Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

The twins eventually wound up completely taking front stage. They made sure to hold their boyfriends' hands, not wanting them to think tehy abandoned them or anything, but not subjecting them to the cameras and having their faces plastered everywhere. BEsides, they could just watch the passerbys, see if they recognized anyone that they may be a fan of. When they walked, both boys would actually kiss their boys on the cheek or nuzzle them, just wanting them to still feel as loved as they truly were.

Sully on the other hand, was quite amused by Joshua. He was having a ball with this wasn't he? When one of the women asked his name. Sully could only laugh. He turned to the redhead and planted a kiss to his cheek. He laughed and turned with a little wave to the questioning woman and he began to walk down the carpet once more. He leant over and kissed the side of Joshua's neck, chuckling lightly. "You are loving this, aren't you?" He whispered, nipping his neck gently and then straightened once more, continuing forward and answering the other monotonous questions.​
"Mmmm... Completely." He smiled at the cameras but still gave no information. That was part of the fun: making them pout like little puppies who were pushed off of their master's lap. "I'll love it more when I see the headlines tomorrow..."

All three couples made it to their table relatively unscathed by the paparazzi. "So what is this...event for?" Joshua asked, realizing he hadn't asked before this. He didn't care why he was waving to cameras and making little girls jealous, but he figured conversation for dinner would be nice.

Calder rested one hand on Rune's knee, giving a supportive squeeze here and there. "Doing okay?" People were not one of Rune's most favorite things and the morphe wanted to keep murder off of his lover's mind.
Sully laughed softly, shaking his head a little. "Heart breaker." He whispered and then made his way to the table, waving to a few more cameras and kissing Joshua's cheek and neck just to help the paparazzi freak out. He headed to the table, sitting down and finally he released the other's hand, taking the glass of water there and sipped it just as the other brought up the question of what it was for. He set the glass down and shrugged his shoulders a bit. "It's an award ceremony for best band, song ... blah blah blah. Music award thing." He batted his hand absently in the air, not really caring much about it.

Rune groaned and kissed Calder's lips softly before he settled his head against his shoulder. "I'll be happier at the party." He mumbled and bit the other's shoulder and then lifted his head to look at all the others that filed in, waving to a few here and there before he flopped his forehead onto the table.​
"Where else am I supposed to get my entertainment?" he asked, laughing. "I mean, you've yet to sit down and teach me how to play the guitar, and there isn't much going on at the school..." He stuck his tongue out at Sully as he leaned into the other man's side for good measure. Who knew where there would be photographers at a place like this?

Moving his hand up to Rune's neck, Calder began to massage at the base gently, hoping that it would help his boyfriend relax a little bit. The blond didn't know what else to do to help his boyfriend and it was frustrating for him. Smiling a little, though, he reached into his pocket and pulled out the handful of homemade chocolates (wrapped, of course!) that he'd shoved there before leaving. "Cheer up?"
Sully let out a soft little laugh, shaking his head a bit. "I told you to ask me when you wanted to learn. I'm not just going to pop up and say 'hey, wanna play?' . . . Besides, you'll wind up making it perverted." He bumped against him, laughing a little more. He sipped his water a little more, kissing the other's head and he let his eyes slip closed for a moment. He soon took in a deep breath and straightened, looking over to Relic and smiling warmly, despite teh ache in his heart.

Relic giggled gently, kissing Tanner softly before he turned ot look at Joshua and Sully, leaning toward them. "So, Josh, how is your first ever experience in the lime light? Well, this limelight." he chuckled softly, figuring he would bother his love later on about what he thought about this little endevor.

