Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Gabriel smiled, his arms swooped around the other, his hair all soaped up by now. He turned them so that he could be beneath the water. The shampoo was easily washed out of his hair and he leant toward the other, kissing his lips gently and he was happy to keep kissing him the few moments more. He leant toward him, arms sliding over his hips and he pulled back with a smile to his lips. "I did tell her six... And last I checked it was only four...thirty." he whispered, wondering if the other would get what he meant. He may not really be all that sexual normally, but there really was something about Sergei that brought that out in him definitely.​
Whimpering softly, Sergei could feel himself becoming aroused. He still wasn't quite used to it, but knew that Gabriel would make him feel good. Nodding a little, the redhead moved to kiss his lover again and the hand that had been sitting on his hip moved to cup his rear end, massaging the wonderfully firm flesh there. His other hand slid around to rest on Gabriel's neck, thumb stroking over the other man's jaw as they kissed, his tongue slipping in between Gabe's lips, tasting the sweetness that was there.
Gabriel let out a gentle little moan to the other's touch, leaning forward to press his lips to the other's. His hands slid along the other's hips, pulling him to his torso and easily getting all the more aroused. His hips rocked against his, his lips happily caressing along the other's. He gripped the other even tighter, purring softly into his neck as he did so. "I love you, Sergei." He whispered, nipping his bottom lip briefly before he trailed his lips down the side of the other's neck.​
He smiled, loving when Gabriel told him that. "I love you too, Габриэль... Мое Габриэль." Smiling a bit more, the redhead leaned forward to capture his lover's lips in another kiss, this one more heated than the others. Slowly, it broke but simply out of a bit of frustration from the Russian. "Word," he whispered. "I am needing a word for it..." He didn't know what to call what they'd done or what they were about to do and therefore he didn't know how to tell the other man what he wanted.
Gabriel smiled wamrly, his eyes closed and he took in a deep breath, taking in the other's scent and smiling all the more. So lovely. He then heard the man question for a word. He lifted his head up, looking down at him and he could not help but to smile once more. Leaning forward, he kissed his lips. "Sex." He whispered, kissing him once more before he leant down to rest his forehead against the nape of his neck, his arms tightening aroudn the other. "Is that what you were looking for?"​
He wasn't really sure what word he was looking for, but it sounded right from the movies he'd watched and the conversations he'd heard in the school and so he nodded softly. "I want it," he whispered, kissing over Gabriel's neck and shoulder, arms tight around his love's torso. "With you." He wasn't sure how to initiate the act, other than what he'd already done and was relying on Gabriel to help him along a little bit, knowing that he'd eventually learn what he needed to know.

Remembering the other man's reaction from that night, Sergei reached down, stroking over Gabe's erection with his fingertips before making a fist around it to stroke softly.
Gabriel smiled warmly and he placed another kiss to the other's lips. His hand traveled behind him and turned off the water easily. He kissed him again and let out a gentle groan. He pulled back the curtain and took a step out of the tub, being sure that the other was out of the shower before he began to lead him toward the bedroom. He opened up the door, pressing Sergei to the door to move it open easier. He then led the way to the bed. He spun them, falling back onto the bed and figuring that the other could have a shot at being on top, literally this time.​
Following easily, Sergei was a little glad that he'd been lead to the bedroom. He didn't know how the mechanics would work in the shower and he definitely felt more comfortable on the bed. Falling on top of Gabriel, the Russian smiled a little, finding that he liked the 'power' that he held in this position. He wasn't sure what to do with said power yet, but he knew that he liked it.

Leaning down, he kissed Gabe once more, shifting so that there was a comfortable pressure on his own erection from his lover's thigh, hips working themselves out of instinct. Sergei moaned softly at the sensation before pulling from the kiss a little bit. "Show me..." He was clueless, but always eager to learn. "I do not... Em... know..." His cheeks flushed brightly as the soft words passed his lips.
Gabriel looked up at the other and he smiled all the more. His hands slid up the man's sides, tracing the slight curve of the other before his hands moved back to rest upon his hips. He moaned gently and he looked up at him, his eyes keeping to his and he took in a deep breath, blushing in his own right. He glanced down to the connecting contact of their hips, blushing even more. He took in a deep breath, looking back up to the other and he smiled a bit weakly. He lifted up his boy bits [hehe] and then angled himself for the other's member, he slid toward him and pressed the head of his member into his entrance, gasping gently. "Th-there..." he whispered, biting into his lip.​
Sergei watched, his blush deepening as he did so. He would admit if asked that he enjoyed seeing Gabriel nude, but he still felt it was a taboo thing. When his lover gasped, the Russian couldn't help a matching one. The heat from the other man's body was intense, and his aura deepened into a jade green: sexy and sultry ((yeah so made that up)). Leaning down, Sergei kissed Gabriel as his hips pressed forward, the Russian moaning deeply as he slid in softly.

