Over the few days, Sully was having a pretty good time. He enjoyed teaching Joshua all the chords and everything of that sort. He seemed to be appreciative of it and so it was fine. He had fun. Today, though, he was planning on going to ask Relic if he could borrow one of his guitars. Sully only had one that he brought with him and he wanted to play with Joshua. Sometimes, it was easier to watch another play and then try to mimick. He was not sure which would be better for his roommate, but he figured it would be fun either way, and that was all that mattered, right?
Unluckily for him, when he got up to the apartment, Relic was the only one that was there. Of course, he had to look as goreous as ever. His hair tossled and pajama pants barely holding onto his hips - apparently, he just woke up. Rune and Calder were off getting something for the kitchen and he believed he said Tanner was hanging out with his brother. That was all he managed to hear before his eyes traveled along Relic's form. He followed him into the other room, seeing him rummage around and he bit into his bottom lip even more. Why was he sucha tease to him? Why couldn't they have even given it a shot?
He stared at the man for a while before he glided up behind him, his arms wrapping around his hips and his lips began to kiss along his bare back taking in his scent and taste and adoring everything about the man - just woken up or not. He hugged him even tighter, getting a laugh from Relic and a simple "Sully, it's no big to lend my guitar to you" before the oblivious male went back to trying to find the guitar.
"That's not what I want..." He mumbled and he tugged Relic closer, tossing him onto the bed and he followed on top of him a moment later. Kissing and biting along his neck, knowing the other's weaknesses and just wanting him so badly. "I want you" he whispered, his nails raked along the other's chest, his hips grinding against his and a little groan passed his lips at the contact.
"Sully... Stop." Relic said, trying to laugh it off but when the man's hands moved for his pants, he got serious. "Stop,." He slid his leg between their bodies, separating their forms and pushing him off and into the far wall. He stood up from the bed, looking at his friend who had quite the nice gash on his arm from the dresser he was shoved into. "Sully. I love you as a friend. I've let this crush of yours keep on hoping that you would just get over me but you haven't. I don't love you in that way, okay? I'm sorry about hurting you ... but you need to know that I love Tanner. He is the one for me, not you. And until you realize that ... I don't think we should see each other.' He stated, standing and he kept to the side, resisting the urge to help him up from the ground.
The man remained where he was, staring at the ground in front of him for a while. Every word the other spoke was like a shot to the heart. He could feel it crumble beneath him and he could not stand it anymore. Getting up from the ground, not even looking at Relic, he turned and made his way out of the room, a few soft sobs easily heard as he practically ran out of there when he was far enough away. His hand covered his nose and mouth, trying to calm down but it did not work. He began to walk his way back to Atlantis, needing the cool air to calm him. He was shaking. He was hurting. And frankly, he wanted to jump off the nearest cliff. He knew that this was going to happen one of these days, but he did not expect it to hurt as much as it did.
Before the man could get out of the city, he was bombarded. A group of guys shoved the already broken man into an alley, ramming him into the wall while they continued to beat into him, trying to break him down before they took any money on him or anything of value and ran off, laughing as they did so. Sully put up no fight. He did not care. Hell, he wasn ot even sure he wanted to stand up. And he had not for a while. He just kept against the wall, bleeding, bruised, and a swollen lip. He stared up at the night sky, laughing lightly before he curled up into a ball and sobbed away, his pants easily getting wet from his tears and he could not stand this at all.