Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Calder moved up to Rune, hands sliding over his lover's hips while his lips pressed soft kisses over the man's heart. He knew that the other would instantly know that he'd been talking to Relic, but that was okay. "I get it. And this is the last I'll say for a little while, I promise. To do that...it's my way-the only way I know how-to show you that I want to be with you. Because I'd never consider it if you weren't in my life." Giving a little smile, Calder grew a few inches, just enough to peck a kiss to the twin's lips, and then dropped the morphe before moving to make food for himself to eat.

Yawning, Tanner woke up from his nap. His body was still a little more tired than normal from the ordeal it'd gone through and the blond found that sleeping made him feel better by leaps and bounds. He turned when the door opened, smiling at Relic. "I like napping better when you're with me."
Rune looked down at the other, biting into the pizza once more and he sighed softly when he listened to the other. He moved toward him to plant a kiss to his lips, pulling back to bite more of the pizza in hand. He sighed softly, finishing off the piece of pizza and then wiping his hands off on a nearby napkin. His arms slid around the other's torso to tug him closer, leaning down and kissing the man's lips happily. His forehead then rested upon the other's, sighing softly. "Thank you" he whispered, hugging him tighter and he then leant down to rest his lips against the crook of his neck.

Relic smiled warmly, shaking his head as he walked over to the other. He slid over the covers toward his love. Leaning up to kiss his shoulder gently. "Mm ... I was rescuing Calder." He whispered, kissing along his collarbone and up the other's neck, his hand over his torso and absently trailling along the side of his love, continuing to kiss him happily.​
Smiling, always happy to be wrapped up in Rune, Calder wrapped his own arms around his lover's neck and rested his forehead on the man's shoulder. The blond whispered a soft 'I love you' while hugging his love just a bit more tightly. They stood that way for long minutes, Calder just soaking Rune in completely. Until, that is, his stomach protested. "Go sit," he whispered, pulling away and kissing his love while he did so. "I'll make real food... And maybe something chocolate for later..."
Gabriel sighed softly as he made his way down the hall. His long silver locks were in a braid that he pulled over his shoulder, always a little paranoid that his hair would get caught in a locker or something. He did not know, but he was not comfortable moving through the halls and having a risk of someone tugging his hair. He liked it being long, liked it a lot, and so he never minded that, but he could be a bit paranoid if he had to be.

Amethyst eyes were pinned to a stack of papers in his arms, reading over everything and he let out a soft sigh. Easily, he swerved through the other students that were in the hall, not once looking up as he did so. He was concentrating on the paper within his arms. It was just someone's essay, but he wanted to get a head start on the papers he had to review and read and grade. His eyes traveled along the words, not looking up at anyone, despite the looks he was getting. Either students gawking at his looks or questioning just what he was doing.​
Deciding that gym class was not all that important today, Sergei sat on the lab table at the very front of Gabriel's classroom and waited. He knew that his boyfriend had a free period first thing this morning, and he wanted to spend just a little extra time with him. Besides, it would be a nice surprise, wouldn't it? He hoped it would, anyway. The Russian's legs dangled over the side of the table, the redhead only perking up when the man walked in.

