Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Gabriel smiled warmly, a faint pink tinted to his cheeks as he looked over at the man beneath the covers. He sighed lightly, setting into the bed and waiting for him to actually get hte motivation. He looked over at the other, smiling a little more. "Okay." He stood up, pecked one last kiss from the man, and then headed into the bathroom. He stripped frmo his clothing easily and slid into the shower. He was so happy to be with Sergei. He was also happier that he tended to leave the bed before he did. Recently, it seemed, his sex drive had begun to kick in. He did not know why, but just being so close and always with Sergei, made him far more aware of the man. And well, as a result, he always had a ... 'little friend' in the mornings. Yep, definitely glad for the cold shower.​
Tania was easy to care for now. She never had any accidents and she'd learned not to chew on things that weren't toys or bones or food... Though occasionally she'd find herself gnawing on either Gabriel's or Sergei's arms.

The Russian walked her for nearly a half hour before returning to the room to shower, too. He easily got ready for the day-being high maintenance was never his style-though it was far harder to say goodbye to Gabriel. Sergei found that he very rarely wanted to leave the presence of his boyfriend, and that he sometimes got anxious when he did. But school had to be attended to and so after a dozen or so little pecks, the redhead left for a long day of classes.
The rest of the day went by far too slow for Gabriel. While he could accept leaving Sergei easier than teh Russian, he definitely was not happy about it. He missed him through the day, but he was okay. So, the rest of the day went by easily and he was giddy to greet the redhead at the end of his classes. He had Tania on a leash in one hand and waited for the other to come out.​
Sergei smiled when he saw Gabriel standing there, and the redhead threw himself at the other, hugging him tightly. Tania was next to be greeted with just as much enthusiasm. When Sergei was confident that she'd received just the right amount of attention for the moment, the man stood and attached himself to Gabriel's side as they moved back to their room. The professor had papers to grade, and Sergei had homework to complete. It was part of their routine: wake up, one showers, one walks Tania, class after both were ready, homework and grading, dinner, a stroll around the grounds or into town with Tania, bed... Sergei liked routines, and he especially liked the ones that he and Gabe created together. "I will make for you dinner tonight?" A treat never went amiss, though.
The rest of the night went by beautifully. Sergei made dinner. They ate and talked about their days. Work was finished. Everything truly seemed perfect. By the time that eight o'clock came around, the two were cuddled up on the couch and Tania was sleeping soundly on her pillow not too far off. Gabriel slid out from behind the other, going off to get the dessert he made earlier. It was nothing fancy. Just some bit of chocolate mousse with homemade whipped cream. He got the glass sundae dish that held his creation in it and two spoons then walked off to the couch once more.

He sat beside Sergei, his knee rested against his as he lifted the spoon with a hefty amount of whipped cream on top of the chocolate mousse. He fed it to the other and pulled the spoon back once the other took the dessert off. He laughed softly a moment later, whipped cream on the tip of his nose. He leant forward, his lips wrapping around the other's nose, getting the cream off and he pulled back an inch, looking up at the other. He glanced over his features before moving forward to connect his lips with Sergei's, kissing him quite passionately.​
As he always did, Sergei fully enjoyed their evening together. His cooking was getting better each time he attempted dinner, and his homework was easy to complete, especially with Gabriel's soft encouragement and tips when he needed them. Cuddling on the sofa was always the Russian's favorite part of the night, especially with his boyfriend's desserts. They were always extra sweet and usually involved chocolate, which the redhead was learning quickly to love.

He giggled when Gabriel wrapped his lips around his nose, and gasped a little into the kiss. It had taken him a while to learn that this type of intimacy was okay between them, and to become used to it. Now, while he didn't crave it, the redhead never pulled away as he used to, either. His hands cupped Gabriel's face as they kissed, and he nuzzled along the other man's jaw when he needed to breath. "I like when you are kissing me that way," he whispered, cheeks flaming red as he said the words.
Gabriel pulled back just a little, looking up at the other with a faint pink tinted along his cheeks as well. He listened to the other and he felt his heart leap, truly. He chewed his bottom lip a little and then leant forward to place another soft kiss to his lips. He took in a deep breath, pulling back once more to look at the man. He deinitely wanted him. He never really had wanted someone in such a way before. He had barely had sex with someone. One woman and well, he never had anything with a man. He knew what to do - lord knows that the twins did enough to torture him and tease him about just what they would do to him, so he definitely had an idea.

