Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

At around ten o'clock, the doors leading to the terrace opened and a very exhausted-looking Rune entered the apartment. A groan to his lips, a bag in his hand, and his shoes were easily kicked off. He looked around before yawning softly and just walking toward his and Calder's bedroom. He headed to the closet before anything else, pulling out the new suit he bought and hanging that up before sliding the rest of the contents of the bag to the side. He really had done a lot. He would have been back a good three or so hours ago, but he just had to stop by Italy for a little while.​
Not saying a word, Calder moved into their bedroom after Rune. His arms moved around his lover's waist from behind, cheek pressed to his back as he hugged him with his eyes closed tightly. Seeing the suit, the blond snorted. "Italy? We had a mini crisis here and all you can think about is shopping in Italy?" The blond gave a playful smack to Rune's rear end before he began to help undress him. The act wasn't sexual (this time), but merely doting. He fully intended to make Rune take at least a short nap if the man didn't intend to take on himself.

Rune was herded towards the bed and the comforter and sheets were pulled back for him. "Rest."
The next day, Valerius went and informed Archer and Nikkos that he would be going to Ireland with Julien for reasons of his own and that he would be missing a few days of classes. Raphael, after much whining about Val leaving him, agreed to get his assignments and anyhting else he may have. Valerius felt a bit bad. Raphael had not wanted him to go, but the little horned boy reminded him that he would have more attention to pay Caden - which instantly got the redhead excited.

He packed up clothes enough for a week, not sure how long they would be there, and he took his suitcase in one hand, hugging Raph in the other. He then made his way out of his room and Tomias drove him to Julien's house. He hopped out with his thanks to the man and then headed to Julien's door. He knocked once before opening the door and slowly walking inside. "Julien?" He questioned, not too sure where the man would be. He knew that he did not want to fly. That was the whole problem and well, he hoped he would be okay after a while.​
Julien made quick arrangements for two roundtrip tickets to Dublin. Just thinking about having a ticket in his hand made the man nervous, but he kept telling himself that he was doing this for Valerius, and that it was the least that he could do. IT had nothing to do with him and the dark haired man refused to be selfish about it.

He was packing when he heard the door knock, and he sent Teivel to greet his lover, the Thallus skipping off happily to lead Val back into the bedroom. Smiling, Julien hugged Val and kissed his lips in greeting, letting them linger together for a few seconds longer than he normally would have. Perhaps a quick drink before the flight wouldn't go amiss...

It didn't take them long to finish packing, though getting Teivel into a pet carrier because airlines didn't know what to make of him was a completely different story, and get to the airport. Julien did have that drink, and they made it to their gate with plenty of time to spare. He sat in one of the uncomfortable seats, slumping down while trying not to look out the window or think about what they were doing as they boarded the plane and got ready for take off.
Valerius sat beside Julien, glancing over to the flight attendant and smiling warmly to the girl. He knew her. He had been on the plane plenty of times enough for them to easily remember a man with horns. At first they were wary of him, but now, all the girls loved him on the plane. He exchanged a few greetings with her, happily boasting that the man beside him was his boyfriend. She giggled and then went off to get the rest of the passengers ready. The mossy-haired boy turned to look at Julien, sighing gently. He leant over to kiss his cheek softly. "Julien ... It will not be too bad." He whispered softly, resting his head against his shoulders and he laced his fingers with his. "Thank you . . . For doing this, I mean." He smiled lightly and then tilted his head back to look at Julien.​
He knew that Valerius was right, but he couldn't help the anxiousness that plagued him when it came to air travel. It was why he'd never returned to France for a family reunion or a visit, and why he'd never be a world traveler. Julien was okay with all of those things and had to keep telling himself that if he could make it through this trip to and from Ireland, he'd never have to step foot on a plane again. Nodding at his boyfriend, the man put the arm rest up and used Val's shoulder as a headrest, gripping the poor man's hand in a vice grip.

The flight was, thankfully, uneventful but Julien couldn't have been happier to have his feet firmly back on the ground. It was late in Dublin, and the dark haired man hailed a cab to take them to the hotel to sleep through the night that was really their day so that they could make an early trip to police headquarters in the morning.
Valerius gladly walked with Julien to the cab, holding the cage that held Teivel inside on his lap. He kept telling the little familiar that he did not want to freak anyone out and that once they were in the room, he would not have to get back in until the flight back. It really was horrible having to hide. He hated that the most. Even still, he got strange looks from so many people around them. He really had forgotten how nice it was to be back in Atlantis. Sure, he got a few strange looks from the few students who were either prejudice or just had not seen anyone like him before, but not as much as out in the real world.

