Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Bartholomew arched a brow. His dancing days? Oh ... yea. He blinked a few times, looking down at the other and he sighed softly. Shrugging his shoulders a little, he nodded. "Yea. Suppose that is what it means." He pouted a little and then leant toward him, a smirk to his lips. "Unless, of course, you enjoy watching me dance..." He purred, bumping his hips into the other's for a moment before he chuckled and straightened once more, beginning to wash up just a little bit more.​
"Tsk tsk," he teased, laughing a little. "What's good for the goose is good for the gander." In short, it didn't matter if he liked watching the other man or not. If he couldn't touch other men then neither could Bart. It was a very simple concept. The bartender finished up his own shower and stepped out to get dressed-he had been asked to breakfast, after all. He wasn't one to turn down food.
Bartholomew whined lightly but shook his head of his thoughts. Straightening a bit, he began to wash up a little more. A few moments after, he hopped out of hte shower and got dresed. Sure, it was the clothes from yesterday, but he did not care. He would, and possibly, leave some shirts here at the very least. He then walked over to Bailey, kissing his temple happily. He made sure they were both ready and then led the way down the street and toward his work. He wanted to eat there. he got discounts and trusted the food and people.

He made his way into the building, his hand actually holding onto Bae's. He laced their fingers, letting the woman lead them to the table. He sat across from the other on the booth. His arms crossed and rested on top of the table, right knee over his left, and he silently looked at the man. His eyes traveled over his form before he sighed heavily. "This is weird." He murmured, truly thinking so, yet not minding it at all. He was actually happy, just not used to ... this.​
He wasn't sure if he was comfortable with the hand holding, which was rather ironic considering everything else that they'd done together, but Bae let it slide and loosely wrapped his fingers up and around Bart's hand as they were shown to their table. He had to laugh at the comment. "You started it." Bailey poked his tongue out at the man, looking up when a blond man came up and leaned down, dragging fangs across his lover's neck. He growled.

Smiling, Caden saw Bart. He sauntered up to the man and teased him, dragging his fangs over the man's neck with a sharp little nip. "Miss me that much?"
Bart tensed when the man felt fangs along his neck, shuddering a moment later. Oh, that definitely was not good. His eyes closed for a few moments, taking in a deep breath and he relaxed a moment after. He looked to Caden and smirked. "Of course. Why else would I come back to work?" He flirted back before glancing over to Bae, smiling weakly. "He started it." He protested, grinning even more. Yep. This getting used to being involved was definitely going to take a lot of time. He did not know what to do, what not to do, oh other things like that. He was very confused at the moment. He would deal with getting used to relationships later. Looking back over at Caden, he smiled a bit more. "How's the blood sucker?"​
Bae wasn't happy with the answer as they'd just had this conversation before leaving the house. But this certainly wasn't the place to deal with it or talk about it. He sighed, unaware that he was pouting, while he looked over the menu, ignoring the blond waiter despite the wanting to pummel him. Bailey didn't know where the jealousy came from, either.

Caden wapped Bart upside the head with his ticket book. "Just for that, I'm gonna make you pay for your meal." He stuck his tongue out at his coworker. "Whaddya want?"
Bartholomew squeaked when he whacked upside his head, turning to look at him with a hand to the back of his, rubbing the tender flesh with a pout to his lips. "What? That's mean.' He stated, his eyes narrowing at he stared at him before he turned to look at Bailey, staring at him for a moment. He soon turned his eyes back to Caden. "Do I get it free if I tell you I'm on a date?" He asked, his foot under the table already beginning to trail up the other's leg, wanting to not deprive him of attention, but not wanting to stop talking to his friend either.​
Caden's mouth dropped a little, genuinely surprised, but he recovered quickly. "No. You were mean to my boyfriend." He poked his tongue out at the other once more before turning to the other man in the booth who was obviously upset with him. "Sorry. I didn't know-honest. What do you want, honey? He's paying for it-go for the expensive shit." The blond winked at Bae.

