Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

It was nice to have the two that he loved so much close to him, and Tanner began to feel like he could understand Rune wanting it all the time. He pulled Relic into his other side and kissed him, listening to his words, though he couldn't help but notice Caden's face light up just a little bit. The younger blond didn't consider Relic for the moment, though he eventually would of course, and turned to his brother for his thoughts.

"I... I want to be with him, Tanner. Forever. But I want my family too. Mom and Dad wouldn't get it and the girls are too young... I mean, I'd understand if you said no but... You don't know what it'd mean to me..."

Tanner took in the words, fully understanding everything that was said without even trying. But Relic still had a say. Tanner couldn't tell if he was tugging at the ring out of an excited nervousness or a ball of worry. "And you?" he asked, nuzzling along his lover's cheek. "What do you want?"
Relic looked over at Caden, smiling warmly. He had not seen him that happy in a while. It was nice. He then turned to Tanner at the tugging on the ring, looking him over and he sighed gently. He leant up to kiss his lips with a whispered, "You" passing them afterward. He rested his chin on top of his chest, keeping his eyes to the man's. "I would not mind you for all eternity, but the decision is yours, Tanner. If you want to deal with me, my insane family, and now Caden for many, many years to come - keeping in mind that I mean many ... My father's thousands old - then I will be more than glad ot have you." He kissd him once more, smiling happily. "Besides, I don't want to have to get over the loss of you."​
How could anyone pass that up? Not that he would have in the first place, but that was fully beside the point as neither man in his arms at that moment would ever know that for sure. Reaching up with the hand that was around Caden, the blond tugged Relic's lip ring from between his teeth, kissing him lightly after doing so. "Then I suppose," he whispered, "that the word 'eternity' will have more than a figurative meaning in our vows?" He knew that both men had heard him, and the younger blond simply braced himself for a reaction.
Relic listened to the ther, kissing him back, though a little bummed about not being able to chew his lip. He stayed where he was before he heard him. A soft squeak passed his lips and he leant up to plant a firm kiss to his lips. "Goodie!" He chimed happily, bouncing a bit and he moved to sit up and back onto the back of his ankles, looking down at the blonds. "So ... Do you want to do it before the wedding, during, or after?" He asked, bouncing happily all the more. He definitely was happy right now. He wanted to go and wake Rune up but he was not THAT insane.​
Caden threw his arms around Tanner's neck and hugged him tightly, face buried in his brother's neck to hide the trickling tears of pure joy that were escaping his eyes. He didn't know how he'd ever repay Tanner, though he knew that his brother wouldn't let him anyway. "You two decide. I have to go see him." The blond had been dying to see his boyfriend, but couldn't bring himself to not cry every time he saw him. Now... Now he knew it'd be different. Pecking a kiss to Relic's cheek, Caden took off for Atlantis, pounding on Raphael's door.

"Now." There was no reason to wait in Tanner's mind. He wouldn't be changing his answer and he didn't want either Relic or Caden to think he might. The blond pulled his lover to him and kissed him, suckling on the lip ring and tugging at it with his own lips for a few minutes.
Raphael grumbled when he heard the knocking. A soft yawn passed his lips as he slid out of the desk chair. A simple pair of baggy pants rested on his hips, his crimson locks were forced back in barrettes here and there to keep them out of his eyes. He went to the door, the book he had been studying in his hand and he opened it with an annoyed look that quickly turned into a shocked expression. "Caden!?" He stared at him, wide-eyed and was literally frozen, not sure what to do right now.

Relic blinked a few times. Now? He stared a t him before he smiled warmly. He laughed lightly and he leant down to kiss his lips. "Impatient little thing." He whispered, taking his hand and he tugged him off into the other room that he made into his study when he got the paper instead of his normal clothes. He laid the page out and then looked over everything. He forced Tanner onto a chair and looked over to him. "You'll be in pain for a while." He informed him, wanting to be sure the other knew what he would get into. "I don't know for how long." He added, sighing heavily. "A day or two maybe ..."​
Expecting the shock, Caden used it to his advantage. The blond took a fistful of Raphael's shirt ((cuz he's wearing one now)) and he yanked him forward, their lips crashing together. He didn't let go of the shirt, but his other hand came up to hold the redhead's cheek, thumb caressing along the cheek bone. He didn't know how to put into words what he was feeling, but kissing the life out of the other man seemed to at least give him an idea.