Rune groaned lightly before he glanced to the chocolates. He stopped pretty much everything, staring at the candies before he beamed. Straightening up, he planted a firm kiss to his love's lips, kissing him for a while before he set back a little bit. "You are the best person ... ever." He whispered, leaning over to kiss his lips and side of his neck, nipping him a bit more before he opened up one of the candies, sinking his teeth into it and moaning gently. Yep, his lover was fabulous.​
Once more, the redhead had to bite his tongue. He wasn't sure why he didn't like Relic, he just...didn't. "It's interesting. Not what I expected, really." He looked around, taking everything in as the appetizers were served. He leaned over to Sully, whispering softly. "Pining over him will not make him come to you." He wasn't encouraging the other to break up the obviously happy relationship, but the guitarist was doing himself no good by sulking so much.

Calder laughed. "I know, dear." He shook his head but continued the soft massage before pulling away to begin to eat. He was starving and while the food wasn't his cooking, he knew that he didn't have much of a choice but to eat it. It wasn't half bad, but still not his own.
Both twins looked at the appetizers placed in front of them, poking the food with a fork in sync before saying: "We're spoiled" together, glancing over to Calder with pathetic looks. Yep. They were talking about how the other's cooking spoiled them. They really were. Theyk new it too. The food was good. It had been before and it was good, but Calder's was magnificent, and both boys knew that.

Sully tensed, his jaw clenching a little as he turned to look at the man, his eyes narrowing at him and he shrugged his shoulders just a little bit. "Doesn't mean I'll stop." he mumbled, staring at the food and absently beginning to eat the food. Stabbing a little piece of the appetizer and he ate it with a heavy sigh. He knew Joshua was right, but that did not mean that he could stop.​
Leaning over, he pecked a lingering little kiss to Sully's cheek. It was nice to have the cover of acting, but Joshua found that he truly wanted his roommate to be happy. "They'll notice you pouting and pining," he whispered, talking about the cameras. "At least act happy that you're here with me and sulk when we get home." He nudged his shoulder into the other man's before digging into his own food.

Tanner laughed while Calder blushed. "Perhaps I'll just have to stop then," he teased.
Sully blinked a few times, turning to glance in front of them before he smiled warmly. He turned to look at Joshua, smiling warmly. He leant toward the other, nuzzling into the redhead's neck, smiling gently to himself. "Thank you." He whispered, kissing the man's neck. He chuckled lightly and straightened up, grinning all the more. "I'll definitely have to teach oyu the guitar." He stated with a litlte wink. He then turned to the twins, smiling warmly as he did so. He ate the appetizer a little less brooding and keeping a smile.

Relic and Rune both looked over at him with the same response, "Like hell!"​
Both blonds laughed, knowing that there was no actual threat of Calder not cooking for the apartment anymore and ate their dinners, enjoying the new experience of an awards ceremony. The twins won one or two, and reporters bothered them through the categories that didn't relate to them. Calder shooed off quite a few with threats of bodily harm through his boyfriend and they scattered rather quickly.

Joshua wasn't so lucky. They hounded him and Sully, wanting his name, how they met, why Sully was cheating on his 'girlfriend' and the like. The redhead stuck to his guns and ignored them, though, clinging onto his roommate's arm and resting his head on his shoulder as they snapped photograph after photograph.

He was glad when it was time to leave, knowing that the only paparazzi that would be at the after party would be outside only. "Where's this party?" he whispered as they left, giving a coy little smile to the cameras.
Sully smiled warmly as he led the way back to their cars. He shrugged his shoulders a little bit, acting ever so nonchalant. "Ooh, just James Forestier's mansion." He said, grinning all the more as he turned to look at the other once more. He smiled and opened his door, kissing his cheek before he moved over to the driver's side. He began to drive down the road, the twins behind them in their own cars. He was excited about the party coming up. It sounded like so much fun and well, they always were fun actually.

After a twenty minute drive, he pulled up to a nice mansion in the mountains, parking his car behind the other ones that were there, quite hte feel lovely sport cars. He hopped out and walked over to the passenger's, holding out his elbow to the man once he was out of his car.​
Joshua just stared a little. He loved James's work, though he didn't say anything. He was too much a fan of composure to let the screaming fan girl inside of him out. Besides, he was supposed to be used to this, or so the press thought, and it would just make them question if he was acting anything other than fully calm and composed.