Looking up, he couldn't help laughing at the comment about Bart paying. "He'd better-he already told me he would." He looked over the menu and ordered a bagel with lox cream cheese, a mimosa, and an order of pancakes.
Bart groaned, his forehead colliding with the table and he grumbled a bit more. "French toast, bacon, and ... chocolate milk." He grumbled a few times, annoyed with Caden denying him free food. He sighed heavily and lifted his head to look over at the man. He stared at him for a short while and soon leant over the table to plant a kiss to his lips, returning to his rump after the little peck. "Don't be jealous of Caden ... Or at least try not to. He has that stupid blood sucker and I now have you." He stated happily, smiling all the more.​
He had to admit that he calmed considerably with the little kiss and assurance that Caden wasn't a threat. Bae passed that off as not wanting his first ever relationship to end faster than it started. He nodded, but laughed a little at the description of the blond's boyfriend. "You'd better be careful," he warned. "He'll add in a nice tip for himself if he hears you." Or if Bae let it slip... Because he was just devious like that.
Bartholomew pulled a face at the other, rolling his eyes a moment later. He could not help it. It was imbedded into his blood to not like vampires. HE did not hate them, just with Raphael, he did not prefer him for multiple reasons. Such as not letting him molest the cute little blond that started to work with him. He would adore pouncing him and ust taking him forever. He knew that was not a possibility, especially now, but hey, all would end up being fine. He smiled and looked over at Bailey again, tapping his fingers upon the table absently. "So, I get to pop your relationship cherry..."​
Yawning, Calder moved into the living room. It wasn't late enough to go to bed, but he was bored and sleepy. The blond curled up on the sofa and flicked on the television, flipping through channels blindly. He didn't really want to watch it, but he couldn't find anything else to do with his energy level at the moment. And there was enough food in the house to last them for an eternity. And, of course, Rune was no where to be found at the moment. Where had he run off to, anyway?
Rune slowly landed on the balcony. Yes, landed. He had been bored beforehand and therefore, he went for a bit of a flight. Nothing too long, just enough to burn off a bit of steam. Thing being, it still did not work too well. Heading into the room, he arched a brow. Staring at the back of his love's head, he thought for a while. He knew what was giong on in the other room, and he definitely did not mind that idea right now. Thing being, he wanted something interesting. Not ust the normal ... and what better way to spice things up than a bit more of twincest?

Walking around the couch, he grabbed the front of Calder's shirt, mumbling a simple, "I want to fuck" before he dragged him through the rest of the penthouse, and instead of going left, he headed to Tanner and Relic's room without a care. He continued to pull him until he practically kicked open the door, jolting Relic to look over at the two in the doorway, staring wide-eyed at them and utterly confused. Not much had been happening, just the initial foreplay type of things. Kissing, biting, fondling ... the works.

Gripping Calder tighter, he tossed the other onto the bed beside the two, pushing off his shoes and his ripped shirt - shirts and wings do not mix - and then slowly crawled onto the bed with a few kisses to his brother's neck, nipping hte flesh gently as he did so. His left hand then trailed up his love's shirt, caressing the flesh happily and he continued to kiss his twin, hearing the other purr and groan and just utterly missing that voice so much. Maybe he was a little narcissistic since their voices were similar, but he still missed it a bit.​
Highly confused, Calder followed Rune. It wasn't unusual for his lover to demand sex, and Calder was never opposed to giving it, but the turn right surprised him. The blond had no choice but to follow the other man's direction onto the bed, watching in a little bit of awe as Rune stripped and moved in between Relic and Tanner to kiss his twin.

Tanner simply was not happy. He sat back and pouted, hurt pouring into him as he watched the three not have a care in the world. At least this time he was being included, though, and the blond found it rather odd that he took solace in that fact. Well then. Two could play at that game. Tanner pushed away Rune's hand from Calder and wiggled his way in between the two, kissing his friend. It felt weird to be kissing someone other than Relic. Naughty and sexy all at the same time. He rolled onto his back, pulling Calder on top of him as they kissed, hands moving up the other blond's shirt.
Rune glanced over to the blonds, a brow raising in question and he smirked when he heard Relic moan on top of him. The man had not even realized that he had been digging his nails into the front of his chest. Apparently, others touching his Calder disturbed him more than he thought. He got over the issue fast, though, turning his eyes right back to the identical face atop him. He smirked and easily switched their positions, sinking his teeth into the side of the man's neck - getting quite the large gasp from the younger twin.

