Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

"Well, that's alright dear," she conceded. Tanner knew that it wouldn't be quite that easy for his friends.

"I don't think either are home yet. Come have some tea and chat while you wait for them." The blond woman agreed and thanked Tanner as she moved in towards the kitchen, sitting down while her son's friend moved to boil the water and set out cups and milk and sugar and lemon. "Does Calder know you're here?"

"Oh no. It's a surprise. I've missed him terribly!"

"It'll be a surprise alright," he whispered to Relic. "Especially for Rune... Maybe we should go away for a few days..."
Relic smiled weakly to the woman. This was not going to end up being a good situation. Rune was stubborn. The very fact he was agreeing to a ceremony was a miracle, yet alone doing more than just getting married. Planning? Oh, that was not going to be a good thing. Yes, Relic got why the woman was here. There was the missing of her child combined with the ceremony - he would make a bet on it.

He shook his head and then looked over at Tanner, sighing heavily. "That does not sound half bad." He admitted, shaking his head and he pressed a kiss to his love's cheek, resting his forehead against the other's shoulder, sighing just a little more. This was going to be ... interesting.​
They sat and had tea, though the longer they sat, the more like a weekend away sounded like a good idea. He wanted to tell Allison that Calder and Rune weren't getting married, per se, but that it was more...a commitment ceremony. He was sure that Calder had said that, though, and that as a mother, Allison was only hearing what she wanted to hear.

When Tanner heard the car doors close, he held his breath for what was going to be a whirlwind of activity. Allison, ever the polite socialite, finished her tea before saying her goodbyes and moving over to the other side of the house, repeating the process of knocking on the door and waiting for an answer.

"Can we pack now?" he asked Relic, whining a little.
Relic smiled and gave the woman her good-byes and he slowly turned to Tanner with his whine. He whimpered and leant over to bury his face int oteh crook of his love's neck, hugging him tightly as he did so. "I don't think it'll help." He admitted, looking up at the man and he huged him even more. "If it gets bad ... We can go bother Val--" he froze and perked up. Actually ... That was not a half bad idea! he hopped up from the chair and clapped his hands together. "There we go! We'll go see how Val's doing.' He stated and then bounced his way to the phone, dialing up the little horned male to see what was happening with him and if the other would mind some company for the weekend.

Rune groaned at the knocking. Turning on his heel, he walked over to the door, opening it up and he stared at hte woman there, arching a brow as he did so. "Mrs. Delano ... What are you doing here?"​
Allison beamed at Rune, moving forward to hug him hello. "Why do you think I'm here? To--" Before she could finish, Calder appeared behind Rune with a lazy little yawn, the question of 'who is it' on the tip of his tongue. He beamed when he saw his mother, hugging her tightly.

"Mom!" He'd missed his family, no matter how much he loved living in Italy. The blond ushered her in, bringing her bags in and setting them off to the side for the time being. Cookies that had been stashed away when he'd last baked for Rune were pulled out along with some milk. "What are you doing here?"

"To help plan the wedding of course!"

Calder froze and stiffened visibly, preparing for whatever onslaught Rune was about to bring.
Rune hugged the woman back and then helped to haul her bags in. He put them at the base of the stairs before he followed the other, and followed the cookies really. He was just about to whine about hiding cookies on him when he heard the woman's words. He froze. His eyes shot to the woman and a growl passed by his lips. He liked Mrs. Delano, really he did. She was a nice woman and kind and ... whathaveyou. He just did not like her at the moment. "There is no wedding, Mrs. Delano. There will be me, Calder, Relic, Tanner, My mother, you and your husband ... and a single man in front of us to bind us together. That is all. There is no need to make plans."​
"Oh don't be silly! You'll need floral arrangements, and tuxedo rentals, and of course a caterer and other invitations to be sent out, and a hall and music... " She went on, listing everything that any couple could possibly need for a wedding, completely oblivious to Rune's mood.

Calder stepped in, resting his hand on her forearm. "Mom. Mom. Slow down." When she stopped talking and looked at him, he spoke again. "It's only a commitment ceremony. No reception. No flowers. No...fifty million guests neither of us have met but know Dad from twenty years ago... We have it planned. I'm glad you came to visit. We just don't need a wedding planner because there is no wedding."