The house impressed him and as the redhead stepped from the car, soft butterflies fluttered around in his stomach. He'd been to his fair share of parties, but never something like this.

As they made their way up to the door, the redhead noticed the few fans who had snuck past security. He laughed at their dropped faces and nudged Sully to look at them. "Wanna put on a show?" he muttered, taking far too much delight in their obvious disappointment.
Sully glanced to the fans, arching a brow as he did so. Of course there were some that just had to get past everyone. He sighed heavily, his eyes closing and he nuzzled into the other's neck just a bit more. "Mm, don't I always?" He asked, smiling lightly as he looked up to the other. He held onto his arm happily, kissing the side of the man's neck once more.​
It was perfect that the twins and blonds were a few yards behind them. Joshua pulled Sully to a stop to 'wait for them', using the time to reach up and wrap his arms around the man's neck, resting his head on his chest. There was a decent height difference, but that didn't matter to Josh. He stood up on his tiptoes and kissed along Sully's jaw to his chin, pausing for a second. "Gonna kiss you, that okay?" The words were muttered, his lips barely moving.
Sully smiled as he felt the other nuzzling into him. He slid his arms around his hips, holding him happily and he grinned all the more, looking down at him. Kiss him? He did not mind that thought really. He smiled a little more, leaning down toward him and he pressed his lips against his, figuring that would be answer enough. His arm kept around the man's hips, pulling him to his form while he kissed him ever so gently at the moment.​
Joshua smiled when he heard the gasps and cries behind him. The redhead leaned up a bit more, pressing their lips together a little more firmly. They had to be convincing, right? He refused to admit that he was beginning to like Sully a little more than as a friend and roommate. Joshua kept the kiss at a PG level, breaking it off gradually as the other two couples finally caught up to them. He would have liked to keep kissing the other man-Sully tasted sweet-but knew that it was an impossibility. His roommate was in love with someone who was engaged...and not to him. He knew it wouldn't end well, but kept his mouth shut as he returned to 'his place' on Sully's arm to enter the party, smirking at the little girls whose hearts he'd just broken.
Sully smiled lightly behind their lips, parting only when the twins and their dates arrived. He looked down at the other, kissing him once more in a brief little kiss before he straightened up to greet the other two. He waved his fingers absently, sliding his arm around the other's waist and he pulled him against his form as he did so. He followed the twins into the mansion, holding the other against his form and he looked around the area, smiling lightly as he did so. He turned his head to look at Joshua, smiling a bit more. "Excited yet?" He asked, chuckling softly as he did so.

Relic glanced behind him to the two, shaking his head a little bit. He then turned back to Tanner, kissing his cheek gently. "They look cute." He murmured, tilting his eyes in teh direction of the two behind them. He chuckled softly while he walked into the mansion all the more. Already there were people dancing around, sitting on the leather sofas and all around just talking to each other or chit-chatting about this and that.

Soon enough, the short black haired boy with hot pink streaks. He bounced over to Relic, hugging him tightly and then leaning up, on his toes, to kiss his cheek. The man was barely five foot five, and trying to hug the others was a problem at times. He grinned and straightened once more. "Relic! Rune! Ooooh! it's wonderful seeing you." He stated, leaning up to kiss his cheek once more. "Congrats on the engagement!" He giggled softly, turning to look at Tanner, beaming all the more. "And this must be that special guy..." He held out his hand to the other, straighteining his posture just a bit. "James Forestier​
Joshua hummed his answer, fully happy and content with the kiss. He knew that he shouldn't feel like this as the person he felt the feelings for had no such feelings for him, and probably wouldn't. He sighed a little at the thought but smiled with James came up to greet them. He wanted to bounce up and down and squeak a little, but contained himself fairly well, only gripping onto Sully marginally tighter.

