Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Sully groaned lightly, pressing up and into him when he felt the other's bare flesh to his. His eyes fluttered closed while he panted beneath him. Beautiful? The other just called him ... beautiful? He looked up at him, blushing even more. He really had not expected such a comment from him, but he did not know what else to do. He was more than happy to kiss him, giving him something to distract himself by. He pulled him tighter to his form and glaldy pressed up and against him, helping get off any clothing that may have been left upon their forms. He moaned gently, tongue trailing from his lips to slip between the other's, exploring his mouth and loving the other's taste.​
Leaning over, Joshua rummaged through one of the night table drawers and easily came up with a jar of lube. The cap was unscrewed and tossed aside quickly so that he could dip his fingers into the cool gel before moving his digits down to Sully's opening. The redhead wasted no time in pressing two fingers into the man, groaning at how tight he was. He worked his fingers expertly, mouth covering each centimeter of flesh between Sully's neck and navel as he stretched the other man, adding a third finger only a moment later.
Sully gasped when he felt the other's fingers slide within him. A deep moan passed his lips and his hips bucked up and against the other, groaning all the more. He let out a little moan as the third finger slid within him, panting beneath him with the utter anticipation of events to come. His arms lifted and wrapped around the man's shoulders, pulling him closer while his head tilted to capture his lips against his own, kissing him passionately and loving the contact of the other. He would not admit to it though. This was just two deprived men who got riledeasily through them having made out beforehand against a tree.

That was all, right? Joshua definitely could not like him as anything more than a friend. That would not make sense. No one could like him in this manner. That was why he always fell over Relic so much, not that he was even briefly thinking about the younger twin, but he rather be 'occupied' by someone else than have his heart crushed by someone not liking him. At least Relic talked to him and was his friend and showed a slight interest in him, so he did not have to get rejected.​
He shoved his fingers in deeper, pressing against his prostate just a little to tease before the digits slipped out. Joshua used the excess lube on his leaking erection before sliding into Sully in one swift thrust. "Fuck!" The redhead wanted to start thrusting, but held back, waiting for the sign that it was okay to do so. The moment it was given, Joshua's hips moved recklessly, head buried deep into Sully's neck, lips sucking at the heated flesh.
Sully groaned lightly with everything really. The man pressing his fingers deeper, and even more so when he pressed his member into him. He took in a sharp breath, his rear lifting off the mattress before resettling once more. His legs lifted and wrapped tightly around his hips, pulling the other closer. His head tilted away from the man's lips, moaning gently as his eyes fluttered closed, giving into the pleasure the redhead already brought him. At the movement of the man's hips, he moaned instantly with the feel of his hips pounding inside of him.​
Joshua let his hips work on their own and concentrated on bringing pleasure with his lips. The redhead nipped at the flesh beneath his mouth, bringing out lovely bright red marks that would go away by the time the flush of sex had died off of the man. He knew he wasn't going to last long and tried to focus on something else, drawing his lips up to Sully's and kissing him deeply.
Sully gasped, turning his head and gladly engulfing his lips with Joshua's. His hips continued to buck up and against his, rocking their bodies in such a way to help the other's hips but also grind his aroused flesh against the man to give him his own pleasure. His deprived body definitely was not going to last long. He knew that from the moment the other slid a finger into him, yet alone the whole member. He moaned and continued to push up and against the redhead, adoring how the other felt. It took only a few more thrusts of the man's hips before he gasped, his head tilted to the side, away from the other's lips as a moan passed his lips and his hips pushed up and against him. A soft moan of the other's name barely slid over his lips as he released over their forms, groaning as he resettled back to the mattress, absently moving his hips to keep the other pleased.​
He gave a soft groan with the other man's release, trying desperately to hold out as Sully's body clamped down around him. It didn't work for long and only a few seconds after the other man's release, Joshua filled him, pressing himself into the other man's body completely as he did so.

The redhead collapsed onto Sully as his body finished, chest heaving as he tried to catch is breath. Lips ghosted over moist flesh, pressing soft little kisses to the sensitive spots that it found.
Sulliven gasped when the other released inside of him, groaning lightly as he did so. His eyes fluttered to the back of his head and he let out a little groan when the man fell beside him. His eyes kept closed and a little smile came to his lips with the kisses along his flesh. Mm. That felt nice. He took in a deep breath, calming himself as he slowly turned to look at the man. His eyes opened for but a moment before he buried his face into his chest, his hand absently began to trail up along the other's side, feeling his moist, smooth flesh and adoring it. He nuzzled into his chest, blushing a lovely red and he slowly lifted his eyes up to look at the other for a moment, yawning softly. "Thanks..." he whispered, leaving it at that as he pretty much fell asleep right beside the man.​
Joshua gladly settled down with the other man wrapped up securely in his arms. He didn't want to admit that he'd fallen for Sully, but the redhead knew that he had. He gave a soft little sigh and a kiss to the man's forehead before settling down to sleep as well.

