Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

"Good... Em... Memories. Yes." Sergei remembered his and Gabe's first dinner here very well, and the thought of that night always brought a little smile to his lips. It was a little strange to think that one dinner could turn into what they had, but the redhead was very glad that it ended up this way. He loved Gabriel, even if he didn't know it that night, and would have been miserable and devastated if things had turned out any differently.

Caden came up to the table, smiling greatly as he noticed Lily. Leaning down, he pecked a kiss to her cheek before even announcing his presence. "How is everyone?"

Sergei looked at Caden, head to the side a little. "Your glow is... Different?"
Gabriel smiled warmly and nodded. "Very good memories." He added, kissing the other's cheek before he turned his eyes back to the menu, not really thinking much about anything else right now. He was just trying to think of what would be good for the other to eat.

Lily jumped just slightly with the kiss to her cheek, not having expected Caden to be there. She turned to look at him and smiled all the more. "Oh, Caden! I didn't know you worked here.' She giggled gently and smiled all the more. "It's lovely to see you again." She added and then perked up when Sergei said something about Caden's glow being different. She blinked a few times as she looked at the Russian boy before she turned her attention to Caden. Different? She stared at him for a short while before she actually got that he was a bit di-- Her eyes went wide and she stood up, not jumped or anything, just stood and tugged aside the collar of the other's shirt, seeing two small little white dots at the side of the other's neck. She sighed heavily, shaking her head as she replaced her rump to the seat, her eyes slowly turning back to the blond. "He bit you."

Gabriel was confused. First off, when did Caden meet Lil-- oooh, Raphael. Okay, that was not too bad to comprehend.The mention of Caden glowing differently and then watching Lily look at the other's collar, that was something else. He blinked a few times, even more lost. "Bit?"​
Sergei didn't quite understand, either. He had no idea or concept about vampries aside from Dracula, who was only an urban legend to begin with, or so his mother had always told him. So why then would Lily care one way or the other if someone-he didn't know who-had bitten Caden? He wasn't bleeding, right? And how did she know Caden in the first place? The questions were confusing the Russian and he leaned his head against Gabriel's shoulder to try and figure some of them out.

Caden touched a hand to her shoulder, trying to reassure her that he was alright. "It worked out," he said softly, giving a little smile. Still smiling, he turned to Gabriel, incisors growing marginally so that he would understand. "Bit." He took the drink order for the table, and then returned his attention to Lily. "Come by for dinner on Sunday. I have off and Raphael will be there."
Gabriel watched the two and he perked up. Oh, that bit. He sighed softly and then turned his attention to the boy on his shoulder, trying to think about how to explain the situation to Sergei without having him freaked out or anything of that sort. "Raphael, Lily's son, is half vampire..." he began, trying to piece the things together and he glanced over to Caden before back to the Russian once more. 'Um ... I believe Raphael bit Caden and changed him too, right?" He looked to Lily for confirmation, the woman nodding her head.

"Raphael's father is a vampire, Sergei ... So, Raphael is only half, but he can still change people." She smiled and then looked over to the blond, glad he was okay with it. She knew how her son did things rashly without thinking things through, but she was just glad that it all worked out. She blinked a few times at the offer. Dinner on Sunday? "Oh. I had not planned to stay that long, but I would love to, thank you. I'll call Lewis tonight and tell him he and Charmeine will be spending more time together." She giggled gently and smiled all the more.

Gabriel perked up, looking at the woman. "You had your baby?"

Lily looked back to him and nodded. "Yes. Oh, sorry, Gabriel ... Raphael did not even know. It just turned hectic with Ariel's new boyfriend and oh, so much other drama in the house. Yes. Little Charmeine. After school ends, you'll have to come by sometime to see her."​
"Good!" The blond rushed off to fill their drink order, giving them a little time to chat in between him rushing off and bringing back the glasses and taking their order. He rushed off once more as the restaurant was busy tonight, feeling a little guilty that he couldn't sit and chat a little more.

Sergei digested the information about Raphael and Caden and Raphael's father. It was a shock, to say the least, but like with everyone else, the Russian saw the aura of the two men, not the fear that vampires instilled in the general population. Their auras were bright and good, and that was all that mattered.