He looked at the other, leaning forward to place a kiss once more to his lips. He took in a deep breath, his eyes opening up a little more and he trailed his hand up the other's thigh, resting at the top as he kissed him once more. He would stop if the other told him to, but he was not sure that Sergei, as smart as he really was, would not know what 'the next step' in a relationship was. So, if he asked, he would tell him, if not, he would show him.​
Kissing Gabriel, Sergei leaned into him. To the Russian, this was what they always did and it would lead to nothing more. He didn't know that there was anything more to be had, really. The redhead knew what had happened in his childhood had been termed 'rape', but never did he think that those actions were usually wanted and sought after between couples; he'd never been taught about sex or that a 'normal' relationship would include it, or that rape was sex. The Russian was completely naive about anything sexual, but he did know that the warm weight of Gabriel's hand on his leg felt nice. He moved closer to his boyfriend, sliding his arm around Gabriel's waist.
Gabriel continued to kiss the redhead for quite some time. His lips were heated and so very hungry as they collided with his. He loved him so much, and he needed to show him how much he did. His slender hands trailed up the other's thighs, hooking beneath his shirt and he began to pull the garment up. His lips parted in order to let the garment leave his body. Once it was off, his lips returned to Sergei, only this time at the base of his neck, sicking and trailing his tongue along the pale flesh. He was running on pure instinct right now. He did not know why, but he had the urge to kiss his neck and well, he was givin into his carnal urges.​
"Ah!" The lips to his neck felt wonderful, but they also confused Sergei. The Russian's hands trailed up to cup his boyfriend's face once more, guiding the lips back up to his own and kissing them. Pulling back, the redhead studied Gabriel. He looked in his eyes and at his kiss-swollen lips and flushed cheeks. He didn't understand why he was feeling the way he was: why his stomach was fluttering, why his pants were tight, why he wanted more... Leaning forward, Sergei kissed Gabriel once more. "I do not understand..."
Gabriel kissed the redhead, wishing to have continued but he did not want to scare him off. He took in a deep breath and looked down at the other, chewing his lip slightly before forcing himself to stop. He rested his forehead against Sergei's, breathing in his scent for a while. "It is ... What lovers do." He whispered, amethyst eyes opening once more to look down at the redhead. "I love you, Sergei and ... I wish to ... do more than kiss." Oh, he hoped that it at least made a little bit of sense to him. The language barrier combined with how naive and asexual he was - and he was more than Gabriel which said quite a bit - definitely made this difficult.​
Sergei's brain went in several different directions. Gabriel loved him? There was more than kissing? What did lovers do? The redhead's eyes darted back and forth, trying to piece everything together. All he really needed to know, though, was that he trusted his boyfriend more than he'd trusted anyone...ever. "There is more than kissing?" he asked, head cocked to the side in confusion. He had a feeling that knowing what came after kissing would answer the question of what lovers did. After a little bit of thought, the Russian realized that he knew that the other man loved him.

Leaning forward, Sergei kissed Gabriel once more, much more innocently than they had been. "You will show me?"
Sergei was so cute. He was so innocent and he loved that about him so, so very much. He knew that no one ever was like that these days. He did not know what his history was like, but he did not believe that mattered either. He just wanted to be with him and that was what he knew and all he really wanted to know right now. He nodded a bit to the question, smiling even more as he placed another soft kiss to his lips. He adored him so, so much. His arms slid beneath the other's form and he moved into the bedroom, into their bedroom.