He woke early, not used to sleeping in this bed, and smiled down at the silver haired man. He'd almost forgotten where he was. Hands coming up and fingers carding through Sully's hair, Joshua settled down once more, enjoying the closeness for just a little longer until the other man woke up. He was sure that the game was over now that the night was, though, and that made the redhead sad. He'd enjoyed the night and wouldn't object to an actual relationship... If only he could get the other man over Relic.
Sulliven slowly nuzzled into Joshua's chest, his arms wrapping tighter around the other and he took in deep breaths, calming himself with the other's scent. He hugged him and did not really realize that he was sleeping besie the other. He smelled so nice and he definitely enjoyed being in his embrace. He had not even registered just who was beside him. He was not truly sure if he wanted to. He was beginning to wake up a little bit though. Not enough to fully come out of his slumber, but enough to curl up more to the man.

The door opened slowly and James' head poked through. He spotted the two and smiled warmly, seeing Joshua awake. He lifted a hand in a little wave, moving into the room a step and he looked around. "Hey . . . "He bean in a soft whisper, straightening even more as he looked over Sully, chuckling gently as he did so. "You're welcome to the shower" he said, nudging his head in the direction of the door on the far side before he lifted a hand and walked over to a closet, pulling open the door and pointing to hte clothes there. "Clothes as well. If you find something to fit you, have at it. There are also some packages of boxers and briefs and the like in the dresser.' He stated then walked over to the redhead, leaning down to kiss his cheek. "Heading out. Lock up when you leave." With that, the man turned on his heel, making his way out of the room to go do his plans for the day.​
Joshua nodded with a little smile. He knew by Sully's actions that his blissful morning was going to very quickly come to an end. That saddened him even further and the redhead bent his head to press another kiss to the sleeping man's lips. He supposed, though, that this allowed him to realize what Sully felt for Relic...not that he wanted a first hand experience of it in the first place.

In an effort to protect his own heart, Josh slipped from the bed before his roommate fully woke up and moved to the shower, hoping to shake the depressing mood.
A few minutes later, Sully slowly woke up. his eyes fluttered open, staring at the wall in front of him before he glanced over to the door that he heard the shower running. Where was h-- Oooh. He blushed horribly, leaning forward and burying his face into the sheets a little more. "Whoops." he whispered and then yawned softly as he slid from the bed. He pulled the sheet around his form and he made his way to the bathroom. Giving a littl warning knock, he walked into the bathroom, poking his head inside first before he fully walked inside. "Josh?" He asked, looking at the shower curtain he moved a bit more in. He did not know what to do, but he felt a little bad and like he had taken advantage of the other. "Erm .. Sorry about ... lastn ight.' he said softly while walking more into the bathroom, holding the sheets tightly to his form.​
The words pierced him horribly, and it took a couple seconds to gather his wits before poking his head out of the shower with a (very) small grin on his face. "Takes two to tango, huh?" The redhead sent a warm little burst towards Sully, hoping to ease him a little bit before returning to finish his shower. What he really wanted to do was tug his roommate into the water with him and kiss him senseless. There was no use in thinking about it, though. He had to be a good friend for Sully. That was what he needed right now...right?

Joshua finished his shower and wrapped a towel around his waist before exiting the tub and then the bathroom to dress.
Sully smiled lightly. Joshua really was a great friend. He was happy to have him as a roommate. Sure, at first, he may not have been, but they easily bonded and now, he was quite happy for him. He pecked a kiss to the other's cheek when he was leaving, heading to the shower to clean up as well. He washed away everything from the night before, getting a bit too sticky in places he did not want to mention, but the shower helped a lot. He remembered all they did and really felt bad for seducing his roommate like that. He had not meant to. He had only intended to get the press in an uproar, not to moan out hte other's name last night but oooh, that was so lovely and definitely needed.

