Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Sully laughed. He knew that there would be rumors like that. His fans could be in such denial at times. He could not imagine what would happen if he literally made the formal announcement that Joshua was his boyfriend. Yea, then there would be talk of him brainwashed or something. He did not care, though. He was happy with his love, and that was all that mattered. He rescued him from being so obsessed with an impossible love, and he was very grateful for that. He really was happy recently, and he did not care who minded or whatever.

At the mention of his family, he froze. "They disowned me years ago. They won't care one way or the other." He stated, his eyes slipping closed as he rested his head against the man's chest once more. His hand began to absently trail along his chest, traveling from his collar down to his hip. Yes, part of his motivation was to hopefully get him distracted from the topic of his parents, but he never minded getting physical with Joshua.​
Joshua caught the hand of his lover and brought it up to his lips to kiss. "Their loss." The redhead bent down and kissed Sully's lips, apologizing for bringing up a touchy subject. He nuzzled there for a few moments, pecking kisses over the man's cheek and shoulder and lips to soothe away the discomfort that the topic had created. "I love you, sweetheart."

They laid in bed for a long time after that, Joshua not in any rush to be away from the other man. He groaned when his cell phone went off, but reached above the bed to answer it.
Sully let out a sigh, his eyes slipping closed and he definitely felt better that he did not prod any further into 'why' or whatever. He would probably be annoyed if the man found out the multiple reasons of why his parents no longer even spoke to him. He kissed his love, eyes slipping closed as he did so. He relaxed beside him for a while, just enjoying his embrace, but soon enough, he got bored of just lying in bed. He wanted ... More. He had already been thinking about getting physical, but now he really badly wanted it.

He leant toward the man, beginning to kiss along the man's neck, slowly moving his lips down the front of his chest. At least until he heard the phone ring. He had just made it to a kiss away from teasing one of his nipples when the phone went off. He groaned, forehead flopping aainst his chest and he whimpered a few times. "Who the hell calls you?" he mumbled, just a tad bitter a the moment.​
"Hold on a second," he said into the phone, lying it down against the pillow to muffle what he was about to say. Joshua leaned down and kissed his lover, lips lingering together for a few seconds. The redhead's free hand moved down to tease Sully, squeezing just enough to cause bolts of pleasure. "Let me talk to my mother," he answered, kissing over the man's neck. "And then I'll give you anything you want."

The redhead pulled his hand away, too awkward to talk to his mother and be touching his boyfriend in such a way at the same time. It was a quick phone call, the woman wanting to be 'the first' to tell him about the new school that was, apparently, only a few miles from their Italian home. The use of the house was offered to him and Joshua told her that he'd decide and call her back but there was something he'd promised to do and had to go. The woman didn't put up a fight and hung up with her son, who tossed the phone to the floor at the side of the bed.

Sully was pulled to him with quite a bit of force and kissed hard.
Sully gasped softly when the man took a hold of him, letting out a little groan, trying to be a bit quiet, especially after hearing it was his mother on the phone. He blushed a pale red and chewed his bottom lip while he watched the other man on the phone. He heard a bit here and there and was quite interested. His mother knew about Prometheus? He probably would have asked Joshua about what exactly the woman wanted, but he did not care at the moment. There would be time to ask and bother him about it later. For now, he wanted him.

When he was pulled to the man, he groaned, kissing him happily as he slid over and onto the man's form. He straddled his hips, slender hands absently trailing along the front of his chest, caressing the flesh as he leant down to kiss him passionately. His hips rolled and ground into the man's, loving the contact.​
Joshua's arms wrapped around his lover's waist, holding their bodies tightly together. He groaned, kissing Sully as his hips rolled up into the other man's, hissing at the coolness of the man's skin. It always amazed him at how 'cold' the man was and how intense it made their sex life. His hands moved down to Sully's rear end, gripping it tightly to pull their hips tighter together.
Sully took in a deep breath and leant down even more, parting their lips so that he could kiss along the man's neck and down his chest once more. All the while, his hips continued to move and grind against his, wanting to be done with the foreplay part, but he knew how much more fun and how better it was when he did not rush. He did not want to completely skip over the playing.

