Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Raphael groaned when the question was asked. He pouted and shrugged after a moment or two. "Weke up at four to be at your apartment by five?" He said, not meaning it, but he really would to be honest. He whimpered softly and nuzzled into the other's head a bit. His arms wrapped around the other's shoulders, hugging him against his chest a little tighter. He eventually relaxed after a few moments and sighed softly. "Or probably wind up camping out in the hallway ... or something." He shrugged after a moment or two of thinking, looking down at the other and he smiled lightly. "I suppose we shall have to wait and see, huh?"

Gabriel remained in bed when the redhead left with the pup, smiling warmly. He slid out of the bed and went to take a quick shower. His long, silver locks pulled over his shoulder once they were neatly brushed out. He got dressed and by the time the other returned, French toast was already on the table with some bacon, waiting for the other to sit down an eat. He smiled warmly as he looked over at Sergei. "Welcome back." He said cheerfully and he got out some glasses, filling them with orange juice and milk, depending on which Sergei wanted, depended on what he would drink.​
"I'm not answering the door before eight in the morning," he warned. It was a lie, really. Caden was the type to worry. If someone was at the door early, it might mean that they needed his help, and he couldn't ignore that. But Raphael didn't need to know that, either. The blond pressed a kiss to the chest beneath him before slowly beginning to tear himself away. He needed to shower and brush his teeth, the morning routine deeply ingrained in him. As he gathered his towel and clothes and went to leave, he looked over his shoulder. "Maybe-if you're good-I might even let you spend a night." The door closed behind him then as he went off to get ready for the day.

Smiling, Sergei leaned in to kiss Gabriel, pulling their bodies close together for a moment. He liked being close to the other man, and missed it when they weren't able to be. Finally, he pulled himself away to sit down to eat breakfast, opting for orange juice over milk this morning. As they began to eat, Sergei smiled a little bit. "We should... Em... Go. Trip." He nodded a little, having an idea begin to form in his head. "Soon." He didn't mean today or tomorrow, but perhaps in a few weekends. They were close-ish to California, and the redhead had always wanted to go into wine country to see the vineyards and maybe do a wine tasting. He hoped that Gabriel would like to, too.
Raphael pouted with a pathetic little whimper. He would not answer the door? That was not very nice. He grumbled a few times, even more so when the other moved out of the bed. He remained where he was, looking over at the man and he grinned. Maybe was a pretty good thing. He definitely liked 'maybe' when it came from Caden, and only a little bit because he knew that his 'maybe's turned into 'yes's. Not all the time, sure, but a lot of the time he would give in. He would not push his luck though. He would not suggest stayin nights, only wait for him to ask him to. Possibly go to his apartment later in the evening and see if he offers for him to stay. Yep, he was a genius, of course!

Gabriel smiled and pecked a little kiss to the other's cheek before he moved over to the chair next to the other. He sat down and began to eat, listening to the man. A trip? He stared at him for a while before his lips pulled up into another happy smile. "We can have a trip sometime soon." He stated with a nod. He did not know where the other wanted to go, but he was sure it was some place that they would both have fun. "Where do you want to go?"​
It seemed like moving day came very quickly. So quickly, in fact, that Caden wasn't completely packed or ready to move. Tanner rolled his eyes at his brother, but helped the other pack either way. He couldn't let him do it by himself.

When it came time to move everything, Tanner recruited Raphael and Nikkos and Relic, wanting to just get everything done. Nikkos, he figured, could help move several things along at once with his telekenisis, which would be the absolute most helpful. Also, the administrator had okayed Caden to borrow the school's furniture until he could get his own, which both Reeds were most grateful for.

