Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Relic blinked a few times. He looked down at his skirt and he beamed even more. He did a little twirl and bounced on the balls of his feet. "Yes! I made it the other night. I like the lace ... I figured it was nice for the rustic Italy." He giggled a bit and then perked up. Food? He laughed a little. "Um ... Soon." He said, about to rush off before his mirror-image walked in,

He glared at his twin, and in a pair of pajama pants that were hanging off his form, and Dawn clinging to his neck and having fallen asleep on his collar. "Relic. .." He began, growling as he walked toward the other who looked a little nervous. "If I wanted to wake up to a child colliding with my chest, I would have HAD one." He stated, his arms crossed over his lower torso while he continued to glare at the man.

The yougner giggled happily. "Mm... But that would involve you fucking a woman, dear." He winked, seeing his brother gag and turn just a little green. He grinned and then made his way toward the table, finally taking the plate from Nikkos. "Thank you. Dawn had ... flown away on me after I changed her. I turned my back for a second and ... poof!" He shook his head before he moved to sit in front of the two, smiling all the more.

Tomias blinked a few times and he took the new plate of food, sighing heavily and he walked over to the table, putting it down and he wrapped an arm around Nikos, knowing he may freak out because they 'lost' their child. "She does that." He stated, just a bit of annoyance to his tone as he stared at Relic who was happily eating away.​
She...flew?! To hell with his parents, Nikkos rushed forward and took the little girl from Rune, checking her over thoroughly. Briefly, clipping her wings like a birds ran through his mind, though the brunette knew full well that he couldn't do that. Finally satisfied that she was unharmed, Nikkos set her in her highchair and moved to prepare her breakfast of baby food and a half bottle of formula.

Linda looked over, shocked. "Who? ... Wings? ... Nikkos!"

Looking over to his mother, Nikkos sighed. "This is Dawn, Mother. Dawn is Tomias' granddaughter who we are raising as our own daughter. Get over it." He was just tired now.
Relic fully expected to be hit by Nikkos, luckily, he avoided it. He sighed heavily and let out a little laugh. "Sorry Nikkos ..." he said simply, lookin over at Rune who was still glaring at him. He whined a little bit. "It's not my fault she likes you!" Sicking his tongue out, he turned back to the fod and he began to pour syrup onto his toast. "Sit and eat or go away."

Rune growled softly and flicked the back of Relic's head. "I hate you." He hissed before he looked over at the two in front of him, rolling his eyes. "Your son's gay. He's married to Tomias, legally by the Church. They're not separating. Grow up and deal with it." He grumbled and then turned on his heel before he stopped. Turning around and back into the kitchen, he hopped over and rummaged for a while before he smirked. Ah ... Chocolate sauce. He hummed and began to twirl the bottle around in his fingers. "Perfect breakfast." With that, the man left the room to go pounce his love.

Tomias sighed softly and walked over to Nikkos, kissing his cheek softly. "Relax a little. She's fiiiine. She has my blood, she's indestrutable!" He chuckled and kissed him once more, knowing he would be upset. "Besides, Dru's a freak too." He added and then looked over at the man's parents, arching a brow. "You know that coming here won't change anything, right?"​
Nikkos' heart swelled a little at Rune standing up for them. He knew it was an act of affection for the man and it was the closest he'd get to the older twin saying that he liked him. "You'd think with Calder baking all the time, they'd have chocolate stashed in every cupboard." Rolling his eyes, the brunette turned to his husband and nodded. "I know. I just worry."

Linda was going out of her mind. She simply couldn't handle it. "I... We... You..." Nikkos sighed.

"They right, Mother. I love Tomias. A priest married us. We have Dawn who I consider my own flesh and blood. There's nothing else to be said-that's how it is and it's how I like my life. Just leave. You're torturing yourself and you're torturing us."

"I will not leave!" she huffed, chest puffing out. "You can't be happy living like this! I know my son! I know the little boy that I raised! And this poor, sweet child! Living like...like...like this!"
Before any of the boys could do anything to throw the woman out, Andrea seemed to suddenly appear beside the freaking-out woman, an annoyed look to her features as she looked over at Linda. "You realize that's my baby boy, right?" she said simply, straightening in her stature and she glared down at the woman. She had not been here for the whole thing. She hadb een in the neighborhood and wanted to congratulate the two, and well, she wound up sensing the distress, hearing what the bitch said, and oh, she was NOT a happy Mama.

