Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

"W--what?" Calder couldn't really believe what he was hearing. "Yeah I know but... No, you don't understand... Well of course I love you but what does that have to do with--- No. No I know. Yeah. Yeah okay. I...um...I'll call you. Yeah. Love you too, Mom." His cell phone was flipped shut and Calder was in utter shock. Was she really guilting him into a wedding? Well she was certainly trying to! At least Rune wasn't home. That gave him some time to try and think things through.

The blond tried his best to block his thoughts from his lover just as Relic explained that he did, but found it rather difficult. In the end, he forgot completely and just let his thoughts roam.
Rune made his way back to the mansion, a box in his hand with a nice new suit that he already adored so very much. He had been quite giddy. At least until he made it closer to the mansion. There defintiely was an air about his and Calder's section of the house that got him worried. He dropped his bags off in the bedroom before he slowly began to wander the halls. "Calder?" he called out, trying to find the other without just easily reading his mind. He was not reading anything right now, at least as long as he would get an answer he would not. If he did not get one, he was searching full on and things were bound to get broken.​
The blond whimpered a little when he heard his lover return. It was inevitable and the sooner he said something, the sooner it'd be over. He shuffled out of one of the rooms that they'd set up as a study, a weak little smile on his lips. "I'm just in here." Reaching up, he hugged Rune, kissing him hello. "I talked to my mom today." Yeah, this was going to be harder than he thought.

"She um... She was asking when..." He whimpered a little more and shut his eyes, burying his head into Rune's neck. "When we were going to get married." He rushed through the words and then onto the next, not giving his lover time to respond. "I told her that we weren't planning on it. That we're happy just...being." Calder took a deep breath. "She thinks I'm crazy and... And..." How could he say it, other than just...saying it? "She wants us to. Me to, really. She wants to see me get married... But I know you don't want to! And I'm not asking you to! Just... I don't know what I'm asking, actually." He gave a pathetic little sigh, one that summed up how he felt perfectly.
Rune arched a brow while he listened to the man bout off what his mother and he had spoken about on the phone. He listened silently, not interrupting no matter how badly he wanted to. When the man finished, he sighed heavily. His hands lifted to cup the other's chin, tilting his head up to have their eyes meet. "Calder, I like your mom and all, she's a nice woman, but she can suck me." He then planted a kiss to the other's lips. "I'm not marrying you. I'll be with you forever. I'll buy you a fucking ring, but I will not get married." he kissed him once more and then released his chin, patting the top of his head.

"If she complains again, tell her exactly what I said. I don't care about what she wants." Yep, he was a bit miffed at the moment. Calder had accepted the fact that they were not getting marrie.d Maybe not happily accepted, but he came to terms with the fact. Therefore, he did nto care what his mother wanted. Besides! Who the fuck supports gay marriage, yet alone demands it?! Well, quite a few people supported it ... but seriously. Just let him be, let them be, and they will be happy. Happiness is all that matters, right?​
He blushed horribly at Rune's suggestion of his mother and quickly buried his face into his lover's neck the minute he could. He wanted to make both happy. He wanted his mother to be happy, as always, but Rune... Rune was the most important aspect of his life. And Calder had no plans to change that...ever. The blond stayed where he was for a little while, thinking a bit before talking. "What if... What about a ceremony?" Calder pulled back to look at Rune. "Not a wedding. No license, no priest or whatever... Just... something to appease her." It sounded silly when he thought about it because he knew Rune was right: It wasn't his mother's opinion on the matter that counted. It was theirs.
Rune's eye twitched when the man spoke. A ceremony? Ugh. He stared down at the man, literally biting his lip from telling him 'fuck no' and storming off like a two-year-old. He stared at the blond for a while before his ice blue eyes rolled and a growl passed his lips. "Fine. If it will make her happy, and therefore you happy, I can deal with a ... ceremony ..." He growled again, releasing the other to turn on his heel and began to make his way toward the kitchen. "THIS! is why relationships fucking SUCK!" He yelled, quite annoyed ath te moment. He hissed and fumed all the while he walked to the kitchen. He knew that relationships and whatever were about compromise and crap like that, but why did his mother have to have a say!? She was not in the relationship. She only popped Calder out.​
Calder was torn, really. He knew that Rune wasn't happy, and that wasn't what he wanted. At the same time, he'd found a compromise and gotten him to agree without too much of a fuss. The blond stood in thought for a few minutes before rushing himself into Tanner and Relic's kitchen, baking up a few of Rune's favorites. It accomplished two things: a peace offering, and time for his lover to cool off a little so that the blond didn't have his head bitten off when he went in search of him. He knew his friends wouldn't mind.