It only took a few hours to finish moving his brother into his apartment, Tanner flopping down on the sofa-borrowed from Tomias's old room-once they were done, pulling Relic into his lap. With a kiss pressed to his cheek, the blond mumbled a thank you to his lover before flopping back completely once more.
Raphael helpedthe moving. He had planned to anyway. He could not just abandon his boyfriend when he moved into an apartment, especially when the moving in was because of him. He was so giddy that the blond chose to stay for him and to go to collee nearby once the new semester started. He would have to be sure he helped him study when the time came as well., He would be tue utmost of studious -- when helping Caden. He would not mind helping at all. Actually, he would probably prefer that over anything else. Caden could study and Raphael could be near his boyfriend!

Placing the last box into the bedroom, he stretched his arms above his head, groaning as he did so. His eyes slipped closed and he slowly began to walk out of the room, trying to find where his little Caden wandered off to.

Relic giggled as he was pulled onto Tanner's lap. He pulled his knees up and turned to nuzzle into the other's neck with a warm smile to his lips. He kissed the side of his neck softly, smiling all the more. "You're welcome ... I don't mind helping." He said softly and kissed the other happily.​
Caden had planted himself in the kitchen, putting away the dishes and glasses, silverware and pots and pants that his mother had sent for him. They wouldn't have been his first choice, but when you have no money, you don't complain about free stuff. He didn't have anything to offer the group and he felt bad about that, but such was life in a new apartment. The blond had a feeling that he would be eating meals at Atlantis while he looked for a job ((yep-so gonna have him working at Bart's restaurant =D)).

It didn't take him long before he flopped onto the sofa, head resting against Nikkos's shoulder, who was sitting next to Tanner. "Thank you again. For letting me use the furniture."

Nikkos nodded. "I think next time Tomias isn't getting out of manual labor," he grunted. His head hurt-a common side effect of using his powers too much in too short of a time. Leaning over, he smiled at Relic. "Wanna make the headache go away?" he asked sweetly.
Raphael hopped his way toward the living room, finding CAden and smiling warmly. He leant toward him, wrapping his arms around his neck and nuzzling into his neck softly. He smiled happily and continued to hold onto him loosely, really just resting on him a little bit. He kissed his cheek again before he stood up and moved around the couch to go sit in the chair nearby. He sat, legs stretched in front of him and he groaned lightly.

Relic looked over at the man and he smirked. "Or I could just force you unconscious." He teased before shaking his head. Leaning over Caden, he rested his hand against the other's forehead, his hand warming up and the pain easily went away. He then kissed hte top of the other's head and rested back into Tanner's embrace, smiling lightly. "Feel better?"​
Once more, Tanner shifted his weight. He was trying desperately not to wake Relic up, even though it was a Friday night and they had no where to be tomorrow. Finally, though, his body just wouldn't let him sleep. It was unusual for Tanner to wake up in the middle of the night like this, and so he hoped that Relic would play along with no questions. Scooting over, the blond wrapped his arm around his lover's middle, lips trailing over the back of his neck and shoulders.
Relic had been sleeping. He was a bit tired still from helping Caden move into his new place. He did not mind though. He was happily tired. He cuddled up beside Tanner and almost instantly fell asleep. Apparently, that was not the same thing for Tanner. He eventually had turned so his back was facing his lover, and he held onto the covers that were bunched between his arms, nuzzling into them like a teddy bear and he slept contently. Until there was some sort of contact to his neck. It was that sensation that brought him, slowly yet surely, out of his slumber.

