Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Raphael sat across from the blond, his arms crossed and rested upon the table, telling the lovely waitress his order before he turned back to Caden. He smiled warmly and shook his head a bit. He sighed, chewing his bottom lip a moment before looking back to him. "Um ... Yea..." He whispered before he straightened up a little more. "So um ... When are you going to ... do it?" He asked, having been wondering that for a while. He rubbed at his forearm absently, waiting for the other to answer him.​
"Do what?" he asked nonchalantly. It couldn't have been more perfect if he had planned and Caden was dancing inside. He knew that he shouldn't be happy about leading Raphael on like this, but he couldn't help feeling like it was deserved. No real harm came from it anyway. The blond smiled as the waitress, Janet, brought over a bottle of wine with a little wink to Caden.

"You owe me."

He laughed and nodded, popping the cork and pouring both of them a glass.
Raphael's cheeks puffed out at he listened to the other. His eyes narrowed at the man and he let out a heavy sigh. "Undoing what I did..." he murmured, puffing his cheeks once more before he looked over to the woman that brought the bottle of wine. "Thank you." he whispered softly before turning back to look at the other. His hands slid to his lap, beginning to rub at his thighs and he waited for the other to answer him.​
He drew it out, watching Raphael intently. Caden wished that he was able to read minds, but he supposed that he wouldn't have to after his answer. The blond sipped the red wine, humming at the sweetness of it. Janet had remembered what he liked after only one conversation. That was rather impressive.

"Hmm? Oh. I'm not."
"Eh?" He asked, his eyes wide as he stared at te other. He blinked a few times in interest, his eyes staying to the other while he sipped his wine. "You're not?! But ... But you said that Relic figure it out, or something!" He protested, pouting even more. He was playing with him, wasn't he? His bit of reve-- WAIT! That meant he was not going to go back?! He was staying this way and with him? He gasped at the realization, squeaking as he leapt out of the booth and pounced him on the other side, gripping him tightly and kissing all along his cheek, neck, and lips every so often. "You're staying?!" He squeaked and kissed him a few more times. "Oooh! I love you!"​
Caden laughed, wrapping his arms around Raphael's waist and waiting out the excitement. "He did figure it out," he answered, this time telling the whole truth. "And in the process...how to reverse it...on Tanner." He was being allowed to have his cake and eat it too, and Caden wasn't about to take that for granted. He looked up at his boyfriend. "That was why I was thanking you the other day. Because without...whatever it was that you gave me then I wouldn't be able to keep at least one family member. Though... Rune might have your head when Calder starts to pester him..."
Raphael squealed softly, holding the other's face as he leant forward to plant his lips with his, giggling excitely. "Yay!" He chimed, moving to slide onto his lap, his arms wrapped around his shoulders and he nuzzled into the crook of his neck. "That's great." he whispered, resting his head against his shoulder and he pulled his knees toward his chest. He relaxed after a few moments, tilting his head back to look up at him with another kiss to his neck. "SO, um ... am I kind of forgiven then?"​
"I'm working on forgiveness," he answered, hugging Raphael to him closely. "But I'm not angry with you anymore." That was the main issue that had been keeping him away from his boyfriend: he couldn't get past the anger. But now that he'd helped (albeit unknowingly) him to 'keep' his brother, how could he stay mad? Besides, he hated being mad at Raphael. He wasn't quite sure, however, how he'd explain this to Bart. Caden would bet that his friend and coworker had been rooting for him to go through with the reversal, if only it made it able for him to bite him.

"I like that you're so high strung...most of the time. But if I tell you that I need time, I'm not saying it just to make you wait."
Raphael nodded to the other, laughing gently. He kissed his lips softly bfore he set back a little more. "Yes. I've learned." he whispered, leaning up to kiss him once more before he let out a relieved sigh. Eventually, he went back to his side of the booth and they ate their dinner peaceully. The man ramblin on about his better grades. Apparently, not being able to really see much of the blond made him study more intently on his lessons. He did not mind that bit too much. He did not lik being away from his love, he could easily deal with it since he did not want to mess up again.