"If you truly loved your child, you would not care whom he loves. You would accept him for who he is, not whom he fucks." Her sapphire eyes had quite the fire behind them, her anger toward the woman only apparent to those who knew her and could realize that she was upset - which would be why Relic took his plate and excused himself to his half of the mansion. "You two don't deserve to even have Nikkos near you, yet alone claim to be his parents. You are the worst of the worst. A parent who does not love hteir child no matter what does not even deserve to be. Now! Are you two going to leave peacefully, or am I going to throw you out on your worthless asses?"

Tomias blinked a few times when his mother suddenly appeared, staring at her and he cleared his throat a bit. His arm wrapped around Nikkos' waist and he took a large step back from the table, dragging Dawn in her high chair along with them. Yep, his Mom was one scary bitch.​
Nikkos was rather surprised to see his new mother-in-law there, and he didn't have the sense to back up until Tomias guided him back. Still, he stood wide-eyed and watched the entire situation unfold. His father stood and said his first words since they'd arrived. "I do not approve. But it is not my life." He walked off, Nikkos hoping that it was to go pack.

Linda stood with her mouth flopping open and closed like a dead fish again, not sure who to address first: this woman who was clearly sticking her nose where it didn't belong, or her husband. Considering John had left, she turned to the woman in front of her. "Who the hell are you to tell me that I don't love my son? I want what's best for him. Shacking up with some queer and playing house isn't it!"
Andrea stared at the woman, arching a brow as she did so. Some queer? She glanced over to Tomias before she looked back at the woman in front of her, chuckling softly. "That 'queer' is my son and I approve of his choices ... currently. While you may think you love your son, if you cannot accept him falling for Tomias and following his heart, then how can you truly love him? You may not have to approve, but you should not try to change him." She took a step toward the woman there, glaring at her and utterly obvious with her distaste for the woman. "Now, if you are done insulting my son and my son-in-law, I would love for you to leave." She said, her fingers twitching at her sides, all too happy to send her away with her own graces. Oh, this woman would not like how Andrea would send her away.​
"I can say whatever I damn well please!" Linda was not easily intimidated, even though Nikkos knew that she should be. He groaned and lifted Dawn so that she wouldn't see what both he and Tomias knew was coming. "It's just as much his fault as it is Nikkos'! He should know that it isn't right and he shouldn't encourage my sweet son to do such things! Your... Your... He isn't some saint and don't you dare try to pass him off as one!"
Andrea laughed, her eyes staring at the woman and she shook her head a little. "My son's not a saint, but he is an angel." She stated before she took a step away from the woman, her hands clapped together quite loudly as ancient symbols lit up on the floor around the woman and she smiled all the more. "Say 'hi' to Satan for me." She said, wiggling her fingers as the lights of the symbols shot up and consumed the woman, capturing her and then pulling her down and into the foorboards. She watched silently and waited for the symbols to disappear before turning to the happy couple, smiling all the more.

"Mom. . . You didn't ..." Tomias began, staring at the woman with a bit of concern.

She laughed and shook her head. "Nah. Sent her home. I just really wanted to fuck with her. Your dad's there too, by the way." She added and then walked over to the two, smilnig even more. She placed a kiss on Nikkos' cheek before wiggling her hands to scoop up Dawn and rest her on her hip, looking down at the girl and she smiled all the more. "Hello sweetpea." She said cheerfully, kissing the top of her grandbaby's head before she turned to look at the other two. "Congratulations, Mister Nikkos Arcule." She giggled and kissed the man once more on the cheek. "It makes me happy to know you took Dario's last name ..."​
Nikkos was truly frightened about just where Andrea had sent his mother. He may not like his parents, but they were his parents. He gave a sigh of relief when she informed them that they were both sent home and he handed Dawn over easily to hug Tomias tightly. "Now do you see why I just wanted to elope?" he muttered, taking deep breaths to calm himself. He smiled when Andrea congratulated him and thanked her with a soft 'mom' added to the end. She may be a little nuts, but she loved her children and she'd done more for him than his parents ever had. She'd earned the title...so long as she was okay with him calling her that.