Lying the redhead onto the bed, he suddenly was very, very nervous. He had not planned this through. Gabriel took in a deep breath and had to push aside his logic for this. This was not in the mind, it was in the heart and body. He slowly moved on top of the other, straddling his ips and he leant down to place a gentle kiss to the lips of the one he loved, kissing him passionately. Long, silver locks cascaded over his shoulders, falling onto the one beneath him while his fingers, shakily, began to undo the front of the other's pants.​
Moving seamlessly with Gabriel, not questioning at all. He knew that the other man wouldn't hurt him and it was proved to Sergei with his boyfriend's gentle touches and passionate kisses. When the man went for his pants, though, slight panic surged through the Russian's body. That was what Gabriel was talking about?! "No. No no. рапс." He didn't know the English word, and he knew that wouldn't help him. "Они сказали что никто смогли делать его снова." His head went back and forth, Sergei now no where near Atlantis in his mind as he babbled in Russian, not realizing."

***They said that no one could do it again.
Gabriel took in a deep breath when he heard the 'no's coming from Sergei. He lifted his head, his hands resting on the other's hips and he shook his head a little. His hand lifted and his fingertips gently began to trail along the side of his face, soft 'shh's passing his lips as he did so. "Sergei... Sergei... Listen to me..." He began softly, placing a kiss to his babbling lips, hoping to calm the other down even if just the slightest bit. "It's me, Sergei. You know me, I will not hurt you..." He whispered the words, his fingers continuing to trail along the side of his face, pushing back his crimson locks and all around just trying to soothe the other to relax. He did not know exactly what happened, but given his current reaction - he could easily guess.

"What happened to you ... Whatever it was, this is not the same. I love you, Sergei." He smiled weakly, kissing his lips gently once more before he pulled back. "I care for you so much ... Can't you see it in my aura?"​
The voice...was different. The words were different. And somewhere along the way, they penetrated Sergei. He calmed slowly, leaning into the soft touches of the man above him as he let the knowledge of exactly who it was sink in. Gabriel. Gabriel loved him; would take care of him. Gabriel wouldn't lie to him. "рапс," he whispered when he was finally calm enough to. "рапс... Em... Force." The Russian's voice was weak and while he wanted to tell the other his story, Sergei knew that now was not the time. But he also didn't know how to express that he could not bottom because of it. Either way, he tried. "I... Em... I cannot be okay with... Em... With that... Position?" The redhead looked up at the other man, hoping that he hadn't ruined anything for him.
Gabriel looked down at the other when he finally calmed down. He smiled warmly and leant down to nuzzle his nose aainst him. He would let the other tell his story now if he really needed to. Yes, it would murder the moment, but he wanted him happy. That was all he wanted right now. When he continued on in his explination, he sighed softly. His eyes remained closed and his nose rested at his cheek, smiling gently. "I could never hurt you, Sergei ... I had intended to be 'that position' you speak of." He whispered, kissing his cheek softly and he blushed even more. He really had planned to do that, he just wanted to be on top so that he could control the amount of pain he would be receiving.

Kissing the other's lips passionately, once more, his hands moved to pull at the pants he wore. He pulled the garments off the redhead's form and let them fall to the side. He then lifted off his shirt, parting their lips for a split second before once again replaicng them to his to hopefully make him more at ease.​
Gasping at the skin to skin contact, Sergei leaned up into whatever attentions that Gabriel was giving to him. The Russian kissed the other man, hands finally coming to rest at the small of Gabriel's back as he allowed his instincts to take over. One leg moved up, foot planting to the bed while they kissed, and Sergei moved a hand to thread through the lovely silver locks of his boyfriend. His own lips now moved to the other's neck, tasting there. It surprised Sergei that his body was leading him and that Gabriel wasn't laughing at him for allowing it to.

