Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Tomias currently was sitting in the living room of the Villa. Dawn in front of him on her back, playing with the little toys around her and he was lying beside her, arms under his form and his emerald eyes stayed to the girl, sparkling just a bit. He leant over and smiled a bit more, his hand lifting to let her grip his forefinger, smiling even more. "Mama..." He said softly, looking to her then to where he could barely see Nikkos in the kitchen, turning her to look at bit at the man over there. "Mama." He repeated, continuing to do so, not thinking the man would hear him or well, bother him at the moment.​
Nikkos busied himself around the kitchen to get dinner ready. He thought he'd heard 'mama', but brushed it off. Tomias knew better. The administrator shut off the water and heard it again, loud and clear this time. The brunette moved into the living room just in time to hear it again. Lips pursed, he reached over and gave his lover a good whap upside the head. "Don't you even start," he warned, lifting their daughter up to remove her from the bad influence of the other man, poking his tongue out at Tomias as he did so.
Tomias squeaked when his head was whacked, pouting as he looked up at the other. He took his baby girl away and hit him? Oh, that was cruel! He pushed his form up from the ground, his hands to his hips as he stared at Nikkos, pouting. "But you're more the woman of the relationshiiip" He whined walking over to him and wrapping his arms around his form, hugging him and planting a kiss to Dawn's cheek before he turned to look at Nikkos. "You cook. You clean. You're far more level-headed than I am.." He kissed Nikkos once more, smiling happily. "Therefore, you're mommy.'​
"No." His mind was thoroughly made up. Whether or not he did the "traditionally" female jobs of their family, that didn't make him engaged to be Tomias' wife. He turned to the other man, face still rather stern to get his point across. "Sooner or later, I'm going to be your husband. I don't want a title to label me in any way other than what I am-a man." He leaned forward and pecked a little kiss to his lover's cheek. "You choose what you'd like to be called-father, dad, papa, poppy, whatever-and I'll choose something different."
Tomias listened to the other and he sighed heavily. Kissing the other's lips, he smiled all the more. "Fine. I'll be Poppy . . .You can be Papa or Dada or Daddy or whatever else you want." He stated him and he kissed him a few more times. He really liked that idea. He would stop torturing Nikkos about being 'mommy'. Dawn was going to have two Daddys, so she may as well call them as such. He sighed heavily - not liking the defeat, but knowing that he did not want Nikkos upset. He kissed him again and then reached down to take up the little toy on the ground, placing it between the girl and Nikkos, kissing him yet again. "I love you"​
The answer made Nikkos happy, not because he got what he wanted but because Tomias seemed to understand why the teasing bothered him. The brunette leaned forward and kissed his lover, letting their lips linger together. "I'm sorry for smacking you," he offered, nuzzling into his lover's neck a little bit. "And for calling you a bad influence...even if you are sometimes." Nikkos grinned up at the other man, clearly amused with himself. He handed Dawn back over, though, so that he could return to making dinner.

"Daddy," he answered as an afterthought. He'd always wanted to be a daddy. Nikkos pecked another kiss as he told Tomias that he loved him then moved to finish dinner.
Tomias took Dawn back happily, hugging her to his chest and he smiled and he kissed her temple softly before looking back over to Nikkos. He smiled even more and his eyes keeping to him. Watching him silently, he soon followed after the other and toward the kitchen. He moved over and looked at what the man was making and he bounced on the balls of his feet a little absently. "Whacha maaking?" He asked, his forefinger absently trailed along the girl's chin, tracing the girl's chin with a smile to his lips. He adored their little daughter so much.​
"Dinner" was the simple, teasing answer as Nikkos bustled around to be sure that nothing burnt. He let that be the answer for several minutes before giving the one that he knew Tomias was after. "Meatloaf. Mashed potatoes-the real kind. Gravy. Fresh green beans. Salad." It had been a long time since he'd eaten, let alone made, meatloaf and Nikkos figured it'd be a nice change. "And if you set the table, maybe you'll be deemed a good enough boy to have dessert."
Tomias pouted. Why did he not give him his true answer? Oh yea, because he wanted to be mean. He loved his Nikkos very much, and knew he deserved the teasing, but he still felt it was mean. He rested his rump against the counter, absently bouncing the girl in his arms to keep her happy. His eyes slipped closed for a while and he eventually turned to look at Nikkos when he truly answered his prior question. "Yum!" He chimed, beaming instantly. Oh, he liked the menu! "It soudns delicious.' he purred, walking over to the other and kissing the side of his neck, nipping the flesh a moment later and grinning even more. "How good do I have to be to get you in the uniform again?"​
Nikkos laughed out loud. He could give a straight answer, but of course that just wouldn't be any fun. The brunette turned his head and kissed his lover, letting his tongue slip past Tomias' lips to taste and tease just a bit. "How do you know I brought it?" he asked, grinning. Of course he had, but that was fully beside the point at the moment. He leaned up to kiss his fiance once more and to tickle Dawn before the oven timer went off.

