girls and he knew that Bella was there to be with him too.​
Calder, assuming that Rune was somewhere under the girls, continued to laugh as he moved over to take Dawn in his own arms. "Alright, girlies. We're going to find your respective parents. I think you've put my boyfriend into child overload." Shaking his head, Calder leaned in to kiss his lover's cheek before moving to find Mrs. Reed and Nikkos or Tomias.

The blond laughed at Rune, moving over to take hold of Olivia, leaving the man with only Rosie. "You must have magnets under your skin," he laughed. Tanner turned to his sister. "Don't bother Rune, hmm? Why don't you go find your sister and Elijah?" Olivia pulled a face but did as she was told anyway, thought that could have been because of sighting the chocolate fountain... Tanner was really surprised that Rune wasn't camped out at it.
Rune helped to pry Dawn off his neck and then Olivia on his hip, shaking his head a little. He then turned to Rosalie on his hip, kissing her temple softly. "Come on. Let's go give you to your mother too.' He said and then walked over to where the woman was talking with Mrs Delano. He held girl out and over his mother's shoulder. "Take your loot." He heard his little sister giggling and he really adored her, just not right now.

Andrea pouted, taking the girl and resting her on her hip, blowing her son a little kiss. She then turned to look at Mrs. Delano again, smiling even more. "Tanner's sisters seem to like my baby boy, huh?" She asked, smiling warmly at the woman.​
"It seems that females under the age of six are quite attracted to him," Allison agreed with a little giggle. She thought that it was rather endearing and even took it as a sign that, one day, her son would have a family.

After handing off the two girls, Calder found his way back inside to check on the food and that no one touched the cake. Once satisfied, his nerves were a little less frayed and he moved out to find Rune, checking the flowing fountain of chocolate first.

Tanner returned to Relic, wrapping his arms around his husband's waist from behind, his chin resting no the man's shoulder. "They're almost ready to start serving."
After dropping Rosalie off with his mother, he turned and made his way to the chocolate fountain, resting a hand on Julie's head that was at the fountain as well. He took a strawberry on a skewer and dipped it under the chocolate, glancing to Bella and he handed her the little strawberry, not helping but to give into her - she was too cute. He then made a strawberry for himself, biting into it and quite content at the moemnt.

Relic turned to look at Tanner, nodding to his words. He pressed a kiss to his lips, nuzzling into his neck just a little bit and he smiled all the more. He turned in his embrace, arms around his shoulders and he kissed him again. "That's good ... That way Rune won't start chugging our chocolate fountain." He laughed softly and then squealed gently at the thought. "I cannot wait to see Calder's cake!"​
Shaking his head, the blond moved over to his lover. Calder took the last of the strawberry that was in Rune's hand and ate it, giving a cheeky little smile to the man. "Yum."

Wrapping his arms more tightly around Relic's waist, Tanner nodded in agreement. Out of everything, the cake was what he was most looking forward to. He kissed his lover, resting their foreheads together with his eyes closed. "Feels surreal."
Rune blinked a few times as the strawberry was eaten from his hand. He turned to look at Calder, arching a brow in question. Did he honestly just steal his strawberry? He stared at him, eyes just a bit annoyed as he did so. He leant down to bite the man's neck, not caring how hard he did it or anyone who may give him a weird look. He straightened once more, his arms crossed over his lower torso and his eyes kept to the other. "You'll pay for that." He stated simplistically, turning on his heel and walking away from the chocolate, olnly to be bombarded by Rosalie once more, the girl whimpering and clinging to the man. He sighed heavily, looking over to his mother who was folowing behind. "She can eat with me." He stated, getting a happy little giggle from the girl on his neck.

Relic nodded, eyes closing as he ignored everything around him for te moment. "It is.' he agreed before he perked up, glancing into the house to see that the waiters were getting ready to serve. He turned on his heel, taking Tanner's hand and he brough t the other to the long table for the whole wedding party to sit at. He moved to the center, taking up his spooky little glass gauntlet, raising it and then tapping his fork against the glass. "Dinner's almost ready" He called out, waiting for everyone to get seated, and when no one did, he pouted and then turned to his father, looking the utmost of pathetic to the tall man.