Blushing at the thought and trying not to get aroused at the memory, the faery shut off the water and stepped out from the shower. Brushing back his hair and a towel around his form as he headed out to the other room. His arms stretched above his head as a groan passed by his lips, back cracking and he feeling quite better after the shower.​
Life pretty much returned to normal. Or, as normal as it could be considering his new feelings. Josh did his best not to mope around, though it was difficult when they finally got around to Sully teaching him the guitar. The close proximity was a tease, Joshua only wanting to be closer and knowing that he couldn't be.

The redhead gave a little sigh, appreciating that it was Saturday and he had the dorm to himself to mope around in. He pulled the covers up over his head and proceeded to do just that.
Over the few days, Sully was having a pretty good time. He enjoyed teaching Joshua all the chords and everything of that sort. He seemed to be appreciative of it and so it was fine. He had fun. Today, though, he was planning on going to ask Relic if he could borrow one of his guitars. Sully only had one that he brought with him and he wanted to play with Joshua. Sometimes, it was easier to watch another play and then try to mimick. He was not sure which would be better for his roommate, but he figured it would be fun either way, and that was all that mattered, right?

Unluckily for him, when he got up to the apartment, Relic was the only one that was there. Of course, he had to look as goreous as ever. His hair tossled and pajama pants barely holding onto his hips - apparently, he just woke up. Rune and Calder were off getting something for the kitchen and he believed he said Tanner was hanging out with his brother. That was all he managed to hear before his eyes traveled along Relic's form. He followed him into the other room, seeing him rummage around and he bit into his bottom lip even more. Why was he sucha tease to him? Why couldn't they have even given it a shot?

He stared at the man for a while before he glided up behind him, his arms wrapping around his hips and his lips began to kiss along his bare back taking in his scent and taste and adoring everything about the man - just woken up or not. He hugged him even tighter, getting a laugh from Relic and a simple "Sully, it's no big to lend my guitar to you" before the oblivious male went back to trying to find the guitar.

"That's not what I want..." He mumbled and he tugged Relic closer, tossing him onto the bed and he followed on top of him a moment later. Kissing and biting along his neck, knowing the other's weaknesses and just wanting him so badly. "I want you" he whispered, his nails raked along the other's chest, his hips grinding against his and a little groan passed his lips at the contact.

"Sully... Stop." Relic said, trying to laugh it off but when the man's hands moved for his pants, he got serious. "Stop,." He slid his leg between their bodies, separating their forms and pushing him off and into the far wall. He stood up from the bed, looking at his friend who had quite the nice gash on his arm from the dresser he was shoved into. "Sully. I love you as a friend. I've let this crush of yours keep on hoping that you would just get over me but you haven't. I don't love you in that way, okay? I'm sorry about hurting you ... but you need to know that I love Tanner. He is the one for me, not you. And until you realize that ... I don't think we should see each other.' He stated, standing and he kept to the side, resisting the urge to help him up from the ground.

The man remained where he was, staring at the ground in front of him for a while. Every word the other spoke was like a shot to the heart. He could feel it crumble beneath him and he could not stand it anymore. Getting up from the ground, not even looking at Relic, he turned and made his way out of the room, a few soft sobs easily heard as he practically ran out of there when he was far enough away. His hand covered his nose and mouth, trying to calm down but it did not work. He began to walk his way back to Atlantis, needing the cool air to calm him. He was shaking. He was hurting. And frankly, he wanted to jump off the nearest cliff. He knew that this was going to happen one of these days, but he did not expect it to hurt as much as it did.

Before the man could get out of the city, he was bombarded. A group of guys shoved the already broken man into an alley, ramming him into the wall while they continued to beat into him, trying to break him down before they took any money on him or anything of value and ran off, laughing as they did so. Sully put up no fight. He did not care. Hell, he wasn ot even sure he wanted to stand up. And he had not for a while. He just kept against the wall, bleeding, bruised, and a swollen lip. He stared up at the night sky, laughing lightly before he curled up into a ball and sobbed away, his pants easily getting wet from his tears and he could not stand this at all.​
Maybe talking to Relic might help...

Joshua didn't know why he felt that talking to the twin might help him ease his feelings a little, but he did. The redhead opted to walk (simply because his parents sent him here and didn't buy him the car that he wanted. It wasn't too bad out-warmish, and not too windy yet this early in the spring. Maybe just the walk would help him clear his mind.

He didn't really know what to do. He knew that he'd fallen for his roommate, and he knew that said roommate was in love with someone completely unobtainable. To put the cherry on top, Sully was a dense fuck. Well, only when it came to Joshua's feelings towards him. The silver haired man knew that he had no chance with Relic, but refused to accept that.

