Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Bartholomew pouted whe nthe other pulled him up, narrowing his eyes at the other. "Keep it up and I'll sit on you." he mumbled, puffing out his cheeks before he moved and set across from Lily, not minding that idea at the moment either. He smiled to the woman and then began to dig in, quite surprised that it was very good actually.

Raphael smiled and then turned to his mother, interest within his features. "So, mommy, do you have any juicy stories about Bart that you could share?" He asked, his eyes sparkling with mischief as his lips pulled up into a smirk. He glanced over to teh lycan who was completely and thoroughly glaring at him by now. He blew him a kiss and then began to eat the food silently.

Lily giggled gently, shaking her head as she began to cut up the meat. "Of course I do." She teased, knowing her son wanted something good. "Remember, Raphael, if I tell one about him, there will be one about you..."​
Juicy stories? About Raphael? Caden perked up, smiling happily. "I want to hear juicy stories about both of them, please!" He'd deal with whatever consequences that were going to come to him when they came. For now, he was rather safe (he felt) seeing as he was sitting next to Lily and easily had enough room to get away from Bart if he decided to launch across the chair at him. "Raphael already has some dirt on me." He poked his tongue out at his boyfriend before digging into the food, thoroughly enjoying his own cooking.
Both boys instantly were glaring at Caden, equally not happy at the moment. Raphael did not totally mind, but really, he wished that he could ask his mother for some embarrassing stories or some baby pictures or something. Maybe he would just call her up, or better yet, have her over for dinner at their place. Actually, they could make it a whole family dinner. The Reed family, with Relic, and then the Marsters family. It sounded quite lovely. IT would definitely be interesting to say the least. Relic around anyone was hilarious.

Lily giggled gently as she ate, knowing her little boys would not mind in the long run. She ate some more of the food, properly chewing and then washing it all down with some water. Her ankles were link and set to the side of the chair she set in, her fingers laced together asshe rested her hands upon the table, trying to think of ones that were not too bad. "Well, there was the time Bartholomew had tried to pluck his own eyebrows." She giggled at the memory, seeing the lycan turn red and just stare at his food. "He was so adorable, though. He was, what? Ten at the time I think ... He was in my bathroom for far too long before he came running out screaming and he had tweezers in one hand, bleeding and barely any eyebrows left..." She laughed gently, her hand lifted to rest over her lips as she remembered that instance. Her head shook a little bit. "Apparently he did not like his eyebrows being out of line, but just did not know when to stop. I rescued him though, of course. Plucked what was left into a nice shape and then filled the rest in with some eyeliner I had."

Raphael arched a brow, staring at the blushing Bartholomew and he let out another little laugh. 'Hah! That's precious." He laughed without a care and continud to happily eat, at least until he heard his mother say, "Now Raphael on the other hand..." and he slowly turned his eyes to the woman.

Lily's amethyst eyes were tilted up to the ceiling while she thought for a while, looking over at her son and she smiled even more. "You were always such a mischievous boy." She shook her head, turning to look at Caden. "You know that huge tree in our backyard? Raphael climbed it. To the tip top, but he wound up getting stuck and then refused to come down. Luckily for him, his uncles were over and easily got him down. I think Rune scared him enough to jump into Relic's arms. if I remember correctly.' She smiled and turned to look at her boy, laughing softly. "You wouldn't even go to the second floor after that for a while... Of course it onlyl asted until you hit your teens when you decided jumping off a cliff would be a good idea." She then turned back to Caden. "Skinny dipping of course." She sighed and took up sme more pieces of meat, eating them silently while thinking of any other stories.​
Caden fully enjoyed the stories, filing them away for future blackmail if it was ever needed. And knowing the two men, it would definitely be needed! The blond laughed, not caring that he'd likely be flogged if Raphael or Bart had any say in it. "I think I'll have to ask the twins about that day, then. They might have some very interesting memories..." The blond grinned at his boyfriend, being sure that the redhead was well aware that doing just that was a promise. Payback's a bitch, not that he'd use such language in front of Lily.

