Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Persephone smiled warmly as she spotted the man she was looking for. Her orange eyes sparkling as she spotted the adorable man who looked so very pale. She laughed with a shake of her head, her arms loosely folding over her lower torso. "Not happy to see me, Relish?"

Relic blinked a few times and soon shook his head of the thoughts. He rested a hand on the blond's shoulder, trying to calm him a little. "It's fine." He whispered to his fiance, kissing his cheek softly before he looked over at the woman. He took in a deep breath, calming himself and being sure that he was fine with everything else. He closed his eyes for a moment or two and then walked toward the girl a little. "Um ... Please ... Come in..." He said softly, his heart pounding in his ears and he wanted to know what the woman wanted, but not wanting to be rude, at least not if he could manage elsewise.

She smiled even more when Relic invited her into the house and she walked over to the ravenette, kissing his cheek as she began to walk inside, already making herself at home. "How about some tea, Relish?"

He nodded a bit, knowing that she could not see it, but not caring right now. He looked over at the woman and his eyes closed for a short while. "The kitchen is straight ahead and to the left ... You're already making yourself at home, so why stop now?" He asked, getting an amused laugh from the woman as she glided her way quite gracefully through hte halls. He then turned to look at the blond, his head flopping against his shoulder.​
Tanner growled towards the retreating woman. His attention, though, was pulled back by Relic's head to his shoulder. Tanner turned so that they were chest to chest and hugged his fiance tight, whispering promises of being right there and soft, loving words. He wanted to know who the woman was but that would come in time, he knew. They had to deal with the woman and get her out of the house before they could even think about talking between themselves.

"Come on," he encouraged with a little peck to Relic's lips. "The sooner we get in there, the sooner she'll get the fuck out."
Relic's arms lifted and wrapped around the man's shoulders. He pulled him against his form and pressed a kiss to his lips, smiling lightly as he did so. He loved Tanner so much. He kissed him a few more times and then took a hold of his hand, linking their hands while he walked forward to the kitchen, the kettle already on and the woman sitting on the chairs at the table, her right knee on top of her left and she looked quite seductive and gorgeous just sitting there.

Persephone smiled to the couple and her form moved forward and rested on the table, arms crossed and she kept her eyes to teh two, waiting for them to sit. Once the ravenette sat across from her, the blond beside him, she smiled a little more. "So, Relish ... Why wasn't I invited to your wedding? I love to know how you're doing, and so glad that you found someone else.' She laughed whimsically, her eyes staying to the two, though mainly on Relic.

The ravenette took in a deep breath, he smiled weakly at the woman. "The obvious reasons are why you were not invited, Sephy." He stated and then his hand gripped Tanner's hand tighter, relaxing a moment later. "Why are you here? Weren't you in Bolivia or Russia or .. somewhere that had you running off for the past five years?"

She sighed softly and shook her head a little bit. "Russia. And I was there until I heard that cute little bunny boy you knew and invited telling me about you and this Tanner fellow's engagement ... How could I not come and see you and give you my congratulations?" She smiled and then stood up, just as the tea kettle went off. She walked to the stove, taking the kettle and pouring three glasses of water, placing them in front of the boys with some sugar and tea bags in front of them.​
Tanner wanted to make a snarky comment to the woman, but instead he sat there in silent support of his lover. The blond held Relic's hand, thumb brushing back and forth over the back of it while not taking his eyes off of the woman. Sure, she was attractive, but that wasn't the reason that he wouldn't stop watching her. Tanner simply didn't trust her, and he didn't know what to expect from her, either. The situation would have been much easier for him to handle of he and Relic had been able to talk before coming into the kitchen. But nothing could be done about it now. For now, he waited to see what would happen and if he would have to physically toss this woman out on her rear end.
The woman returned to the seat and her arms crossed and rested upon the table, her eyes to the two and she smiled even more. "Your fiance doesn't like me." She stated, obviously.

Relic looked over at Tanner and then back to the woman that was there. His eyes slipped closed and he let out a little sigh. "Because he can sense evil." He hissed and then looked back over at teh woman. "Sephy ... Why are you here? Truthfully. You're not the type to congratulate ... anyone, least of all me." He kept his eyes to the woman who pouted at the words he spoke.

