Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Tomias perked up when he felt the other behind him. He turned his head to look at the man, whimpering softly as he did so. His eyes slipped closed and he had forgotten that part of there being a child here. He shuddered when the man trailed his tongue along his spine. He turned around to look at him, pout pathetically to his lips. He leant toward the other and planted a kiss to his lips. "Don't tease me. I can pawn her off on Relic and then ravage you all I want." he whispered, bucking his hips against the other's before he pulled on his pants and he then walked past him to the closet to get a shirt on. "Come now. Dawn will need place to sleep."​
Nodding, Nikkos set Dawn in the middle of the bed so that she couldn't roll off (not that she was old enough to roll by herself yet...) and turned to quickly dress himself. Going out in the nude wasn't his type of deal.

Shopping was... Well, it was a chore, really. It made the administrator wish that they'd sat down and made a list of everything they could possibly think of, because by the time they got to the end of their first mental list, they had a whole new one of things they forgot. Nikkos was thankful for his telekenisis to help bring the bags inside from the car.

"Maybe I'll have to get you a minivan to drive for your birthday," he teased.
Tomias laughed softly, carrying the already-passed out girl in the car seat at his side. He smiled warmly and held a few bags in his other hand, filled with clothes and another with bottles - anything really. He laughed lightly, leaning over to kiss Nikkos on the lipsgently while they walked into the room. "Mini van? Hell no." He laughed and looked to the slumbering baby. "Maybe a more suitable car though." he laughed and held the door open for his love to come inside with all the bags as well. "Maybe a house too..." he added before he thought for a moment and turned to look at Nikkos with interest. "Unless, of course, you would be willing to move into my penthouse back home. Or we could go to your house." He then stopped, his thoughts rolling aroudn for a while before looking back t Nikkos. "hey, I've never met your family."​
"I don't have a house." There was no need to have one if he was living at Atlantis. "And you don't want to meet my family." He didn't even want to meet his family! "And maybe we could for a few years until she starts to walk but..." He looked down at the sleeping girl and smiled a little. "A house with a yard would be better for her, don't you think?" It was a little surreal to be talking about this with Tomias. They never had before and all of a sudden, they were thrown into the situation and forced to talk about it.

The administrator took the car seat and set it down next to their feet before leaning up to kiss his lover.
"And that would be why." He said, laughing lightly as he followed inside, closing the door behind him. He walked over to his love, kissing his lips softly, straightening once more, the man moved to place the girl down beside the couch. "We could always go house shopping soon." He suggested, trying to think about it. He wanted to live with him anyway, so he figured the talk was relivent. "I mean, we can go wherever you want. Italy even. It's beautiful there.' he smiled and walked over to the man, wrapping his arms around his form and hugging him tightly, kissing his neck softly. "When school's over, we can start looking. Obviously, money is no issue for us, so wherever you want, it's yours." he whispered, gripping him even tighter, loving the other so close.

He remained silent for a while before his mind came full circle and he turned his head to look at him with interest. "What happens if we get engaged? You're not going to tell them?"​
Nikkos thought about the offer, but didn't get far. He liked being at Atlantis. But they also now had Dawn to think about and that rose a million questions for him. Of course, they were all trumped by Tomias's question, and the administrator looked up, eyes rather wide. Engaged? But hadn't he said he wasn't the marrying type? Or something like that, anyway. And what kind of question was that, anyway? Tomias truly couldn't think that he could throw the word 'engaged' around and expect Nikkos to think about his family!

His mind was going a million miles a minute for several seconds before he got his thoughts straight. The brunette leaned up and kissed his lover with a gentle touch before settling back down, head resting on his chest. "I'll cross that bridge if I come to it." Nikkos wanted to be with Tomias, without a doubt, but Tomias had made it perfectly clear that he wasn't interested in that sort of commitment. So why get his hopes up?
Tomias smiled warmly, leaning down to kiss the side of the other's neck. "All right." he whispered, bucking his hips againt the other's rear and a little groan passed his lips a moment later. Mm. He loved the feel of his lover so close to him. His hands trailed along the other's side, sliding to the front of his form and pulling him tightly against his chest. "Love you." He added, kissing him once more on the neck before he released him and made his way to where the little cradle was, taking it out and he set it up. Putting the little mattress in it, the cover over the mattress, and being sure it did not smell funky or anything.