Just as the man's rear rubbed against Joshua's member, the door was literally kicked down. Off the hinges and it came clattering to the ground. Two bulky men in armor - the armor itself looking quite thin, but being stronger than the thickest metal - stepped through the doorway and onto the broken door on the ground. The blond behind the brunette [who was at the front] blushed instantly when he saw the two men on the couch, the brunette was unfazed.

"Your highness ... You have been requested to have an audience with the king and Queen."

Sully froze from the first clatter of door to ground and he already was planning to kill whoever interrupted - now that he knew who it was, he wanted to rip their heads off. He growled and turned to glare at the two. "Seriously? You think THIS is the time to tell me? Couldn't have knocked?!" Yep, he was pissed.

"Sorry, sir. You had not been answering the letters. We were told to get you no matter what." The brunette continued to answer the other, the blond still found something so interesting about the wall beside him.

"Fuck." He hissed, turning to look down at Joshua and he whimpered softly, chewing his bottom lip for a while before he sighed. He doubted the man would continue anyway. He remained where he was, ignoring the two in the doorway for now. "Want me to kick them out so we can continue or ... Are we done?" He asked, really wishing for the first offer, but was pretty damn sure the other would not be into continuing.​
Joshua was scared out of his wits, looking between the two men now in their doorway and the man who was still sitting on top of him. Now he was confused. The redhead drew the blankets up around them, pulling Sully down to kiss him. "I'll be here when you get back to explain," he whispered, nipping at Sully's bottom lip. He turned to the two men at the door. "At least fix it, yeah? And some privacy so we can get dressed?"
Sully arched a brow as he looked down at the other. Get back? He snorted with a shake of his head. "Uh-uh. You're coming with me." He stated and then stared down at him before he turned to look at the men, staring at them. "Go away. I won't run ..." He stared at the brunette, waiting for him to leave and not even breaking contact before he had to hiss "That's an order" before the man actually left, putting the door back against the frame as he did so.

He groaned, his head falling forward to flop onto the other's chest. "Sorry about that ... And you don't have to come if you don't want to. I just ... Don't want to go alone." He admitted. He did not want to force him to come, but he did not want to go alone. He hated this so much. His parents were the worst. He grumbled a few times and slid off of Joshua, kissing him a few times before he moved to go put something on.​
Going? Where, exactly, were they going? The redhead watched his lover's form as Sully moved to get dressed, admiring the slight curves and hard planes. It really was a shame that they'd been interrupted. Joshua slid from the bed to get dressed as well, pulling the other man into a hug before they even thought about opening the door. "Always here," he reminded him with a little smile and a peck to his lips. "Wanna tell me where we're going, though?"
Sully turned to look at the other and he wrapped his arms around his form. Hugging him tightly, his eyes slipped closed, he sighed heavily. "Alaska ..." He murmured, eyes tilting up to look up at him. "It's a nice part in Alaska ... but it's still freezing, so if you think you'd be uncomfortable ... you can stay here." He offered, not wanting to make him do anything he did not want to. He really wanted him to come, but he was a little bit torn. He was not sure if him being cold would be bad, since he controlled fire.​
"I might melt a few igloos along the way..." he teased, kissing his love's temple. "I have fire inside of me. I can control it when it's around me, but I control it best from within." A little bird formed from flames, and flew to 'kiss' at Sully's cheek. It would be warm to the man, though not burn him in the slightest. As the flames disappeared, Joshua pecked another kiss to his lover. "I should have known that you were from Alaska," he teased. "I had money on the North Pole."
Sully smiled warmly. He hoped this meant he would come with him. It would be good to have someone there to stop him from throwing a hissy fit and screaming at his parents. His eyes closed, staying that way with all the kisses and the man's words. He laughed lightly and shook his head. 'No. Father is from North Pole ... not me." He stated and then leant down the slight bit to kiss the man, smiling all the more. "So ... This means ... you'll come with me?" he asked, his eyes staying to him while he waited impatiently for his response.​
"Nope." Joshua pulled away from the embrace and sat on the edge of the bed. "Just wanted to get your hopes up." He smiled brightly at Sully, waiting a full minute before standing to move behind the other, giving his rear end a firm smack. "You asked me to, didn't you?" The back of his lover's neck was kissed gently as the redhead guided the other man out the door from behind him.
Sully stared at the other in silence, torn by his thoughts. He figured he was kidding, but he still had the doubts. Who in their right mind would want to meat his parents, seriously? So, he thought that he would not actually go. However, the man stating that he was only teasing got a soft squeal from the silver-haired man. He let the other push him out toward the door before he stopped to turn around and look at him. Cupping the redhead's chin, he pulled him up to plant a firm kiss against his lips. "You fucking rock.' He whispered before taking his hand and leading the way out of hte door that the two goons fixed - lucky for them.