The dinner was over, Raphael refusing to let the other pay, swatting him away quite a bit before he shoved the money into the envelope and gripped the other's hand and tugged him out of the booth and toward the exit. He stopped a few feet away from the door, turning to look at the other, smiling warmly. He leant up and kissed his cheek, sliding their hands together to lace their fingers happily. "Where to?" He asked, nuzzling into his shoulder a little, smiling a bit more.​
Calder sat astride Rune's hips, his rear end making a lovely seat out of his boyfriend's strong thighs. The blond's hands were working over the other man's back and shoulders, the balls of his palms digging deep into the muscles. He'd been thinking a lot about what Relic had done to Tanner, and found himself oddly jealous. He wanted to bring it up, but didn't want to risk a blow up of his lover. Still, Calder couldn't get past it and he was working up the courage to bring it up. Perhaps if Rune was fully relaxed from a massage...

"What...um... What do you think about what...they...did?" It had been a very long time since he was actually scared of Rune and Calder remembered now exactly why he didn't like it.
Rune rested on his crossed arms, his eyes closed and he was glad for his lover giving him a massage at the moment. He quite enjoyed when he would. He definitely had too much stress and actually getting a massage made him feel quite better. He loved that Calder was quite skilled with his hands in that aspect as well. He let out a soft sigh and he relaed even more. At least until he heard the question. What Relic did to Tanner? "You mean convince him to hurt him by hurting Tanner during sex?" He questioned, not really sure what else the other could mean. Sure, he oculd easily remember if he thought more about it, but he did no really think about it.​
The blond groaned. Of course Rune's mind would go to sex. Not that he generally minded, but when he wanted to talk about something specific without saying it, of course it'd be the only time that his lover didn't read his mind. "No. About Relic using...whatever Raphael gave to Caden on Tanner." He didn't know what to call it, or how to describe it other than the two would have a very long life together. Calder's thumbs ran over Rune's neck at either side of his spine, working out the muscles there.
Rune arched a brow and listened to the other tell him differently. He shrugged his shoulders a bit, resting against his arms even more. "Meh. Relic's a romantic, of course he would want his fiancee to be with him forever." He rolled his eyes beneath the lids, not really hating what he did, but it was not like he thought about it that much. He let out a little sigh. "I don't really care one way or the other. Tanner's nice, makes him happy, so if he wants to be with him forever, who am I to stop him?"​
It amazed him that his lover could be quite so dense sometimes. Calder shook his head and laid down, chest pressed to Rune's back as his hands slid up his arms. The blond kissed over his lover's shoulders before resting his cheek on one of them. "And...how badly would it scare you if I said I wanted to?" Calder's voice was soft, and his body tense while he waited to be tossed off the bed. He knew good and well that he'd likely never get married to Rune, but he could deal with that. What Relic and Tanner did wasn't marriage, and Rune had said it himself: he wasn't going anywhere. He didn't see why 'no' would be an optional answer. Then again, he was talking about Rune.
Rune arched a brow. He wanted to do that as well? He felt the other against his back and he let out a groan. HIs head nuzzled into his arms and he buried his face into them a moment later. How did he not see this coming? He slowly turned his head to the side, attempting to see the other but it did not work. He could tell by the other's body language that he was paranoid of him freaking out. He wouldn ot do that. At least not at the moment. "It does not scare me." He stated, his eyes closed once more and he gripped the pillow beneath him. "It's just never going to happen."​
The answer didn't make sense either, and Calder sighed softly, disappointment coursing through him. "Why not?" The blond's question was whispered, afraid of the answer. "I'm not asking for a ring, or for kids, or whatever else it is that you're not the type of guy for..." He didn't know what else there was that Rune could protest to, but he wanted to know. The blond slid off of his boyfriend's back, lying beside him and facing him.
Rune moved onto his side when Calder moved to lay beside him. He gave him a warm smile, shaking his head just a little bit. He leant over to kiss the other's lips, his eyes closed. " Calder ... I love you and you know that I do.." He began in a soft whisper, setting back and he looked at him once more. "I just don't want to change you, and yes, that includes just changing your DNA a bit to make you eternal or whatever. I don't want to risk it changing you. Who knows what my genes would do to you? There is a risk of us being born with some freaky parasite thing and ... Trust me, I don't want to risk that." He kissed him once more and then settled back.​