He laughed at 'sweetpea'. "Sweet. She flew from one side of the house to the other."
Andrea laughed at Nikkos, shaking her head a little. Ah, those unused to magic were so cute! She chuckled and then looked down at Dawn, smiling all the more. "So, she's like her Poppy after all." She teased before she looked over at Nikkos, smiling even more. "When Mias established he could fly ... and flew all around the house, Dario almost had a heart attack! It was so cute." She giggled and then looked down at Dawn, bumping their noses together gently and telling her a few soft 'grandmum's before her eyes turned to look at Nikkos again. "Just wait until she gets powers."

Tomias groaned at the woman, shaking his head a bit while his arms wrapped around his love's form, hugging him tightly and kissing him a few times. "We eloped, yet they still came." He sighed heavily, resting his cheek on top of Nikkos' head and he looked over at Andrea, smiling even more. "I wasn't that bad! Besides, I don't plan on traumatizing Dawn by NOT caring when their child is there while we have sex!" Yep, his parents definitely were ... odd.

She giggled and lifted her head to look over at the other, smiling even more. "What? I was young, Dario had the libido of twenty men ... and i think that time was when he had been away for afew months."​
Nikkos groaned with the information that there was more to come, though somewhere deep down he'd known it. "Instead of arguing, perhaps we could finish breakfast?" he interjected, not interested in Andrea's sex life in the least. "I'm sure Dawn is rather hungry. And Relic ate mine." The fact that he'd given it up was beside the point. There was a ton of food left on the table now that there were three less people in the house.
Andrea laughed lightly, handing Dawn over to Nikkos before she moved to sit at the table. She stretched her arms above her head, groaning at her back cracking, and she then turned her attention to the French toast, smiling all the more. "Smells delicious.' She commented, stabbing a piece of toast and flopping it onto her plate. She poured a bit of syrup over the bread before beginning to cut it up with her fork. "So, my little love-birds, how are things? How's Prometheus going, Mister Headmaster?" She asked, utterly interested in the boys' lives.​
It was a nice morning, and Nikkos was happy with how it'd turned out. Who'd have thought that a day that was heading for such disaster would take a sharp left turn and wind up with a lovely breakfast? As they finished up, Nikkos sat back and sighed. "Why don't you two take Dawn and Tomias can give you a tour? If you hurry, you might be able to torture Rune a little..." He knew that his husband would appreciate such a thing and Nikkos was anxious to clean up the kitchen.
Soon, the first day of classes began. Relic, was bouncing off the walls. He mad a whole new outfit for the first week of school. Sure, he had been working on the costumes for his and Tanner's wedding, but there was always time for new outfits to help ease the man's nerves. Not like he slept properly within the past week, so it gave him something to do. He bought a nice purple plaid fabric and he had a field day with that! he mad a nice, pleated skirt for himself. A white button-down, long sleeved shirt - which he tied at the middle of his torso, showing off his belly ring, which had a nice dangling heart-shaped amethyst gem. Then a simple plum colored tie loosely hung from his neck, the tip of the thin tie went to just above his ring. The ring in his lip matched with the tie, lilac clips in his hair, and all shades of purple were in his ear.

Once he pulled on his white, thigh high stockings - with lilac lace along the top - he turned to see Tanner pulling on his shirt. He smirked and glided his way over to the man. His hands slid along the other's form and he moved in front of him, planting a gentle kiss to the side of his love's neck. "Mm ... Mister Reed ... I think I was a naughty boy ..." he whispered, grinning as he looked up at the other, smirking even more. His arms loosely wrapped around his love's neck, hugging him happily while he kept his eyes to the man's.​
Tanner wasn't as excited as Relic but he probably made up for it in nerves. He'd never thought of teaching, especially at such a young age, and he wanted to do a good job. Calder was more cut out for the teaching thing. Still, it was a lovely distraction to have Relic in front of him dressed as such so early in the morning. The blond groaned and reached around his lover, cupping his rear end beneath both the skirt and the panties that he wore today. Thoughts of taking Relic over his knee in such an outfit were very tempting and Tanner was a little disappointed that they didn't leave any extra time to do so.

