Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Raphael perked up. He was here? He blinked a few times before he striaghtened and turned to look at the two, his heart aching at the sight before he whimpered and sunk back into himself. He looked up at the man with his amethyst eyes all the more hurt. He nodded a bit, cheeks puffing out with his pout. "You have no idea." he mumbled, eyes closing and he contnued to puff out his cheeks, whimpering softly a bit more. "He has every right to hate me."​
Bailey couldn't help but laugh. "He's hurt, dummy. He doesn't hate you." The bartender reached out and took the drink away from the redhead, shaking his head at him. "Go talk to him before he really does hate you." He didn't see it happening, but by now he was pretty sure that the man sitting across from him had a pretty good idea of his abilities and so he simply wanted to make him think that he saw it. "And send the other one over here while you're at it."
Raphael whimpered lightly, pouting when his drink was taken away. He glanced to the two and then slowly slid off the chair, brushing down teh front of his form while he headed toward the two, making his way through the other dancers and eventually to the two. He tapped Bartholomew on the shoulder, smilnig weakly. "May I cut in?" He asked, his heart racing within his chest as he stared up at the other.

Bartholomew glared at the redhead, about to send him off but he bit his lip, and nodded. He glanced over to Bailey and sighed softly. "I'll be at the bar." He stated, kissing Caden's head and he cupped his face. "Say the word, and I'll come back." He kissed his forehead before he pried his hands from his form and moved past Raphael to the bar. He crossed his arms and leant against the counter, looking over at the other. "Going for redheads, now?" he asked simply, smiling all the more.​
Caden whimpered a little bit when his 'protection' walked away from him, but he knew that something had to be done. They couldn't just keep going on like they were. But there wasn't much he could think of to say. The things that wanted to come out were mean and nasty and wouldn't serve any purpose other than to hurt Raphael. And as much as he wanted the redhead to understand, the blond just couldn't bring himself to hurt the other man so deliberately. Still, he couldn't help the glaring question that he needed an answer to. "Why are you so selfish?"

Laughing, Bailey whipped up a drink for Bartholomew and passed it to him. "Well I figured you were chasing that sweet little blondie so...what the hell?" The club was really picking up and Bae floated around to get drinks in between chatting up Bart. "Why? Jealous?" he teased, laughing all the more.
Raphael wrapped his arms tightly around his form, taking a half step toward Caden to be able to hear him better. His eyes stared at his feet, not liking the look he currently was receiving from the man. At the question, he flinched, his eyes closed and he let out a short laugh. "I don't know." He admitted, lifting his head and eyes to the man. "I always have been ... Just never this bad." He closed his eyes for a moment and once again, they returned to look at their feet. "Why else would I have joined a gang? I did not care what horrors it brought my mother. How concerned and worried she always was because of me. But I stopped that... and then I met you and .." He took in a deep breath and forced his eyes back to the man's. "I don't know what it is about you, but you drive me crazy. With you ... I just ... I want what I want and for some reason, I do not stop when I should, or normally would."

Bart rolled his eyes, taking his drink and sipping it. "Nope. Shocked that you would hit on a blood-sucker sicne I could have sworn you had better taste." He chuckled lightly and then glanced over to Caden and Raphael, really wanting to just separate the two.​
"So it's my fault?" he asked softly. That was what he was getting from the response, and Caden didn't like it at all. He wrapped his arms around his torso, hugging himself because he wasn't okay with Raphael doing so for him, and Bart didn't need to be in on this conversation, though he could probably hear it anyway.