Warm little butterflies erupted in his stomach when Rune told him that he loved him, and the blond couldn't help the little smile at the words. "But that's why I want to do it--I love you. I want to be with you." He leaned up, pressing a small little kiss to the man's lips before settling back. "What if... What if we waited a few months?" It wasn't his ideal, but he could compromise. "See how Tanner does." If Rune was worried about changes, then they could use Tanner as a guinea pig. Relic had the same DNA as Rune, so he and Tanner had run the same risks. If his friend was okay in a few months, then what could Rune protest to?
Rune let out a heavy sigh, groaning softly before he climbed over the other. He kissed his cheek softly and let his eyes slip closed for a few moments. He took in a deep breath and nuzzled into his love's neck. "Fine. We'll wait and see how Tanner does, but the answer will still be 'no'." He mumbled, kising him again and he turned to make his way out of the room, planning to get something to eat for the moment. Or go for a walk, or fly, or just ... something.​
Calder watched the other go with a sigh. He just didn't understand. Rune's words said one thing, but his actions another and he hated that. The blond curled up under the covers, suddenly not hungry or wanting to deal with the outside world in general. He was sad and didn't know how to deal with it because he didn't know how to change his lover's mind. Pulling the covers over his head, Calder closed his eyes and tried to fall asleep, hoping that a nap would numb away the annoying pain and sadness.
Relic slowly made his way out of the bedroom, seeing Rune nonchalantly going around looking for left-overs. He sighed heavily and he headed down the hall to the bedroom holding Calder. He made his way to the man in bed, kneeling beside the bed, his face toward the other's head as he pulled the covers away, looking at him. "Calder ... Jut give him some time." He whispered, leaning overto kiss the tip of his nose gently and then setting back once more. "It's a miracle he says 'I love you' without being persuaded. He'll warm up to the idea." He offered, wanting to try and comfort his friend.​
Calder looked at Relic with pathetic eyes and a soft little whimper. "I know it is," he whispered. "But it's a fine line. If I push too much... I don't want to lose him. And if I don't at all... I'll never get him to say yes." The blond worked over the reasons why in his head, still not seeing it. It wasn't as if he was asking Rune to marry him, right? Or had his lover simply implied forever because forever wasn't all that long for him in the first place? He was being paranoid and he knew it, but couldn't help it. "Why is he saying no?" Maybe understanding would help him feel not so paranoid.
Relic listened to the other, smiling lightly. He crossed his arms and he leant toward him a little more, resting his head against his shoulder and he smiled a little weakly. "Because, my dear, he does not commit very well. He has gone, had gone, twenty-five years without ever having a relationship. He's a broken little boy and he wants to be totally positive that he will be okay with you being by his side forever. Give him time, okay Calder? He's paranoid that you'll leave him like every other person he may have cared for in that manner." He smiled warmly and sighed a second later. "He may not have had relationships in the past, but that doesn't mean he hadn't wanted them. Whenever he would try, the guy would always tell him he found another person, or would go away for something or another. He's scared that you may wind up doing the same and, to be blunt, if you break his heart, he wants to at least have the benefit of knowing you'll die some day."​
Calder had to smile at the last sentence, simply because it was Relic who was saying it. "I love him. I don't ever want to be without him." He knew that words were words and Rune could argue that words could change at the drop of a hat, but he could say that forever and forever was much shorter for Calder than it was for Rune. Still, he took what the man in front of him was saying to heart and he nodded. "Yeah. I can give him time." A worse thought to the blond than being without Rune was to hurt the man. He never wanted to do that.

He slid out of bed with a peck to Relic's cheek for the help to go find his lover.
Relic smiled lightly, glad to actually get a smile on the blond's lips. He was happy the other seemed a bit better now. He watched him stand up, closing his eyes for the kiss to the cheek. He then stood up from the floor, brushing down the front of his pants and he silently followed behind the other to go in search of his own little blond lover.

Rune currently was sitting at the island in the kitchen, not even at one of the chairs, just the counter, eating some cold pizza from the night or two before. He lost track of when they had pizza, but hey, it did not taste spoiled, so that was all that mattered.​
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