"I can't?" She asked and then smiled all the more. "All right, all rgiht. You got me. I was nosey to see what came after me." She stated and then looked over at the blond again, orange eyes traveling along his form before moving her attention back to Relic. "I wanted to see who managed to capture my little Relish's heart." She smiled charmingly.

He sighed heavily, finally releasing Tanner's hand to look at the woman. "I don't care." He closed his eyes for afew moments before his eyes opened to look back at the woman. "Shouldn't you be packing up anyway? I believe Hades is looking for you ... Or at least your mother is." His tone was just a bit vile as he stared at the woman.

She rolled her orange eyes to the man's words and she then took a sip from her tea. "So very hostile ..."​
"Hostile?" Tanner finally questioned, his hand resting at the small of Relic's back. "If you want hostile, I'll show you it." Despite manners and morals and beliefs, the blond stood up and took the woman by the bicep, 'helping' her to stand up. "You've overstayed your non-existent welcome and it is now time for you to leave." He'd had enough of Relic being upset and it was obvious that this woman was the source of it. It was time to get rid of the source, even if it meant calling out for 'reinforcements' in the form of Relic's brothers.
Persephone arched a brow, looking over at the man who was helping her to stand up. She let out a soft sigh and pulled the other's fingers off her arm. "I'll leave willingly.' She stated, blowing the man a kiss before she turned to Relic. "Congrats." She winked to him and then a moment later, smoke swirled around her and she was gone from the room a second later.

Just as the woman was no longer in the room, Rune came skidding into the kitchen of the other house, looking around and he stopped once realizing she was not there. He straightened up a bit more, looking over to Relic and he sighed heavily. "God damned bitch ..." He hissed and then let out a gentle sigh, looking to Tanner and he then pushed the blond toward Relic who still seemed to be processing everything. He turned on his heel and made his way back to his side of the house.

Relic wrapped his arms around his lower torso, his eyes closed and he shivered just a little. His knees were pulled up to his chest and he wrapped his arms around his legs, gripping them tightly while he tried to calm himself.​
Everything seemed to happen at once: The smoke, Rune, and then seeing Relic curl into himself. Tanner took a second to be truly sure that the woman was gone before quickly scooping Relic up into his arms. His love's temple was kissed as the blond took the man towards their bedroom, already deciding that wedding planning was done for the day.

Relic was placed in the bed and Tanner climbed in behind him, arms instantly around his love's waist, pulling them closely together. Tanner rested his chin on the other man's shoulder with his face buried into his neck.
Relic happily buried his face into Tanner's neck, taking in a few deep breaths to calm himself a little more. He nuzzled into the blonde for a while before he relaxed a little bit. He could not stand this. That woman combined with all the things he has been doing for the wedding, and the flowers not being the ones he wanted, oh it made everything so horrible. He sniffled a few times and then slowly let the tears flow. He did not care right now. He would be fine in a little, he just needed to cry it out right now.

It took a few minutes, but eventually, Relic pulled in a deep breath and calmed afterward. His eyes fluttered closed and he remained silent for a short while, the tears being pushed off his stained cheeks. He turned to Tanner, kissing the side of his neck and he then settled back against his neck once more. "She used to be a sweetheart ... She really had been."​
Tanner felt so helpless. He held Relic close, shushing him softly while his hands rubbed circles over the man's back. He knew that Relic just needed a release and so he let him, pressing little kisses to his love's cheek and shoulder and neck, offering silent strength and support for the man to leech off of.

When his fiance finally spoke, Tanner just listened, pushing away stray tears and strands of hair. "I don't care if she used to be a goddess... Not if she makes you so upset. And prompts Rune to come running." He gave a little kiss to Relic's lips, knowing full details would come when the man was ready.