His raven brows furrowed and eventually, his mind told him to wake up. With a bit of a groan, his eyes opened and glanced behind him to the man there. Smiling, he leant over to nip at the other's bottom lip. "Something I can do for you, my love?" He asked, a little groggy but slowly he was waking up.​
Tanner pushed his semi-hard prick forward into Relic's rear end as he continued to kiss over the man's shoulder and arm now. The blond's hand slid up to his lover's chest, tugging playfully at the nipple ring it came in contact with before it descended south again, stopping only to play with the navel ring. Still, he didn't say a word as his lips moved up to Relic's neck, nipping and sucking there, and even occasionally giving a stronger bite to cause just an initial jolt of pain.
Relic kept his eyes to the other and he listened silently before a soft purr passed his lips with the man's actions. He pressed his rear against teh other's member with a little groan. His eyes fluttered closed when he felt the bit of pain the other gave him. Oh, he loved that so much more. He rested a hand onto the one at his naval, trailing his fingers along the back of the flesh absently. He then wasted no time in flipping over to pin him into the mattress. His legs straddled the other's hips and he ground his hips roughly into the other's hips with a little growl. "Naughty little boy." He whispered, leaning down and beginning to kiss along the other's neck.​
Grunting, Tanner allowed Relic to flip him over. His leg wrapped around the other man's waist as his hips worked against his lover's. The blond's arms moved up to wrap around Relic's shoulders, holding him where he was at his neck while his head stretched back to expose more of the sensitive flesh. "If this is what I--mmm there---get for being naughty, I think I'll have to be more---oh!---more often..." The longer he spoke, the breathier the words got, Tanner becoming hot and bothered with Relic's actions to his neck.
Relic smirked, nipping the flesh only a soft little bite while he listened to the other speak. He chuckled softly and his hands slid along the other's chest. His fingertips trailed along his abs and then to his collarbone, sliding back down to give attention to the man's nipples for the moment. He pressed his hips into his a little more with a little purr. He remained where he was for a while, his ice blue eyes tilted up to look at the blond with a smirk once again. "May I stay on top?" He whispered, pressing a forefinger to his lips so he could continued. "Not that ... Just control." He added and he continued to grind into the man. He did not plan to make him a 'bottom'. He just wanted to be in control ... He really wanted to.​
The blond hissed as teeth grazed his neck, hips bucking up. The words made Tanner nervous, until Relic insisted that it was simply control that he wanted. He nodded, trusting Relic more than anyone...ever. "Yeah." He leaned up and captured the dark haired man's lips in a heated kiss, tongue slipping past Relic's lips to taste and explore his lover's mouth. Slowly, his lips descended to Relic's neck then shoulder, alternating licks and nips to the heated flesh.
Relic listened to the other and he grinned even more. Oh, that was lovely. He definitely wanted to play with the man. He pressed into him a bit more until the man's lips were pressed to his. His eyes fluttered closed and a soft groan passed by his lips. His eyes fluttered closed and he continued to kiss the other. His tongue trailed along the other's and he smiled all the more. He definitely was going to have fun today. He opened his eyes just a little to look at the man, his gaze traveled along his form and he eventually groaned when he gave attention to his neck again. His hands trailed away from the other's nipples to hook around the waistband of his pants. He pulled it down and he then tossed the garment from his form.​
Tanner moved fluidly with Relic, allowing the other to do as he pleased without any resistance. His arms tightened around Relic's torso, pulling their bodies flush together and he groaned at the heat that it produced. The blond's head fell back, allowing Relic free access while his hands slid down into Relic's pajama bottoms, squeezing his rear end tightly and effectively pulling their groins together, which drew a rather loud groan from the Elemental. "Mmm... More."
Relic groaned in return. He pushed the pants from his hips and wiggled them off, kicking them away without a care. His hands slid up the other's chest with a little purr. He leant down, placing his teeth upon the crook of his neck, nipping the flesh and his eyes fluttered closed while he nipped upon the flesh a little more. He continued to move their bare hips together, loving the feeling. His hands slid up the other's thighs and toward his chest. They moved up and down for a while before stopping at his collarbones for a few moments. He waited for a short while before his nails pressed into the flesh and slowly began to trail down the chest of the other, leaving pale red marks in their wake - all the while, his hips continued to grind against his and his lips moved to his neck.​