He smiled and hopped down, moving to wrap Gabriel up in a tight hug from behind, nose nuzzled into the nape of his neck.
Gabriel had not paid attention to just who may or may not be in his room at the moment. Normally, no one was, and so when there was suddenly arms around him, he jumped. Not bad, just a bit of a flinch. His eyes went wide and he turned his head to see Sergei, smiling warmly instantly. He leant toward the male, kissing his lips softly. "Shouldn't you be in gym class?" He asked gently, not wanting either of them to get in trouble. He sighed softly and continued the way toward his desk to put the papers onto the desk to be looked at a later time.​
Kissing Gabriel, Sergei blushed a light pink with the question. "Yes." That was the only question asked, and the redhead had learned long ago to answer only what was asked and offer no more information than that. He didn't want Gabe to be mad at him for skipping class, and he certainly didn't want the other to shoo him off to class, either. Instead, the Russian made for a distraction, taking Gabriel's gorgeous hair at the end and pulling the tie gently from it before working his fingers through the braid, releasing the flowing locks.
Gabriel sighed softly. Of course he was skipping his class. Well, one time could not hurt too much, right? Sergei was old enough to know the consequences of his actions, and he was pretty sure that as long as they did not do anything normally done in the bedroom, they should be fine. He was about to let the other know that this would be a one-time deal, when he felt his hair tugged at. He arched a brow and looked over at the man, smiling warmly. He really was too cute. He glanced to his hair that was slowly coming unravelled and quite wavy as it did so. He took a hold of the redhead's hands, pulling him closer and he placed a light kiss to his lips. "Don't skip after today, please." he whispered, not wanting either to get in trouble.​
Sergei continued to work the braid loose, massaging his lover's scalp as he did so. The redhead looked at the other with the words and pouted ever so slightly. "I am sorry," he whispered, hands dropping to Gabriel's hips. "I like to... Em... to be with you." He had hoped that Gabe wouldn't be upset with him, but he supposed that he understood. He hadn't thought about either getting in trouble, as it was his first class missed and Gabriel didn't have any class.
Gabriel sighed softly, his hands lifting to cup the other's face gently. He smiled and kissed his lips softly. "It's fine." He whispered and then rested their foreheads together, closing his eyes a moment later. He wrapped his arms around his shoulders, hugging him tightly to his chest with a little kiss to his cheek. He rested his head against his and continued to hold onto him for a while, just thinking as he did so.

In the middle of the silence, there was a soft knock on the door before a white-haired female with those same eyes as Gabriel's slowly came into the room, stopping as she spotted the two. "Oh! I'm sorry Gabriel ... I'll come back later." She apologized, giving a gentle bow and beginning to walk out of the room.

"Wait! Miss Li- Um, Lily ... please stay." He called after her, releasing Sergei's shoulders and he straightened up, kissing his cheek before he walked over to Lily, taking her hand and gently pulling her back into the room. "I want you to meet him..." He whispered sofrtly, getting a warm smile from the woman who moved back into the room. He kept his hand with hers as he walked back to Sergei, smiling at the boy. "Sergei, this is Lily ... She is my biological mother." He introduced the boy then turned to the woman. "This is my boyfriend, Sergei." He stated, releasing her hand to walk to his side, wrapping an arm around the other's hips.​
Sergei jumped back a little when the door opened, a bright blush to his cheeks. They were so rarely open with their affection and it was a shock for someone to see them in such a quiet and intimate little moment. But Gabriel seemed to know her, and if he wanted her to stay, and he wasn't being kicked out so...

The redhead stared at the woman, who looked so much like Gabriel, not truly understanding the adjective of 'biological', and he filed it away to ask his lover later. In the mean time, he studied the woman's aura only to find that it was much like Gabriel's own, though perhaps with a tinge of pink and yellow mixed in. He liked her. "Good to meet you." He focused on forming his words and being sure they made sense as he said them, smiling and reaching out for her hand to press a little kiss to the back of it, all the while clinging to Gabriel's side.
Lily smiled gently to the boy in front of her, gladly holding out her hand in greeting, only to giggle with the kiss to her hand. "You're a sweetheart." She said gently and then slowly took her hand back. "It's lovely to meet you, Sergei." She stated and then turned to look at Gabriel with a warm smile. "I'm glad you have someone ... I always worry about you." She admitted, getting the man to blush with her words.

Gabriel kept his arm around Sergei, wanting to be sure the other would not feel uncomfortable or anything of the sort. He then looked back to his mother, blushing horribly. "I'm sorry." He said, a little unsure of what to say at the moment.