At the mention of a baby, Sergei perked up. He'd never been around infants before, and he was quite curious about them. He didn't know what to ask, though, and so he simply sat and listened to the conversation about Charmeine, and hoped that perhaps Gabriel might ask him to go visit, too.
Lily laughed softly and watched hte blond bounce off. She smiled warmly and turned back to look at the Russian who seemed interested. She smiled even more. "You can come too, if you would like, Sergei. The more the merrier." She offered, not wanting Gabriel to feel guilty for bringing him. She could already tell that the two were pretty much inseperable. That was so cute though. She really was happy for both of them. Sergei seemed like he needed someone, and that was a good thing. She took a sip of her drink before setting it back onto the table contently.

Bartholomew had been heading to one of his tables when he spotted the white-haired woman. He stopped, blinking a few times before his eyes sparkled. "Mrs. Marsters!" He chimed happily, rushing toward the table and practically leaping on the woman. His arms wrapped around her neck and he gripped Lily tightly, kissing he cheek before he set back, sitting on the edge of the booth, looking at the woman. "It's been forever!" He chimed happily, his eyes staying to the other and he really had not expected to see her here of all places. Why was she here?

Gabriel smiled. He turned to Sergei and looked him over a little. "Do you want to come with me? You do not have to ... and it won't be for a while, so you can decide later on." He leant over to kiss his lips softly, just as someone came rushing to tackle Lily. He stared at the two, utterly lost yet again. Wow. He had not thought Lily would know people here. Knowing Caden made sense. Her son was dating him. Knowing this one? He ... did not get.​
He beamed at the invitation. "Thank you." It was nice to know that he was welcome and liked by Gabriel's mother, even if this was not the woman who raised him. They were still very much alike.

Looking to his lover, he nodded softly. "Yes, I think I would like that." He leaned up to peck a kiss to Gabe's lips, nuzzling against his cheek a little when there was a streak and a shout and then a man landing himself at the booth. Sergei shifted closer to Gabriel, scared. The man's aura wasn't bad, per se, but he didn't know who he was or why he was so excited and that made him rather nervous.
Gabriel beamed. He would? Oh, that was so good! He nuzzled into his head a bit before looking over at the man that clung to Lily, confused as ever. He blinked a few times, looking over at the other and his eyes traveled along the attractive man.

Bartholomew looked over at the two in front of him, his eyes narrowing at Gabriel a little before he turned to look at him a bit more. He then turned his eyes to Lily, sniffing her a bit and he blinked afew times. "Your kid?" He asked, opinting a thumb in the direction of the man across from them.

Lily laughed softly and nodded. "Yes." She said simply and patted the other's thigh and she then turned to Gabriel and Sergei once more. "Bartholomew and his grandmother used to have a cabin near our house that they visited during the summer ... He ran away one time and I found him." She smield and then pecked a kiss to the other's cheek before she looked past him. "Shouldn't you go to your tables, Bartholomew?"

He groaned, nodding a little and he grumbled a few times before he slid out of the booth and began to mope his way to his tables.​
From that point on, dinner went fairly normally and Sergei was glad for that. He didn't like not knowing what to expect, even though he knew that Gabriel wouldn't let anything bad happen to him. The chicken primavera that Gabe had picked out was tasty. Not Sergei's favorite, but he did not hate it, either. He cleaned his plate, their earlier activities drawing a large appetite from him.

Caden checked in with them a few times, bringing drink refills as needed. He really wished he could stay and chat, but at least he had good news to tell Raphael when he got home tonight, or when he saw his boyfriend the next morning. He still hadn't asked the other man to spend the night, and while the redhead would stay at his apartment to wait up for him, if Caden was too late coming home, the other would likely leave until the next morning. It was a nice routine that the blond felt oddly comfortable in.
At the end of dinner, they paid and then made their way out of the restaurant, stopping a few steps off to be out of the way but not too far away. Gabriel turned to Lily with a questioning look. "Do you already have a hotel? If not, I'm sure that Uncle Relic and Uncle Rune have a spare bedroom ... Or even my room. I can sleep on the couch." He offered, knowing that Sergei spent hte night with him, but he was pretty sure that for one night, he woul be okay in his dorm. Maybe not happy, but sometimes, sacrifices had to be made.

Lily perked up and smiled warmly with a little shake of her head. "Thank you, Gabriel, but I can sleep in a hotel." She leant up to kiss his cheek softly before she settled back onto her heels. "I was planning on staying overnight anyway, so I shall just add on a few days." She smiled a bit more and was about to walk off before Gabriel stopped her once more. "Hm?"

"Let us walk you to your hotel at least? We don't need anyone trying to hurt you." He truly was worried about her. With her nod, he laced his fingers with Sergei's and then walked beside the woman down the street to wherever her hotel was. HE did not want to leave her alone. HE could not do that at all.

