Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Valerius took in a deep breath, calming himself a little and he turned to bury his head into Julien's neck. His arms wrapped tightly around his love's waist, so very giddy right now. He remained silent for a while before he turned to look at Abbadon, examining him for a little while. He straightened and gave the man a warm smile. "You should enroll in Prometheus!" He knew he had talked about the school to the man before, but it was always thinking about whether or not he really wanted to go back after he had the twins. "I think that the school would be good for you. There are many nice people there and I made some very good friends." He smiled gently, not wanting to push the other, but he would love for him to go there, especially if he wound up returning.

Abbadon stared at the two for a while, weighing the options silently and he slowly nodded. "I could try it out." He suggested, figuring it was the least he could do. Valerius seemed so excited about it, so he could probably go and look at hte school at the bare minimum. Maybe he would like it?

Tomias blinked a few times. A new costume? He stared at the other and his cheeks puffed out, pouting to himself. How dare he have more leverage! His eyes narrowed at the other and he groaned. "Damnit!" He set Dawn onto the floor, knowing she would entertain herself and having locked the door to the outside. He pressed his hands onto the desk and leant over so that he was close to his love. "Why must you tease me so?" He whispered, leaning over and kissing the side of his neck softly, nipping the flesh gently. "You know I can never resist you ..."​
"I'm not sure you should be traveling, Val..." He didn't want to keep his love from doing anything that he wished, but the health of the babies was now in question, too. Julien was responsible for three lives, instead of just one. He couldn't help being a worry wart. The Frenchman hugged his love close, resting his head on top of the other man's. "Perhaps if the doctor clears it first we can take a few days in Italy to get you each enrolled." He didn't want Val in school while pregnant. Julien felt that it would be too much stress on Val, and on the twins.

Smiling, Nikkos hummed at the soft teasing to his neck. "That's exactly why: because I always win." He pulled back just enough to kiss his lover passionately for a moment before pulling away to finish work. "Make arrangements with Rune and Calder." If he didn't give Tomias something to do, he'd never get anything done! "And warn them about the...hovering?" The last thing either of the couples needed was for Dawn to have the upper hand.
Valerius sighed heavily, listening to the other and he nodded a little. "Yes. When the doctor is free, we can double check that I am safe to travel." He said softly, kissing Julien once more. He then turned to Abbadon, smiling lightly to the demon. "If you do not like the school, I will not be upset if you do not wish to attend. So, please do not feel obligated."

Abbadon shook his head and stood up from the table. "No. I'm glad you want to share something with me." He stated and then kissed the mossy-haired man's cheek before he did the same to Julien. "I need to get back. I'll tell Dad that you want a quick check up and fill him in on me possibly going to Prometheus." he pushed his chair in and then waved to the two. "I'll call you tomorrow." He then turned to make his way out of their house, heading to his own.

Tomias groaned, kissing his love and he definteyl was upset about how obvious and even worse, how easy it was to lose when it came to Nikkos. He sighed heavily and stuck his tongue out at the man. "Fine! I'll tell them about it... Though I should let that little prick suffer. When he was that age, he set my hair on fire, you know." He growled a little under his breath before heading into his office, stepping over Dawn crawling on the floor to pick up the phone, dialing rune to tell him he was going to babysit tonight.​
With a little sigh, Nikkos stood behind Tomias' chair and wrapped his arms around the man's chest from behind. "Be nice," he chided softly, nipping at the man's ear. "I love you." He knew that he wasn't paying as much attention to his lover as he should, and Nikkos felt bad about it. He also felt that if he didn't do the work at the school, then it wouldn't get done.

