Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Gabriel was stunned. A good stunned, but still ... stunned. He had wanted Sergei to be more vocal about getting intimate, but he had not expected him to get there so soon. He definitely was pleasantly surprised. He loved the man so much, and even more now. Now that he knew that the other could and did suggest going back to bed - and by his actions he now got what he meant by 'dessert' - he was so giddy. Not that he showed it, but he definitely felt the fluttering within his belly. He kissed Sergei firmly on the lips and he nodded. "Yes. Back to bed." he whispered, kissing him a few more times before he pulled back with a deep breath.

Keeping their hands linked together, he turned and made their way out of the backyard of their home - yes, he dubbed it theirs - and then down the street he went to make his way back to their hotel room. His thumb gently trailed along the back of the man's hand, finding that he was not making it to the hotel fast enough. He really had not been this impatient in a while. It truly was amazing how different he was now that he was with Sergei.​
Sergei could see the excitement within Gabriel's aura and that made him smile. He didn't really understand why his lover was happy, other than sex felt good, but it didn't matter at the moment and the Russian made a mental note to himself to ask later on.

Walking to the hotel, he felt like everyone knew, and he kept his head resting on his lover's shoulder, seeping little bits of strength off of his aura. It helped and he was more than ready to take a little bit of a lead when they were back in the room.
Gabriel smiled while he followed the other into their room once more. He leant over to press a kiss to his cheek, arms wrapping around his hips and he hugged him happily against his form. He kissed his cheek and neck a few times, loving the contact. He then took the key from his pocket and opened up the door, headingi nto the room with a smile. He closed the door a moment later and then kissed the other's cheek once more, loving the simple action. Once the door was closed and locked, he easily and gladly pressed their lips together, letting the man take the lead when he wanted, and lead him when he felt hte other getting too uncomfortable.

After quite the intimate time together, far better than all the times before hand, the two were easily and contently pleased and Gabriel fell to the side of his love. His long silver locks cascading over his bare form as he laid flat against the bed. He took in a few deep breaths, calming his racing heart and he turned his eyes to look at the other. He opened an eye to look at the man beside him. Smiling, he leant over, kising his lips and whisepring a gentle, "I love you" in Russian, loving the reaction that Sergei had to him knowing his language.​
Smiling softly, Sergei collapsed half on top of Gabriel, using his chest as a pillow while his arm draped over the man's waist. "Love you." It would be good to hear the Russian words and respond in English. It would help him. Sergei loved how well they worked together, that they read each other well enough to know when one needed to take the lead over the other, and when they didn't need to.

The Russian's eyes slipped closed while his fingers played through Gabriel's hair.
Gabriel smiled warmly and he leant down to press a delicate kiss to the temple of the man lying beside him. He held onto him for a few moments before he glanced over to the bathroom then back to the man. "Do you wish to take a bath with me?" He asked, feeling the need to get nice and clean before they sleep.​
Giving a lazy smile, Sergei pressed kisses over Gabe's chest before nodding. Really, he didn't want to get out of bed at all, but a warm bath with his lover was always a nice treat. With a bit of effort, the Russian climbed from the bed and pulled Gabriel up as well before heading for the bathroom. He moved to run a bath for them, testing the water temperature with his fingertips before slipping in, sitting up so that Sergei could sit behind him.

"Вы счастливы."

It was a statement, but hearing it from Gabriel's mouth was never a bad thing.

(("You are happy."))
Gabriel followed the other into the bathroom, glad that he agreed. He really wanted to get clean and a bath was always nice regardless. So, he remained where he was, watching him get the bath ready and he smiled happily at the comment. Leaning down, he kissed his head softly. "Yes. I am ... very happy." He whispered, liking to repeat what hte man said. He repeated because it was true, but also because he wanted to speak the word properly while the soudns were still in his head.

He moved and got into the tub behind Sergei, his long legs on either side of the redhead's form. His hands slid over his hips, pulling him to his chest and he smiled with a little sigh. "I am very happy to have oyu. To be with you. To be here ... Everything makes me happy, especially when I can be with you." He kissed the nape of his neck, letting his head stay where it was, long silver locks flowing over both their shoulders as he remained silent and still.​
"You make me happy." Smiling, Sergei leaned into his lover's form, head slipping back to lean against the man's shoulder for a minute before he took a wash cloth and the bar of soap to start washing themselves. He wasn't in a rush, but he was tired and falling asleep in soon to be cold water didn't sound appealing in any language.