She looked at her son, gauging what he'd said before laughing a little. "I'm not going to be your wedding planner! I'm just here to offer some sage advice from a woman who's done this before!"
Rune growled. Why wasn't this getting through the woman's head. "NO!" He practically yelled and he took in a deep breath, calming himself once more. "We are not having a wedding. There is no need for someone experienced to be there! If you want to help plan a wedding, go to the other side of the house with Tanner and Relic." He stated, looking down at the woman and he could not help his annoyance and anger at the moment. "I don't want to get married. I am NOT getting married. I love Calder and that is enough for me. The only reason I am doing this is to make you happy. YOU! Not me. YOU! I am perfectly happy just being with him, but you have this fantasy about us getting married. I"m happy that you approve, I am Mrs. Delano, I just do NOT want to get married. I have my reasons and I am not going to go back on my beliefs. And unless you can accept the fact that there will not be a wedding. That there will be no flowers, no more than five guests, then I will not go through with this."

on that note, he turned on his heel and left the room. He needed to be alone. He knew he said quite a bit and that it may wind up biting him in the ass, but he did not care. He was not going to keep quiet while he was forced to do something he did not want to do.​
Even knowing that Rune needed time alone, Calder was torn. He wanted to follow his lover; to hug him and let him vent. But his mother was sitting in a stunned silence, jaw dropped open just slightly. With a sigh, Calder sat, knowing that Rune would be alright. "He's right..." He saw her face drop and the blond sighed. "Mom. We're happy. Just as we are, we're happy. You want to see me get 'married' so this is the compromise: a ceremony-very small and on our terms."

"But if he really lov--"

"Stop it. If he didn't love me, not only would he have laughed at me asking for this compromise but he never would have started a relationship with me. It's just not him." Standing, Calder pressed a kiss to Allison's cheek. "He loves me. He shows me that he does every single day. And this is a compromise I knew I was making the minute we got together; I knew I'd never have the wedding you'd always dreamed of for me. So relax. Have a nice vacation. But no wedding plans." With that, the blond turned to go find Rune to be sure he hadn't wrecked anything.
Rune disappeared into one of the rooms, easily finding a marker and he was standing on a chair and writing frantically. He was not in a good mood, and the only way he knew to calm down was to get the lyrics in his mind out of his head. He knew he should not have blown up at hte woman, she was only trying to do good, but he could not stand it. He could not risk her going all out. If she wanted an extravigant wedding, she could go to Relic's. He growled and his writing became all the more frantic and he eventually wound up breaking the marker. The tip broke on the wall and the ink now blotched on the wall and over his hand and arm.​
Easily finding Rune, Calder sighed. His hands came up to the man's hips and guided him down off of the chair. The blond shook his head a little. "We'll go buy paint in the morning...and some notebooks and pens for you." He knew that his lover had tons of notebooks and pens, but somehow, when he got into a mood like this, their walls always suffered. Maybe passing out "DO NOT SELL PERMANENT MARKERS TO THIS MAN" posters wouldn't go amiss, either... "Come on." Calder took the uninked hand. "Before it really stains your skin."
Rune jumped slightly at the feel of hands on his hips. He looked down at the man, arching a brow and he stepped down and off of the chair. He looked over at the words on the wall before once more to the man at his side. He sighed heavily while he let the other lead him out of the room and down the hall to the bathroom. He stared at the back of the blond's head, silently thinking to himself and his free hand curled into a fist. He was still annoyed frmo before and he knew it was horrible, but the feelings would not go away. Not yet.​
Calder hopped up onto the counter beside the sink, turning the warm water on and tugging Rune's hand beneath the stream. Soap was pumped into the ink stained hand and massaged and lathered in silently. Once the black was gone, and the soap rinsed off, the blond pulled his lover to him, arms wrapping around the man's neck. "Why don't you want to get married?" he asked, curious about the statement of beliefs from before. Quickly, though, the blond clarified his answer: that he wasn't looking to get married or be asked or to change their plans of a ceremony; that hew as purely curious to know Rune better. Perhaps if he understood better, he could help his mother to understand and back off.
Rune watched the ink swirl down the drain before he turned to look at Calder when he was pulled to him. His hands rested on the man's thighs while he heard the question. HIs form tensed instantly, not even relaxing after he heard the other say he did not want to get married, but wanted to understand. His jaw clenched for a while before he grumbled. "I don't see why people have to get married. It's a piece of paper that confirms what the couple should already know and believe. I don't see the point in having that same piece of paper be the only thing that keeps slimy men from cheating on their wives, or how it makes a difference in teh way a couple feels toward one another. I hate relationships in the first place, but now I understand why someone can want a singular person, but I don't see the point in havnig a waste of money to bring all your friends and family together, make them sit through a boring ass hour of you crying in front of them and blubbering about how much you love each other. Love is not a public ordeal."