Smiling, Tanner greeted James warmly, thanking him for allowing them to attend the party.
Relic smiled, only staying where he was for a few moments before others called him, and even Rune, over. The twins perked up, both beaming excitedly as they walked off to visit with other's. Eventually, there was one man - a fairly tall brunette - who was wide-eyed at Rune's introduction. "YO!" The man yelled, turning to a little blond woman not too far off. "Jen! Did you hear? RUNE has someone. . . RUNE!" He laughed, even after being punched in the arm by the twin who then proceeded to flip him off and walk away from him.

Relic giggled softly, kissing Tanner a moment before a gorgeous redhead, sparkling emerald eyes, and a beautiful figured came up to them ."RElic!" She chimed happily, the younger twin turning to look at her and smiling lightly. "Aurora." He leant over, kissing her cheeks before he striaghtened back up. A little laugh to his lips as he rested his head against Tanner. "This is my fiancee, Tanner." he stated, grinning all the more.

the redhead laughed lightly, smiling to the blond. "It's a pleasure to meet you." She stated and held out her hand to the other. "I'm Aurora, I used to date Relic a looong time ago." She admitted, smiling even more.

Sully laughed gently when the other held him tighter at seeing James. He leant over and kissed his temple, walking over to the short little guy and he smiled all the more. "Hey James." He said, leaning forward to kiss his friend's cheek and straightened up once more. "JOshua here is quite hte fan of yours." He winked, laughing as he turned to look at the man beside him, smiling even wider.

James perked up, his eyes to the redhead at Sulliven's side. He smiled all the more. "A fan? Oh, I so love to meet my fans." He giggled and bounced on the balls of his feet a little bit. "Come come, let me show you around." He stated, taking the other's arm and loking over to Sully. "As long as Sully doesn't mind if I steal his date, of course."

He shook his head, smiling warmly. "Nope. He's all yours. I expect him back in the same manner I'm lending him to you,though." he stated, grinning even more before he looked to Joshua. "I'll probably be near the pool." He informed his 'date' and then leant over, kissing his cheek softly and turned to spot someone else he knew. HE grinned and made his way toward the others that were there, happy to see his old friends again.

James smiled warmly and he wrapped his arms aroudn the other's elbow beginning to drag him around the downstairs, glancing up at himand he sighed softly. "I'm so glad Sully has someone." He admitted, his head resting against the other's arm while he walked. "He's too caught up in Relic." He tilted his head back to look up at the other, blinking his long lashes a few times as he did so. "Don't let him get away, okay? His past boyfriends just let him go ... He's a good catch if you know how to tame him." He really was looking out for the benefit of his friend. He wanted him happy and now that Relic is completley out of the option, he wanted him to move on.​
Calder had to admit that the attention, even if it was just as 'Rune's boyfriend', was nice. He certainly wasn't used to it, but was glad for the strength that he had next to him. The blond held onto his boyfriend's arm, simply an ornament for the time being. This was definitely Rune's domain and as always, Calder was happy to take a step back and let his lover lead.

Blushing slightly, Joshua stepped forward and greeted James. He didn't like most artists, and to meet two that he did like inside of a few weeks was mind blowing. The redhead was excited when he was swept off by James, though unsure of what to tell the man about their relationship. Instead, he kept his mouth shut for the time being, figuring that Sully could tell the other whatever he wanted. "I think it's past the 'caught up' point, don't you think?" he commented, admiring the house as they strolled through it slowly. "You have a lovely home."
James groaned and let out a heavy sigh. "I know. and that's the issue." he shook his head a bit, looking up at him with the mention of his home. He beamed even more. "Thank you. I quite like it myself." He looked around and then turned back to the other he was so happily clinging to at the moment. He made his way up the stairs, glancing around before turning to look at Joshua once more. "Want to see the master bedroom?" He questioned, staring up at him and he grinned even more. "I'm not trying to get you into bed. Again, I'm pro-Sully-with-a-boy" He shrugged and then made way to his bedroom nonetheless. He really wasj ust proud of it.