"All right. We're ready." he stated, giving the two quite the glare to stop them from any sort of protest by the statement of 'we'.

The two nodded and then led the way down the hall and out to the front of the building where quite the sight awaited them. Two, long, silver and aqua-colored, snake-like dragons sat patiently harnessed to quite the silver and aqua colored carriage - which looked like it was literally made from gems of the color. The dragons perked their strong heads up when they heard the soft clangs of the armor, and even more so when they spotted the man being led. The dragons instantly seemed happier than they had been, aiming to blow water at the man, only to have the water turned to ice by a raised hand of Sully's.

The guitarist made his way toward the dragons, chuckling softly. "You two ... You should have learned you cannot drench me." He teased, hugging both their long necks and then kissing their big cheeks, chuckling a moment later. "Mm.. No. My boyfriend." He stated, apparently to the dragons who then turned their attentions to the redhead. "No. You cannot hurt him. He's good to me.' He confirmed and kissed them botho n the noses before he walked to JOshua, taking his hand and heading toward the open door of the carriage. "Hurry before they try to drown you." He murmured into his ear, laughing lightly.​
Joshua followed, taking whatever he saw in stride. Who was he to judge what was weird or not? The redhead watched the dragons, eyeing them carefully as he passed, almost daring them to attempt to drench him. They seemed as if they were protective of Sully, though, so they had that going for them at least. He gripped Sully's hand tightly as he was lead to the carriage, unsure of whether or not he trusted it. It was all so new to him. Climbing in, the man wrapped his arms around his lover, using Sully's chest as a pillow and letting his eyes slip closed. He wasn't a fan of flying in an enclosed aircraft. This? This was borderline panic attack.
Sully happily moved into the carriage with Joshua. His arms slid around the other's form and he nuzzled into his neck a little bit. The two bodyguards moved onto the back of the carriage, the driver taking off after an order from the guards. The silver-haired man glanced from the small window behind them then to the man he held. His eyes kept to his for a while before he smirked. He could see his discomfort, and well, he did not want that, right? He leant closer to him to place a kiss to the side of his neck. "Want to pick up where we left off? The ride will definitely go faster ... and I haven't broken in the newbie yet..." He chuckled at the last comment. The brunette was used to the actions of the man. He had been sexually active since he was yougner and well, as a part of his lashing out, he wound up sleeping with a few of the other godly-looking faes that came to the castle. The brunette walked in on him one too many times, so that by now, he was pretty much immune to anything he did with other men.​
Despite fears that the bouncing of sex would cause the carriage to fall from the sky, Joshua tugged his lover into his lap and kissed him, arms tight around his waist. He didn't care who saw what, really. Let them all be jealous if they wanted to be. He thrust his hips up into Sully's, groaning softly as he did so, ever thankful for the wonderful distraction.
Sully looked at the other, grinning as he was pulled closer. Oh, goodie. He definitely liked this option far better than anything else. He did not want to just sit back and do nothing for the whole ride. That would be boring. Besides, he had already been interrupted twice from what he really wanted to do. He easily slid onto the man's lap, grinding his hips against his and he grinned all the more. "Mm ... I do love you" he whispered, smirking while he began to kiss along the side of the other's neck, caressing the flesh and already his fingers began to work at the man's pants.​
Joshua grinned at the admission, hearing it far less often than he'd like.

The ride did go much more quickly than he'd have thought when he was buried inside of his lover, panting for breath in between moans and groans of passion. When they collapsed together, the redhead felt much more invigorated having been able to release the tension that flying always gave him. Still holding his lover, Josh kissed over his shoulder as they both came down from their post-orgasmic highs, loving the closeness.