He was all too happy when the cab stopped. He smiled, waving to the man with a cheerful, "Have a nice night" before stepping onto the pavement. He took up his bag and held onto hte carrier in the other. He looked up to Julien, smiling a little more. "It's strange to be home again... With someone beside me."​
Cupping Valerius's face, Julien kissed him soundly. "I will always be beside you," he promised, giving another peck to the horned man's cheek before leading the way into the hotel.

It didn't take long to check in and the moment that they were in the room, Teivel was pestering him to come out of the cage. "I haven't even closed the door yet, Teivel!" Julien hadn't realized that he'd said that aloud, or in English. But his familiar was able to read his annoyed tone just as easily and settled down until the door the the room was closed and the carrier was opened.

The Thallus growled at its master.

"Ne commencez pas même cela," he warned as he stripped down to boxers and got ready for bed.

**"Do not even start that"
Valerius giggled softly and shook his head. He petted the top of Teivel's head before kissing the familiar. "It's okay." he said gently and then he walked over to his suitcase, putting it on top of the place to hold them and he opened it up a bit, trying to think about what to wear tomorrow. He was not too tired yet, but he would be eventually. He glanced over to Julien and definitely found the urge to go to bed. He blushed faintly, turning back to looking at the suitcase. He pulled out a pair of pajama pants and took off the clothes he had on. He pulled the pants onto his bare hips before making his way to the bed, cuddling up beside Julien with a little smile. "Thank you." He whispered again, feeling so, so very grateful to the man for everything he has done.

The morning came and Valerius definitely did not want to get out of bed. He wanted to stay and cuddle with Julien, but he knew that things had to be done. So, with a yawn, he slid away from Julien and groggily made his way to the showers to get cleaned and ready for the day.​
Morning came much too quickly. Despite knowing that he was doing the right thing, Julien still was dreading it. It would be the first time in a few years that he faced his past life. It was not a pleasant life and he wished that he could just forget what he'd done. But that wouldn't be fair to Valerius, and it was Val that he cared about most in the world.

The dark haired man pulled the shower curtain aside and gave his love a good morning kiss while he showered. He was tempted to step in with him but he knew that they didn't have time for anything like that today, and so he resisted the urge and instead moved to brush his teeth first.

It was only about two hours later that they walked into the police department, requesting the sergeant that was still assigned to Val's parent's case. He introduced himself and ushered them both into his office, closing the door softly behind them.

"I'm grateful for you coming all this way, Mr. Laroque." His broague was thick, but Julien was able to understand him.

"I'm glad I could help."
Valerius followed Julien inside, sitting on the chair next to him and already, he was fidgetting with the bottom of his shirt. He did not like it here. Too many bad memories. He did not really want to hear the story either. He did, but then he did not. He told Julien he would be here for him, though. so, he would put aside his nerves to support the man that he loved. His golden eyes trailed to his hands, his thumb nail having been scratching at the side of his wrist and he stopped himself instantly. He slid his hands to the sides of his thighs, toying with his shirt there and he remained silent, not wanting to interrupt the two.​
Julien told his story, though he was vague through some parts. He was fully aware of Val's discomfort and the dark haired man reached over to take his hand, squeezing it supportively. He wished that he could make it easier for his lover, but the loss of a parent, and especially both at the same time, was a difficult thing that one had to get past on his own. Still, it didn't mean that he didn't have empathy for the man.

It was another two hours before the sergeant was satisfied with the information that he had. "We'll go pick them up...though I see here that Scott Richards ((sorry--had to give him SOME name)) was already brought in yesterday..." The officer didn't ask how that had happened, and Julien was rather glad for that.

"You'll find that the rest are rather disorganized without Scott. If you move quickly, before they realize that he's been arrested, they'll be easy to catch." The sergeant nodded, thanking him once again.

"We'll call if we need anything else. I see that you're here for the week, which is plenty of time. For now, consider yourselves free to take care of family business or enjoy the sights of Dublin."

Julien couldn't really imagine going out and sight seeing until they knew that the rest of the gang was in custody, but perhaps Valerius had family he'd like to visit, or other things that he needed to take care of. The dark haired man reminded himself to ask as they left the building and climbed into a cab.