It wasn't long before dinner was on the table, Dawn's high chair set up between the two that he and Tomias had been using with a jar of baby food bananas on the table in front of her. They looked and smelled better than anything else that they'd bought.
Tomias chuckled softly. "Because before I left, I checked to see if it was still in the closet." He admitted, plotting to bring the uniform whether or not the man thought of it first. Oh, Relic definitely needed a great present for that one still. Fabulous wedding gift. He needed to think of something that would make him happy. Both of them happy - as the uniform did for them. Maybe not literally the same way, but definitely he would have to be sure there was something that would make them happy. If that meant knocking up some chick to give them their own child. Well, not him physically doing it because Nikkos would kill him if he ever thought of doing so, but he could do something close.

Walking to the table, he placed Dawn into the high chair and kissed her head. He set beside her on teh chair, looking over at Nikkos and he smiled all the more. "Dinner smells deliciooous" he chimed and he plopped a hefty piece of meatloaf onto his plate, silently beginning to eat it. He would let him feed Dawn, she tended to eat easier with him holding the spoon.​
Nikkos was truly amused with the fact that Tomias had checked to see if he'd brought the outfit. The brunette opened the jar of food for Dawn and patiently fed her, though more than half the jar wound up on the tray of her high chair rather than in her mouth and belly. In between spoonfuls for her, he did manage to eat his own dinner which, if he did say so himself, was rather delicious.

"So you can clean the kitchen, or you can clean Dawn," he offered. It wasn't much of a choice as Dawn had decided that baths weren't her friend.
He glanced to the kitchen before looking back at Dawn, smiling all the more. "I'll try bathing her. Maybe I'll even get in the tub with her." He offered, smiling lightly. He stood up from the table and scooped up the messy girl in the high chair. He then looked over at Nikkos. "Maybe you can eat a bit." He added before leaning down to kiss the brunette's lips, quite happy right now. He wanted to see if actually sitting in the tub with her would make it better. He kissed her temple and trailed his fingers through Nikkos' hair while he walked past him, heading up to the bathroom.​
Smiling with his own wicked ideas, Nikkos tugged at Dawn's little foot gently as they left, immediately beginning to clean up the kitchen. It wasn't a difficult task as the brunette generally cleaned up behind himself as he cooked, hating to clean a large mess after eating. Leftovers were set in the fridge, counters and stove and table wiped down, dishes in the dishwasher... It was only ten minutes later that the administrator slipped into the bedroom to get the camera they'd brought with them and head back for the bathroom.
Tomias stripped down to only his boxers, not wanting to be completely naked in the bath with their daughter. He had images of his junk being pulled by her, or something like that. He really did not want that to happen. So, he sat in front of her. One hand always on her form, being sure she did not slip under the short layer of water. He got splashed quite a few times by the girl's hands going wild in the water beside her - luckily she never got water or soap in her eyes, so that made it easier. She had whined a little here and there but her bath soon enough was over.

He moved out of the bath, lying her into a towel, wrapping her up and nuzzling his nose against her neck happily, smiling to himself as he scooped her up from teh ground. He rested her against his bare chest, wiggling out of his drenched boxers and then he began to make his way to her little room.​
Smiling to himself, Nikkos slipped just the camera inside the door and snapped a few pictures of the scene in the tub. It wasn't that he didn't want to get caught, but simply he wanted the candid pictures and bursting into the room wouldn't have made that possible. As Tomias walked out with Dawn, anything that needed to be hidden was by the excess towel and Nikkos snapped one more picture, a grin on his face that told his lover he was fully amused by himself.
Tomias arched a brow as the pictures were taken. He stared at Nikkos before chuckling with a shake of his head. He walked into the room and got Dawn ready for bed. Rocking her a few times in his arms to get her a little more tired and he placed her in her crib, kissing the top of her head before he straightened up. Seeing her already dozing off, he smiled and slowly headed back into the bedroom, staring at Nikkos with a smirk to his lips. "Getting kinky on me, are you?" He asked while he crossed the distance between them to stand in front of Nikkos. His arms wrapped around his form and pulled the brunette against his bare form.​
He laughed a little, nuzzling into Tomias' wet chest. "Aren't I always?" he answered with a little laugh. "I wanted them for her baby book: Her first bath with her Poppy." Of course, the fact that they hadn't actually purchased a baby book was well beside the point for the administrator. He would find one and buy it after they got home to Atlantis. Leaning up, Nikkos nipped at Tomias' neck, the brunette fully ready to slip into bed despite it being just barely eight o'clock.