"Only for you," he laughed, following Relic out of the room, sitting when prompted. He pulled his lover over with the warning, tugging him into his lap and kissed him, nuzzling along his cheek. "I'll be fine, Relic," he promised. With another peck, Tanner let go of his fiancee, anxious for the process to start so that the pain would be over with sooner. His heart was beating quickly and hard against his chest, the blond anxious and nervous and excited all at the same time.
Raphael's eyes went even wider upon the other pulling him to him. He gasped and he instantly kissed the other back, happy to feel the man upon him once more. He let out a gentle moan of enjoyment, his hand snapping the book closed and he wrapped his other arm around the other's waist, tugging him closer as he did so. He kissed him back for a while before he slowly pulled back and looked up at him, blushing ever so faintly. "Um ... Does that mean I'm forgiven?" he whispered, blushing all the more as his brows soon furrowed together after a moment. "You taste like Tanner..." He added, his free hand removed itself from his back to rest upon his lips.​

Relic smiled warmly. "Good." He whispered before he kissed the other's lips once more. He then went off and he took a blade that was on the table, twirling it between his fingers while he read over the inscriptions once more. He had to get this right. Otherwise, everything could definitely go downhill. He whispered a few things to himself and he then walked over to the other. He straddled his hips and took a hold of his love's wrist, holding it out and he dragged the blade over the flesh before doing the same to his. He forced the blood out and into the man's open wound, whispering the words he easily memorized and his eyes slipped closed.

It took a few minutes but eventually, he rested his hand over the other's wound and turned his eyes to look at him, gripping the limb and his other hand moved to hold onto the blond's free hand. "It should start soon." He whispered, his eyes staring up at the other and he waited to see or feel the other feel hte pain.​
"I should," he replied after he'd caught his breath. "He's ummm... yeah." The blond didn't think he needed to explain why he would or should taste like his brother. "And how would you know anyway?" he asked, ignoring the first question about forgiveness for the time being. He was more interested in how Raphael knew what Tanner tasted like.

Tanner watched with wide eyes, listening closely to Relic. He knew he wouldn't understand anything that was being said, but still, he wanted to hear it. He hissed with the slice of the knife, fighting the instinct to pull back and locking his eyes on his lover's. It was surreal to him to think that this was all it took, but that thought fled when intense pain filled his entire being. The blond gasped once more and nodded, scrunching his eyes closed as he tried to get used to it. It was no use and as he felt Relic lift him to put him to bed, Tanner passed out.
Raphael laughed gently and shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly. He finally released him, taking a step back and walking toward the desk. He laid down the book and began to undo the clips from his hair. "Because Tanner spends so much time with Uncle Relic and after a while, they start to have the same hints ... Kind of like when someone puts just a bit of nutmeg in their macaroni and cheese..." He shook his head and he then turned his head to look at the man once more, smiling warmly. "That and, you know how when you smell something, you have an idea of what it tastes like? Tanner smells like nature and so I figure he'd taste a bit woodsy and well, I could taste hints of it on you." he stated and then shook his head a little, smiling. "Um, want to sit?"​
Nodding, Caden sat on the bed with his back to the wall and his legs straight out in front of him, hanging off of the bed. "That...paper you gave me? Outside the club. I gave it to Relic." Raphael suffering a little bit wouldn't be unfair or torture, and so Caden left the statement at that for now, watching for a reaction. He wasn't sure what sort he would get, but the blond knew that he'd get one and he was hoping it'd be disappointment or hurt simply because he wanted to 'get even' with the other, even if disappointment couldn't compare with how he'd been feeling for the past week or two.
Raphael froze when he heard the other's words. He turned to look at him and moved into the chair, scooting toward the other with interest and a hint of sorrow behind that. "Um ... S-so .. He found a ... cure?" He asked, his breath literally caught within his throat.
Caden nodded. "He said I have a year or so, and that it'll be easier since I've only used Tanner to...um...eat." The idea was still foreign to him, and the words odd on his tongue. "We didn't really go into the details." He wasn't ready to put the redhead at ease yet. He'd suffered too much at Raphael's hands, and now it was the other man's turn to do some suffering. "Mainly because I wanted to come over and tell you thank you." Even if he wasn't telling him what he was thanking him for exactly... Not yet, anyway.