"Feels...good." There was no other word to really describe what he was feeling in that moment.
Gabriel tilted his head to look down at the other, listening to his words and he smiled all the more. He thought that? That definitely was a relief. At least he was not doing anything wrong yet. He nodded a little and kissed his lips softly. "Good." He whispered, his hands getting all the shakier as they traveled to his hips, pushing off his pants and letting them fall to his ankles, kicking them away a moment later. He took in a deep breath, trying to steady himself. Someone had to be stable, right? Know at least halfway what they were doing ... Or something.​
More flesh contact drew a soft moan from Sergei and even he was surprised to hear it. He didn't realize that skin could feel quite so nice against his own. The Russian kissed Gabriel passionately again, wanting more. He didn't know what 'more' would consist of, but his body was craving it. When he pulled away from the kiss, Sergei was breathless, chest rising and falling deeply and quickly. "More... Please... Show me more?" Perhaps this "more" stuff was okay-it meant that he could speak in one and two word sentences, which mean it gave the illusion that his English was better than it really was.
Gabriel listened to the other's pleas and a little nod moved to his head. How could he ever deny him? He knew that he could not and well, he did not plan to. He removed the last bits of their clothing and that wa when his nerves hit. Suddenly, he was feeling quite red in the cheeks, and even worse, he felt so, so very shaky. He looked down at the man and blushed even more. To calm his rocky nerves, he connected their lips once more in a passionate embrace. His form moved up his a little bit more, no too sure how this all was supposed to happen. Uncle Relic did this all the time, correct? So, this could not be too bad.

His right hand moved to ... 'test the waters' if you will. His hand slid to his rump, fingers shakily finding his entrans and sliding his middle finger into his form, actually managing to get a moan that he did not know he had pent up. His eyes slipped closed and he added in his forefinger, biting his lip instantly. That ... hurt a little bit. He expected some pain, but the logical side had to pipe up and tell him that not using anything to make this easier would probably hurt them both. With a kiss to the other's lips, he leant over to the sidetable, rummaging for a little before finding some lotion - it was better than nothing.

He poured some into his hand and liberally applied it to the other's member, giving a few more jerking motions to get the other a bit more stimulated. Once he felt that it would not be too bad, he lifted himself up and slid onto Sergei's member, moaning in a combination of pleasure and pain as he did so.​
Sergei watched, not sure what was happening or what should be happening, even. He blushed at the sight of Gabriel fully nude, and a little bit more when he found that he quite liked the sight. His boyfriend really was physically beautiful, even if this was the first time he was truly noticing the beauty beneath the aura. His hips thrust up involuntarily when the lotion was applied, and a soft cry left his lips. No one had ever touched him there and made him feel that good, but when Gabriel slid down over him, Sergei didn't know what to do. He was in a state that was near euphoria, but didn't know enough to thrust or move at all. Instead, his hands came to Gabe's hips and rested there, while he looked up with his mouth open and panting slightly.
Gabriel took in a shuddering breath, leaning toward the man and he kissed his jawline delicately while his hips, so very slowly, began to move up and down. Though, he easily found, that without Sergei doing anything other than gasping - while it may be a lovely sound - it would be better to have him experience this a bit more. His lips lifted to hte other's ears, a faint pink still to his cheeks as he kissed the man's ear. "Sergei ... Move ... Move your hips ... L-like you did ... Before." He managed to grunt out, a few moans interrupting here and there, but for the most part, he got it all out. He defintely could feel the pleasure, and understand why so many loved sex so much. The contact of his love so close. Hearing him moan and be pleased. Oh, everything really was just driving him wild! He knew it would be laughed at by his uncles or even Raphael, but he did not think he could last that much longer.​
He found himself thinking that the sounds that Gabriel made were lovely, and Sergei got lost in them. But the attention to his ear, and the words, drew him out of it a little bit. Move his hips? The Russian nodded, even though he had no idea what the other man was talking about. It took him a few minutes to figure out how to best plant his feet on the bed and take a hold of his boyfriend's hips before giving a rather loud "OH!" to the new sensation. It didn't take long for the redhead's hips to grow a mind of their own, and Sergei let them move without any instruction from his brain. Instead, he used that to focus on kissing Gabriel and feeling all of the new sensations.

The tingling in the very pit of his stomach was the newest one. "Feels like... Em... Mmmm... Like I will explode..."
Gabriel groaned when the man began to move his hips, moaning softly wih the strange feelings. He did not mind the pain. He found that the pleasure was easy to subdue any discomfort he may feel. He eventually wound up wrapping his fingers around his member, slowly rocking his hand back and forth and blushing horriblyas he did so. He did not know why, but his body felt the dire urge to help out his throbbing member, as well as being sure to please the man beneath him.

Apparently, he was doing a pretty good job. He moaned gently when he heard the other's words, nodding a little bit. He whispered a soft "me too" into his lips before he began to kiss him passionately.​
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