Once done, the blond returned to their section of the house, a huge tray of chocolates and brownies and cakes resting on his shoulder as he went in search of his lover.
Rune settled himself in the kitchen. A cup of tea in frnt of him and he absently stirred the spoon within the liquid, staring at it before he added even more sugar to the water. He groaned and his head flopped forward. He could not even think that he never should have gotten into a relationship. He was happy! He loved Calder, no matter how few times he told the man, he wanted his love to be happy as well. He just, he hated the idea of marriage. Everything about it just made him want to run screaming away and fall off a cliff. He knew a ceremony would not be marriage but it was still something close to it. Still, it was not marriage. He could deal with a short little thing, quick exchange of rings, then maybe a small reception. A few people invited. Calder's parents. His parents [since other wise he was positive that his mother would rip his head off]. His brother, of course. Mias, Nikkos ... Gabriel Sergei. Val and Julien even? They may not hate it.

He lifted his head, just as his love entered the room. He slid off the chair and walked over to the man, pressing a kiss to his lips firmly and he sighed heavily. "I can deal with a ceremony. It's going to be short and simple and if I'm up there for more than ten minutes, I'll walk away. We can exchange rings or ... something. It'll be small. If your mother wants something big, my comment still stays. If she can deal with my terms, then I ... I will do it." He took in a deep breath and pulled back to look down at the other, his eyes staying to the blond's. "I'm not opposed to the idea. Yes, it will have to grow on me, but I will not fight it and ... I'm sure I'll learn to love it."​
Smiling softly, Calder set the tray down and kissed Rune properly. "She'll have to compromise," he answered, fully serious. He knew that it was difficult for the other man to even think about agreeing to do it, and so his mother would just have to deal. "I promise," he added softly, "Once it's over...it's over. No...anniversary celebration of it, or anything like that." Really, he wanted to get it over with so that it could just be done; so that they could go back to their normal lives. Reaching up, Calder wrapped his arms around Rune's neck. "I know that you love me. And even if I don't understand your dislike of marriage, I still respect it." He kissed the other man.

"On the plus side, I brought a peace offering?" He motioned towards the tray of chocolate.
Rune ... definitely felt better. No need to celebrate the damn day? Just the ceremony, probably a party after, and they were done. Yes, he could be happy with that. He kissed his love softly, his arms sliding over his form and he glanced over to the chocolates before looking back to the man in his arms. "Mm ... How about you covered in chocolate?" he purred, kissing along the side of the man's neck, pressing his hips into his gladly. "You make a better peace offering than anything else." he whispered, nipping the flesh softly and he began to teasingly grind his hips into the other's.​
Reaching over to the tray, Calder dipped his finger into a bit of chocolate glaze he was going to use to drizzle over the brownies and drew a line down the side of Rune's neck. Leaning up, the blond licked up the trail, being sure not to miss a drop. "Why am I always the one to be covered?" he protested, though weakly. He moved his lips up to capture Rune's, kissing him playfully.
Rune arched a brow, watching the other's actions and he stared at him for a short while. Eyes fluttering closed when the man connected his lips with his neck. Was that a whine about always being on the bottom? He was fairly sure that it was. He looked down at the man in front of him for a short while, thinking. His lips kissed him back, but his mind was already weighing out the possibilities about not being the one in complete control. He did not like it. He hated to not have that control, but this was Calder that he was thinking about letting have the control.

Damn this man and constantly making him weak!

He looked down at the blond, leaning his head to plant a firm kiss at the side of his neck. His arms wrapped aroudn the other and he scooped him up and draped him onto his shoulder, turning and walking out of the kitchen, though stealing a taste of the glaze and groaning at the beautiful chocolate.