"Where to?" he asked Val.
Valerius eventually calmed through the whole thing. Being beside Julien was all that he ever needed and now, he would be even more at ease. He walked out to hte cab with him, thinking about where they should go. ACtually, he did not have to think long before he smiled widely and looked over at the cab driver. "36 and Westcot please ..." He said excitedly, his Irish accent a little thicker than it may have been in the past. He smiled warmly through the whole ride, refusing to tell Julien just where they were headed.

After a good fifteen minutes, the cab pulled up to a cute little bar in a corner-building. O'Henry's. The horned man smiled warmly, waving at the cab driver. "Thank you." He said happily, stepping out of the cab and then walking toward the pub. He loved this place. He alway used to come here when he was younger. He turned to Julien once he was beside him, smiling a little more. "O'Henry's pub!" He beamed happily before walking to the door and going inside, tugging the other a little iwth his impatience.​
Curious as to where they were going, Julien pestered Valerius playfully throughout the cab ride there. The dark haired man paid the fare before stepping out, smiling. He had heard of this place, even though he'd never been here himself. Julien took Val's hand as they entered, showing him support and that he wasn't going to hide anymore. It was important to him that his boyfriend know that.

They ate, and Julien even had a lager before they returned to stroll through the city for a little while. It had turned out to be an okay day, despite the depressing beginning. "Is it weird to be back home?"
Valerius shrugged his shoulders a little bit, turning to look up at Julien. "A little. Only because the memories hurt sometimes ... And because I still expect Mum and Pop to come rushing toward me with open arms." He laughed a little nervously, shaking his head a bit. He really did, but being here with Julien definitely was well worth anything. He would make new, happier memories here and not be afraid to come around next fall and winter. Yes, he still needed to come here. There were the flowers on the anniversary of their death. Then on Thanksgiving. Christmas. Their birthdays ... He needed to be sure that they were still loved.

Suddenly, a loud cry of "VAL!" could be heard, followed by quite a few others in chorus. Before either could fully realize, a group of five guys ran and all but tackled Valerius to the ground, hugging him and rambling, in that heavy accent, about how much they missed him and how he needed to come around more often.

Valerius squeaked, seeing the guys and he let out a soft little laugh. Every single one of the guys was taller than him. Some by five inches, others by a good foot. Eventually though, he managed to push them away and get some air, laughing lightly as he did so. A faint blush to his cheeks as he looked up at his old time friends. "Hey guys.." He said softly, shaking his head a little.​
A little startled, Julien attempted to shield Valerius from the oncoming mass of people, but failed. He could only watch as they mawled him, nervous even though he knew that the other man was not being hurt. He always worried over Valerius, which was why he found that they got a long so well: Val wanted to be taken care of, and he wanted to take care of him. As his lover stepped back away from the group of men, Julien put a hand to his hip to help steady him, but waited silently. They were obviously friends and the dark haired man didn't want to interrupt their reunion.
Valerius smiled warmly at his friends, looking over to Julien and smiling even more. He silently took back his hand before tugging him a bit closer to him to introduce the others. The blond on the left was James. The redhead next to him, Sean. Brunette was Conner. The other redhead - who was the tallest of the bunch and even an inch taller than Julien - was Seth. And the last two brunettes were Chris and Dimitri. He then tugged on Julien a little more. "This is Julien ... He is my boyfriend." Instantly, his cheeks were a beet red at telling the group.

Sean smirked and bumped hips with Seth. "Wow ... He found someone better after you, mate." He teased, chuckling lightly and he got a roll of his eyes from Seth.

The redhead shook his head before looking back to Valerius, smiling warmly. "I'm glad you have someone new." He stated, leaning forward to kiss the top of his head and then straightened once more. "How long are you in town for?"

"A week." He stated, trying to not start freaking out over Sean teasing them. He would tell Julien about Seth later on, but now, he just wanted to continue walking.

"Good! We can meet up sometime, catch up, if you want. Bring your mate." He winked before patting the top of the horned boy's head and then beginning to walk past him once more.​
Julien couldn't deny that he was a little uneasy about one of the men in front of them being an exboyfriend of Val's. But what could he do? The dark haired man smiled gracefully and pressed a kiss to his boyfriend's temple. Meet up with them? It wasn't his idea of a grand old time, but if it was what Val wanted, then he would agree to go and have a nice evening.