"You're disappointed?"
Raphael stared intently at the other. He pulled his knee up to his chest, wrapping his arms tightly around the limb and he rested his cheek against his knee while he listened to him. So, he did find something. He smiled warmly. "That's great." he said gently, despite the tugging at his heart. He took in a deep breath and his eyes slipped closed before he shrugged a little. "Um ..." He sighed heavily, shoulders slumping forward and his eyes looked over at him. "Would you hate me if I said I was? I ... was hoping that you would get used to the vampire thing." He admitted and smiled warmly. "But I'm happy that you're happy."​
It was too easy, really. Caden only nodded to Raphael, feigning sadness that the redhead was disappointed with his decision. He didn't say anything else, though. He didn't want to outright lie to the man, simply mislead him. They were two very different things if you asked him. They sat in silence for a long time, Caden not knowing what to say. Finally, something came to him. "I didn't lie that night," he offered, voice soft.
Raphael smiled warmly and he stood up, walking over to the man to plant just a gentle kiss to his forehead. "I know." he whispered, hugging him tightly before he patted the top of his head. "Now, shoo ... I have to study." He winked playfully before walking back to the desk to begin and down his work again.

A few days passed and Relic tended to Tanner, sponge bathing him basically when he got too sweaty. He kissed him every so often and made sure to keep him a little happy. By now, he was exhausted. He did not want to spend a waking moment without working to keep Tanner happy. He did not want him to be in too much pain. He knew how much the man hated it. He could not let that continue. He wanted to do everything he could, and so he tried to. Eventually, it wore him down. By the third day, he literally passed out next to the other on the bed. Hi head buried into the pillow and he did not even move while he slept.​
Caden left, disappointed but understanding, and returned to his own apartment and routine.

In the middle of the third day, Tanner woke. He was stiff, muscles sore, but he wasn't in any pain other than that. The blond groaned when he turned over on his side, but smiled when he saw his lover passed out. He leaned over and pressed a kiss to his temple, pulling the covers over both of them before falling back asleep, arm flung over Relic's waist.

When he woke up again, it was dark and he was hungry. Tanner felt like his legs weren't strong enough yet, though, and he nudged his lover gently. "Relic. Relic I need your help."
Relic groaned when he felt a nudging at his side. His brows furrowed together before he yawned and turned his head, jumping back a bit at seeing his love looking at him. "You're up!" He squeaked happily, leaning forward and kissing his lips firmly. "How do you feel?!" He asked and gasped softly. "Stay! I'll... go get you food!" He jumped up and out of hte bed, running int othe kitchen. He would deal with Caden yelling at him later on. He went around, making some french toast and bacon and he easily put it all on a tray with syrup, butter, orange juice, and milk. He held it against his torso and he walked into the bedroom.

He looked over at the man, smiling warmly. He headed to the bed and held out his tray to the other, his eyes sparkling. "Do you feel okay? Any different? If your eyes start glowing neon green, don't get too freaked."​
Tanner kissed his lover, laughing at his excitement. He waited patiently for Relic to come back, pushing himself up to sit with his back propped to the wall. "I'm fine," he laughed. "But I need to get out of bed. I can't feel my legs." That was a lie. He could feel that they were completely numb from his being in bed for three days. The blond shifted his weight to swing them over the edge, holding a hand out to Relic. "Help me up?" While he waited for Relic to move forward, Tanner picked at a bit of bacon, stomach screaming for food while his body rushed him to stand up and get to the bathroom. He wasn't used to so many sensations at once.