Making his way up the stairs and into their room, the man lightly tossed Calder onto the bed, moving on top of him a second later. He stared down at the other, his eyes traveling along his form for a while before they moved back up to the other's eyes once more. He kissed Calder for a short while, his heart actually beginning to race quite rapidly for once, something he was not very used to. He took in a deep breath and then pulled his lips away to rest his forehead against the crook of Calder's neck. "If I let you do this ..." He began in a very soft whisper, not too sure why he was even considering this, yet alone telling the other that he could. "We go slow. I don't like pain ... but I love you, Calder ... And I know you wanted to do this before so don't brush it off and tell me it's nothing. Just keep in mind that if I don't like it, you're never getting this chance ever again." He stayed where he was, silently taking in the other's scent in hopes of calming his racing heart. He was not scared. He was more so paranoid , of sorts. Last time anyone was ever 'on top' with him, it was rape. The time before that, he was hyped up on aphrodesiacs and he probably would not have denied the hot demon guy anyway. Yea, that guy was definitely delicious.​
Calder heard the groan at the chocolate and smiled. He made a mental note of that particular glaze recipe for future use. Simple, really: chocolate and cool whip microwaved, but still. It was the simplest things that he seemed to forget the easiest.

The blond gladly pulled his lover to him once on the bed, kissing Rune softly. He felt his lover's heart racing and looked up at him with worry. It was rare for Rune to get so worked up so early in the 'game'. The words, though, made his eyes go wide. He definitely hadn't been expecting it as that hadn't been the nature of his 'complaint'. He simply had wanted to lick a bit of chocolate off of his lover.

Leaning up, Calder kissed Rune softly, trying to reassure him. It would help if he was relaxed, though he knew that it was easier said than done. "You have control," he offered, hoping it'd help. All it would take was a single word for the blond to stop.
Rune kissed the other back happily, glad for the bit of a distraction from his thoughts. He closed his eyes and just melted into the other. His torso pressed against his and he let the other be the one to lead everything. It took a bit of self control to stop himself from doing what he wanted, but he could manage it. He knew that Calder was looking forward to this, despite the man not saying anything. He knew his love well enough to know that. That and he was positive that when they had their little fun with his brother and Tanner, he was sure that hte man figured he would be able to top Relic. The younger may not show it, but he definitely has a dominant gene, his was justh idden by a skirt. Which was why it was even more hilarious that he took the place of the defence teacher. Oh, the looks on the kids' faces would be priceless.​
The blond's hands slid up his lover's shirt, pushing the garment up over Rune's head and tossing it to the floor. It was odd for him, too. Calder was so used to laying back and taking what was given. Hands ghosted over heated flesh, just touching. One hand cupped his lover's cheek, guiding him down and kissing him with passion and fervor. He wanted to distract Rune from what would happen later on and get him focused on what was happening now.
Rune slipped from his shirt easily, happy to press his lips to the other's once more. His eyes fluttered closed and his hips gently rocked against the man beneath him, not helping the action no matter how hard he may try. He kissed him passionately, taking in a few breaths into his nose and his hands slid to the other's hips. Sliding along his thighs before his slender fingers snuck beneath the fabric of Calder's shirt, pushing it up and caressing the other's chest while his hands moved the garment up and soon enough, off his form and onto the ground.​
Calder's hands held Rune's hips still, his own pressing and thrusting up into his lover's. He loved the contact, no matter who was in control. The blond groaned softly as his fingers began to work at the man's pants, eventually having them join their shirts on the ground. His boxers soon followed. The blond's hands smoothed over whatever skin they could reach from Rune's shoulders to the back of his thighs, fingertips teasing the sensitive skin as they went.
Rune's eyes fluttered closed and he truly had to be in control of himself for once. He was far too used to being the one to do everything that it was difficult to not just ravage the man beneath him. He wanted to give Calder the chance to be on top for once. He took in a deep breath and let his body relax just a bit, falling into the touch of the other. He let out a gentle groan to the feel of his hands along his thighs, letting himself get lost within the other's actions in the now, versus what was going to happen. Besides, maybe if he did not hate it, they could spice things up even more.​
He knew that it was a struggle for Rune to hold back and Calder smiled a little, picturing his love restrained to the bed. He knew it wouldn't likely happen, as that would leave Rune with no control, but it was still a delicious thought. The blond trailed one finger over the man's cleft, teasing but also testing waters before shimmying out of his own pants and boxers, hissing at the flesh-to-flesh contact.
Rune arched a brow, staring down at the other with a bit of a glare to his eyes. "Don't even think about th--" He gasped when he felt the man's finger, resisting the urge to tense right up, though the command from his mind to his body did not go very well. He took in a few more deep breaths and his fingers wrapped around the sheets beneath his love's head, silently telling himself that Calder would not hurt him and reassuring that this was going to end up being a good thing, he slowly calmed down. His eyes fluttered closed and he flopped his forehead against his love's shoulder, forcing his muscles to relax a little again.​
Calder cupped his lover's cheek and kissed him once more. "Turn your brain off," he whispered, nuzzling into his cheek a little. "Just...feel." Another kiss. "I promise minimal pain." He couldn't promise none, though he wished that he could. He wanted Rune at ease, and knew that without preparation, there would be (much) more pain than necessary.