Bae looked at the other for a moment before disregarding anything said about lineage. "Sex is sex, lover. You were preoccupied and so I needed someone to wear me out tonight." He gave a little shrug, moving to help another customer before returning. "Though since it looks like you're now free..."
Raphael snapped his head up, shaking his head instantly at the other's word. "NO!" He took in a deep breath, relaxing a bit and he chewed his bottom lip. "That's not what I meant. This ... anything ... everything I have done to you is not your fault. It's mine." He let out a laugh, a nervous little one as his hand lifted to push through his crimson locks. "It's not you... It's me reacting to you." He stated, his hand trailed to the back of his neck, rubbing the flesh a bit and resting there, looking his eyes up to him once more. "I'm sorry, Caden. I lose control when I'm with you and I don't think properly and ... I can understand if you never want to talk or even see me ever again ... I'm sorry."
"I don't get that." How could it not be him, but Raphael's reaction to him? Weren't his reactions directly related to what he said and did? So therefore, wouldn't that make it his fault? But Caden was getting a headache and it was too loud to actually talk. He began to head to the bar, stopping after a second to take Raphael by the wrist and pull him, too.

The blond pecked a kiss to Bart's cheek. "I'll see you at work. It's too loud to talk in here." He gave a soft squeeze to the man's thigh as a thank you and a reassurance that he'd be okay before tugging Raphael outside, into the cool night air. "How can it be one and not the other?"
Raphael whimpered softly, rubbing his temple and getting confused in his own way. Confused, there was too much music, and he just wanted to scream. He watch him leave, about to sigh and just slump his way back, but the other took his wrist. He followed after him and gave a weak smile to Bart as he followed hte other out into the night air. He stopped a foot or so away and he wrapped his arms around his lower torso, looking at hte other. Yep. Just as he thought, it was confusing. He had been hoping that the man would have gotten a bit of what he meant.

"It just ... is." He sighed heavily, eyes closed for a few moments before his eyes lifted to look back at the other. "There is nothing wrong with you and I'm not blaming you, okay? It's a reaction within me whenever I'm near you. It's like ..." He tried to think of the word. "Pheremones? Whatever it is that makes the apes go crazy. Something like that and well... the other day, it was the worst. That was more so the vampire pheremones? Kind of ... I don't know. I just ... I got jealous and irrational and I hated the thought of losing you, even if it would be in many years to come, and I was stupid."​
He still didn't get it, but he had a feeling that he probably wasn't going to. "So...what next time then?" he asked, truly curious. "You've punished me by taking away my family for having fun with a friend and fucking around. What happens when I do it again?" Okay, perhaps the last statement was pretty harsh, but he had to know what he was getting into; what Raphael may or may not do because he could be a flirty person with the right friends.
Raphael shook his head. "It's not a punishment ..." He whispered, feeling all the more hurt that he thought that was the reason. He did not know how he thought it was a punishment. He did not think of it as a punishment. He meant the turning as an immature way of keeping him, but obviously that was not what he thought. "Please ... Don't think of it that way. I lost control and just wanted you. It's more possessive than ... punishment." his voice trailed off into something barely a whisper. He took in another breath and he looked back to the other. "I do not plan on there being a next time but uhm ... If it is any consolation, you're stronger than I am now so you should easily be able to get me away." He was not sure if that would be anything to help him, but he hoped it would just a bit.

"A-and ... if it still does... doesn't ease your nerve then ... you can never see me again." His voice choked at the last few words, his eyes instantly to his feet and he felt like just breaking down right now.​
"But you had me!" Caden was beginning to get frustrated and angry now, or perhaps those emotions had been there all along and they were just coming out. "I was letting down my walls that night and trying to tell you that I love you, and then this is what I get! An eternity to watch those that I care about suffer and wither away while I can't do anything to help them!" Yes, Caden was shouting now, but he really didn't care. He needed to get this off of his chest, and he needed Raphael to understand just how hurt and angry he was. "You know my situation! All I needed from you was time! Why can't I have what I need once? Just once!"
"Why do you only think of the negative?!" He shouted back, narrowing his eyes at the other as his hands balled into fists at his sides, staring up at him. "You said you love me, yet you don't think that having an eternity with me would be at least a little bit comforting?! No! All you keep telling me is that you'll see your family die. Why won't you let me be your family?! I know now it's stupid to think of and yes, I should have given you time, and yes I'm a selfish prick who only thought about himself for half of this relationship ... but that's who I am." Raphael groaned and pushed his hands through his head once more, staring up at him with frustration through his features.