"Up with you. Into the shower, and then into one of your many little outfits. We're going to have a full night to ourselves." Smiling, the blond kissed his love softly, wanting nothing more than to soothe away the frayed nerves. "And in the morning, we are going to go and hire someone to help you with your outfits while I go take care of the flowers and set out a definite menu with Calder." Doing the planning the way they were was much too stressful and it had to stop.
Relic let out a laugh at the man's comment. "She didn't used to be one ... She is one." he stated, kissing his love's lips softly and he then whined at the thought of getting up. He did not want to. He wanted to just stay in bed and mope. He sighed softly and slid from the man's lap, pouting as he looked at the man. He leant over and pressed a kiss to his lips, nuzzling into him a bit more and he wrapped his arms around his shoulders, hugging him against his form.​
Smiling, Tanner wrapped his arms around the man's waist and held him to his frame, kissing Relic languidly. "Don't care," he whispered about the woman, moving his lips to Relic's neck. He nuzzled there for a minute before standing up, setting Relic's feet down on the floor. "Come on. We haven't been out on a date since the wedding plans blew up at us. It's time." The blond missed his lover.
Relic sighed softly and he nodded a bit. His hand linked with his, leading the way to the bathroom and he started up the shower. The button down shirt he wore was slipped off his form and tossed at his fiance, smiling even more. He wiggled out of the rest of his clothes and then moved into the shower, poking his tongue out at the man with a little laugh. "I may know someone who can help me with making the costumes ... Someone that I trust enoguh." He blew the other a kiss and then moved under the water, wanting to get nice and wet to help tease the other.​
Teasing aside, the couple had a nice night out together: dinner at a cozy little cafe, strolling along the romantic little streets that you can only find in Italy, authentic Italian desserts... It was romantic and Tanner knew that they had both needed an evening like that to get away from all of the wedding plans that were going wrong.

As they strolled back up to their home, Tanner linked their hands together. "So who is she?" He didn't want to push but his fiance had yet to offer up any sort of information about the woman who'd shown up earlier and the blond was curious.
Relic enjoyed the night fully, happy to just get away with his love. He walked down the street happily, his head resting against his fiance's and he continued to walk, stopping momentarily with the question. He sighed heavily and straightened up a bit more so that he could talk better. "Aside from Hades' wife?" He asked, looking at the other and he laughed gently. He shrugged his shoulders a little and continued forward. "She was ... the breakup that led to my scars." he stated and once more turned to look at the man beside her, smiling gently. "It was ... really nice when we first started going out. Sure, I couldn't see her through the whole winter, but we accepted that. She had to entertain Hades, I had Rune to worry about ... It worked out for us."

He sighed lightly and pressed a kiss to hte man's cheek once more. "I loved her. She loved me. We wound up dating for over a year and a half, closer to two than anything ... She got scared. Crushed my heart with far too many insults, Rune followed that up by telling me that she was worthless and I never should have strayed from him for such "vile thing" and ... The rest I told you about already."​
Nodding, Tanner pulled Relic into a tight hug, only to release him enough to kiss him. "And now you're mine," he stated with a gentle firmness that dared anyone to challenge the statement. The blond's fingers lightly trailed over his lover's spine, while the other hand kept their torso's firmly together. Leaning down, Tanner kissed his love once more. "I love you." He nuzzled along Relic's cheek before leading him inside. He had solid plans to make Relic forget about the day's events.
Relic smiled at his love's words, turning to look at him and he pressed a kiss firmly onto his lips. He wrapped his arms around Tanner's waist, pulling him against his form and he smiled happily. "I know." He whispered and kissed him a little more. "I love you too" He nipped the side of his neck before he nuzzled into his flesh a little bit more. He hugged him and then made his way toward their mansion once more.​
The night certainly helped them to relax. Relic brought in sewing help and Tanner buckled down to take care of the rest. The florist was given the correct flower types and colors, with a stern warning that there were to be no screw ups. He and Calder sat down to make their menu, and finalize the types of cake that would be used in their cake. The seating arrangements were done, the final counts taken... And with only two weeks to go, all that was left were final fittings for tuxes, dresses and costumes.