Rune had to slap a few other people along the way before he flopped onto a chair, pulling his little lover onto his lap. He kissed his neck softly, hugging him to his form as he did so. "So . . . Recgonize anyone?" He asked, just curious about the other's sense in music and there were a few models and actors here and there. He kept his head against his love's shoulder, looking up at him with a little smile to his lips.

Relic giggled softly and kissed Aurora good-bye before he began to walk around a little. He then looked over at Tanner, smiling gently. "Want a drink? Want to go anywhere? Throw anyone in the pool?"​
Settling happily into Rune's lap, Calder sighed contently as he leaned back into his lover. "A few people." There wasn't anyone he was overly a fan of, but those that he did recognize had good music nonetheless. "I know James, of course. I know..." The blond looked around the room and pointed out five or ten people that he recognized by their face. "I'm sure I know the music of others, though." He pressed a kiss to Rune's temple, whispering "Love you" before relaxing into him a bit more.

"I'd say 'Rune'," Tanner answered, "but I'd like to live until the end of the night." He bumped his hip against his fiance's as he lead Relic over to get something to drink and then outside. It was a nice night out and the house was quickly becoming hot and stuffy. "What about you? Anyone you want to drench?"
Relic giggled softly and shook his head a little. "Now it's tempting." He stated, glancing over to the two cuddling in the chair. He smiled warmly and walked over to where the drinks were. Easily making them both a mixed drink and he held a glass out for Tanner to take before he began to lead the way out of the house and to the outdoors where there was the nice big pool lit with lights under the water. A few trees having the white Christmas lights in them to help light up the patio and everything else. He made way to one of the tables and chairs that were there, sitting down and sipping the drink as he looked over to his lover. "Are you having fun?"

Rune smiled and kissed theo ther's temple before he looked over the others that the man pointed out. His eyes traveled along them and he chcukled softly. "See that one.." He began, pointing to a cute little brown-haired man. "He seems all innocent, doesn't he? Yea, no. He likes it quite kinky." He chuckled softly and waved at hte man that had noticed him, grinning all the more.

"RUNE! Stop spreading lies about me!" The brunette yelled over, glaring at him and he did not even have to hear what the other said to know Rune was causing chaos.

Sully took a drink of his own and then, after talking to others for a while, he walked over to the outside, greeting a few others who were there. HE smiled cheerfully, laughing lightly, telling them his boyfriend was getting the grand tour from James. He then nodded a bit, straightening to spot Relic and Tanner. Waving to the man he had been talking to, he turned and walked over to the couple. Sitting beside Relic, he looked out over the others. "It's good to see everyone agian." He stated, turning to look at Relic, smiling even more.​
"I always have fun with you." Tanner bumped his shoulder into Relic's a little as they walked. Smiling, he set his drink down and scooped his lover up, bridal style, and held him over the pool with ease. "Now what was that about getting people wet...?" The blond grinned.

"I don't want to know how you know that," he laughed, smiling over at the other man. Calder wasn't stupid-he knew that Rune had had lovers before him, but that didn't mean that the blond wanted to know the details of them. It was apparent with Sully that he got overly jealous very quickly, and he wanted to avoid that. He didn't like being jealous.
Relic squeaked, holding the other's neck and he stared at the other, narrowing his eyes at the other. He stared at him for a while before he grinned. He kept his arms around his neck and he leant back, making them both fall into the pool. [shush, it works somehow damnit!]. He giggled as he surfaced from the water, leaning up to kiss his love's lips as he wrapped his arms around his shoulders once more. His feet paddling under him and he kissed him happily. A little giggle to his lips as he continued to kiss him, not really paying attention to the others around him.

Sully looked over the two in the pool, sighing heavily. His arms crossed and he settled against the chair, head tilted back to stare up at the night sky. His golden eyes traveled along the stars and everything else, trying to find the constellations and everything else of that sort. He was happy, but now he was just a bit sad. He knew he should just get over Relic, but that was easier said than done.​
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