"Then I think you'll have to report to after school detention," he played along with a passionate kiss to Relic's lips. "Say about... Five o'clock this afternoon?"
Relic purred softly, pressing up and against his love while he kissed him back. He let out a little groaned and nodded, looking up at Tanner and he whimpered softly. "Mm ... No lunch detention today, Mister Reed? You know I'll only cause more trouble if I'm left alone for too long." He chuckled as he looked up at the other, a devious glint in his eyes. "I think I need some severe punishment..." His hands trailed down the other's chest, whimpering even more. Oh, why didn't he think of making more time later? He forgot how much fun it was to roleplay!​
"And to think I was going to trust you to be a good boy," he muttered, giving a sharp slap to Relic's rear end. "But you see, I must make time to discipline the other naughty boys." A tease, quite obviously, but a fun little point in the game nonetheless. "Besides, one hour is hardly enough time to take care of you." Tanner bit Relic's lip ring and tugged just a little bit.
Relic whimpered lightly, his eyes fluttered closed and he took in a few deep breaths before whimpering again with the feel of hte man tugging his lip ring. His eyes opened to stare up at the other, bucking his hips into his and he smirked all the more. "Yes, Mister Reed. I shall see you in detention...' He purred lightly, kissing his fiance passionately for a while before he pulled back and ground his hips against his once more, giggling happily. "Though, you realize you leave me riled with many boys all to myself, right?" he trailed his tongue along the other's neck, nipping his ear when hisl ips got there. "All hot and sweaty ... I may not be able to contain myself ..." He nipped his ear once more before hopping out of his embrace to slip into a pair of dark purple leather knee-high boots.

"Shall we ge going, Mister Reed?"​
Tanner groaned and licked up the side of Relic's neck, biting into the flesh a little roughly before nodding that he was as ready as he'd ever be. With one last squeeze of his lover's rear end, the blond took his hand and lead the way out of the house, taking as much time as they could afford to. "So what're you going to teach them today?" he asked, wishing he could sit in on his lover's class and watch.
Relic thought for a while before he shrugged ab it, turning ot look at the man and he smield a bit more. "I'm not totally sure. Maybe just stance for today. It's the easiest thing that doesn't require much of a sweat. No one wants to get nasty their first day of school. Besides, Nikkos said I can take the class outside soon to actually teach them and have them spar - of course making sure no one gets killed.' He chuckled and kissed Tanner's cheek, smiling a little more whiel the gently headed down the street. "How about you? any idea what you're going to do?"​
"He told you that you could spar with the students? And Tomias didn't cry?" It was fairly well known, at least within their group, that Nikkos had put a stop to student sparring when Tomias first joined the staff at Atlantis. Tanner was rather impressed with the man's self control, then. Wrapping his arm around his fiance's waist, the blond thought about his lesson plans. "I think I'm just handing out the syllabus today..." The first week, in Tanner's opinion, was always a wash. No one paid attention, anyway, so why set them up for failure and teach something new? "Review old stuff. I have the younger students in history." Part of opening Prometheus was to provide the basic educational courses for the thirteen through seventeen year olds.
Relic giggled softly. "It took persuasion." He admitted and shrugged his shoulders a little bit. He wrapped his arms around his love's form, hugging him tightly as they walked. "I promised to not have mass spar so that I can keep track of the kiddies. No sharp ... anything. Aaand padding when using fists! That and anyone who hits anotehr's naughty bits gets detention!" he chuckled, knowing how much his brother would utterly love punishing someone. Hey, at least his sparring techniques and defences would help the student to not get so badly hurt, right?​
Tanner laughed. "As long as I get to put you in detention," he muttered, lips pressed close to his lover's ear. They easily arrived at school before anyone, save Nikkos of course. Tanner was eager to set his classroom up as he'd opted to not do that the week before. Caden had spent a lot of time with him and even with the healing, his neck was still somewhat sore. It was his own fault, he supposed. He'd left his brother with no one to feed on for quite some time.
Relic groaned when they got to the school. He walked with Tanner to his classroom, stopping in front of it and he looked up at the other. He felt like a little school girl - outfit aside - kissing her boyfriend before they left for separate classes. He smiled weakly and leant up to press a kiss to the man's lips, groaning lightly again. "okay. . . We're having lunch together! I'll be fine." He told himself more than anything. Kiss again, and then he literally ran off down the hall, knowing otherwise he would just turn around and pounce the man.

He made his way through the halls, his arms stretched above his head and a little groan passed his lips. Mm. This definitely was going to be an interesting day. He headed to the large classroom that he had claimed as his own, looking around, seeing that he quite liked everything, and to the seat he went. He sat down at the chair near the windows that lined one of hte walls. His right knee crossed over his left and he took out a pencil, beginning to twirl it through his fingers as he waited for class to start.​
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