"Габриэль..." When he was fully seated, hips pressed to Gabriel's rear end, he paused to get a hold on himself. "Okay?" he whispered, not wanting to hurt his love.
Gabriel gasped gently once again when he pushed into him. A light moan to his lips and his hips bucked against him a moment before he once more relaxed, especially with the other kissing him. His eyes slipped closed and he moaned ever so lightly. His arms lifted, wrapping around the other's shoulders and he pulled him closer. He waited a few moments and he nodded after a few moments. "M-mhm..." he whispered and nodded. "It's okay." He added and he kissed him even more, tongue traveling along his lips.​
The Russian's hips began to move softly, Sergei unsure of himself and what would feel good for the both of them. He couldn't help the groan, though, as the sensations flooded through him. His forehead dropped to Gabriel's shoulder, breaths coming in short gasps. Sergei's bright green eyes closed, allowing himself to simply feel Gabe beneath him as he began to gain his own rhythm, both with his hips and his breathing.
Gabriel gasped gently when Sergei began to move within him. He let out another moan, his eyes fluttered closed once more and he gripped the other tighter. His arms slid closer around the redhead's shoulders, panting beneath him as the pain was easily subdued by the pleasure. His hips gently pressed up and against the other, groaning all the more. He loved the other so very much. He had not ever thought he would feel this way about another person. He never had cared for relationships with men or women before him. He was so very happy he found him, though. He moaned and pulled the male tighter, grinding his hips against his, moving in the same rythm of the other.​
As he found his hips speeding up, Sergei brought his lips to Gabriel's, kissing his lover deeply. His tongue explored the other man's mouth, tasting the sweetness that he'd come to love so very much. Pulling away as the need for air became more and more urgent, the Russian watched the other. He noted the reactions and the changes in his aura, no matter how slight. No matter how taboo the act, Sergei couldn't help thinking that Gabriel was so beautiful during it. He liked watching his lover no matter what the activity, but the silver haired man glowed-almost literally-while they were like this, and the redhead loved to see that.

He engaged Gabriel in another kiss, hips moving frantically at this point and Sergei felt that feeling in the pit of his stomach. He knew he was close to exploding once more.
Gabriel gladly kissed the other, happy for the distraction from his pleasure, or rather, it more so added to the sensations. He just wanted something to muffle his moans, and the man defintiely supplied that for him. He groaned and pressed up and against his form a little more. His hands slid down the other's shoulders, absently trailing along the front of his chest, just wanting to touch him so much. He moaned softly, their lips parting and the other moving faster within him. He rocked his hips with the movements and quite the loud moan passed by his lips, the man blushing even more. He had not been able to contain himself that much, and he knew that soon he would not be able to last.

He was right too. The redhead had barely re-connected their lips when he felt his body begin to properly react to the other. His hips continued moving and grinding against the other, moaning against his lips. A few more thrusts and his eyes shot open as a deep moan passed his lips once more and a moment later, he released onto their bodies, moaning all the more with the pleasure he felt.​
The warmth that spilled out between them made Sergei moan as well, his lips trailing down to kiss along Gabriel's neck. The tightening of his lover's walls around him, coupled with the pure ecstasy on the man's face and in his features were more than enough to draw his own orgasm out of him. The redhead thrust into his lover's body only twice more before he filled him, calling out Gabriel's name in Russian, along with a few other vulgarities that would have made him blush had he not been flushed with orgasm.

He slowly came down from the high, unable to control his breathing or heart beat. Lips once more were pressed to Gabe's, this time in a slow and sultry kiss, Sergei sucking on his lover's bottom lip until it turned red and swollen and pouty.
Gabriel shuddered when he heard his name upon the other's lips. He adored the sound of his name passing Sergei's lips, especially when he said it in Russian. He did not know what it was, but he just liked the way his love spoke his name. He groaned lightly, all too happy to kiss the man once more. His eyes fluttered closed again and he easily submitted to the man's kisses.

slowly, he relaxed once more. His eyes slipped closed and he took in a few deep breaths, his hips instinctively bucked up into Sergei's for a moment before he pulled away once more. His hands slid up the other's chest, slipping behind his neck and holding him once more, a smile to his lips. He leant up to kiss his lips before resettling onto the mattress. He kept his eyes to the other, chewing on his swollen lip just a bit. "I love you." He whispered, leaning up to kiss his lips once more.​
"Love you" was whispered softly against Gabriel's lips, Sergei nuzzling his cheek and neck, basking in the afterglow. He felt that he could happily curl up with his boyfriend and nap the afternoon away as all he really wanted at that moment was to be close to Gabriel. He knew, though, that they had a dinner date with Lily and that they now had to re-shower. Very slowly he pushed himself up, taking a moment to regain his balance before helping the other man stand. Sergei pulled him into a hug, face buried into his neck for a few minutes, and he then finally pulled away.