"C'mon," he whispered, taking his lover's hand and leading him towards the bedroom. "We'll see if you eared the outfit."
"Oh?" He questioned while he followed the other, his hands sliding over the man's hips, pulling him aginst his form as they walked. He leant down to kiss along the side of the neck. "How about using the camera while I get my dessert...' He purred, bucking his hips against the man's rear and definitely liking the idea. Maybe not for the whole time of having their fun, but for the start, he would not mind getting the images on film.​
Sweaty and completely satisfied, Nikkos laid in bed with his head on Tomias' chest, arm thrown across his lover's middle. He had definitely missed their long and elaborate rounds of love making. The administrator pressed kisses over the other man's chest and shoulder, eventually nuzzling into his neck, deeply inhaling Tomias' scent.

"I almost don't want to go back," he admitted. Nikkos was absolutely loving being here with Tomias and Dawn. He felt like they were meant to be where they were.
Tomias turned to look at the man beside him, his fingers trailing through the man's brown locks, being quite content at the moment. His eyes kept closed and he took in a few deep breaths, actually having forgotten that they were not back in Atlantis. His eyes fluttered open to look down at the man there, smiling even more. He was glad that the man liked being in Italy. He loved it so much. He would definitely have to be sure that the manor they were moving in to would have plenty of furniture. Cozy, warm, comfortable furniture.

He leant down to kiss the top of the man's head and he sighed softly. "Mm ... I don't want to go back either." He whispered, kissing him again and he flopped his head back onto the pillow. "So, we're taking the three section house, right? When we do get back, we can ask the twins to come live with us..."​
Looking up at Tomias, he nodded. There was something about that particular one that just...spoke to him. It was like when he saw it, everything came together perfectly for everyone. He kissed his fiance, nipping at the man's bottom lip a little bit. "I just don't know how we're going to get Rune to agree to come." He knew he was going to offer both twins a job, and Calder and Tanner, too, but it would have to be fairly special to make Rune jump at the chance to deal with children all day long, even if he was in Italy.

"Any suggestions?"
Tomias looked down at the man, smiling even more. He was glad. He liked the other house too. Seriously, he could see everyone jut so happy in the house. He sighed softly and leant down to kiss the top of Nikkos' head, thinking silently for a short while about what would make Rune come here without much protest. "Mm ... Tell him that he'll be closer to the man that makes his suits?" He offered, chuckling softly before he froze for a second, thinking. His eyes tilted down to the other and he grinned. "We could have him be the deciplinary of the school."​
Nikkos laughed a little. "He flies here and back inside of a day. That won't tempt him." He poked his tongue out at Tomias, fully enjoying the time spent in bed, in the dark just talking. It made him feel closer to his fiance. Mias' suggestion of disciplinary head had merit, though, and Nikkos mulled that over. He feared for the students but they'd be sixteen and over...

That was another change. Atlantis was eighteen to twenty five in age groups. Prometheus was sixteen through... Well that was up to Nikkos and he hadn't decided yet.

"And what about you?" he asked. "Would you want to teach? Or stay home with Dawn?" Really, unfair as it may be, Nikkos would open up any job at the school to Tomias.
Tomias smiled. He knew that letting Rune discipline the children will definitely let him be more motivated to stay. That combined with his brother and Calder coming as well, well, the man would inevitably be defeated. He sighed softly, nuzzling into the mattress and pillows beneath him as he tried to think. What job did he want? Stay at home Dad or any position he wanted in Prometheus? He thought for a while before he shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly. "I'm not sure." He admitted, turning to look down at the other. "What do you think I shuold do? Maybe I can steal your old job and that way, Dawn could be with me throughout the day ... if I taught, then she would have to be watched while I was in class. But, if I get a job where I can be in my office most of the day and what have you ... Dawn can just stay with me, and in case of any emergencies etc, Relic or someone can watch her."​
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