The blond reached into one of the beside drawers and pulled out a tube of lubrication that he kept there for the few times that Rune reached for it. It would help his lover by lessening some of the discomfort. The tube was set aside as the other man was kissed passionately, Calder wanting to distract him.
Rune groaned softly and kissed the man whenever their lips connected. He remained where he was for a while before he grumbled a bit more. He did not like literally being on top in this instance. He knew that if Calder tried to do anything at this angle, he would end up fighting more than the other would realize. Yes, being beneath him may bring back bad memories, but as long as the other did not restrain him in any sort of way, he would be fine.

Kissing the blond once more, he took a hold of his love's hips, being sure to hold him enough for when he turned and flipped the two of them, resting his bare back against the mattress. He kept his lips with Calder's, much more at ease now that he did not have to be awkward and on top of the other. Besides, it was easier to kick someone else off, than have to jump off another in this sort of situation. Yes, him being on the bed was much better than being on top of Calder.​
Somewhere in the back of his mind, Calder knew that Rune wouldn't hesitate to (literally) toss him off of the bed if something went wrong. That comforted the blond a little, knowing that his lover wasn't going to just deal if he wasn't okay. His lips trailed down to Rune's neck, nipping at the flesh there while sucking, leaving a small mark near the base where it met his shoulder.

The blond's hand moved down, rubbing over his love's thigh and then grasping his member, stroking it lightly until he was fully hard. Slowly, he began moving south, stroking over the man's inner thighs lightly.
Rune took in a deep breath when the man's hand wrapped around his member, letting out a soft little groan as he did so. He relaxed and gave into the touch of the other. He tried not to think. He tried to just sit there like there was not a risk of anything he may not like happening. He had been doing a good job. He enjoyed the kisses and the touch of the other, even letting out a little moan here and there. He was doing pretty well, if he said so himself.

Of course, it could not last for long. He felt the man's hand slip away from his member and while the touch was nice, his brain kicked in and told him just where the hand was going. An annoyed "Fuck!" passed his lips before his hands lifted to cup Calder's face. He pulled the man to him, firmly pressing their lips together and his hands trailed through his love's blond locks, just needing to distract himself even more. Whoever said he needed to just sit back and take it? That was not him at all, and well, not doing anything was no better than just having sex with a doll, right? RIGHT! So, he would be okay. He would be okay. He just needed to not think.​
Calder's actions slowed with Rune's discomfort, the blond allowing himself to be kissed. The act of being on top wasn't about Rune not taking any control. It was simply to be the one inside of the other. He didn't want the control of it, and his lover could have rode him and the blond would have been fully happy.

Reaching over, the lube was grabbed and the top manuevered off. The blond tried to move quickly so that Rune wouldn't have to be uncomfortable about what was happening for too long. His fingers were coated and nudged down to the man's opening. They stroked there first with little to no pressure. With a little smirk, Calder moved his lips from Rune's, only to trail them down his lover's body and wrap them around his erection. There was no better distraction.
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