With that, he headed to where the irl was still sleeping, gently scooping her up from the carseat and moving to place her into the little cradle. He kissed her forehead before straightening and he smiled all the more. He turned to look at Nikkos, pouting a little bit. "How come we never thought of having a child before?"​
Nikkos basked in the attention being paid to him. He loved it. And when Tomias moved away, the administrator felt a little sad, though it was endearing to watch Tomias set up the cradle and set the little girl into it.

Well his boyfriend was just full of surprises today, wasn't he? Nikkos began to unpack everything else, putting items away around the room as he thought about that question. "Because," he answered softly. "You said you didn't want to get married. So we just...never went down those roads." He gave a little shrug, trying to process everything that was going on.

He turned to Tomias. "What's she going to call us?" They weren't her fathers, and he wasn't her grandfather...
Tomias looked down at the little girl, smiling all the more before he moved and set onto the couch, looking over at Nikkos and he shrugged a little bit. "Well, I am her grandfather ... So I suppose she could call me that. And you? How about Grandma?" He chcukled, his eyes sparkling as he looked over at the other and he stood up, walking over to NIkkos and wrapping his arms around the other's torso, hugging him against his chest even more. He rested his chin on the other's shoulder, holding the man from behind and enjoying the embrace for a while.

His eyes were closed for a bit and he then turned his eyes to look at the man beside him. He stared at him for a while, his mind going a mile a minute. He eventually straightened up, taking the man's hand while he walked over and into the bedroom, rummaging in his drawer for a while, finding what he was looking for. He held the man's left hand and moved onto one knee, popping open the case where a gorgeous diamond ring rested in teh velvetty box. His eyes lifted to the other and he had on a vrey serious look to his features. "Nikkos Alexander ... Will you be mine forever?" Random, yes, but he had been thinking about this for a while. Even before Relic and Tanner were engaged. Hell, before they were, he had gone ring shopping. Thing being, it was only a little over a week ago that he bought the ring. He found it and instantly thought of the other.

Choice One
Choice Two
[ Or if you have a ring in mind, have at it <3 ]
Nikkos gave Tomias a dirty look at the name choice, thinking of something better at the same time. 'Nikkos' was too informal, and he despised the term 'uncle' for anyone other than a parent's brother. The administrator chewed on his bottom lip for a few moments, leaning into the strong embrace that was given to him from behind as he did so. It had been an odd day and the brunette was having trouble processing everything at once.

Everything else, though, was forgotten as he watched and listened to his lover's words. He stared at the ring, and then at Tomias, going back and forth for several seconds before everything sank in. Soft tears fell, both in joy and in sadness. Yes, of course he would marry Tomias. But he was well aware at the differences between them in the word 'forever'.

The idea was quick to form in his head, and the administrator pulled the other to his feet, kissing him passionately and firmly, arms wrapping tightly around Tomias' neck. Breathless when they finally pulled apart, Nikkos rested their foreheads together. "If we talk to Relic about what he did to Tanner...?"
Tomias smiled warmly, standing up to wrap his arms around the other's shoulders, hugging him tightly to his form and he smiled all the more. His eyes kept up to his and he let out a little laugh. "I said 'forever' didn't I?" He whispered, placing a kiss to his lips and he set back, arms around his hips and he pulled him tightly to his form. He kissed him again before holding up the box for the other. "Shall I take that as a 'yes'?" He asked, grinning his green eyes kept to the other, waiting for his response.​
Nikkos beamed. He pressed his lips back to his lover's firmly, kissing him once again. He wanted to tease-they always teased each other about stuff the other really wanted-but the administrator couldn't bring himself to. He wanted this too badly to even think of saying 'no', even as a joke. He closed his eyes and nuzzled along Tomias' cheek, holding them tightly together.

"Yes." He pulled back just enough to look at the other man, a bright and large grin on his lips that he couldn't tear away if he wanted to.
Tomias smiled, kissing those grinning lips of his love's before he took out the ring from the box. He lifted Nikkos' left hand, sliding the ring onto his finger and he smiled all the more. "Perfect fit." he whispered, turning to look at him as he leant toward the other and pressed his lips against his. His arms slid over his torso and he hugged him tightly once again. "Hence the question of what happens if we get engaged." He whispered and then kised his lips lightly once more. "I've been thinking about this for a while. I bought the ring a while ago, but didn't think of a time to ask." He smiled and kissed him a few more times and then let out a content sigh. "I love you, Nikkos, and I don't ever want anyone else."​
His tears flowed more freely now, and Nikkos clung to Tomias tightly, face buried in his neck. He kissed there, not wanting to leave the comfort and warmth of the place. "Love you" was whispered several times over with each kiss. He knew that he didn't say it very often, but that didn't mean that he didn't feel it. The fact of the matter was, he couldn't picture his life without Tomias, and he didn't want to, either.