Tien sighed heavily before looking out over everyone. "Hey! Sit down!" He yelled, everyone paying attention to him. Relic giggled and hugged his father happily. "Thank you Daddy" He chimed and then leant up to kiss his cheek, sitting back down onto his chair.

Rune, with Rosalie attached to his neck, made his way to the table, sitting down with the girl on his lap, and the three flower girls to his right, Calder to his left. He somehow became the little girl piper ... or something. He did not understand it. He hsook his head of the thoughts, letting his baby sister sit in his lap and he then waited for the food to come.​
Calder purred at the bite. It'd been worth it, and he said so to his lover with a little peck to the man's cheek. He gave Rosie's foot a little tickle in greeting before moving his way towards the head table. The blond was starved and certainly ready to eat. He sat next to Rune, hand resting on his knee despite the baby being there. He still wanted contact with the man.

Laughing at Tien, Tanner took his seat next to Relic, hands linked between them on the table. "Awww look! Rune made new friends!" It was only a half tease. Tanner was happy that Rune was in such a good mood today and did so well with the girls.

The servers started with the fresh salads. Everything was delicious, though no one really expected anything different of Calder. Next was the antipasta, and then the main course: a perfectly done filet mignon, garlic mashed potatoes, and a fresh steamed vegetable medley.
Rune turned to look at the man beside his brother, narrowing his eyes a bit and he laughed as Rosalie threw the strawberry stem at the man who insulted her brother. He grinned and kissed her temple." That's my baby sister." He chuckled and then happily ate the salad and everything else that Calder made beautifully. Taking a bite for himself, then letting Rosalie have a bit, and repeating the action quite a few times until the plate was bare. He did the same with the rest of the meal, though with the potatos, Rosalie whined for a few more bites.

He glanced to the girls beside him who were just playing with hte food. He leant toward the little fairy beside him, resting his chin on her head. "What's up?" he asked, lifting her chin and seeing the chocolate around her mouth. He laughed lightly and took up his napkin, wiping away the chocolate and he then poked one potato, holding it out to the girl's mouth. "One bite to counteract the chocolate you ate." He teased, knowing that if she had something warm in her belly, it should make the girl's stomach hurt a little less.

Relic kissed Tanner's cheek once more and then licked away the strawberry juice from the stem connecting with his face. "Rose gets a bit violent when her Rune is threatened." He teased with a wink before he went back to eating. He definitely loved Calder for this meal. He was so, so, SO excited to see the cake. He knew he had to eat his dinner and then there would be some down time before the cake, but he was still anxious. He turned to Calder, smiling all the more. "Dinner is deliciousss... Though, I did not expect anything else." He laughed again, smilng cheerfully.​
Dinner was...eventful. Rosalie was adorable, as was Tanner who pouted at the strawberry being thrown at him. The taller blond stuck his tongue out at the little winged girl and then turned to nuzzle into his husband's neck, pouting more. Calder found it all rather amusing, really, as did his mother. Nikkos laughed, pointing out that at least their daughter knew enough to not throw food. Of course, it didn't say much for the headmaster that the girl had a fistful of...mush that was ready to be thrust towards the other side of the table.

Smiling at Relic, Calder thanked him for the compliment. "We'll do cake after the first dance?"
Rune turned to look at the girls, being sure that they were eating their food properly. Of course, the little girl on his lap did not enjoy attention being away from her, and she then proceeded to tug on his ear, getting a yelp from the man. He turned to look down at the girl, sticking his tongue out. He gave a growl and leant down to nibble at her chin, getting squeals of glee from her ... Okay, maybe he was good with kids. He shook his head and then popped a bit of potato into the girl's mouth, getting her to stop btoher him ... for now.

Relic nodded and smiled all the more. "I'm SO excited!" He grinned and kissed at his love a few more times before he turned to look at Tomias, Nikkos and Dawn, shaking his head a little. "She's no angel, you know." He teased, sticking his tongue out at the other.

Tomias arched a brow, turning to look at the bride and he stared at him for a while. "Pot calling the kettle black, there demon seed." He stated, eyes narrowed at the other. "She has yet to burn anything down, you know. . . Unlike you two."​
Nikkos stuck his tongue out at Relic. "She's our angel and that's all that matters." Of course he knew that Dawn liked to get into trouble, but didn't all babies? They were curious and wanted to explore without having any sense of danger. Any child would be like that, wings or not.

