Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

The weekend came up quick and for the first time in a long time, Sergei wasn't particularly looking forward to it. He was afraid that his mother would tell him no and that he would have to dash Gabriel's hopes of going to Italy and teaching at Prometheus. The Russian gripped his lover's hand tightly as they made their way up to the sixth floor apartment that he and his mother had rented when they first moved to the States.

"Мать?" he called out, not seeing her in the living room. The response was quick and floated out from the kitchen.

"В здесь." Smiling, Sergei moved into the little kitchen and greeted his mother warmly, hugging her tightly.

"Здравствулте! мать. Как вы чувствуя?"

"Добро. Кто это?"

"Это Габриэль. Моя… влюбленность."

The woman smiled and moved over to Gabriel to 'inspect' him.


In here.

Hello Mother. How are you feeling?

Well. Who is this?

This is Gabriel. My … love.
Gabriel followed the man silently up the stairs, nervous in his own way. Yes, the factor of the woman not wishing to move occurred to him. the true problem and nervousness was dealing with actually meeting her. This would be the first time he was meeting his boyfriend's mother and he did not want to make a bad impression. If she could see auras like her son, he was sure that he would get along fairly well, right? Though, if she could, that also meant she would probably be able to see just how nervous he truly was.

Following into the apartment, he stayed near the doorway of the kitchen. Watching the two interact, he smiled gently. They were so cute. He caught glimpses here and there of their conversation. He had not told Sergei, but he had been trying to learn Russian. He knew a few basics and was used to hearing his name by his love, and then the word "love" as well. He froze when the woman came near him, his amethyst eyes keeping to her form and he gave a gentle bow of his head. "Pleasure to meet you, ma'am." He said in a soft tone, not too sure if she knew English, but hoped Sergei would translate if she did not.​
"Он говорит что хорошо встретить вас, будет матерью."

The woman nodded, reading the man further. She could not see auras, but she was an excellent judge of character. When she was sure that what her gut was telling her was right, she smiled and leaned up to kiss the man's cheek. "Хорошо встретить вас, слишком."

"She is happy to meet you," Sergei translated as he lead the woman over to the kitchen table before pouring tea for the three of them. As they sat and fixed their own, Sergei struggled for words. "Габриэль учитель на Атлантида, мать."

"То славно. То как вы встречали?"

"Да. Но вы видите, они предлагали ему работу… В Италия. Вы пришли бы с нами?" She was silent for a few moments, truly thinking and Sergei could see her aura change. "Мы будем считать дом больш достаточно для вас для того чтобы иметь ваш собственный космос," he pressed, though gently. "Я желаю пойти с им. Я люблю его. Но я тебя люблю и не те быть до тех пор от вас. Пожалуйста, мать. Пожалуйста придите." Sergei wrung his hands together as he waited for an answer.

((He says it is good to meet you, Mother.

It is good to meet you, too.

Gabriel is a teacher at Atlantis, Mother.

That is nice. Is that how you met?

Yes. But you see, they have offered him a job… In Italy. Would you come with us?

We will find a home large enough for you to have your own space.

I wish to go with him. I love him. But I love you and do not want to be so far from you. Please, Mother. Please come.))
Gabriel looked over at Sergei and smiled warmly. Good. At least he seemed to have gotten approval by the woman. For now. He was happy with that at the very least. He moved to the table, sitting beside his love and he listened to the conversation between the two -- utterly lost. He looked over from his mother to Sergei and tried to gague their expressions for just what they might be doing. He saw Sergei tense which made his hand move forward to grip the other's wanting to show he was there for him. Give him his strength a bit. Something like that. Either way he was waiting with his breath held.​
He watched as she obviously thought about it, nervous of her answer. She was obviously debating long and hard about whether or not it would be the best decision. But it didn't take much for her to see the hope in her son's eyes, or the devotion to her son by the man who sat next to him. Whether or not it was the best thing for her didn't matter. It was the best decision for Sergei.


Sergei beamed and leapt up, hugging her tightly as he lifted her from the seat, tears of utter joy leaking from the corners of his eyes.
Gabriel watched the two and he easily understood what the answer was. She accepted. His face instantly beamed and he resisted the urge to pounce his love and hug him and kiss him. This meant they could go! They could go and be happy. And! He was positive that living with his mother would make his little Russian even happier. They would have to be sure that they bought a pretty decent-sized house. That way their love life would not be hindered. HE did not and would not feel comfortable being intimate with his love if he knew his mother could hear even the faintest sound. But hey! Maybe this way, he could learn Russian easier too with two people living with them.​
The woman hugged her son tightly, happy that he was so happy. She patted his back and kissed his cheek before she was set down in her chair once more to finish her tea.