The rest of dinner was nice. There were a few more stories told, but nothing too embarrassing for either Bart or Raphael. The blond stood to clear the table, figuring he had heard enough stories to take that as a punishment for encouraging it, and that the other two men would want to visit for a little while longer while he cleaned up.
Bartholomew easily moved to the other chair beside Lily, leaning toward her and smiling all the more. His arms crossed and he rested them on top of the table, leaning toward her with a smile to his lips. His right knee lifted to drape over his left, briefly looking over at Raphael and then once more back to Lily. "I'm surprised we've never met each other before this year." He admitted, shaking his head a bit.

Lily laughed softly and nodded a bit. "Yes. Normally, during the summer, Raphael was away at a camp or always at friends' houses or quite a few times he was at his grandmother's." He informed the other, figuring that that had been the reason. She then looked over to CAdenwith interest. "Caden, do you want any help?"​
There was an odd feeling about Bart at this point. Not that Caden didn't like him, but he didn't really understand just why he was so excited to spend time with her-she wasn't his mother... But he supposed that there was stuff in the lycan's past that he didn't know about and that it was all justified. Lost in his thoughts, the blond had to take a moment to process what the woman had asked him. It only took a few seconds and he smiled warmly to her. "I'm okay. If I need help, I can dislodge Bart from your side." He was only half kidding as he made his way about the kitchen to brew some coffee, boil water for tea and set out the dessert tray that Calder had made for them. The majority of the platter was brownies, specially requested for his boyfriend, and then it was filled in with other sweets like cookies and homemade candies.

Mugs were set out and orders for tea and coffee taken and served, the tray set in the middle of the table before Caden took a seat rather close to Raphael, the side of their thighs pressed firmly together.
Raphael laughed softly before he perked up when the food was placed in front of them. He chewed his bottom lip and reached forward to take a hold of a brownie, placing it on the plate and then absently stirring the tea in front of him. Adding a bit of sugar and milk before being content with that. He bit into the brownie, groaning lightly. "Mm... Delicious." he whispered, leaning over to kiss his love's cheek, smiling a bit more before he straightened once again to look at the other two. "How come you're so close to my mother?"

Lily blinked a few times, turning to look at her son and she smiled even more. "It's not important, sweetie. He found me and we seemed to bond." She informed him, smiling all the more.

Bartholomew arched a brow, lookin from Lily to Raphael and then back again. He sighed softly with a little shake of his head. "I was prostituting myself and she refused to see that happen so she scooped me up." He informed him, his eyes dull as he stared at the redhead who was quite shocked. "ANd no, I'm not making up a story. I was nine when I started, I looked like I was at least thirteen and well, no one really thought much about it for a while. Then, one night, Mrs. Marsters found me on the streets and looking like a wreck because someone was a little too violent with me and I refused to go home because Grandmum would freak out and call mother and father and I did not want to spoil their weekend... So, she rescued me."​
Caden was a little sorry he'd wondered, and the blond adverted his eyes a little. It didn't make him think less of Bart, but it made him realize how very little he knew about the other man. Though, the story had its advantages... Like Caden being able to steal a few bites of Raphael's brownie when he was distracted. He moved his arm around the redhead, giving a supportive squeeze to him. It was a shocking bit of news, and Caden didn't know how else to help his boyfriend.

"Okay?" he whispered to Raphael, wanting to be sure.
Lily sighed softly, reaching forward and rested her hand on the other's thigh, leaning over to kiss the man's cheek. She let out a soft sigh and then turned back to look at her son and his boyfriend, smilin warmly as she did so. She had not thought anything about Bartholomew back then. She had not thought any differently about the boy, no matter what he had done. She kissed his cheek once more and then settled back onto her seat. "Bartholomew was a sweet little boy." She stated and watched her boy be all the more shocked. She shook her head a bit.

Raphael took in a deep breath, looking over at Bartholomew and he smiled weakly. "I didn't know ... Obviously." he whispered, looking over at Caden and he sighed softly. "Yes. Fi-- Where's my brownie?!" He looked at the half eaten one on his plate and sent a glare to Caden. "What's up with that?!" He growled and then reached over to the plate once more, taking a new brownie and he shoved the other one toward Caden.