"I think that I must need another... Em... Oh. Shower."
Gabriel gladly held onto the other, his arms wrapped tightly around his form, kissing his temple softly. He smiled warmly and nodded, laughing ever so softly. He kissed the man's temple. "I think we both need a shower." He said softly, taking his hand and he began to make his way back to the bathroom. A shower definitely would make him feel even better. He needed to bathe so that he could be clean for dinner with Lily. He always, still, felt he needed to make a good impression on the woman. It has been almost ten years, yet he still never wanted to have her think ill of him, even in the slightest way.​
Nodding, Sergei followed the other man to the shower and hopped in, glad that they didn't use all of the hot water earlier. It didn't take long for them to shower again, or to get dressed and ready to go. Sergei dressed in a nice pair of charcoal slacks and a green striped shirt, wanting to look nice but be comfortable as well. He wasn't a huge fashion buff like Relic was, and so he never looked quite as good as the younger twin did, though that never bothered him much.

Sitting on the bed, the Russian waited for Gabriel, hoping that his hair would be allowed to flow loose rather than be tied back, even if he did understand why his lover tied it back so often.
Gabriel showered, staying a few extra minutes after Sergei left to properly clean up everything. He did not really think the other would want to see him clean as thoroughly as he had to. He heard the other leave the bathroom and that was when he exited. He kept hte towel around his hips while he took the brush to begin getting the snarls out. It always took so much time to brush his hair, but he did not mind. He quite liked his long hair, so he never would think of cutting it. Maybe trimming off a few inches for aesthetics and to be sure that it looked fine, but that would probably be it.

Stepping from the bathroom, he moved to pull on a pair of black pants and then a simple long sleeved purple shirt. He pulled his long locks from the back of it, letting them flow naturally out across his back - and yes, it was because he heard Sergei tell him that he liked it when it was free. He walked over to the man, taking his hand to pull him up, kissing his lips gently. He smiled warmly. "You look lovely." he whispered, kissing him once more before he took his hand and began to make his way toward the door, planning to go meet up with Lily.​
He smiled brightly when he saw the long, flowing locks and Sergei's fingers automatically went to card through them as he was kissed. "красивейше," he whispered, eyes taking in every inch of his lover as the word passed his lips. He looked up at the other, blushing lightly that he'd forgotten to translate before speaking. "Beautiful," he repeated, in English this time. With one last kiss, the two made their way down to meet Lily at the front doors as was promised, right on time.

As they walked, Sergei's fingers threaded through Gabriel's hair, the Russian not able to help himself from touching the silky strands. "Where... Em... Where is dinner?" He was curious to know where they were going, even if he couldn't ask that properly.
Gabriel blinked a few times. That was a new word. He looked at the man and smiled all the more when he told him what it meant. He leant over and kissed his cheek softly. "You are too." he whispered back, kissing his lips gently before he decided just holding his hand would be enough PDA for walking down the halls, especially when he meant to meet Lily. He smiled and turned to look at the other. "Where we had dinner before. The little Italian restaurant in town." He informed him, kissing his cheek just as he turned to see Lily silently and patiently waiting for them.

Lily smiled instantly, looking over at the two and she beamed happily. "You two look lovely.' She said happily, kissing Gabriel on the cheek before she followed after the two to the car.

The ride was fairly quick before hte parked at the restaurant Caden and Bartholomew worked at, Gabriel exiting first and getting the doors for both Lily and Sergei. He took a hold of his love's hand and began to lead the way toward the building, being sure that Lily was with them of course. He made his way inside and then headed to the receptionist. "Gabriel DeMarque ... Party of three." He informed the woman who instantly nodded and began to lead them to a booth, telling them their server would be right with them. He let SErgei into the booth first before moving to the other side, Lily across from them.​
Nodding, Sergei followed silently. He'd trusted Gabriel to pick somewhere that he would enjoy, and hadn't been disappointed (though he didn't think that Gabriel could disappoint him!). He was comfortable holding his lover's hand, feeling more on even ground now that they hadn't been surprised by the woman's arrival or presence. He quite liked Lily and hoped to form a nice friendship with her and he hoped that his oddness earlier in the day hadn't put her off.

Sergei slid into the booth easily, feeling safe between the wall and Gabriel. "You will choose again?" He was still having a hard time reading the menu and understanding what he may and may not like. Maybe they should smuggle a menu out so that Gabe could help him? Sergei shook his head at that idea, knowing that the large menus would be much too hard to smuggle out and he knew that stealing was wrong, anyway.
Gabriel looked at Sergei, smiling all the more as he did so. He was so cute. He nodded and kissed his love's cheek gently. "Of course." He said softly, taking his hand and lacing their fingers, holding his hand upon his lap, absently running his thumb along the back of the man's hand. He then looked over to Lily, smiling all the more. She really was a lovely woman. He did not know what it was, or how it happened, but she was the gentlest soul one could ever meet. More angellic than the pure angel mother she had. He smiled lightly and then turned his eyes to the menu, trying to decide just what they should get.

Lily looked around the restaurant and then once more back to Gabriel and Sergei, smiling at the couple. they were cute. She was so glad to see Gabriel had someone. She knew that he needed someone to love and well, Sergei seemed the one to fulfill that need. "It's a lovely restaurant." She commented, looking back to the menu and her eyes traveled along all the items she may want to eat, tapping her forefinger against her bottom lip as she did so.​
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