Bartholomew waved to Lily when she left, smiling gently before he turned to Caden. Instantly, he bombarded the other when he was not near a table. "How do you know Mrs. Marsters?" He asked, his arms wrapped around the other' elbow, gripping him tightly to insure that he could not get away.​
Caden jumped a little when Bart grabbed onto him. He wasn't expecting it. He also wasn't expecting the question and the blond looked at the other man as if he'd grown three heads within the past half second. "Are you out of your mind?" he asked, still confused as to why he'd be asking such a thing. "That's Raphael's mother..." How could Bartholomew not know? He knew everyone else by scent, so why not Lily and Raphael?
Bartholomew froze. That was why she smelled so familiar! Rather, that was why he, when first meeting Raphael, recognized the scent. He just put it off as knowing what a vampire smelled like. He blinked a few times and then he looked over at Caden. "Raphael's part angel?" He asked, not having caught that scent. The vampire was much stronger than the angel, but now that he thought more, he realized that. Well, part of his reason was he was too dead set to try and steal Caden away, but that was not the point at the moment. He then leant closer to the other, snifing him a few times with interest. Did that make Caden part angel too?​
Caden gave him another confused look. "No. She gave birth to him without passing on any of her angelic genetics." Rolling his eyes, the blond tugged his arm away from the other man. "Of course he is. The entire family line has angel in them somewhere." Perhaps that wasn't quite accurate-he really didn't know-but Caden would put money on that fact if he were to gamble. "I told you to be nice to Raphael," he laughed, moving to take care of his last table of the night. "He might just go running to Lily to tell her what a big, mean jerk you can be." Sticking his tongue out, the blond moved off, wanting to finish out the night quickly.
Bartholomew pulled his upper lip back in retort, rolling his eyes as he thought for a while. Yep. Everything was beginning to make sense now. Damn. He chewed his lip for a moment before turning to see the other walk off to a table. his brows furrowed and he began to follow after him, being called over to another table and he held up his forefinger before walking over to the blond once more. "Caden, can I come to dinner Saturday?" He asked, his eyes looking over the other and he waited for the man's response. Either way, he would wind up popping up if not for two minutes just to say 'hello' to Lily again. Yep, he definiteyl wanted to join. "I promise to be nice to your boy."​
Ignoring Bart until his customers were happily taken care of. "Sunday?" The blond bit his bottom lip, worrying that Raphael might be upset that the other man was there. "I um... I should ask Raphael, really. It's his mom..." While he had invited Lily, it was done on behalf of his boyfriend and so it was only polite to ask said boyfriend if he minded the company. "I'll let you know tomorrow, okay?" Smiling, he took off again to prepare the table's check in the hopes that they wouldn't want to sit with dessert and linger for hours.
Bartholomew thought for a moment. Yea. Sunday, not saturday. Whatever. The man knew what he meant. He looked at him, waiting silently for an answer. He let out a soft squeak of excitement, gripping the other and pulling him to his form, planting a brief peck to his lips. "Thank you!" he chimed happily, bouncing off to the table that by now already established he would not be getting a tip. Meh. Minor loss for the day. He easily walked over to them, his long locks swaying behind him in the ponytail. "Dessert?" He offered, taking the emptied glasses of the table and he nodded, leaving to refill and return to take their orders. He was quite happy at the moment. He loved to spend time with Mrs. Marsters. She was the best!​
Caden was a little surprised that Raphael agreed to Bart coming to dinner, but he shrugged it off and prepared dinner for four. Sunday was a little hectic for him, but it would all be worth it. Both Lily and Bart were due to arrive around six, and by five thirty, the blond had yet to shower. He gave a little 'fuck' under his breath as he checked on the roast once more before flying to take a (very) quick shower.

He was ready in record time and with ten minutes to spare. Bustling around to make everything perfect, Caden went into OCD mode, fixing every little thing, whether it needed to be fixed or not.
Raphael eventually went up to Caden at his third round of checking the place setting, he took a hold of the other's hands, gripping them tightly and pressing them together. "Relax." he whispered, leaning up to kiss his lips softly, looking up at him from where he was, smiling warmly. "It does not need to be perfect. My mother already loves you." He informed him, kissing his lips once more before he slid his arms aroudn the blond's torso. He hugged him tightly to his form and nuzzled into his chest, smiling all the more. "And I love you, so that's all that matters, right?"​
Sighing softly, he wrapped his arms around Raphael's shoulders, burying his nose in his hair and breathing in deeply. The blond's eyes closed tightly as he let his boyfriend's scent soothe him little by little. Really, Caden wished that they could stay like that all night, but knew that it was an impossibility. He knew it even more so when there was a knock at the door. Taking one last minute, the blond kissed Raphael, their lips lingering together softly for a moment. "Okay. I'm okay. Get the door? I'll pull the roast out to rest."
Raphael smiled. He loved being this close with his boyfriend. He loved doing anything with him, really. He smiled all the more, kissing his lips as he nodded. "All right." he whispered, heading to the door and he took in a deep breath. Opening the door, he arched a brow.