Bartholomew smiled and shook his head a little bit. "It's fine." He stated, smiling warmly as he looked over at the woman beside him, laughing softly.​
He chuckled a little and pressed a kiss to Raphael's lips in 'apology'. "It was good?" he offered, laughing a little and cuddling close to him. Reaching forward, the blond broke off a piece of the one that his love now had in his hand, giving a cheeky smile as he popped the bit into his mouth. Raphael had fallen into the game, and now Caden would play it until he got bored. It was just how he was.

Smiling at both Lily and Bartholomew, the blond offered more tea and coffee, not wanting his guests to want for anything.
The rest of the night went by wonderfully. They laughed and had quite the great time. Bartholomew offered to walk Lily back to her hotel, and Raphael gave her a kiss good bye before he close the door behind the two, waving as he did so. He sighed softly, shaking his head while he made his way toward the kitchen, planning on helping Caden clean up. "This was nice." He said with a little laugh, taking up the plate of desserts and beginning to put everything into containers to keep everything fresh.​
Caden enjoyed himself, but was a little happy when Bart and Lily left. He was tired and wanted to crash for the night, after spending a little time with Raphael, of course. As his boyfriend set the dessert plate on the counter to wrap everything, the blond moved up behind him and wrapped his arms around his waist, chin resting on the redhead's shoulder. "I'm glad you had a nice time."

He nuzzled against the other man's temple, pressing little kisses there every so often. He liked being close to him.

"Stay with me." The words were out before his brain even had a second to process them, and when it did Caden found that he fully meant them. He wanted Raphael to spend the night; to start acting like a 'normal' couple.
Raphael smiled, patting Caden's hands gently before continuing to place the food into everything. He took one of hte candies into his mouth, silently chewing it while he closed up teh containers. He then perked up when he heard the other ask him to stay. Stay? "As in the night?" He asked, biting the chocolate and eating it fully. He turned in the man's embrace, his hands slid to rest upon his love's hips, looking up at him with a questioning look. He smiled warmly and leant up to kiss the other's lips gently. "I would love to." He whispered, kissing him again and he then rested his head against his chest, utterly happily.​
He smiled a little, hugging the redhead to him. Leaning down, Caden stole a kiss from the other man, licking away the residual chocolate from his lips. It was a few moments until the blond pulled away so that they could clean up the kitchen-the last thing that he needed was a bug infested apartment. It didn't take long to finish and the moment that they did, Caden was headed for the bedroom, stripping off his clothes as he went. He was uncomfortable now, ready to relax and not able to do so in a pair of slacks and a nice shirt.