"I know. I should have given you time. I should not have taken what I wanted without caring about what you wanted. But I was paranoid that Bartholomew may wind up stealing you away and I know your situation and that you had every right to take things slow, but all that 'thinking' and ... ugh." He groaned, taking in a deep breath and finally calming down for the moment. "I'm sorry."​
Caden was ready to tear his hair out. "Because you're not my family, Raphael! Tanner is my family. Bella and Julie and Olivia and Mom and Dad-they're my family. They're the six pieces of my heart that I won't have forever. And I can't not think about it! I can't just shrug it off and say 'oh well!' and I know that you can't understand that! You'll have every single person I met in Maine with you forever! Imagine knowing that you wouldn't-and that you didn't have a choice in it." He was frustrated that Raphael didn't understand what he'd stolen from him, and that he couldn't make the redhead understand, either.

"Losing them is my worst fear, Raphael... And now you've guaranteed it for me."
"I didn't mean to!" Raphael gripped tighter, his nails digging into his flesh as he continued to glare at the man, just a bit. "You make it sound like I meant to do that, like I wanted to. I didn't! And yes, I do not know what it's like to have a risk of my parents and my whole family dying." He took in a deep breath before he rummaged into his back pocket, taking out a crinkled piece of paper, and one of the reasons why he has not slept in days, and shoved it into hte other's chest. "There. I don't know if it will work, talk to Relic or ask him to ask Grandma to come up... But that's a possible way to reverse this. If you do it quickly and there are some other terms that were there but I don't think you've gone on a blood bath."

He turned on his heel and began to walk away before he stopped to turn back to him once more. "You have six months to a year ... I believe." He closed his eyes for a moment, remaining where he was and then lifted his eyes back to the other. "I have to read up a little more, but I am fairly sure that once you do this, there is no risk of turning back into a vampire.' He sighed heavily, turning and once again he began to walk of to probably wander.​
In front of his eyes, Caden's world was crumbling. He would outlive every one of his family members. His boyfriend was leaving because... Well because of everything. Who was left? The blond couldn't bring himself to chase after Raphael. The strength in his body left him and Caden crumbled to the ground on his knees, bent at the waist so that his face was buried in them. He was at a loss with what to do and how to deal, and he felt so very alone; abandoned. Tears streaked his cheeks, liquid fire on his flesh which was cool from the night air, sobs wracking through him.
The man stopped instantly when he heard the other fall to his knees and start to sob. He glanced behind him to the other and then made his way toward the man once more. He moved beside him, wrapping his arms around his shoulders and he rubbed his hand along the other's arm, kissing his temple softly. He sighed heavily and kissed his cheek. "Come on ... I'll take you to the penthouse." He whispered, attempting to help him up and off the ground. He could not just abandon him. He kissed his temple once more and continued to try and hoist him up. "And just remember that your family is not dead." He added, resting his head against the other's and he gripped him even tighter.​
He wasn't really sure about what was going on, but Caden felt the warm weight of someone next to him, and he heard Raphael's voice. The two were a comfort, despite his anger and pain at the moment. The word 'penthouse' filtered through and he shook his head, trying to compose himself enough to speak. It took him a few minutes, but he finally got enough air in him to do so. "Home. I just...want to go home." He'd been enough of a burden on the two couples. He didn't want to be even more trouble.

Slowly, the blond pushed himself up off of the ground, stumbling from lack of strength for the moment and he reached out to catch a hold of the redhead for balance. "Please just take me home."
Raphael nodded a bit, helping him and he slid his arm over the other's hips, holding him against his form while he made his way toward the man's apartment. He kissed his cheek a few times while he walked. He was sure to stop every so often when the man was too weak to move on. He just wanted to help him in some way. Apparently, all that he did, did nothing. He helped the other to the elevator, once they were at hte building. Poking the rightb uttons and he waited to head down the hall. He took the other's keys and then opened up the door, making his way through with teh man at his side.