When Sergei's arms were free, they latched around Gabriel's neck. He'd hoped and hoped that this was how it would turn out, and now that it had, he could see that everyone's aura was bright and sunny and happy, the way he liked to see them most. "You will go?" he asked as he pulled away finally. "To hunt house I mean?" It wasn't that he didn't want a say in what sort of home they had, but he wanted to help his mother pack, and while Gabriel was gone, the Russian could pack their belongings and Tania up, too.
Gabriel glaldy wrapped his arms around his love, hugging him tightly and kissing his lips softly. He laughed and nodded a bit with his words. "Yes." He whispered, kissing him once more before he returned to the seat, hugging the man tighter. "Tomias told me of a few places near the school for sale. I shall look at them and bring back pictures." he stated, kissing him again, not being able to stop, he was so very happy. He then looked over at the woman and smiled. "Thank you." He said, not sure if she knew, but he did not care. He hugged and held onto Sergei, not wanting to let go just yet.​
It took her a minute but eventually, the woman understood and she smiled. "You ... Are ... Em..."

"Welcome," Sergei offered to his mother. "You are welcome."

"Да. Welcome." She was learning English, but it was much harder for her as she wasn't around it like her son was, and she'd been speaking Russian for much longer than Sergei had been. She got up and returned with a rather fat envelope, handing it to Sergei. "Здесь, Sergei. Примите это."

Sergei peeked inside and his eyes went wide instantly. "Мать? Это много деньги."

"Да. Используйте его для того чтобы закупить дом для меня. Одно которое близко к вам. Все, что угодно остатко, используйте для того чтобы закупить твое."

His eyes widened more. "Я не могу сделать то!"

"Почему не?"

"Потому что это ваши деньги. Вы положили все, что угодно выйдено отсутствующим для себя."

"Я имею деньги быть установленным в сторону. Это было быть для вашего собственного дома. И некоторое из его все еще будет."

Tears in his eyes again, Sergei stood and hugged his mother tightly, whispering his thank yous in Russian as he did so. It took a few minutes to regain control and explain to Gabriel what had just happened.

((Here, Sergei. Take this.

Mother? This is a lot of money.

Yes. Use it to purchase a home for me. One that is close to you. Whatever is leftover, use to purchase yours.

I can not do that!

Why not?

Because it is your money. You put whatever is left away for yourself.

I have money set aside. This was to be for your own home. And some of it still will be.))
Gabriel watched them, remaining silent as he was unsure of what to do. He had seen the money, he just did not want to say anything that would offend the woman. He did not need the money. Not only did his parents help pay for things here and there, but he also had his own money. He did not like to use his parents' money. They needed it as well, despite the hefty income that they had. He would talk to Sergei about the money. When in doubt, they can just put it in a saving's account and have it build up in there.

He smiled warmly, his arms loosely crossed over his torso and he stood up and walked over to the two, after the explination. He kissed the woman's cheek with a soft, "Thank you" whispered to her and he then looked over at Sergei before back to the woman. He knew Sergei would end up translating, but he did not want to be rue and not talk to her. "I will find you a few small places to live in, and show you pictures as well. You will have the last say in which house, or apartment, you will live in."​
"Я найду вы немного малых мест для того чтобы жить внутри, и показываю вам изображения также. Вы будете иметь последнее мнение в котором дом, или квартире, вас будет жить в."

Sergei easily translated the comment, his mother smiling softly and reaching up to cup Gabe's cheek in thanks. Because her son trusted the man so much, she trusted him instantly.

"Сидите! Сидите! Я сделаю обедающий." She moved easily around the kitchen, throwing together one of Sergei's favorite meals while the redhead set the table for three.

((Sit! Sit! I will make dinner.))
Gabriel smiled. She was so cute! He loved his mother - both biological and his other mother - but they were not like Sergei's mother. His mother was a strong, loving woman, but she was also very business-like. While Miss Lily, well, she was a whole different breed. The epitome of a motherly angel. Sergei's mother was the one who would, as stated, make one sit and eat while Lily just loved having everyone with her and well, he loved all the mothers he had.

He moved to sit beside Sergei, watching the woman and he leant over to kiss Sergei's cheek. "I finally get to taste your mother's food.'​
Smiling at the observation, Sergei nodded but stood while taking Gabriel's hand. He told his mother that they would be right outside for a minute in Russian before leading his lover out into the hallway, closing the door to the apartment with a soft click. The Russian wrapped his arms around Gabe's neck and kissed him slowly, fingers sliding through his lovely hair as he did so.

"Я тебя люблю."