The brunette spent several minutes doting attention on his lover before pecking a kiss and returning to finish up work. The quicker he finished, the quicker they could drop Dawn off and start their night.
Tomias still brooded were he was, pouting while he poked around here and there with the things he was told to help Nikkos with. He then turned to look at the man finally showing him some sort of attention. He stared at the man for a while and groaned. His eyes slipped closed for a while before he turned to look back at the work he was working on. "When classes start, I better get more attention." He stated, easilyl eaving out the fact that if he did not, then he would just lock the door and take what he wanted - with Dawn somewhere else, of course. He really did not want to traumatize their daughter.​
Nikkos worked through the next few hours. He still had a lot to do but he also saw that Tomias was getting rather antsy. After he had cleared his desk completely, Nikkos slid into his lover's office, and then his lap as Mias sat at his desk. The brunette's legs were on either side of his love's hips, and they were facing each other while his arms wrapped around the other man's neck and he kissed him. "I want to get married," he whispered, nuzzling close to the man. It had hit him rather suddenly that he wanted to get married sooner rather than later.
Tomias had gotten quite a bit done in the time that he stopped pouting about not having enoguh attention. He had to make sure that Dawn did not crawl into any desks or chairs, but the girl was currently passed out on comfy little blanket in the corner. He then went back to looking over all the students who he had not fully finished reading their files and being sure that they had dorms to actually sleep in - the normal things that he had to do. He got through more hten three-fourths of what he had to do by the time that Nikkos slid onto his lap, easily taking his attention away from the sprite he was reading about.

His emerald eyes instantly went to his love's, his hands sliding over his thighs to rest on his rump. He listened to the other and chuckled softly. "Lucky for you, we're engaged." He teased, knowing that there was more to it than what the man said and he sighed softly. His eyes slipped closed and he leant up to press a kiss to his lips. "Want to go to Vegas and elope?" He was kidding, mostly, but he just wanted to see what the other would do. They really had not started big plans for everything and he knew that his love would want something small.
Nikkos nipped at the man's neck a bit sharply at the smartass comment, but he didn't mean anything by it. "No," he answered just as Tomias had predicted that he would. Of course, he'd spoke before thinking. Who would they invite, anyway? The brunette wasn't going to tell his family-what did they care anyway? And while Tomias had a large family, it seemed that he wasn't spectacularly close to any one of them other than his mother.

He chuckled softly and his eyes slipped closed, resting against the chair and his hands absently trailed along the other's thighs. His eyes slowly opened, looking at the man and he blinked a few times. Yes? Well, he figured it would make sense to just elope. Tomias really did not have anyone who would care, Nikkos' family were not even speaking to him ... He straightend in his seat, looking into the other's eyes and he gauged the man on top of him for a while. He soon stood up, holding onto his love and he looked very serious. "Then we'll go. Tonight. Rune already said he'll watch Dawn ... We can go and get married then come back and we can have a little party since you know Calder and Relic won't let us not celebrate it ... but that way, we're married and don't have to worry about taking time off from the school to go get eloped. We don't even have to go to Vegas, A justice of the peace works. We can find someone nearby ... Anything you want. Hell, we can even get married by Elvis."​
It didn't matter where they went, and the thought of them getting married that night sent a mass of butterflies through Nikkos' stomach. He leaned forward and kissed Tomias enthusiastically, excited. He stayed for several moments with their lips pressed together before pulling away, resting their foreheads together next. With a little smirk, Nikkos turned to pick up the phone on Tomas' desk, quickly dialing Calder's number. After a quick conversation, it was decided that between the two couples, Dawn would have someone to watch her for the next three days-what was a wedding without even a little honeymoon?

"Venice. Let's go and get a little hotel room for the rest of the week."
Tomias nodded, utterly agreeing as he kissed his love a few times. "Yes. Venice sounds beautiful" he whispered and gripped the man tightly, kissing him quite passionately. He rested the man on the desk in front of him, a hand to either side of his form and he pressed against him, not getting enoguh of the man. The adrenaline rushing through his veins definitely did not help the fact that he wanted to just ravage him on the desk.

Luckily for the two, and Dawn really, there was a gentle knock at the door that brought Tomias, groaning, out of his little fantasy. The brunette pulled away from his love and looked over at the door. "Come in." he said, not sure who i would be but he figured that one of the twins were probably here to pick up Dawn, or bother them, whichever really.

Poking his horned head in, Valerius blushed faintly at the sight of the two. "Um ... Mis-- Tomias ... I want to enroll myself for next semester and I have someone else to enroll for this one." he stayed where he was, his head the only thing inside so that he could leave if he had to.

Tomias perked up when he spotted the familiar person, straightening and beaming instantly. "Vaaal! Come on in! You're always welcome. And yea, I'll gladly take care of that!" He stated, scooping up his love and moving him to the chair behind him so that he could get the forms that would be needed out. He figured Val's would be easier than anything else since there was the file from Atlantis, so the new kid would be the harder of the two.