Bartholomew stood there, Lily's arm hooked around his elbow, and a genuine smile to his lips. "Hey Bl-- Raph." He choked down his normal insults for the moment, smiling all the more. He finally released Lily, letting her walk into the apartment before him. He smiled happily though, truly happy at the moment. He quite liked Lily. She was always so sweet! The epitome of everything any little boy needed. He walked past Raphael, kissing his cheek as he did so. He then wrapped an arm around the vampire's shoulders, closing the door with his hand and he began to walk forward with the other. "I had not realized Mrs. Marsters was your mother." He admitted, turning to look at the other.

Lily on the other hand was inspecting the apartment. It was very nice. Cute and cozy. Perfect for the one person living here. She then looked over at Caden, smiling warmly. "Dinner smells delicious, Caden." She said softly as she walked over to the blond, leaning up to place a kiss to his cheek, patting his chest as she set back onto her feet.​
He had to admit that he was nervous about how well behaved Bart was going to be. Caden tensed at the first syllable, but relaxed considerably when the lycan caught himself and fixed his greeting. Maybe they had a shot at a night evening after all.

Caden's attention was drawn away by Lily, and he smiled lightly as he returned her kiss, his arm easily slipping around her waist to hug her as well. "Thank you. I sort of had to wing it," he admitted with a little laugh. "Please, sit. What can I get you to drink?" He felt like his job never ended sometimes! "Wine? Water? Tea? Coffee?" The blond had made sure to have a little of everything on hand for his guests.
Lily smiled warmly and shook her head. "Water will be fine, sweetie." She said gently and then walked over to the table, sitting in one of the chairs and she looked over at the man once more.

Raphael arched a brow, looking up at the man who held him and he shrugged his shoulders. "Has been since before I was born." He stated, rolling his eyes a bit and he walked to the table, sitting beside his mother with a warm smile. "Hey Mommy, I didn't know you were going to visit." He admitted, leaning over and kissing her cheek.

She giggled lightly and turned to look at him. "It's fine. I visited with Gabriel too. He and Sergei are so cute together." She admitted, smiling all the more. Yep. She was definitely a happy mother at the moment.​
Shaking his head, Caden delivered Lily's water and tugged Raphael up from the seat at the same time. "I need help," he declared, sticking his tongue out at his boyfriend. "Then you can visit with your mother all you want." He pecked a kiss to Raphael's cheek before handing him the bowl of roasted potatoes and giving a playful smack to his rear end to guide him out towards the table. The blond brought out the sliced roast in one hand and the steamed veggies in the other, balancing both perfectly. As he set them on the table, he offered Bart a drink.
Raphael whined when he was suddenly pulled up from the table, pouting as he walked to the other. He helped him out, of course. He could not just deny him and tell him 'no! I don't wanna!', besides, his mother would yell at him if he did. So, helping out was not a bad thing. He brought the potatos without too much of a whine. A squeak at the swat to his rear, but that was about it. He placed them on the table and then went back into the kitchen to help with anything else that may be needed

Bartholomew was all too happy to fill the chair that Raphael was forced out of. He instantly was chit-chatting with her about what she has been doing all these years and answering any questions she may have had about him. This was why he wanted to come over. He wanted to catch up and spend time with her. If Raphael was her child, he definitely could learn to not hate him. WEll, he did not hate him right now, just more so did not prefer. He stated that. He told her he had tried to steal Caden from Raphael when they first met, and well, up until Caden was happy about being a vampire. She laughed and patted his hand gently in sympathy.​
There was nothing else to be done after dinner was on the table. Caden kissed Raphael quickly in thanks before reaching over and tugging Bart up from his seat. He wasn't mean or nasty with his action, but definitely assertive. "I think Raphael would like to sit next to his mother." Once more he poked his tongue out, though this time at Bart, and he lead the other to the chair that sat across the round dining room table from Lily. "Dig in. Please."
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