He took in a deep breath and leant down to rest his forehead against Calder's neck, silently taking in his scent. "I only need you, not a piece of paper to confirm that I have you."​
He nodded and hugged his lover tightly. He got it. Whether or not he agreed, he understood and that was all he'd wanted in the first place. "Come on," he whispered. He didn't know where he was leading the other-definitely not back to the kitchen!-but knew that they couldn't hide in the bathroom for the rest of his mother's visit. He nudged Rune away from the counter pecking a kiss to his lips before slipping down himself and moving out of the bathroom.
Rune sighed softly, kissing the other and he linked their hands togheter as they began to walk down the hall. He stayed silent for a little more before he turned to look down at Calder once more. "I didn't mean to snap at your mother." he murmured, truly meaning it. He had, well, snapped! He just needed his point to get across. He did not mean to step on any toes or get anyone upset, but he could not stand the fact that she refused to listen to them and realize that it was not a wedding.​
"I know you didn't." It was obvious that there were no hard feelings, especially when the blond leaned up to peck a kiss to his lover's lips. "You should apologize to her, though..." Of course, he wasn't expecting such a thing but that was beside the point and Calder simply continued down the hallway back towards their bedroom. "But you can make it up to me by helping me paint tomorrow." He smiled up at the other, trying to draw Rune out of his bad mood completely.
Rune sighed heavily and stopped in the hallway, looking down at the other and he groaned a little bit. He leant down and pressed a kiss to the man's lips, straightening once more and he then turned and began to walk back to where the man's mother was. "I'll be back.' He stated while he walked forward and then headed to the kitchen. He may not literally apologize, not for what he said, merely how he said it. He stood by his words. He just ... knew he was very disrespectful. His mother had brought him up beter than that, even if it may not seem that way.​
Allison sat, a bit dumbfounded really. She had thought that a wedding was what her son wanted, but was sacrificing for Rune. Which meant that guilt could fix it... Right? Apparently not. She sighed and nibbled on a cookie while waiting for Calder (and hopefully Rune) to return.

Calder dashed off after Rune, feeling like if he didn't, then he'd be abandoning his lover. He knew that he also owed his mother an apology.
Rune moved over to the woman and knelt in front of her once he was near her. His arms crossed over his lower torso and his eyes lifted to the woman's. "Mrs. Delano. I am sorry for snapping at you, but I stick by my words." He informed her and he glanced behind him to Calder before his eyes returned to the woman's. "I want you to be a part of this, I do. You're an awesome mother for being so supportive of your only child ... And I know, as a mother, you want what's best for your son ... but he knew when he accepted me as his boyfriend that he was not going to get anything more than, well, me ... So the very fact that I agreed to a ceremony is more than what he expected." He then smiled and stood up, his hands on his hips as he looked down at the woman now. "If you want to impart your wedding wisdom, I'm serious, go see Relic and Tanner ... They're probably freaking out anyway."​
Smiling, Allison stood up and hugged Rune after his apology. She understood after she'd sat and thought about it. "It's alright."

Calder stepped up after his mother stepped away and wrapped an arm around Rune's waist, head resting on his lover's shoulder. There was nothing else that he could add or think of to say. Rune had hit the nail on the head and his mother seemed to get the hint and understand fully where they were coming from. She smiled and kissed his cheek. "We'll have dinner," he offered. "An authentic Italian meal."

She nodded, asking to go to her room to freshen up. It'd been a long plane ridel
Rune nodded and pecked a kiss to Calder before he flopped onto a chair with a heavy sigh. He then turned to look at Mrs. Delano, smiling weakly at the woman. "I'll show you to your room." He stated before hopping up. He looked over at Calder, poking his bottom lip out as he did so. "Make something yummy! and chocolate for after ...' He blew the other a kiss, showing that he was kidding just a little bit. He then held out his elbow to the woman. "Shall we?"​
He laughed. "You're taking us out," he called after them, moving into the study to figure out what color paint they would need to cover up the mess that Rune had made. The walls were an eggshell with a tint of...something. With a sigh, he gave up a few minutes later and walked over to get Relic, hoping that his lover's brother would know what he needed, and the best sort of paint to cover up permanent marker without ten thousand coats of paint being put up.
Rune laughed softly while he walked up the stairs, takign the woman's luggage as he went up. He led her to the guest room that was far enouh away form their bedroom to not have to worry about anything being heard - he did not know how long she was staying, so he really wanted to have all precautions in order. He opened up her door and then walked into the room, placing the bags on the floor near the dresser. "Rest and whne you get up, we'll leave." He stated and then leant down to peck a kiss to the woman's cheek.​
When Rune came downstairs, he had already come back from the other side of the house. Calder moved over to his lover and hugged him, needing to feel him close. It was a hard realization that he had come very close to choosing Rune over his parents. "Lets shower?" He didn't mean it in a dirty way-Calder simply wanted to relax with his lover and they both needed to shower before dinner anyway so...

He took Rune's hand and began to lead him back towards the bathroom, hoping that the man wouldn't pull away and tell him 'no' for one reason or another.
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