Relic was confused. He did not know just what happened, but he currently could not deny just what his brother was doing. It felt far too wonderful and well, it was nice - yet strange - to have Rune back in this sort of manner. His hips rocked against Rune's, moaning lightly as he did so. Mm ... It was so, so very lovely.​
Calder quickly discarded his and Tanner's clothes, hips rolling against the taller blond's with a little moan. He was enjoying himself, feeling bad that he was 'cheating' and yet completely turned on by what was going on beside them. The blond gave a little nip to Tanner's bottom lip and a wink before slipping away and nudging Rune out of the way. He stuck his tongue out at his lover, fully prepared to take advantage of the situation...and Relic.
Rune arched a brow as he was pushed away from his twin, looking over Calder and he kept his eyes to the man for a short while before he leant down and bit into the back of his shoulders - his own little payback for the man taking away his fun. He exchanged a glance with Relic, smirking a bit more. He then moved over Tanner, a hand to either side of the man's form as he looked him over a little more, utterly intrigued by the man's gorgeous, bare body. Mm. Definitely something that was nice to look at. He leant down, kissing along the side of his neck while his hands began to trail along his torso, trailing along his muscles and caressing the smooth flesh of the other.

Relic looked up at Calder, pressing his bare hips up and against his, grinding into him a little with a small groan. His hands slid up his arms to wrap around his neck, keeping his eyes to the man and he continued to press his hips into his, quite enjoying the feeling of the other. Ice blue eyes stayed up to the blond's, figuring he would let Calder stay on top only fo r a short while more.​
Tanner quite literally purred with the caressing, the blond leaning up into the touches he hadn't expected from the man. His own hands explored Rune's body, noting the differences between his and Relic's absently. They were identical, but Tanner found this and that that were different, though minor. His tongue flicked out along the other man's chest, tasting the sweet saltiness and groaning. It was another difference, but definitely not a bad one.

Hissing with the rolling of Relic's hips, Calder wasted no time in leaning down and capturing the twin's lips in a heated kiss. It was odd how he could look at Relic and think he was with Rune, but the way he tasted and felt were completely different. Good, just different. The blond pulled away from the kiss after only a short moment, smirking as he moved down and wrapped his lips around Relic's nipple, giving the sensitive nub a rather strong bite before suckling it a little. He may be a masochist when with Rune but that didn't mean he didn't have sadistic tendencies before meeting his lover.
Rune kept his eyes to the other beneath him for a short while, looking him over with interest before he groaned with the man's lips upon his chest. He pressed his hips into his and then leant down to nip at the side of his neck. Softly breathing into his ear while his lip trailed along the base of his neck, moving to the middle of his neck, only the drag his teeth down and to his collarbone, a lovely pink line in his path. He did not do what he normally would, but a little bit of pain was not a bad thing when dealing with sex, right?

Relic groaned into the man's lips, bucking his hips up and into him with a little purr to the base of his neck. His hands traveled along the sides of the man's form, quite enjoying the other's actions. His back arched, pressing his form into Calder's and letting out another little moan. His nails raked down the back of the blond, knowing hte other's feeling toward pain as well. Hm ... This would definitely end up being an interesting night.​
Hissing, Tanner couldn't help pressing up into the stinging pain along his collarbone. He had to admit that the prospect of eternal foreplay with Rune as neither would budge on bottoming was intriguing. His hands moved to Rune's hips, holding them to his body as his own pressed up, the blond groaning at the sensation.