She giggled with a little shake of her head. "Oh, don't be. I just did not want you to be alone. I don't have to worry about my other children." She admitted, sighing softly. "Especially little Raphael ... I went to see him and he told me he was going to go see Caden. He's a sweet boy too.' She smiled warmly and then perked up all the more, turning to look at Sergei again, figuring talking about her other child would be a little boring. "So, Sergei, how do you know Gabriel?" She questioned, hoping that the language barrier would not be bad. She had easily realized that English was not his first language and she wanted to be sure he was not lost.​
It was sweet that the woman worried about Gabriel, and Sergei was content to sit and listen to the conversation. Though, Lily had other ideas. The question was a bit awkward-everyone knew how they met, but at the same time, they were not allowed to be student and teacher anymore, so did that mean that how they met was bad? "Em... We did meet while we were here," he offered, not sure if that was the right answer or not. The Russian didn't like having the spotlight on him and rubbed his warming cheek into the shoulder of his lover, hoping to hide the coloring away.
Gabriel smiled warmly, kissing the other's head while his hand lifted to rest on the top of his head as well, trying to calm the little blushing Russian just a little bit. He then turned to look back at his mother, smiling a bit more. "He was my student. That is how we met." He stated, nuzzling into the other's head just a little bit. Sergei was so cute with his blushing. "Have you seen Uncle Relic and Uncle Rune yet?" He questioned, keeping his eyes to the woman and trying to devoid the conversation from them, and mainly Sergei.

Lily giggled gently before she looked back to Gabriel. She laughed gently. "Oh, no. I have not seen them yet." She admitted and then rested her hand at her lower back, rubbing the ache that was beginning to form.

Gabriel easily noticed this and he smiled warmly. "Mi-- Lily ... Why don't you come back at the end of the day? I will take you out to dinner, Sergei as well." He offered, releasing his love to walk over to Lily and place a gentle kiss to her cheek before he straightened up and looked down at the woman.

She smiled and nodded. "I would like that. Where should I meet you two?"

"How about at the front steps at about six thirty."

"Perfect.' She smiled, patting the man's torso before she tilted her head to the side to look at Sergei. "Lovely to meet you, I suppose I shall be seeing you later." She then turned on her heel and began to make her way out, leaving the two alone again.​
Sergei was comforted by Gabriel's efforts, and he had to admit that he was a little glad that they were alone once more. He liked Lily, but it had been a surprise for her to show up and the Russian didn't like surprises very much. He was sure that he'd be better at dinner tonight. Moving over to his boyfriend after the woman had left, Sergei wrapped his arms around Gabriel's neck and kissed him softly, letting their lips linger together for a moment. "She glows like you," he noted before slipping behind the other to pull his hair into a pony tail, the tie being placed at the middle of Gabe's back. "I like it loose."
Gabriel looked behind him when he felt Sergei once more attached to him. A gentle smile to his lips as he leant toward him to place a soft kiss to his lips. He smiled. Everyone always told him that he and Lily were a lot alike, despite not meeting until he was sixteen. Apparently, there were just some things that being apart from one's mother could not change. Or that may be the genetics. To be honest, he did not know. He has met his 'grandfather' and well, she was interesting. The very fact his grandfather was a female was strange enogh. His great grandfather is interesting too. Especially since he is the twins' father. The family line is strange.

Pushing aside the thoughts, he felt his hair gathered by the other and he smiled warmly. Ah. He did not like his hair in a braid? He smiled and leant over to kiss his lips once more. He then took his hand, leading him toward his desk so that he could at least get a bit of work done. He sat on his chair, pulling the other onto his lap, arms wrapped around his hips afterward. "She is actually Rune and Relic's sister." He stated, turning his head to look at the other, smiling all the more. "I do not now how Miss Lily came from that family. Even the twins' elder sister is strange and quite violent like them."​
Sergei couldn't help the little shudder at the mention of the twins. He knew that they would not hurt him, but he still could not get past how dark their auras were. The ripple of fear left when he was pulled into Gabriel's lap, and the Russian settled back to relax until the end of the period. "You said... A word. Em... Bio... Log... Ickle?" He knew he'd fucked that up, but there wasn't anything that could be done about it and he knew that Gabriel not only knew what he meant, but that he wouldn't make fun of him. "What does it mean?"
Gabriel kissed him. He did not really like that the twins brought such a reaction out of the other. He felt bad, but hey, the twins were who they were. Yes, they had the capability to take a life and probably have taken quite a few, but they really were not that bad. They were like superheroes, in a sense. They never just randomly killed. Only those that deserved it or did their loved one's harm. It was a little heroic if one thought about it. But, apparently, Sergei had something else on his mind.