The weight of the ring felt natural on his hand, Nikkos immediately feeling as if it was a part of him. And even talk of his family couldn't ruin his mood at the moment.

After he'd calmed down a little bit, he pulled back to look at Tomias. "I think we should call Relic and Tanner to babysit," he muttered leaning up to capture Tomias' lips in a heated kiss. He just wanted to be close to Tomias tonight, even though he felt bad about pawning Dawn off on the other couple her first night with them. She'd never remember.
Tomias ran his hand up and down the other's back, wanting to calm him a little bit. He looked at the other and grinned even more. That did sound lovely. He kissed him a few more times while he walked over to the telephone. He picked it up and instantly dialed Relic, impatient at the moment. He slowly pulled away though, knowing that making out on the phone while asking for a babysitter would not be a good thing. He parted from his love, actually having to take a step away to not attack him once more. When Relic picked up, he grinned. "Want to watch my granddaughter?" He waited a few moments, explaining the situation then making up some bogus excuse about giving Relic some time to play wit hteh girl while they child-proofed the room. He figured Nikkos would want to tell them about the ring.

"All right. Eight works fine." He stated, glancing over to his love and he resisted the whimper he so badly want to do. He adored his lover so much. He nodded and then hung up the phone, tossing it onto the couch, looking over Nikkos once more.​
The rest of the day was spent on the sofa, cuddling and just simply existing. Nikkos liked days like this, and especially today. It wasn't everyday that you got engaged!

When quarter to eight rolled around, the administrator forced himself up to get the baby ready to go. He got together bottles and diapers and wipes, a change of clothes, an extra blanket, extra formula, and a couple of toys before getting Dawn dressed and bundled up, too. They'd spent the past few hours playing with the little girl so, if Relic and Tanner were lucky, she'd sleep through the night.

"Ready?" The plan, though Tomias was unaware of it at the moment, was to drop the baby off and then go for a celebratory dinner before returning home for the night.
Tomias held the girl in the carrier, looking down at her sleeping form and he smiled all the more. She definitely was a cute little thing. He wanted to stay with her, but ooh, the proposition of being with Nikkos for the night was far too great, especialyl with the events of the day. He kissed his love's cheek and nodded. "OF course." He whispered, kissing Nikkos again before he began to make his way to the man's car, considering it had a better backseat for a babyseat.

Eventually, the three arrived at the penthouse, making his way to the elevator, helping out Nikkos with anything he needed, double checking quite a few times that the little girl was warm enough. It would be horrible if she got too cold. No sick babies for them. He looked up with the doors opening, making sure Nikkos was through before he made his way inside, glancing around. "Honey, we're hooome" He called out, not sure where Relic was.

The ravenette perked up, his head poking out from behind the couch and he beamed. Leaping up from the couch, he hopped over and made his way toward the couple, giggling appily. "Yay!" He chimed excitedly and then stopped at the carrier, restraingng the squeal he wanted to at seeing the grl "She's so cute!" he said, scooping her up from the carrier and held her against his chest, giggling gently. "Aww" He giggled again, looking over at the two and he arched a brow. "So, a day of being parents was enough? Or are you that horny that you want to get giggy with it." He asked, leading the way inside, taking up the bag from Nikkos and he placed it on one of the kitchen chairs, happily holding the girl.​
While Tomias was always helpful and attentive, Nikkos' heart was still warmed when he was today. He wasn't sure why, but chalked it up to signs of being a good father (grandfather?) and husband. That term for his lover sent a wave of butterflies through his stomach as he stepped into the penthouse, handing the items over to Relic, and to Tanner when he made his way out of the bedroom.