Valerius smiled warmly and pushed the door open, making his way into the room with a hand set upon his belly. "Thank you." He said gently while he walked over to the chairs, stopping when he spotted Dawn on the ground. "Oh, Dawn has gotten so big." He said happily, seeing her little bat wings resting against her back and he giggled lightly. She was so cute!

"Yeeea... She's growing like a weed." Tomias laughed and lifted his head to look at Val, smiling all the more before he stopped and stared at the other. Confusion set into his features and he arched a brow. "Are you smuggling a beachball?"​
Despite earlier protests, Nikkos was fully ready to allow Tomias to have his wicked way with him. The new headmaster groaned when there was a knock at the door, forehead falling forward onto his lover's shoulder. When Nikkos heard Val's voice, he smiled and easily slipped into the chair that Tomias had guided him to, glad to see that Tomias was easily fitting into the position that he had held in such high regard at Atlantis.

When Val entered the room, though, Nikkos' eyes went wide and he studied the man closely. As Tomias mentioned a beach ball, Nikkos noticed the tell-tale glow. The pieces fell into place quickly and he gasped. "When?" He wanted to know when he'd found out he was pregnant, and when the due date was. Nikkos completely disregarded Tomias' confusion.
Valerius giggled lightly. He had forgotten how Tomias was and he smiled all the more. Both his hands rested upon his stomach and he made his way to the chairs there, gently lowering himself to the chair and he sighed softly. Finding his way around the school that he did not know defintiely was harder when he was pregnant. He then looked over at Nikkos once more. "Um ... It was when Gabriel and Sergei had come to look for a house here that I found out." He stated and then looked down at his belly, smiling even more. His hand trailed along the round surface and he sighed contently, looking back to the two in front of him. "They are due in November."

Tomias stared, not even caring how dumb he looked. The pieces, while slower than Nikkos, fell into place and he was even more shocked. Val was pregnant?! How the hell was that possible? He pushed that thought aside and listened to the conversation before he arched a brow. "They?" That did not mean ... "Twins?"

The mossy-haired boy nodded and smiled a bit more. "Mhm. We do not know the gender of them yet, but Julien and I agree that a surprise is better." He then let out a soft sigh, totally in bliss right now.​
Moving over, Nikkos pecked a little kiss to Val's cheek. "Why didn't you call us? We could have helped you get here more easily!" It was obvious that the little horned male was tuckered out. The brunette moved out into the outer office where he'd placed the purchased water cooler and filled a cup to bring into the man. When he had handed it off, Nikkos gently scooped up Dawn so that Tomias could take care of Val's registration.

"I'll meet you at home. I can get her stuff ready and ours."
Valerius smiled warmly and took the cup gladly, shaking his head a little. 'No. It was no big deal. I had help anyway." He sipped at the water, watching Dawn be scooped into Nikkos' arms and he smiled even more. She was so adorable! He was truly torn as to what he wanted. He loved little girls because they were utterly adorable, but a boy would be cute too. Though, maybe they would have one of each? He did not know anymore.

Abbadon soon moved into the doorway, looking at everyone and he spotted the man heading out. He pressed himself against the door, holding it open and getting out of the way as well.​
"Ah the man who helped Val!" Nikkos smiled and introduced himself and Dawn to the new horned male before slipping through the door with a "thank you" and heading off towards home. Packing went quickly. Dawn was easy to pack for and Nikkos knew that if he forgot anything, the twins were right there to come and get it.