Tanner moved into the sewing room, wrapping his arms around his lover's shoulders. "What can I do?"
Relic rested a hand on his love's arms, watching the cute little bunny-eared boy he had stolen from Russia [ a friend of his ] rapidly sewing together final touches. He turned to look at the man behind him and pressed a kiss to his lips. "You can try on your costume." He whispered, kissing him again and smiling a little more. He soon forced himself away from the other and walked over to the costume that was beside a nice baby blue, short Alice-gone-naughty dress. He took the maroon pants, gold and dark red vest, and a white button down shirt under that. He held them out to his love, smiling even more. "It's Alice in Wonderland themed" He giggled happily, excited to see what the other would look like.​
"Alice in Wonderland, huh? With..." He walked along the rack, picking out three that stood out. "With Pebbles Flintstone, and Bam-Bam Rubble and... Doctor Kevorkian?" He laughed. "What Alice in Wonderland have you been reading," Tanner teased with a little kiss to the man's head before taking his own costume and slipping out of the room to change. When he came back in, the costume fit perfectly. The blond didn't expect any less: his lover knew his body inside and out exactly. "So...who in the book am I?" he asked, not putting the costume with anyone in particular.
Relic rolled his eyes. "Okay, the bridal party is going to be Alice themed ... Except for your sisters. I made little Bella a beautiful fairy to run down the aisle tossing flowers everywhere. Bam Bam is Eli, Pebbles Julie, and Olivia is a wicked little doctor." He clarified, watchin hte other get changed and he smiled warmly. Goodie! It fit properly, he was happy for that. He bounced toward him, tugging a few things and he arched a brow. He did not get it? He sighed softly and hten looked to the man in the room. "Pierce, come here darling ... Get the watch too."

The man perked up when he was called, looking over at Relic and he nodded. He took a golden pocketwatch that was on the desk nearby and walked over to the two men, he held the watch out to Relic. WAtching the ravenette put the watch into the pocket of the vest, he saw that there was a stool placed behind Tanner now.

Relic smiled warmly at the man, looking at Pierce and pointing to the stool. "Do the honors?" He asked, grnning and knowing the other would get what he wanted. Pierce nodded and then stepped up onto the stool, adjusting himself so thath is head was not seen behind Tanner, but his ears were perked up so that the man could hopefully get what the costume was, without the ears that they had yet to start on.​
It didn't take long for Tanner to get it, and he laughed at the make shift ears that were used to help him see. Nodding, he stepped away from Pierce thanking him for the visual help. Moving over to Relic, he pressed a kiss to the man's lips, hugging him tight. "Calder said that if you want to come over tonight, he'll do a mini test run of the cake for you to try." The food wouldn't be tasted until the reception, not that it mattered too much as their friend was a wonderful cook and knew exactly what they liked to eat.

"And you can bring the costumes over for them to try."
Relic giggled happily, kissing his love softly and he then nuzzled into the other a little happily, watcing Pierce go back to doing what he had been. He then looked back to his love, smiling even more. He nodded and kissed his lips, giggling softly. He was very excited. Nervous, but excited. He already had all their formal outfits for the ceremony itself finished, and he was quite excited about those too, just not as much as his costumes. "Our wedding will be beautiful." He whispered, kissing his lips again and squeaking softly in excitement.​
"Just like you." Leaning down, the blond nuzzled along his lover's jaw, butterflies ever present lately. They were good, they kept Tanner giddy and excited. With one last little peck, the blond slipped out of his costume so that he didn't dirty or ruin it. "I'll tell Calder to expect us later tonight, then?" he asked. "You too, Pierce," he mentioned towards the other man in the room. "Calder's a really good cook." He didn't wait for an answer before moving out of the room to let his friend know that they'd be there for dinner and the cake testing, and to prepare Rune to try on his costume.
Soon, it was the day before the wedding and the ceremony and both Lin boys were pretty much freaking out. Relic was giddy as could be, bouncing around and making sure tha everyone's tuxes and costumes fit perfectly, and then the whole calling up everyone and being so very exhausted, yet to excited to sleep.

Rune, on the other hand, was freaking out. He was in the bedroom and was pacing. He was nervous. He knew Mrs. Delano promised to not make it any more than just a ceremony, so that was reassuring. Going through the whole thing ... was a different story. He did not know why, but he was nervous. He was happy, but he was still worried about what would happen. He walked from one end of the room to the other, trying to get his head on straight. At least in less than twenty-four hours, this whole thing would be over. HE would be linked with Calder. Relic would be married. And he could get buzzed on booze and ignore his mother. Yep, that defintely sounded like a plan.​
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