"Have you talked to Rune and Calder?" He was sure that Relic had, but he wanted to know how they took it. "And Caden and Raphael-are they okay?"
Relic giggled happily, placing the tray onto the side table as he took the other's hand, pulling him up from the bed. He wrapped his arm aroudn the other's form and he kissed his cheek softly. "Yes. I told Rune who probably explained it to Calder." he whispered, kissing him once more and then beginning to lead him toward hte bathroom. He figured if he did not have to pee, at the very least, he probably wanted to shower. He laughed at the mention of the other two. His eyes turned to him and he smiled all the more. "Mm. Caden is teasing him a bit. Ringing Raph along for a few days, thinking that he is going to use the reverse." He stated, kissing him once more while he moved into the bathroom, kissing him again.​
"I wonder how long it'll take Calder to nudge Rune into it." Tanner laughed a little, wrapping his arm around Relic's waist as they moved into the bathroom. "Shower. Gods I need a shower. And to pee. But I'll wait until I can stand on my own for that." Leaning down, the blond kissed his lover softly, letting their lips linger together for a few minutes as the water heated up. Finally, he began to peel his clothes off of his body. "And it serves Raphael right," he added. "Though... I'll talk to Caden if he drags it out too much longer." Under the guise of needing help, though he needed no guise to begin with, Tanner began to strip Relic down, too, fully intending on having his fiancee join him.
Relic laughed softly and he leant over to kiss his lips, nuzzling into his neck a little and he then arched a brow as he began to get undressed by the other, laughing softly. "Dirty little pervert." He teased, leaning forward to kiss his lips while he began to lift up the front of hte other's shirt, tugging it a bit before hep ulled back to toss the item away and behind him. "Yeah. I give it a week." He stated before thinking for a while. "Raph too. He needs to suffer a little." He giggled and kissed his love once more. He then removed the rest of their clothing, assisting the blond into the shower and he moved behind him. His arms slid over his hips, pulling him against his bare form with a little kiss to the side of his neck. "How do you feel?"​
The hot water against his aching muscles felt wonderful and Tanner groaned at the sensation. "Mmmm... Sore," he muttered, letting the spray beat down on him. "But...normal, other than that." There wasn't much difference other than he knew that something was different. No one would be able to see anything abnormal about him, nor did the blond feel like anything has changed. "I guess I feel younger?" he laughed, leaning down to kiss his lover.

The shower did him a world of good and by the time they were clean and pruned, Tanner felt that he had the strength to stand on his own. He shooed Relic out of the bathroom so he could use it, and then followed his lover out to get dressed. "Maybe I'll go talk to Tomias," he thought outloud as he finally sat to eat the breakfast (dinner?) Relic had cooked. "I'm curious." Relic and Rune knew what to expect from living for thousands of years because they were around those who had or were going to. Tanner never had, and he wanted some first hand stories of what to expect, even if Tomias had only lived a few centuries.
Relic made his way out of the bathroom, waving to the other as he exited to the bedroom. He pulled on a simple red skirt with a black and red striped long sleeved shirt. He ruffled his hair a little, just as hte man stepped out. He blinked a few times, tilting his head to the side in interest. Tomias? He smiled warmly and walked over to him, kissing his cheek gently. "He can tell you about being old, but not our genes. If you want to talk about everything related to anything new, I can get my Daddy to come ... If not, have fun with Mias." He kissed his lips and then turned to begin and make his way to the other room for something or another.​
Tanner gave a light smack to Relic's behind as he left the room, moving to clean up the bed a little bit.

It was his night off again, and Caden decided that taking Raphael out to dinner would help move things along a little. He was bored of seeing the redhead so upset all the time and perhaps, if he skirted around the subject, he could find the right place for his "GOTCHA!" moment. They went to his restaurant, though only because he knew Bart was off, got the best booth because Lucy loved him, and their order was taken immediately.

"You okay?" he asked, sipping his coffee. "You've been quiet the past few days."
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