Tanner gasped at the sharp nips to his neck, but his involuntary reactions caused him to lean into them. They seemed to enhance the rubbing of Relic's hips. His lover's nails did just the same, Tanner's back arching into the soft jolts of pleasurable pain and he moaned gently. The blond's own fingers dug into Relic's rear end, pulling him more tightly into his body. Tanner's own teeth moved to the other man's ear, nipping sharply at the fleshy lobe in retaliation, lost as to what else to do in this position.
Relic looked down at the other when he heard him moan. A smirk traced to his lips and he grinned all the more. This definitely was the reaction he wanted. He took in a deep breath and he leant down to pressed his teeth into the front of his chest, biting the flesh firmly and leaving his teeth marks indented into the man's chest. He then lifted himself up a bit farther, his hips moved to hover over his member and he rolled his hips against the aroused flesh for a few moments before he decided to not tease too much more. His fingernails dug into his torso once more as he slid his form down, groaning when he felt hte man move into him, moaning all the more.​
He couldn't help the groans that were sliding from his lips, or the soft yelp at the bite to his chest. Still, his back arched once more into Relic's sharp teeth, silently asking for more. Tanner growled at the teasing, taking a firm grasp on the other man's hips, nails digging into the soft flesh a little bit, and he held him there. His own hips lifted up and pressed into Relic's erection completely before grinding together with him. "Want you..." Tanner lifted himself up, supporting himself with just the strength of his abs, and attached his mouth to his lover's neck, nipping and sucking there until bright red marks began to appear.
Relic moaned deeply when he felt the other take a little bit more of control, rather the pain inflicted upon his hips. He gasped softly, beginning to moved up and down upon the other's member. His rear moved up int oteh air and then slammed back down onto the other. He loved the feel of the other within him so, so very much. His eyes fluttered to the back of his head and he groaned even more. His hips ground and rolled against the other. His hands slid over those lovely abs of the man, passing them to moved up his back and eventually to his shoulders. He pressed his torso against his, moaning with the feel of his lips to his neck. His fingernails then dug into his shoulderblades and all the way down to the top of his rear.​
Crying out when Relic came down onto him, Tanner couldn't help his hips thrusting up to meet his lover's. The blond's fingertips dug further into Relic's hips, the blond not even noticing what he was doing or how deeply they were embedded. His lips moved to Relic's neck as their torsos met, teeth drawing over to his pulse point every now and then, nipping along the sensitive spot every few thrusts into Relic's tight body. He knew he wasn't going to last very long, and whispered out a hoarse warning to his lover with a hard and deep thrust into him.
Relic panted heavily and he definitely was happy. He purred and continued to roll his hips into the other's and he dug his nails into the back of the man. He pressed against him and he ground into his form all the more. He began to move faster. Pounding into the man and he moaned out deeply. The feel of the other's nails so deep and pained within his form easily made him more pleased than normal. The extent ot what he felt, he did not last long. He gave a few more grindings into him, ramming deeper onto him and he moaned all the more, moments later he released with a deep, rolling moan.​
The faster pace drew Tanner over the edge with a whispered gasp of Relic's name. His hips slammed up, burying himself deep inside of his lover and he filled him, gasping and trying to see past the stars that formed in front of his eyes. The blond very slowly returned to earth, sinking further into the bed and bringing his love with him. Tanner's fingers released their hold and his arms moved to cradle around Relic's waist and middle completely, nose nuzzling into the warm neck and chest of the other man. He panted heavily, too heavily to speak for long moments.

When he finally could, Tanner whispered a soft 'love you' to him, giving one more, very soft thrust of his hips up before carefully slipping out of his lover's body.
Relic groaned lightly. He leant toward him, resting against his torso and he took in a few deep breaths to try and regain his breath as well. His hands slid along the front of the other's chest, feeling the bit of damage done to the flesh and he smiled a little more. What was better? He could feel his hips tingling with the excess of pain. His eyes kept closed and he giggled with the bump into his hips. He smiled a bit more and he lifted his form off him, moving to the side. He slide over the side of his form, resting his cheek against his shoulder, looking up at the other. "Mm ... That was... magnificant."​
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