Calder grinned at the reaction he got from Relic and he kissed his way back up to the man's neck, paying the sensitive area plenty of attention. "I've so wanted to fuck you since first laying eyes on you." He didn't regret how the couples had turned out-Calder loved Rune with all of his heart-but he couldn't deny his initial attraction to the younger twin. It was a fantasy; one that he didn't think he would ever get to fulfill. With another strong bite to the side of Relic's neck, the blond shifted the other man's legs up around his waist, tip of his erection pressing to the man's entrance.
Rune looked down at the other, purring at their hips pressed together firmly. His eyes fluttered closed while he leant down to kiss along the cneter of the man's chest. Nipping here and there and quite liking the foreplaying they were doing. It truly was interesting to know that neither would give in to be the 'bottom' as it may be. Rune did not want that sort of thing. He was content with being on top. He leant down and sunk his teeth into the base of Taner's neck, grinding his hips even more against his. He truly wanted to see just how far he could get with the man before he freaked out and had some flashbacks, or something.

Relic groaned, flicking his eyes to the other's at his words. He always loved being flattered, and something as simple as what Calder said, defnitnely got him giddy. He kept his eyes with his for a while, at least until his eyes fluttered closed when he felt the other press against him. He moaned deeply, rocking his hips even more against his with a little growl. His hands slid to the other's hips, gripping him, nails digging into teh flesh. He only let the man slide into him for a moment before he flipped them. Pinning the other to the bed, he leant down and bit into the nape of the man's neck, piercing the flesh just slightly with his teeth. He rolled his hips against his for a bit, keeping his member within him for the moment. It took only a few rolls of his hips before he completely pulled out of the other. His own erection moved to press at the other's entrance, moving into him a little and then pulled back, repeating the action for a while, going deeper and deeper every time.​
Tanner hissed again, but redirected Rune's mouth to his own, kissing the other. He didn't like too much pain and the sinking of the twin's teeth into his flesh was a little too much for his liking. Their hips grinding together as they were, though, was wonderful and he pressed up a little further, wanting more contact.

He gave a little yelp as he was flipped, groaning though when Relic rolled his hips. He was surprised and a tad disappointed when Relic pulled away, and even more surprised when he was penetrated. It was different than Rune slamming into him and while he adored making love with Rune, the blond couldn't deny the pleasure in this, either.
Rune pouted when he was pulled away from kissing the other. His lips connected with his as well, eyes closed and he kissed him passionately. Tongue sliding past his to explore the man's mouth, hips still gladly grinding against the other's. He groaned softly, nipping the man's bottom lip softly before he went back to kissing him full-on.

Relic grinned as he heard the other groan. He took in a deep breath, leaning down to kiss along the side of the other's neck, trailing his tongue over the muscle and he purred happily. HIs hips began to move in and out of the other. His eyes closed and his form glided gracefully against the man beneath him, moaning from the sensation of being within him. Being within anyone, really. He could not remember the last time that he had been able to be the one on top.​
Calder groaned, loving the naughtiness of being fucked by someone who wasn't Rune...while Rune was there. The blond could never cheat on his lover behind his back (aside from the fact that Rune would know, Calder just couldn't stomach even the thought of it) but this was hot.

Reaching over, the blond took a hold of his lover's arm and tugged him away from Tanner, grinning a little as he pressed his lips to Rune's tightly, kissing him passionately as his arms wrapped around his middle and held him there.

With his toy gone, Tanner whined a little before a light bulb went off. He wiggled out from under Rune and moved behind Relic, pressing into his lover even as the other man moved in and out of Calder's body.
Rune groaned lightly and soon was pulled over to his lover once more. His eyes traveled along his form, examining him a little before their lips connects. He took in a deep breath, eyes closed while he continued to gldly kiss the blond in front of him. He did not even register when the man he had been on top of left him for his brother. His lips continued to caress the man's, enjoying his taste so very much.

Relic gasped softly upon feeling Tanner behind him. A gentle little moan passed his lips as he continued to push into Calder, purring ever so slightly. He turned his head to capture Tanner's lips within his own, kissing him passionately and grinding into the man beneath him even more. Oh, this definitely was hotter than he would have thought could happen.​
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