"I love you too."
Sully was probably happier than Joshua was, and more than he could ever realize. He was nervous and antsy about going to see his parents again. They never were happy times when he was there. That combined with the lack of getting what he was so used to getting recently from his boyfriend. He groaned softly as he pulled off his love and then settled onto his lap a moment later. He sighed heavily, leaning forward to bury his face into his neck, smiling all the more. "Mm ... Bet you we could go one more round.." He suggested, at least until there was a loud smash against the carriage, the brown-haired soldier's fist having been the reason. He chuckled softly, tilting his eyes up to the small window before returning to the redhead. "Or not ... Apparently our moans were too loud."​
Joshua jumped a little with the loud bang, but recovered quickly and laughed at the man who had done it. The redhead shrugged as he continued to hold his lover close to him. "He should be happy we didn't give him a real show." It was too bad that they weren't in the same carriage or else Joshua would have told him that.

"About how much longer?" he asked, starting to get antsy over flying almost immediately.
Sulliven sighed softly as he slid off his love, pulling up his pants and doing them up properly. He opened up the window on the side of the carriage and poked his head out. He looked down at the clouds before sighing heavily to turn and look over at the man driving. "Oi! Henry ... How much longer?" He asked, his eyes staying to the man who continued to stare in front of him and basically ignored the question.

That was probably the best, considering that a few seconds later, their speed slowed and they slowly descended to the ground, gracefully landing and Sully groaned. He moved back into teh carriage and closed the door with a soft little whimper. He was not a happy camper. He really was resisting the urge to go and just run right back to Atlantis.

Turning back to his love, he sighed softly. "Well . . . We're here." He whispered, walking over to Joshua and kissing his lips softly. He nuzzled into his neck a few times, trying to calm himself, a deep breath here and there, and he was fine. He straightened up and took the redhead's hand, gripping it tightly while he tugged him up from the seat. "Ready?"​
He was grateful for the quick landing, though he could see that he was the only one. Joshua hugged Sully tightly, attempting to give him strength and courage and soothing all at the same time. He wasn't sure if it worked, but when he was tugged up and asked if he was ready, the redhead nodded that he was and stood, too, releasing his lover's hand to wrap his arm around his waist instead. Sully was tugged tightly into his side as they exited the carriage and he waited to be lead to wherever they were going.
Sully smiled. He knew that if he did not have Joshua here that he would have crumbled hours ago. He defnitely was happy for the support. Kising his cheek, he took the step out of the carriage, gripping the redhead's hand even tighter.

The area they landed in was something spectacular. Snow-covered mountains all around them, a gorgeous castle in front of them, and guards matching the ones behind them stood at the gate of the castle. All four who were there, upon seeing the man beside Joshua, stood at full attention, not even daring to look upon the man.

Sully groaned, gripping his love's hand tighter while he followed the blond guard - the brunette behind them since he was the stronger one against Sulliven - and into the castle it went. Surprisingly, it was not cold at all. The temperature was just right. Not sauna warm or anything, but it would definitely be nice in the summer. Close to 65 degrees than anything else. That was at least one benefit to the castle. Walking down the halls, any soldiers there did exctly as the others had. Stood at full attention, looked straight ahead, and did not even blink until Sully passed by.

The silver-haired man definitely was not happy right now. He glared at the back of the blond guard's head, just annoyed right now. Not at the man, but a general anger toward being here. Eventually, the foursome walked up to the grand entrance, the guards opening the doors and leading the way inside. The grip on Joshua's hand tightened and his breath caught in his throat. Moving into the hall, the two sitting at the ice-like thrones in front of them looking right at the two. The woman to their left had long, flowing silver locks. Sapphire blue eyes and a curvaceos form. The man to the right had striking raven locks and the same golden eyes as Sully.

The woman perked up, looking at the boy and she smiled, though the smile was quite cold. "Sulliven ... So lovely for you to join us."

"Because I had a choice, Mother." He mumbled, rolling his eyes and he stayed quite the few feet away from the thrones, not wanting to deal with the two at the moment. "What's so bloody important that you have to disturb my life, hm? I thought I was dead to you. I believe it was 'Hades can have you, you're no son of mine'."​
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