The Frenchman growled when Valerius was touched. It became louder when it it was a kiss, and Val was tugged into his frame a bit more possessively. Julien was glad to see the men go and he pressed a kiss to Val's head himself, hugging him. "We can take the underground train into England for a day, maybe," he suggested, thinking of things that could fill their week and allow them to forget about why they were really there.
Valerius blinked a few times. Julien was jealous? Why? because of Seth? Oh, that did not make much sense. Okay, it made sense, but it also did not. He loved Julien, not Seth - at least not anymore. Now he liked him purely as a friend, that was all. He did not want to get Julien upset though, so maybe he would not meet up with him. Maybe for a drink before they left, just so that he could satisfy the other, without getting Julien too upset or anything like that. That would come later. AFter the week went by. If he still felt like he should see him, then he would ask if he would mind enduring a night with his ex. Yes, that would work.

for now, deciding what was going to happen was the plan. He thought for a while and shrugged his shoulders. Taking a little step away, his hand linked with Julien's smiling a little more. "It ... does not matter, Julien. I just wish to be with you." He stated, leaning up to kiss his cheek softly. He then resettled to his feet and began to walk down the road again. "Please ... Do not be too jealous of Seth. I loved him Loved." he looked up at him and smiled all the more. "He ... All my friends never cared about what I was. So, please, be nice if we ever run into him again. We have been only friends for three years now ... Okay?" He leant up, kissed him once more then nuzzled into his shoulder a little. "I love you, Julien ... No one else can take me from you"​
He smiled. Julien had known all of that but it was always nice to hear it. He pressed a kiss to Valerius's lips before moving through the streets, fingers laced together, slowly. There wasn't too much of a rush to do anything or be anywhere, and that was a nice change.

The week went by quickly. There were a few visits to the police station, but none lasted more than thirty minutes. Flying home was a little less nerve wracking for the Frenchman, but he chalked that up to knowing that he wouldn't have to get on another plane for a long, long time. He really did hate flying.

Being home felt good. The dark haired man sighed with relief as he and Valerius and Teivel entered his little cottage. "Good to be home, hmm?" He smiled and kissed his lover before moving into the bedroom to unpack.
Raphael finished his classes for the day and glanced up to the ceiling, thinking a bit. He wondered just where and what Caden was doing. He had not bothered him in a while. Chewing his bottom lip to think for a little while, he soon decided that the worst that could happen would be him kicking his little rump out. So, turning on his heel, he giddily made his way to the other's dorm. Skipping down the hall and hopping in front of the dorm, his hand lifted, knocking upon the door and then falling back to his side. He began to sway from his toes to his heels, waiting patiently - as patient as he could be - for Caden to answer the door.​
The knock to the door was a very unwelcome distraction. Caden knew who it was, but he was so swamped in books and notes that he could do nothing but groan as he unburied himself enough to answer the door. His hair was all over the place and he had dark circles under his eyes. Days and days with only a couple hours of sleep in total was really taking a toll on him. The blond looked at Raphael, leaning against the doorway for support.

"I can't. School starts in a week and I haven't studied or done any work... I just... No."
Raphael had every intention to lean up and plant a firm kiss to the other's lips ... Until he saw what he looked like. At that moment, he shrunk just a bit. Staring up at him, his heart dropped. School? As in ... He was going to leave to go there? No, no. That was very bad! He just got him to kiss him and not hate him, he could not leave now. There was no way he would let that happen. Not without him hiding away in his suitcase, and that was not happening. He quite liked it here. He took in a deep breath and a pout formed to his lips. "Why do you have to go back?" He asked, looking up at the other, his eyes to the blonde's while he chewed upon his bottom lip. "You can stay here ... You are more than welcome here, you know."​
Was he really doing this? Didn't the other realize just how much work he had? But the pout wouldn't allow him to turn away and the blond sighed heavily, relying more on the door frame to keep him upright. "I can't stay here and you know that. I don't fit in here. I don't have the abilities to attend classes here. At school... I do. I worked hard to get into law school and I'm not about to throw that all away. It's my last semester before the bar." Reaching out, Caden brushed the back of his knuckles over Raphael's cheek. "I'm sorry."
Raphael pouted - even more really. He was still going to go back? Yea, sure, he said it was his last semester ... but still! That was how many months away from him? He did not want that. He took a step toward the other, his hands wrapped around the front of his shirt, gripping the fabric tightly as he looked up at the other. "But ... We can make you fit in! You can go get bit by a lycan or mess with the fairies or even I could bite you!" He offered, not truly having thought of that. He never really 'bit' anyone in that sense before. He blinked a few times before nodding. He liked that option. His amethyst eyes looked back up at the other, keeping to his gaze. "I could bite you. and then you will fit in here and then you could be with me for longer than just school here."​
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