"I am... Em... Thinking that we will be happy here."
"Me too" he took the washcloth out of Sergei's hands, beginning to gently trail the sudsy item along the other's form, being sure to wash him but not be too rough with teh movement. He adored to be close to him and what better way than washing him in a nice, warm bath? He kissed Sergei's cheek softly and then went back to watching his hand glide over his form, paths of soapy water following wherever his hand traveled.​
Julien bustled around the house to make sure everything was perfect. Val was bringing Tania over and the Frenchman wanted to be sure that there wasn’t anything the little pup could get into. He latched the cupboard doors shut and picked up anything small or food like from the floor, washed out a couple of dishes to use for her food and water… He was doing pretty good time wise, until Teivel interrupted, though, talking about something crazy or another.

“Quelque chose est différente.”

“Ce qui vous signifient.”

“Il sent différent.”

“Il a eu le chien avec lui. Naturellement il a senti different.”

Val had come over to introduce Tania to Teivel to be sure that they would get along. His little familiar had been going on and on about how Val’s scent had changed.

“Non. Il sent comme deux.”

“Je vous dis, Teivel. Il a eu Tania avec lui. Laissez- tomberle.”

The little Thallus growled and marched himself into one hiding place or another, obviously offended that his master would not listen to or believe him.

((“Something is different.”

“What do you mean?”

“He smells different.”

“He had the dog with him. Of course he smelled different.”

“No. He smells like two.”

“I am telling you, Teivel. He had Tania with him. Drop it.”))
After the initial introduction of Teivel to Tania, Valerius returned back to his dorm room to get everything that was left for Tania. he put everything into a neat little suitcase of sorts and brought a cozy pillow [off of Raphael's bed of course] and then once more he began to make his way back to Julien's. He had been feeling a little strange lately. Nautious more than normal and the thoughts of some foods sent him into even worse nausea. He did not know what was wrong with him. He figured it was a spring bug though. That was what made sense, of course. He had been used to the cold, and it was warming up, so his body reacted that way.

With Tania on her leash, Valerius happily made his way up the stone walkway to his love's house. He opened up the door, poking his horned head inside and he then moved into the room, letting Tania off her leash to go wild, and closed the door behind him. He looked around, blinking a few times. Where was Teivel? He normally got some sort of greeting from the Thallus. He then looked over to Julien, staring at him for a while. "Did you upset Teivel again?" He questioned, truly concerned for hte both of them.​
Moving over to greet his lover, Julien kissed Val and hugged him close to his body. "He was being unreasonable," he explained as he lead the mossy haired man into the kitchen to have some tea. The man hadn't been completely himself as of late and the Frenchman thought that perhaps some soothing chamomile would help him. "Tania will draw Teivel out of his mood." He had no doubt that his familiar having a little playmate would help him feel better and realize that this "mysterious" smell on Valerius was only the dog.

"You look tired. Have you slept well since going back to the school?"
Valerius smiled warmly and he kissed his love on the cheek softly and he then set onto one of the chairs and gladly accepted the cup of tea. "Thank you" He whispered, sipping the liquid and then resetting the cup onto the table again, still thinking. "No ... That is not it ... I have been sleeping, but I am very tired." He sighed lightly. It was true. He had been sleeping, but it never seemed enough. He groaned lightly, rubbing his stomach absently and he then took a hold of the tea cup, sipping it again and looking over at Julien, smiling all the more. "How are you today?" He asked, trying not to think about how he felt. He did not want his love to worry.​
Julien noticed the little hints of discomfort and studied his lover closely. "Perhaps you should go to the infirmary at Atlantis," he suggested. He would have suggested a doctor but the nurse at the school would be of more help with Valerius's different genetics. He let it drop, though, catching that his little horned male wanted to change the subject and so he did. "I'm fine. That Thallus is going to be the death of me." He wasn't serious, of course. He didn't know what he'd do without Teivel.

"What would you like for dinner, sweetheart?" It was getting close to dinner time and he had no idea what to make.
Valerius sighed softly. He did not wish to go to the nurse. She gave him the heeby jeebies. He shook his head and then looked over at the man that questioned him about dinner. He thought for a while before her perked up. "Um ... Lasagna ... and pickles actually ..." He took up the tea again, resting it at his lip and he gently sipped the warm liquid. He did not know, but it sounded good. The vinegar in the pickles definitely sounded very appealing.​
Julien raised an eyebrow. "Lasagna and pickles?" He got lasagna. He could go for Italian. But with pickles? The Frenchman was even more concerned now, not sure what was going on with his lover. Val never wanted odd food combinations before. "I think we should go up to the nurse tomorrow, honey." He would go with his lover obviously, but it was important to Julien that Val went to get checked out.