He looked down at the other, blinking a few times. Biological? He smiled warmly and shook his head. "It means something close to genetics. She's a blood relative. My birth mother." He then realized that the other probably was even more lost, and he continued. "I was adopted. Lily, the woman you just met, was the woman who gave birth to me. She could not keep me, though, so she put me up for adoption." He bit his bottom lip, trying to think of an easier way to tell the other what he meant, in case he still did not get it.​
Nodding his head, Sergei tried to process it. The concept was a little foreign, but he supposed he slightly understood. There was a reason that Lily could not keep Gabriel safe or loved, and so she gave him to somebody who could. The idea was only odd simply because it was never really spoken about in Russia, and especially in his family.

"I am glad that her glow is different." He wanted to like the twins, really he did, it was just difficult to see past the colors that had frightened him for so long in his childhood.
Gabriel smiled warmly. He nodded a little, kissing his temple softly. "Yes. Lily is sweet." He whispered, kissing his love on the lips gently before he rested his head against his shoulder, sighing gently. "I never once felt awkward with her. Even when I first met her, she accepted me so easily. Made me feel right at home." He giggled lightly before he perked up when the bell rang. Looking to Sergei, he kissed his lips. "Go to class. I shall see you at lunch." he stated, kisin him once more and he let out a soft sigh. It really was getting harder to let him go away.​
The Russian groaned when the bell rang, drawing his kisses with Gabriel out for as long as he could. Eventually, he knew that he had to go or else not only would they be late, but they would get caught by other students. He nodded and whispered that he loved Gabe before slipping off of his lap to attend the rest of his classes. They just weren't the same when he knew that he didn't have Potions with Gabriel, and the redhead looked forward to the end of the day.

When it came, Sergei was delighted, almost skipping down to their room to wait for his lover to finish up work.
Gabriel shooed off the other to class, not all too willingly either, but he knew it had to be done. So he went back to his classes, teaching everyone without a problem and he really was glad for the day to end. He hated to be apart from his love for too long. He really did not like it. At least they pretty much lived together now. That was always a benefit. He liked to be able to come home to his little Russian. It always made him quite happy.

Making his way down the halls, his papers held against his chest, he easily made it to their little room. Opening hte door, he slowly peeked his head inside, glad to see the other there. He smiled warmly and walked inside, placing everything onto the table nearby before he walked over to the other. He wrapped his arms around the man's torso, kissing the side of his neck gently. "How were your classes?" He whispered softly into his ear, continuing to hold the other from behind.​
Sergei smiled as he was wrapped up in his lover's arms, leaning back and enjoying the warmth that he missed so much. "They would been better with you," he answered with a decisive little nod of his head. The redhead took Gabriel's hands, pulling his arms around his middle more tightly as he relaxed into them, enjoying the soft cuddling. "How were yours?" He knew that they had to get ready for dinner, but Sergei wasn't yet ready to leave Gabriel's embrace. He liked being there; felt safe there.

Eventually, he did step away to take a shower and get dressed, though he paused to peck a kiss to Gabriel when he could.
Gabriel laughed gently and kissed his neck once more. "It was fine." He whispered before he set back so that the man could leave. He kissed him a few more times and then let him go off to shower. He tapped his forefinger upon his bottom lip before he shrugged. Pushing off his shoes and pulling the tie from his hair, he followed the other to the shower. Stripping out of his clothing and tossing them into the hamper, he slid into the shower behind the other, kissing his shoulder softly. "We do not want to be later." He whispered, smiling lightly as he did so. He kissed him once more before reaching past him to get the shampoo. He poured some into his palm and then began to scrub it into the top of his head, soon moving the suds down his long locks.​
Sergei gasped a little when he heard the shower curtain be pushed aside. He'd never had anyone, even Gabriel, in the shower with him. But one look at the other man's body and the redhead simply didn't care. He moved forward and wrapped his arms around Gabriel's waist, pressing their water slick torsos together as he kissed him. One arm stayed around the man's waist while the other moved up, hand cupping the back of his head and beneath his lovely hair with a strong grip (though it was nothing at all threatening) to hold him to the kiss for a few seconds longer.
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