Once inside, he walked over to the couch, helpnig the other to sit. He then walked over to get a glass of water, returning to the other and he knelt beside him, holding up the glass for him. "Do you want me here or gone?"​
Caden was grateful for the help, but the moment Raphael was no longer by his side, the blond pushed himself up with much effort and headed for the bedroom. He just wanted to collapse. He didn't care if the redhead stayed or went at that point, so long as he was able to go to sleep. The blond said so as he struggled to get his work clothes off. Coordination apparently was not his friend tonight, as the buttons on his shirt came undone with a rather loud riiip. He groaned, sinking onto the edge of the bed, feeling rather pathetic for himself.

"How would you have reacted?" he asked, voice shaky. "If our positions were reversed."
Raphael followed the other into the bedroom, staring at him and he arched a brow, sighing lightly. He walked over to him, placing the cup onto the sidetable and walked over to the other. He began to undo the buttons on the front of his shirt, letting the question sink in. He stopped at the bottom button, lifting his eyes to his and he smiled lightly. "Honestly, I probably would have done the same." He admitted, dropping his hands from the other's shirt and he flopped onto the edge of the bed, his elbows on his thighs as he stared at the ground. "I really am sorry." He said and turned to look at the other with a pathetic look.​
"I just n--" Caden stopped himself from saying 'need time'. That was what had gotten them into that mess in the first place, and he wasn't all too happy with where they were. "Need space," he finished softly, eyes adverted to his hands which sat clasped in between his knees. "It's not okay, Raphael, but I know that I won't be this mad for very long." Standing up, the blond pulled the other to stand as well before pressing a little kiss to his cheek. "Go home. I'll come find you when I'm ready."
Raphael cringed with the other's words, paranoid to hear him tell him to just go away forever. He stood up with him, looking up at the other ever so pathetically. He nodded a few times, wrapping his arms around the other's torso and he hugged him tightly, burying his face into his chest. "You still smell like strawberries." he whispered, never having told him that in the first place. SInce the first time he met him, he smelled of strawberries. He just kept it to himself and let it be at that. He undid the last button of the other's shirt and then turned to make his way out of the room and soon the apartment. He stopped at the door, turning to look at him once more. "Um ... If you do have any questions, Bartholomew would be a good source to ask. uncle Relic and Uncle Rune are okay, but lycans and vampires don't really get along, so we tend to know things about each other." He gave a little bow of his head before once more making his way out of hte room.​
A few days passed, and slowly Caden began to come to terms with... Well, not everything, but a good chunk of what had happened. The blond had passed the piece of paper off to Relic. He wasn't sure why, though. He'd been spending quite a bit of time at the penthouse with Tanner and Relic, sometimes happy as if nothing had happened and sometimes depressed about it all. There was no rhyme or reason to his moods he felt, just that they came and went. He'd sat with Tanner a couple of times simply to 'eat' and take in the bonding that happened when he did. Caden felt closer to his younger brother than he ever had before, and he couldn't help loving it.

It was a day where Caden was in between feeling sorry for himself and not, Tanner still trickling a thin line of blood down from the two puncture wounds while they laid in his bed together, soaking in the moment. Despite the pangs of self pity, Caden liked these days.
Relic slowly bounced his way into the room, beaming happily as he did so. He was having far too much fun exploring the paper that he had been handed by Caden. He walked over to the two, leaning down to kiss the puncture wounds, watching them heal up as he straightened and licked hte excess from his lips. "I have found ... quite a bit." He stated, moving to sit on the edge of the bed, one leg hanging off while his other was beneath his rump, looking over at Caden, smiling all the more. "I am close to finding something for you, to help you ... but luckily, I found that Raph was right. You have a good year and since you only have one source of food, you're fine. It said something about needing the blood of those you used." He batted his hand absently within the air, not thinking much about that part of it.

His ice blue eyes then moved to the blond he loved so, so very much. His eyes sparkling even more and he bit his bottom lip just a bit. "I also found something that would be kind of like ... me siring you." He stated, his teeth took in the ring at hte corner of his lip, gnawing on the flesh while he waited to see how the other would react.​
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