(("I love you."))
Gabriel followed the other, not too sure just what he was doing. He moved out of the apartment and looked down at the other. He smiled, leaning toward him and kissing his lips softly. "I love you too." He whispered and wrapped his arms around his form. His long, silver locks were pulled back at the middle. Not completely loose as his love liked it, but it was enoguh to not get in the way while he met a new person​
Grinning, Sergei kissed his lover once more before slipping away a little so that they could return to the kitchen without having to hide anything. "It is bright again," he mentioned, talking about his lover's aura of course. "I like it bright better." Smiling, the Russian lead the way back into the apartment just in time to help his mother get everything on the table ((shhh it works)) before taking his seat between the woman and his lover.
Gabriel enjoyed dinner. It was nice. A little confusing when the two went into Russian, and even more so with Sergei being the translator - he really had to learn Russian - but all in all, it was fantastic. And soon, the food was finished and Gabriel helped his love wash the dishes and made sure that everything was perfectly clean. He may have had a maid growing up, but that did not mean he was messy. She only came once in a while to clean up the bad messes, so he knew how to clean up like a proper person.​
They easily cleaned up while his mother relaxed in the living room, Sergei bringing her coffee and a slice of cake as he and Gabriel got ready to leave. "Я приду следующий викэнд. Мы можем посмотреть на компьютере на домах в Италия," he told her. Perhaps it'd be easier that way, anyway. And he was rethinking not going house hunting with Gabriel, too. But that could all be talked about later.

They left, making it back to Atlantis rather late. Despite the time, Sergei pulled his lover to him and kissed him, arms wrapping around Gabriel's neck after his hair was let loose from the tie.

((I will come next weekend. We can look on the computer at homes in Italy.))
Gabriel gladly moved closer to his love, his arms sliding around his form and he hugged him to his form. His eyes slipped closed while he kissed him passionately, glad to feel his hair free since he knew how much his love liked it that way. He pressed closer, liking the other suddenly kissing him. He closed the door behind him and he moved with the other farther into the room. He pulled back, looking down at him and he smiled warmly at the man, cupping his chin and tilting his face to look up at him. "Are you sure you do not want to come with me? To Italy, I mean ..."​
Sergei purred into the kiss, loving it. He was slowly becoming more and more confident with actions such as that, and Gabriel's reactions always made it worth it. The Russian leaned forward even after his lover pulled away and pecked one last kiss to his lips before resting his head on Gabe's shoulder, nuzzling into the warmth of his neck. "I do not know," he answered softly, eyes slipping closed. "I wish to go. I... Em... like not when I am far away from my mother."
Gabriel continued to hold him and he slowly made his way toward the couch. He sat down and pulled the other onto his lap. Arms wrapped around his form and he nodded to his words. He kissed his lips softly, settling against the couch a little more. "Yes, I know." He whispered, knowing his love well enoguh by now. He looked down at him and smiling a little more. "You do not have to come." he stated, not wanting him to feel like he was forced or had to, or anything of that sort. "If you do wish to come, we will only go for a day or two ... But, if not, then I shall go alone." He wanted him to come with him, of course, but he did not want to force him. He would be okay for a day or two without Sergei beside him.​
Easily settling into Gabriel's lap, Sergei's hands moved to thread through his lover's hair as they talked. He knew that a couple of days was better than a week, or more, but the prospect of them without Gabriel scared him. Though they hadn't been dating at first, his lover had been a major part of his life from the first day that he'd come to Atlantis. "I will come," he answered softly, pressing himself closer to his lover, cuddling there for a while.
He would? Gabriel could not help the utter glee he felt at the other agreeing. His back striaghtened and he pulled the other closer, kissing his lips passionately for a few moments. Soon, he pulled back with a soft sigh. "I'm glad.' He whispered, kissing him once more and he then let his forehead fall to rest against his shoulder. His arms tightened around the redhead's hips, pulling him closer to his form and he really was happy right now. Going to Italy with him would be perfect. And he was happy since that way, he was not solely trusted on finding a good place for Sergei's mother. Sergei knew her far better than Gabriel did, so he was glad that his love would be there to help him look for both their houses.​
He moved closer when Gabriel tugged at him, Sergei's lips trailing over his lover's neck lightly. He wanted to be close to him and couldn't help the little bits of affection he was showering his Gabriel with. His fingers continued to play with the other man's hair, loving the silky feel of it on his skin. "We go soon?" he asked, words muttered against the warmth of Gabriel's flesh.
Gabriel easily melted beneath the touch of the other, his eyes fluttering closed as he did so. His hand traveled along the other's outter thigh, soothed easily by the feel of the man's fingers within his hair. He remained where he was, listening to the other and he let out a gentle little purr. "Tomorrow ... We'll leave tomorrow." He whispered, chewing his bottom lip as his eyes lifted to look up at the other. He leant forward, pressing their lips together again, wanting to be taken by the other. He wanted the man to initiate anything past kissing, though. He was not tired of being the one to start any love-making, rather he just wanted the man to do so to reassure him that Sergei was as willing as he was. That he liked it as much as he did. He really did not have the best confidence, and while it was better, he still needed reassurance once in a while.​
Nodding, Sergei kissed Gabriel, hands trailing over his lover's back and sides and arms easily; freely. He was getting better with initiating something, even if it was small, and with every passing day, Sergei's confidence grew a little more. The Russian's hands slipped beneath his lover's shirt, fingertips grazing over the warmth and smoothness of Gabriel's flesh.
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