Packing for them was...different. Nikkos packed the school girl outfit as well as the two new ones that Relic had made for them. He slipped in a four days worth of casual clothes for both of them as well as one suit and two dress shirts for each. Sneakers and dress shoes. Toiletries. And then Nikkos grabbed the keys to his Aston-their cars had been shipped over and arrived just a few days before. He was anxious to drive his baby again.
Tomias smiled at the new person in front of him, gladly jotting down everything that he needed. He really was excited for a new face. He got down everything he needed, ensured the boy would have a dorm to sleep in, and then decided that that was enough for the time being. He stood up and walked with the two to the car that they came in. He kissed Valerius' cheek, smiling even more. "You should go see Gabriel and Sergei. I'm sure Sergei's missing you. Raph and Caden won't be here until school starts ... but when they do, I'll tell him to call you too." He kissed his cheek again and then helped the boy into the passenger's seat, looking over at the demon and he smiled. "I'll be seeing you soon too, Abbadon." He shook the demon's hand and then bounded his way to his own car, all to oready to get the hell outo f dodge and go get married tothe man he loved so very much.​
Nikkos was just putting their own bags in the car as Tomias drove up. Dawn was in her sling at his chest and Nikkos smiled at his lover, getting the little girl to wave to her Poppy. "And when you're old enough, we'll teach you how to drive Poppy's cars," he 'whispered' loud enough for Tomias to hear as he got out of the car. Payback for trying to teach her 'mama' was a bitch.

Smiling, the brunette greeted his lover with a little peck. "Her stuff's just inside the door. Wanna take her over to Rune and Calder?"
Tomias arched a brow, looking at his love and he let out a little snort. "Yea. Like that'll happen." he pouted as he walked over to the two, leaning down to kiss his love's cheek and he then nodded. "Fiiiine." He chuckled, taking the girl from the straps and he held her on his hip, nuzzling their noses together. "All right, let's get you to your favorite uncle." he grinned and then easily made his way to the other side of the house, knocking and smiling as Rune answered the door. "Here you are." He said, handing over the child and then the bag that went with said child. "She's pooped. She's peed. She's slept. She's all yours. Don't break her, teach her bad words, or train her to kill." he patted the man's cheek before turning on his heel to make his way back to his love.

He ran to Nikkos, scooping him upand twirling them around, kissing him as he did so. "Hello, my love."
The little backpack was tossed into the trunk the minute that Dawn was lifted off of his chest. He kissed their daughter goodbye and finished packing up the car. Nikkos squeaked a little when he was lifted and spun around, arms holding tight around Tomias' neck. "Ready?" he asked when his feet were once more on the ground and he'd finished kissing his love.
Tomias smiled and kissed his love softly, nodding a little as he did so. He moved to the driver's side, snatching the key's from the man's pocket and he gripped them tightly in his hand. "If I drive, we'll make it to Venice before night fall..." He purred at the utter suggestion of being there just in time to have lights out. His eyes traveled along his love's form, whimpering just a bit as he did so. "Please let me drive..." He sounded so very pathetic, his eyes pleading as they peered into the eyes of the man in front of him.​
Pathetic though it was, and as tempted as Nikkos was to say yes, he shook his head and stole his keys back. "You've driven this car more than me and it's my Christmas present!" He stuck his tongue out at his lover, nudging him out of the way with a bump of the hip. "You can drive home," he promised as he slipped into the driver's seat and started up the engine.
Tomias groaned as the keys were taken back, staring at the other and he whimpered just a bit. "But you go the speed limiiiiit" He whined, but moved into the passenger's seat nonetheless. Sure. Just ignore the fact that not only did Tomias drive faster than his counterpart, but he knew Italy far better than he did. He pouted pathetically as he slumped into the passenger's side, turning to glare at the other and he stuck his tongue out. "Fine! But now you don't get to know what Venice was like in the 1800's." He stuck his tongue out again and then crossed his right leg over the left, staring out the windshield and he brooded to himself, quite disappointed that he did not get to drive them to Venice. He really ust wanted to get there now so that they could settle in... Among other things.​
Laughing, Nikkos leaned over and trailed his tongue around the outside shell of his ear. "You'd deny me?" he whined softly, giving Tomias big puppy eyes as he nuzzled into the man's cheek. He knew that Tomias was no match for his little tricks, and Nikkos loved that fact to no end. He also knew that he had another trick up his sleeve.
Tomias shuddered when the man's tongue trailed along his ear, whimpering softly as he did so. "No ... And I hate that.' He mumbled, acting much like the child he was. He crossed his arms tightly over his lower torso, his legs tightening and he looked at the other. "Would you get going already?! If you're driving, we'll get there in the middle of the night ... So chop chop!" Yep, he was impatient. it was Nikkos' own fault too. He was the one that teased him and made him even more impatient than he normally would have been.​
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