Stretching, Tanner agreed that he was excited and he pulled his lover into his lap, hugging him close. "We'll tell the band in a little bit," he promised, nipping a line down the back of Relic's neck along his spine. Who cared that there were hundreds of other people there? They were there for their wedding and they were expected to be affectionate and physical. And anyway, the fact that the blond's hands were up the bride's skirt was hidden by the table.
Relic giggled gently, resting against the other and his eyes slipped closed and he shivered at the feel of the man's lips against his neck. His eyes slipped closed and he took in a sharp breath when the man's hands slid up his thighs. His hands moved to rest on his hands, turnign to look at him and narrowing his eyes a little. "Stop that." he whispered, leaning over to kiss his lips softly.​
Tanner chuckled and moved his hands up once more, groping his husband a little before his hands returned to Relic's thighs just above his knees. "Fiiiine," he whined softly, giving a sharp little nip to the man's earlobe. The blond stopped completely, now simply nuzzling his lover's neck lovingly. "Just don't whine to me when we have to pack tonight rather than have sex." He didn't know if Relic knew about the planned honeymoon, but they left early the next morning.
Before they knew it, it was time to dance. Relic giddily led the way to the dance floor, fingers laced with his love's as they moved onto the floor. He turned to the man, his arms wrapping around his husband's neck, hugging him while he began to sway with the music, happy as ever. His eyes kept to his, smiling even more. He loved the man so much. He leant forward to press a kisss to his lips, sighing contently. He continued to move around the dancefloor ever so slowly.​
Tanner swayed softly with Relic, nuzzling his cheek and jaw as he did so. His arms were tight around his husband's waist, holding their bodies as close as they could be without being conjoined. They danced through the entire song, oblivious to anyone else who many have joined them, or to Calder rushing out to fix the cake, or the world in general, really.
Soon, the end of the dance came and the couple stopped ... a few moments after the music actually ended. Relic blushed faintly, glancing to where Calder had been, smiling to himself as he did so. He walked over to the cake, gasping as he looked at the beautiful cake he made. "ooh Calder! It's gorgeous! Better than I imagined!" He beamed happily as he looked over the cake and the design a little more, resisting the temptation to poke at it and dive his teeth into it.​
Smiling, Calder pressed a kiss to each of their cheeks. He slid back, allowing the newlyweds to bask in the cutting of their cake as he moved into the kitchen once more, only to return with a six inch chocolate cake that he'd made specifically for Rune. He didn't expect that the man would eat the entire thing in one sitting but, perhaps if they pouted enough, he would share it with the girls.

The blond placed the cake in front of his lover with a little peck to the cheek.

Tanner looked to Tien, hoping he'd make people pay attention to the cutting of the cake.
Relic giggled happily and nuzzled against Tanner while he looked over the cake even more. Oh, he was so, so very happy right now. He was utterly ecstatic, and he could not wait to try the cake! He then turned to Tien when Tanner did, not wanting to even bother with trying to get everyone's attention. His family was far too big and loud and not used to seeing each other to stop talking for a litle bit.

Tien cleared his throat a bit, turning to the others and he sighed. "They're cutting the cake! Pay attention or you get none." He shrugged and then went back to the two. "There you are." He then took a step to the side, walking over to Andrea and dragging her away from the Delanos and Reeds to get the families to pay attention. His hand moved over her lips and he turned her to face the cake, the woman's wings fluttering in annoyance.

Rune looked down at the cake in front of him, beaming instantly. He loved Calder far too much. His arm wrapped around the man's hips and he tugged him against his chest, leaning up to press a kiss to his furry neck, nuzzling into it a moment later. "You rock.' He whispered, seeing the girls eyeing his cake. He sighed heavily and then wrapped his arms around Rosalie's form on his lap, holding him against his chest and he kept his attention to the two cutting the cake. He would wind up sharing, but that would come later.​
Once everyone was paying attention, Tanner picked up the cake knife and held it out for Relic to hold onto it, too. He wanted to cut the cake together, as tradition stated they should. They cut a little sliver and put it on a plate before the blond picked up a piece with his fingers to feed to his husband. A bit of frosting was then dabbed onto Relic's nose...and cheek.

"Does that make up for the strawberry?" he asked, hugging Rune a bit longer than normal as his finger reached forward for a little taste of the icing.
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