Once in just his boxers, the blond collapsed onto his bed on his stomach, sighing contently and happily.
Raphael arched a brow. He looked over at the other, watching him while he stripped and he trailed his tongue along his lips, purring softly. He slowly made his way toward the other. He pulled off his clothes, stripping to his boxers as he did so. He could definitely get used to this. His amethyst eyes traveled along the other's form and he grinned even more. He slid onto the bed over the mattress to the other's side. He leant over to kiss his love's cheek, nipping the flesh gently before he trailed the tip of his tongue along his jawbone and then set back onto the mattress completely.​
He pulled Raphael to him once the other was lying down, Caden's lips trailing a line up the redhead's side. "You're enjoying yourself too much," he teased, laughing a little as he did so. Still, that didn't stop his hand from running over Raphael's thigh and hip and stomach and chest, Caden not sure where he wanted to touch, but knowing that he did want to touch.
Raphael purred softly when the other made contact. He groaned lightly and turned onto his side, leaning to him to kiss along his neck in response to his actions. "Of course I am." he whispered, his fingers trailed up the other's side, slipping up to his shuolders and he trailed his fingers once more down the other's spine. A moment later, he moved and snaked a leg over his torso and slid onto his back. He ground his hips into his and purred a moment later. He leant down and kissed the back of his neck, nipping the flesh gently with a little grin to his lips.​
He found it a little difficult to keep up with Raphael and found that simply letting the redhead do as he wished was easier. When he had settled onto his back, Caden reached back, hand resting at his boyfriend's thigh. "Mmm... You could give me a massage while you're back there..." The blond craned his neck to look back at the other, waggling his eyebrows playfully. "I won't eat your brownie next time if you do..." That was probably a lie but it didn't matter at this point. He was in a playful mood.
Raphael arched a brow, looking down at the man at his words. "How about I punish you for stealing my brownie?" He suggested, his hands pressed to the back of his shoulders while his hips slid down his back, rolling his hips against the other's rump as he leant down to kiss his spine. His eyes slipped closed and he lightly nipped the flesh. His hands slid over his love's arms, trailing as far as they wuold go before trailing back up his arms to his shoulders and middle of the back agani, repeating the action quite a few times. He kissed his back a few more times before he bit once and floppped to the side, onto his back. His hands rested upon his stomach, eyes closed and his lefs stretched out.​
He pouted when the massage ended prematurely, but stayed where he was to plot his own revenge. It was easy as he looked at Raphael, and the blond shifted so that he was now leaning over the redhead, one hand on the other side of him, hips pressed into the other man's thigh. Caden leaned down to press a very quick peck to his lips. "Fine then. I'll just have to not tell you that I love you." He poked his tongue out and climbed up and under the covers to 'get ready for bed'. He hadn't told his boyfriend that he loved him since the night he'd been bitten, and even then he hadn't really said it. He didn't know what Raphael's reaction would be to the words, but at least his comforter gave him a little padding...
Raphael arched a brow, looking over at him. Loved him? He loved him? He figured as such, but it was still something wonderful to hear it. He grinned and moved over the other once more, straddling his hips. He pinned the other's arms to the bed, the covers separating them from pushing too hard or anything of that sort. He then leant down to kiss the side of his neck, smiling lightly as he did so. "You're trying to get me to rape you again, aren't you?" He teased, laughing lightly as he kissed his lips softly, sighing contently. "I am.. .very glad to hear that. I love you too." He whipsered and then kissed him again before he moved to slide off his lap once more. "I'm ... going to shower." He murmured, being sure to keep his back to the other, needing a bit of a cooler shower right now.​
The blond waited until he heard the shower running before slipping from the bed. His boxers were tossed to the side and he slipped into the bathroom silently. He knew full well what he was getting into; knew what was going to happen if he continued on, but Caden was alright with that. Grinning, he stepped into the tub behind Raphael, barely making a noise, and wrapped his arms tightly around his boyfriend, pressing his lips to his neck while one hand moved to warm up the water.

Using the same hand after the water was perfect, Caden reached up and pressed Raphael's face to the side gently until he was able to capture his lips in a rather heated kiss.
Raphael had expected to have a nice chilly shower, calm himself, then go back and sleep beside his boyfriend happily. He jumped when there were suddenly arms around his form. He stared at the hand in front of him warming up the water and then let him turn to face his boyfriend. He blushed faintly, kissing him back gently yet happily. His eyes slipped closed and he kissed the other passionately, wasting no time to turn around and embrace the other. His arms wrapped around his shoulders, pulling him tighter as they kissed, a gentle little groan passed his lips.

He slowly pulled back after a few moments, leaving an inch between them so his eyes could open to look up at the blond. "I love you, Caden..." He began, pecking another kiss to his love's lips before he pulled away once more. "You know what you're doing, right?" He did not mean in the fact of having sex, he knew his boyfriend's love life, but he just waned to be sure he knew that this would wind up getting somewhere else.​
As Raphael turned in his arms, Caden's hands moved down, cupping his rear end tightly, pulling the redhead closer. Even as the other talked, the blond's lips trailed down his neck, kissing along the side of it playfully. "I wouldn't be here if I didn't." He kissed Raphael once more, though he pulled away shortly after it started. "I won't ever tease you like that." He knew what his boyfriend was getting at with the question and he wanted to reassure him. Once more he moved to kiss the other, hands gripping tighter as his own hips pressed forward, growing erection trapped by his boyfriend's thigh.
Raphael shivered when the other began to kiss his neck. Oh, he was definitely hitting all his weak points. His eyes fluttered closed while he moaned gently when he felt the man's arousal pressed to his. He waited, breath caught in his throat as he waited for the other to tell him he was positive. He wasted no time as he jumped up and wrapped his arms around the blond's shoulders, his legs around his waist. "Thank god" he whipsered, his breath finally being released and he instantly pressed his lips to his love's, hips rolling against his hips, moaning lightly at the feeling of him so close to him. Oh, he was definitely a happy boy right now.​
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