Standing, he kissed the top of his love's head. "Go rest in the living room while I get dinner going, hmm?"
Valerius closed his eyes when the man kissed the top of his head, smiling warmly. He lifted his eyes to look at the man and he then stood up from the table, nodding a little. "Okay." he said softly and then turned to make his way toward the couch. He pushed off his shoes and then adjusted the pillow, resting his head on the cushy surface and he easily got comfortable on the couch, eyes slipped closed and he relaxed all the more. He even had company! Tania jumped up and moved to rest at his side, her little head perched on his stomach and looking up at him every so often while theh orned male slept soundly.​
It was rather easy to throw together a lasagna and, despite his own turning stomach, Julien set out a jar of pickle chips for his lover. There was something up, truly, he just couldn't put his finger on what it could be. He laughed at the thought of pregnancy, thanking someone that Val was a man and couldn't get pregnant. It wasn't that he didn't want children, but that they were so new in their relationship that kids right now wasn't the most ideal.

Julien moved into the living room and shook Val's shoulder gently. "Time for dinner, sweetie."
"Mm?" Valerius groaned, turning his head to look at the man beside him. He looked him over while the words processed. He smiled lightly and nodded. Pulling the puppy off his stomach and resting her on the ground. He moved his feet onto the ground and stood up, groaning lightly. He turned and leant up to kiss his love's lips softly. "Thanks." he whispered softly, yawning out the slumber while he made his way toward the kitchen. He sat down and looked over at Julien, keeping his yellow eyes to the man.​
Leaning down, Julien kissed his lover softly, once more double checking that he was okay. Aside from tired, he seemed to be...well, alright he supposed but the Frenchman still wasn't one hundred percent happy with how well his lover looked. They shared dinner and Julien cleaned up, sending Val off to bed early to try to get some sleep. When he slid into bed, he wrapped his arms around Val's middle securely, anxious to see the nurse in the morning.
The morning came and Valerius nuzzled into the pillow beneath his head. He slowly woke up, yawning heavily and he looked at the area in front of him, staring at the wall for a while. He slowly turned in the other's embrace, softly nuzzling his head into his chest, always worried that his horns would hurt him, but they had not yet, luckily. Maybe a few times when they bumped heads, but that was it. Nothing ever too extreme, and he was happy for that. He quite liked his horns, and was glad he did not have to do anything to hide them or shave them or something of the sort.

As pushed by Julien, the two went to the nurse's the next day. The woman ran some tests and made Valerius do various things and now, he was sitting on one of the beds, resting his head against his love's shoulder while he waited for the woman to give them some kind of answer. Of course, when she came back, the answer was not what he expected. The mossy-haired boy slowly turned to look at Julien, double checking that he heard right with a soft, "Pregnant?"​
The tests were nerve wracking to say the least. He didn't want to have to wait to hear what was going on with Valerius, though he supposed that he really had no choice. When the woman came back with her answer, Julien simply laughed. "You work at an all male school and you're going to tell me something like 'pregnant'?" He shook his head and hugged Valerius closer to him. "Val isn't able to be pregnant because he's a man. I think the tests need to be run again." He was fully shocked and disbelieving.
Valerius blushed with his love's disbelieving words. He straightened up and he shook his head, blushing all the more. "J... Julien..." he began softly, his eyes closed and he slowly lifted his eyes up to look at the man. "Um ... It ... It is possible." He whispered and then looked over to the woman, smiling weakly. "Thank you, Miss." He said softly before he stood up and then took a hold of his love's hand and tugged him up from the bed. "I can ... explain at home."​
It was what? Julien's eyes went a bit wide. He could explain? How could he explain? The Frenchman was in total shock as he stood and took Val home. Julien didn't say much on the way, fully within himself and thinking. Val could get pregnant? He was pregnant? Why wouldn't his lover mention such a thing when it had come to sex? They could have taken precautions!

Pulling into the house, the Frenchman moved to the kitchen to make some tea. When it was ready and two cups were poured, Julien sat at the table, waiting a minute before speaking. "Explain?"
Valerius sat down at the table and pulled the cup to him. His eyes stayed to the liquid while he lifted a forefinger, beginning to trail his nail through the liquid. He remained silent for a few moments even after the question was asked. He took in a deep breath and sighed heavily a moment later. He forced his eyes to look over at the man, chewing his bottom lip a little. "My .. um ... My breed? Race ... Whatever you wish to call it, well, the males can get pregnant. It is why there are rarely any men who are gay." He knew that he should have told him. Told him and they could have taken more precautions and used protection and well, he knew this whole thing was his fault ... but he did not think it would happen to him.

He looked over at the other once more and blushed again. "It is just something in my genetics, Julien. I am so, so, so sorry. I should have told you. I really, really should have told you and I am so sorry that I did not.. This ... this is all my fault. I am so sorry, Julien! I did not mean to. I did not think it would have happened ... I really only thought it was a myth, really." He let out a soft little sob, choking it up quickly and he took in a deep breath, eyes closing and he tried to calm himself from just breaking down and crying out of guilt.​
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