The administrator didn't answer the twin, but only offered his left hand out, knowing that he would understand.
Relic looked over the man's hand, going wide-eyed as he gasped. "Holy sh-- The perpetual bachelor finally settles down!" He said, laughing lightly and he grinned. Leaning forward, he kissed Nikkos' cheek wit ha soft "Congratulations" before he giggled and made his way to the other room. He poked his head inside, spotting Rune and he grinned even more. "Guess who's engaaaged" he sang, giggling lightly while he made his way back to the living room. He sat down with the girl, kissing her forehead softly before he turned to look at the happy couple. "Whenever you guys want her back, you can stop by." He said, wanting the two to have a good time without worry about getting up early.

Tomias laughed, kissing his lover's cheek and he nuzzled against him a little more. He loved him so much. He wrapped both arms around his fiance, hugging him tightly and he nodded a bit "Ready to go?"​
Nikkos laughed a little, happy. It somehow felt more real now that they'd shared it with someone. He settled into Tomias' arms, making to nod, but stopping when he saw Calder poke his head out of the bedroom door.

The blond grinned and moved over to hug the administrator, whispering a congratulations to him. It made him a little sad that "everyone" was getting engaged lately, but he pushed those thoughts aside. Not only did he remind himself that he'd promised Rune until their one year anniversary, but he reminded himself that Rune was never likely to actually propose anyway. "I'm so happy for you." Smiling, the blond pulled back and pecked a kiss to the brunette's lips before leaning up to kiss Tomias' cheek.

It was only then that Nikkos mentioned that he was ready to go, taking Tomias' hand and leading him back out to the car. The administrator chose a nice, quiet restaurant on the very outskirts of town. They'd never been to this little French one, but it would be a nice place to talk a little bit. They were sat at a little table for two before they ordered wine.

"I don't know if I'll tell them," he admitted, finally answering the question of his family.
Tomias smiled, waving to the boys and he gave Calder a sympathetic look. Poor kid. He was stuck with Rune, and getting him to even agree to have a boyfriend was a feat, yet along getting engaged. Yea. He did not see THAT happening any time soon. He felt so bad for him. The poor blond fell for the man that would not give him a ring. Well, maybe a ring, but nothing that would require a wedding afterward.

Sitting across from his love, he crossed his arms and rested them on the table, looking over his fiance and he tilted his head to the side. His parents? He smiled warmly and he leant toward him a little more. "It's your choice." He whispered before his curiosity got the better of him. "Why don't you talk to your family? You don't have to tell me, I'm just curious you know."​
Calder said hello to the little girl before returning to the bedroom and scooting close to Rune. He'd be okay, but he needed to be close to his lover for the moment. He took the man's arms and wrapped them around himself, burying his face into his chest and breathing in deeply.

Why didn't he talk to his family? Nikkos had to think about the question, but couldn't come up with an answer. "I don't know. We just...don't get along." There wasn't one thing or instance that drew them apart from each other, but there wasn't anything to hold them close. Even the fact that they were family had no effect, really. "I love them, but I don't like them." It was the most simple way that he could put it.

"Do you still want to teach at Atlantis after this year?" Not only did the administrator want to change the subject, but he was curious. Tomias had mentioned Italy as a place to live earlier.
Tomias nodded a few times to the other's words. He easily got the other did not really want to talk about it, so he would not pester him about anything. He then perked up with the next question. Teach at Atlantis again? He thought for a moment before his shoulders lifted into a nonchalant little shrug. "I'm indifferent really. I like to teach there, of course, but I would not mind just settling down with you somewhere and forgetting about jobs for a while." He admitted before he looked over the other. "But, could you give up your job? I know you love it, so if you want to stay, I'll stay as well."​
He did love his job. And for a long time, his job was what defined him. He had been the youngest administrator at Atlantis ever and that was something he was very proud of. And yet... Settling down with Tomias and Dawn was so tempting. He wanted a family-one he truly loved and liked. "Maybe...a sabbatical?" Taking two or three years for themselves, while knowing that his job would be waiting if he chose to go back, didn't sound too bad. It was a compromise that he could more than live with.
Tomias smiled warmly and nodded. That did not sound bad at all. It was a very good compromise he thought. He leant over the table to kiss his fiance's lips, resettling onto the chair and he beamed all the more. "I like it. Now, the question is, where do you want to live? Anywhere you've had your heart on in particular?" Personally, Tomias did not mind where they went. He has lived far too many places throughout the years and so any place that his love wanted would be perfectly fine for him.​
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