Hearing crying, Joshua looked around and gasped at what he'd almost missed. The redhead rushed over and dropped to the ground next to Sully, hands moving out to check for obvious serious injuries. Finding only his ribs and back, Joshua breathed a mini sigh of relief as he moved to help his roommate up.

"Up we go, sweetheart."
Sully lifted his eyes up to look at the man who was no in front of him. Joshua? He stared at him for a while before he let out a soft sob, moving forward to wrap his arms around his roommate's torso, hugging him tightly while he buried his face into his chest, crying even more. "W... Why..." he mumbled, hugging him even more and his eyes squeezed closed once more. "I don't... I don't understand... I've known him before Tanner and for longer and we got along great... But not once.. he would not even give me a shot!" He whimpered, his face buried more into his friend's chest. "Am ... Am I really that bad? Ugly? a jerk? What? What is it about me that makes it so he would not want to date me?"​
Figuring that the other wouldn't be getting up any time soon, Joshua planted himself down, pulling the other man into a tight hug, rocking him softly and shushing him. "You're none of those things, understand me?" He pressed his lips to Sully's temple for a moment, thinking of how to answer 'why'. "Sometimes... Sometimes Fate just has its way, Sul. You were meant to be his friend for one reason or another, even though you wanted something different... It just wasn't meant to be, baby."
Sully curled up on the other's lap, resting his head against his friend's neck and he blushed just a bit. Only a friend? He looked up at the man for a while before he kissed his neck softly since he was in need of comfort at the moment. He loved his friend so much right now. He was such a sweet guy for being there for him. "You're a great friend." he whispered and hugged him tighter, smiling lightly. He really did adore the other for being such a good friend. He took in a deep breath, sinking against him a little bit more.​
Friend? A sharp pang went through his heart at the word, and the redhead rested his cheek against the top of Sully's head. "Yeah. I try."

They sat the for a couple more minutes, Joshua letting the other man recover a little bit more before standing and helping the other up as well. "Come on. We'll call a cab to take us back to school." Sully was in no shape to walk, and Joshua didn't know what he'd talk about to fill the time walking without spilling his guts. A cab was just safer. "You need to get to the infirmary to clean up."

The redhead hailed them a cab and instructed the driver to take them back to Atlantis, trying to guide Sully up to the nurse once they made it there.
Sully groaned when the man began to drag him off toward the infirmary. He did not want to go there. Yet, he knew that he would not be able to protest. If he was not banned from the twins' place, he would go there and just have them heal him. He stopped whining after a moment, knowing that it would be bad if he did. He wanted to make his roommate happy. So, he sucked it up. Told the nurse what happened. Got stripped to his boxers, and the woman went to town with peroxide and bandages to quite a bit of his torso.

After the woman left them alone, Sulliven set onto the edge of the cot, blinking a few times as he looked up at the redhead with him. He looked him over before he stopped pretty much everything. Hold on a second . . . He perked up and his back straightened a bit as he looked over the man. "Hey ... When we were together, you said I was ... beautiful." He said softly, his eyes staring at the other, his heart leaping in his chest. "Did you ... mean it?"​
Joshua hung to the side, letting the woman do her job. He wanted Sully to be okay and she was the only one available to them to be sure that that happened. He watched carefully, judging every wince and gasp and movement to see if the other needed him. He had to say that he was glad when it was apparent that his roommate would be okay-the adrenaline was wearing off and the sight of blood and cuts and foaming peroxide was making him rather woozy.

Of course, Sully stopped that reaction with the question. Raising his eyebrow, the redhead took a seat next to his roommate, studying him. "You just realized I said that?" he asked, a little stunned. That had been more than a week ago. He shook his head to clear those thoughts before leaning over and pecking the smallest kiss to the other man's lips.

"Yeah. Of course I meant it."
Sully listened to the other and he did not even think when the other kissed him. He stared at him, his brows furrowing together as his mind slowly began to peace everything together. He eventually, while far too delayed, realized. He lifted his eyes to the other and he instantly felt horrible. How could have not have seen it before? He wrapped his arms around the other's shoulders, holding him against his form, his head rested into the other's neck and he continued to hold him, trying to think of what to say.

"I'm sorry.' He said softly, his eyes tilted up to look up at the other, hugging him a bit more, kissing his cheek gently. "I fucked up." He whispered, groaning and he buried his head into his neck. "You were always there, huh?" He bit into his lip a bit, feeling bad for not having realized this earlier. "Do you . . . like me in that manner? I just ... I don't want to assume"​
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